Show STORIES OP OF HAVENS they ar are lr clever ilar 1 out al soom to 11 it alc I 1 orr o rr r man many ifor bjorka ica are auld of p the be clever fleas of the raen a bird that really seems to have reasoning power powers one of chese stories t file ils he how the raven by a ful stratagem not got a ming oung hare for ite its jinner dinner it had pounced u upon poll the little at ailman imal but the in ther aher hare druse it awl then the raven sloay lowly retreated encouraging the mother to follow him and even eien pretending that he was mas afraid of her in this fashion he be led her a considerable distance from the young one and theu then suddenly ud denly before the hare had time to realize the he mt meaning aning of the trick he roi rose in the air flew a swiftly bat blik k caught the young hoepp in hid his be beak A k and bore it similar plan ia is adopted li W corn same rat raan cna that wished to steel toed from a dog rhey leafed tensed him till he grew so angry that he chased them from the pot but the artful birde birds turned sharply around eally easily reacted rea cLeil the dish before him hint and carried bit cat the choicer bits in triumph As to the raven a power of beech apt ech the fol following loing story vilich ie Is given on the authority of capt drown n who i ouches tor for its it truth will how show he how aptly apt it can talk A gentleman while hile traveling through a wood in the gouth south of england as irold Irl ld by b hearing a hout shout of fair pia pla gentleman fair pla atte uttered red in loud toina lout a the cry cr ly ing presently repeated the traveler thought it must proceed from some one in distress and at once began bega a to search for him lie toon discovered two raven ravens fleri fler fiercely ely cely attacking a third lie ile was asso so struck with wit h the appeal of th oppressed oppre med bird that be ie promptly rescued him it turned out that the victim waa was a tame raven belonging to a heue in the neighborhood b and the cry that it had used to opportunely wee vias one of many that it had bad beau taught to utter philadelphia lanks |