Show u tilt MAIK MASK arr wo are on a gold baals basis and we mean to aan st there exo antly ex oz claimed almed mr kinley DIC tn in b hs a talk at ackle ck le lown iowa the other day me ble kinley seems proud of the fact tact t ho he and hie his lart art succeeded ia in fool lag ing the american people in 1896 fie was nominated and elected counted in on a platform profess prof tee edl frieu dl to and pledging the party to aso gitry possible effort to it by inter national agreement subsequently or the peoples I 1 anae wae was spent 19 it sending a c corn com om mission of pleasure seekers europe on a pretended prete nw for international bimetallism 1111 hut ut in aaa Is a part of tho general apoi ement to decelie and swindle the people the gold standard tan dard was the aimed at and intended from the tart start but the declaration for later luter national bimetallism deceived many free allver silver republicans republic ne and them in the party now the prel prest dent and hie his advisers think obey behind the br of the british mone system to damask and bolda the yellow fla as 1 1 aut ut they tsay cal themselves mistaken the people ila haiti a lost IDA none of their interest in the money issue every principle claimed by the democrats in the campaign of espil has been paroled true by the pir progress gress of cientos and no bimetallist has his changed bis his mind regarding 0 the real issue on the Cont contrary mry every man who has studied the money quention since bas has become a bimetallist b the irrefutable logic and the co common in sense and justice of the principle principe it ie is vastly stronger now among the masses of ibo the people than it a in and from thI this time forward allier republicans will bare have DO no cause to remain in their party under the delu delusive aie bope hope of international bi b me lisa sm |