Show SHORT STORIES the town board ints in ts in regular sea a lon ion next monday evening enlas there will be a conjoint meeting at the town ball next sunday evening mr and mrs dilly billy potter are lire going to make their borne home at scofield Bc ofield after this W week 11 the new bridge across the uintah river near fort da beene ie Is now completed professor webb was here today en route to wellington where be he will visit the tools spalding has reduced the rates at the hotel clarice clarke from two dot do lare lars per day to one fifty the new bame of mr and mrs H W dimon damon la Is nearing completion and will be ready to move into in about two weeks do not miss tring tr ing the oysters and mountain trout at the lunch room fine steaks a specialty alty J F rath is the proper man to w ee we e mrs areen mother of mrs E R hepburn arrived in price yesterday yeat erday on a short visit to her daughter she la Is en eu route to california there are bevera several tt bad f scarlet f fever ey e r at cpr spring ig GI n and an t helper dr 11 1 iek k baa has been called to 0 we of them and ie is enforcing en enforcing forcin a strict t quarantine regulations P the rio orande wester westerns a steel gang on monday resumed work on the sanny ide side branch only two milea miles remain to be laid with track and this will be fin dished by the end of the week the two children of mr air and mr mrs arthur J lee abo bo bare have bad the scarlet ferer fever are getting along ai as nicely aa as could be expected aliene are the only cases in town as far aa as known about one hundred of the tho white ute utes are off the tle reservation in colorado bunting game but agent my ton will take no steps to return them u until util be is notified officially of the fact atte anders And ereon 0 n cade in last v w ek k tron from bis his deer hunt bun t an ile away lagged bagged twenty even seven fine b ts the car cuire caw tiam are coming in by a aon n M P braffett and ild several others were out on a deer bunt bant this week the imperial dramatic company presented ajo joe the wall here monday el evening to a small audi audience euce the pley play wa was given to a better house at si ofield last night the company go awa gwa to vernal and fort next neit week R 0 litt I 1 this week putties putting on the apachee bes to bit his private telephone line dayi tayi t a to connect hi his ranch rauch and a d bis his real tice in price it will be over nine miles in ungto when done and the bm best of it and instruments have been ned need mr and mrs fraak ou of california who have been visiting matt thomaa and for everal several wet hr departed yesterday for home hoine mr air houghton Is a an uncle of mr and be he is eo so well bleue l wilb with h his I 1 6 at stay ay in utah be he will retarn return here next the h s editor the gr at moral and T ZI lor religions is week wk corp morp or le irp knocked out r baring ring beau ix eu thrown from a R buggy I 1 side a of helper monday night uli his luj rits are not serious se riou but nevertheless are painful arul druggist gist hepburn Hep lurn orn bas b sent in to another order fur for court platter plaster and liniments of various brandi t a tobe robe whitmore says bo he will ship no more horses ont out this year frank by will open 0 pe n his thop FLOP aa as soon aa as the building is aa ready for occupancy miu bliss jennie mcmullin of wellington i baa bas accepted a with price trading company registration agent flack fack aay says there are re more democrate democrats on the leg reg et tit ration tation i lists than there are republicans ritta the restaurant man la to figuring on occupying bocc spying the new brick being pi I 1 up by price prim trading company george ehlt cr large force of men at I 1 in ia c canyon yon patting pine in the pipeline to ra rauch u ach robert mckune came in yesterday from tue the west 1 I here be he has been selling gent lemene made to order snits suits anil and the like lie ile will go oat out to SuanY side in the near future tom fitzgerald was ont out on the streets today looking for election bets on al a most any old proposition bat but be corall find no takers the gang appear appears to be afraid of fill fitz prudence beardsley Bear deley has been appointed administratrix of the estate of the late M II 11 beardelee Bear deley of helper the consists coa slats chi fly of cah rel estate la in salt lake city and personal property judge mcconnell and aca are said 1 to bare another deal on for their gilsonite properties leo in kio bianco blanco county colo bert bea boldt will be in utah from boston eoon won to look ont for forsbe abe deal old chief is to a roon to tob be 0 seat sent to bait ball lake like city to bar an mccu list operate on him in the hope of restoring his eyt there are three blind chiefs awong the utes around white rocks ogency old Sowo wic Chevan eaux and ind tabby rabby indian agent myton was here he to yesterday on his way to dalt salt like L ike where be goes with two inspectors who have b ca n out un the looking after thiap in general mr myton winta wants ZOO pounds of oats tor for which be he will pay 1 l 1 I 0 per ir 1 delivered at the agency a at t white rocks the cold and storm of a few days ago bai has giren given place to rood good weather and the enow snow baa has disappeared except from the north hillside of the ange and ownen of stock bare have been abe able to get their flocks and herds lower dorn dor do n with little 10 lo a from the storm alich caught many ninny of them 1 andi and it was feared would be ba diseron di stron tj to stock that waa was well back in the hills thomas co bave arc buted the mint baloon freta tj holdaway potter and will ia in future conduct the te business while matt ion t much of a ho will have the popular adl billy T floyd lately of hantin ton in charge of the bonse house and be he will see that patrons patron get what they want and the very beat that la Is going mcw fix tares are eoon soon to be put in ilasi ib house a new line of goods of all kinds handl handled 4 and nothing but the beat will lie be dished disha oat clot billy tloyd who is well and anti fa known to every man woman and child throughout eastern utah in vitee vites his frends to drop in and smile with him |