Show C CH CHILD H I I LD IS S I r-ATALL r L LY Y HURT I-I I U RT PT WHEN X I RUN PUN X DOWN BY 51 AUTO UTO I OCCURS ON ROAD NEAR HOLLIDAY Woman Driving Says Victim Ran Out From Behind Wagon in Path of Machine I Clifford Clfford Murphy aged 5 years sonol son sonI I o n ol Hyrum Murphy a n farmer of or Murphys Murphy's Jai lain lain- Mill 11 1 Creek lied died at L L. D. D S S. S hospital last night o ot of Injuries received when ho he howa howait I recel cl yesterday mornIng wa wait wal run down b by nn an automobile owned I and driven en h by Mrs Irs W. W M. M OBrien O'Brien 48 48 G street and also oc occupied by her son 1 William llam OBrien O'Brien 11 1 years ears old ohi antI and ane Miss Margaret Gibbons 53 3 Third avenue Time The accident t took look place on Oil time the county co road In near Fourteenth South In lii II a I statement made last nl night ht through friends Mrs said she hc I was driving her automobile slowly The he bo boy she staid said was running behind bo- bo bl- bl h hind n a n sprinkling wa wagon and heln being attracted at attracted attracted at- at by a passing passinG automobile ran In front of oC her machine She saId Hald ad tho ho au automobile au- au Mho sho ho was Wall driving knocked Murphy down but did lid not run over h him I ol The other r machine to which Mrs Mra Ire OBrien O'Brien refers was wale b by II I P P. Hucy dairy alry Inspector of ot tho the board hoard of health says KRs another who witnessed wit wit- the accident Is G G. S S. S lalo Bailey Dailey driver of or the sprinkling wagon When the time bo boy was mas struck Mr Ir laio Bailey l leaped from his wagon waon and gathered the thc boy In his atoms arms 11 Mr Jiney Juey then carried tho the bo boy in his big machine mamino to the emergency hospital at police headquarter t ter The ehid wan WaK aM attended at the tho emer mer- emergency Jenc gency geney hospital b by Dr Dl Samuel G. G Paul Dr Handle Lynch and anI Dr R. R W. W Ash Ash- Ie ley Thc They found that an nn Intestinal hemorrhage had hal developed de and he ito hI was taken to 1 L. L D D. S. S S hospital The he 10 boy rapidly grew weak venic and became unconscious unconscious about 7 i o'clock last night night ills His Ils father was at the time deathbed |