Show intelligent RATS nii 2 00 0 OB 0 was W 14 1 4 0 o arl drink k by too two T olier hers one day rat lone long hgo said a brick manufacturer one on of my workmen or kmen saw aw three raf rats carrying a long straw across aero the tb brickyard it beeme a 1 a ucb uch an unusual tort sort 0 of proceeding that be he topped stopped his work to watch thorn them two of the rat rats held the straw at the appo ite site ends while the third supported mp ported the center they were making bt for or the river which filch flowed by one aide of the yard when they arrived at th bank they laid down ae straw and took a lone long drink then they proceeded to take up the straw again in lit the same manner AS a before and returned by th same way they had come thia this ao to in terea te rested ted the workman that be deter miwa to 10 watch if they would come agala and lure sure enough al at about the ame same t time ime next day they appeared carrying the be straw exactly ni as before having provided himself with a gun he abot shot all three to see 11 possibly he might thereby solve 0 tie e vj Di aitery tery lie ile recovered that the rat in n the center waa was blind and therefore concluded that thia this wag was the animal t kind method of leading their afflicted cor oride ide to the water to arit k philadelphia inquirer |