Show dixi atef diw M tot I 1 GRAND ARAND OPENING 1 61 FALL 89 j 1 I 1 take plea susu stise in announcing that in fit nc icv I 1 4 urick brick store building the finet fine it and most corn com Q 1 in odious in utah ast tast of salt 1 lake ake city is i now liow complied 1 I ne nc goods in all the latest style in car t load lots aru are being gnp unpacked ached and arranged on oil 41 the cb no such uell ell Ld d and rightly bought stock ha has c er been brought to this part of utah 1 I 1 hey 1111 must be examined and prices lookin into to bu be justly appreciate I 1 he lie stock is too aried to go into details as to 0 o aluis s st les and anti prices 1 demember em ember WERE NEVER UNDERSOLD 4 s on oil monday october ath th mc c threw 1 0 open pen the doors of our new store room A most c cordial ordial invitation is c tended one and all to 0 o 1 come and i M isit us A pleasure to show goofs the visitor today is a bit cr er tomorrow 1 L lowenstein the I 1 eader of low lov prices pip 41 magl mainly ie I 1 is a itlie care cure for coughs co 4 Is grippe con gellion 0 of f the law and acute mthm for sale le at emery county mercantile Merca nUle stores ue use malone expectorant for prompt and nd relief tor for cogshe and coldi colds connecticut C t t FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of hartford cash assets oo lo 10 lowest est rales rates liberal policy losses promptly and equitably adjusted RW R W CROCKETT eastern utah agent PRICE write for rates etc E NV A t t to 0 r n e y at L a w MANTI mining irrigation and hank bank j litigation a specialty save your teeth I 1 DR NED HEWETT F EXPERT DENTIST wa ar BLOCS SALT lazz cm uram MARK P BRAFFET BRA FF ET ATTORNEY AT LA W PRICE UTAH ox 09 44 4 arf speaking of one 4 thing and another 4 4 no now that the autumn sh shadows are arc chasing away the sunbeams of a lagging summer people arc are naturally be ginning to think of 0 heavier weights in clothing dress goods underclothing shoes wraps and the like 1 henc I chilly nights and bracing mornings while hile most welcome are treacherous in the extreme et reme our goods being of the best qu ailt and purchased with ith a kno knowledge Medge of the wants of this people peoples renders the wearer immune c I 1 he fie stock in each line is complete nev cr and w e use the word advisedly was mas such a stock sho shown n in eastern utah the prices w 4 are right too E acry cry woman oman in this part of utah should make it a point to pass a few moments in our store before buying her fall and winter supplies the beauty ot ol our stock this seaon sea on is simply be bewildering il dering and the values alues and prices astounding not until ou oil ha have e inspected the numberless new weaves eaves and pattern patterns and shadings e eclus iv cly shown at our store will ou be in a position to do and family justice in 4 the selection of household necessities FLANNELS and BLANKETS comfort and beamut for the coming months are now herein here in abundance wit wherever ere er m milliand mill ills and sand ina markets arket offer oner good and pure products the have hae been called upon to contribute to the collection 1 which is better buter in variety and attractiveness than e ev er before our millinery and wrap department offers inducements not to be had in any other store in this part of utah THE DENVER AND SALT LAKE CITY MERCHANTS OUR ONLY competitors THE GREAT CREAT COST SALE on certain lines of goods is going on to make room for our superb line of shoes and clothing which we ac arc are unpacking p and putting on the aliel shelves es as the room is created 4 no cheap or shoddy stuff handled E everything very thing new and 4 fresh and down doin to date PRICE TRADING COMPANY MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TO KANSAS cm CITI ST LOUIS sad all points east and ad ath FREE reclining chair car cars t to 0 holders of regular ticket tickets for maiv ma folder folders and informs information tion regarding ticket tickets berth berths etc call a on n or write it C townsend 0 P T A st sit loots louls ho ejdla E EJ J at FlA T P A H HD D salt lake utah salt lake utah uth CHICAGO great wf best dining car service BUFFET LIBRARY SMOKER ELEGANT EQUIPMENT chair gars cars free DRUG STORE I 1 Is the be place to purtha ou DRUGS 1 MEDICINES T TOILET ARTICLES 4 MAGA MAO AlNES NES periodicals ETC migurl and boda water ia is a specialty with UJ us ami and none better can be found anywhere MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED remember the tb place SOUTH MAIN tilt fako city snaked rN naked aked s I 1 I 1 E CAME INTO JS THE HE WORLD r Is g but his motives aa wn re not permit him to remain so 0 o we i ant cant do much for forbid um in his biancy w but for his 0 youth and manhood am 61 loom of europe and am america strive P to mike bencs of all texture binnum afable in dowan wj all for ho lvke 4 fion f oj ad plo kasum sure la in ha hu yun of cl deacre d tion ion and bouw be decem that Is g REINACH ULLMAN MAN I 1 aco a co cap of geibes to mod N I 1 la price MA re 2 1 LAU in bjork toa buke suds to onar op from to aam I 1 ROBT mc MONK ailse 1 1 1 2 0 PRICE 9 S UTAH SALE astorr 4 a V U T a ta tite T I 1 te 00 60 1 it 1 lotion aton car care m magia pile lotion a lve care for pil piles es stings bums scalds painful swell inan invaluable in diphtheria dip theria for sale at emery county mercantile company a stores tore magic pile lotion ceree piles either external or in internal in from 4 to 5 day days acme cholera la Is the safest and surest kinely in the world for clomera antum cholera borbus bilious col c and all troubles of the bowl for site stores at emery era e ry county mercantile company a acme cholera syrup cures colic acme cholera syrup cure cures diarrhoea SHOUT LINK the magnificent 1111 milra I 1 train of th the e chicago 1 milwaukee and st paul railway leaves leal es the I 1 nion pacific depot at omria delf 1 at 5 45 p in r ruing in cielo go at 8 15 abo 1 b e next n ext morning aciro train lighted bj electricity and heated by oy 1 ak ask for tickets ia the milwaukee route F A N ab gereral western ascot 1504 Farn Fr nh halu street omaha neb L L 1 downing Doir mog commercial agent south west temple street salt lake ci utah the cullen is salt lake s best medium priced hotel try it the next time you go up S C EWING proprietor RATES TWO DOLLARS A DAY AND UP R A KIRKER M est E examines and reports on mines and hydrocarbon hydro carbon properties lee in lut sul am ra utah and western Coli zedo Pot office address PRICE ufah F E WOODS ATTORNEY CASTLE DALE UTAH district Dietr lct attorney for the seventh jn JG bidal dietrict will practice la in all the tb in all civil cases mining bation and probate mitten matters kirev special pea attention fps F P F FISK M D 9 PHYSICIAN nud and SURG LONt 1 AT PRICE LVERY paroled drel riar the be of dr r FISK can leave word A the tbt rio 1 western depot with 11 IL 14 agvent 1 birou u still h pr J W WARF attorney at lav law and rotary notary public 1 UTAH special attention given ven to collections office west of the hotel 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