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Show -- Nay 13f I960 Page 11 BLANDING OUTLOOK Girls at Day SJH Registeration for Friday the thirteenth, no terror for the hold evidently fairer sex at. San Juan High School, as this has been designated Girl's Day. Special two with off started activities assemblies this morning, one by the girls and one by the boys. Other events scheduled for the soccer day include a A dance toraces and softball. night will begin at 8:30. A queer, for the day is being elected by the student body from cer.didates from each class. Concluding the days program will be a Frankenstein horror show at midnight at the San Juan Today, Rates Want-- Ad 100 per 500 Bininum PLANTS FDR SALE i line with for first Tojjtoesi Early Canner Moscow, Wilt Resistant Mosoow, j Mar-glo- be, insertion 80 per line with 400 minimum for subsequent runs of same copy with every ,5th run free Display advertising in Want-A- d columns 800 per column inch Card of Thanks 100 a line with $1 minimum June Pink and Beefsteak Also pers Chili peppers. Bell FOR RENT all utilities paid. of V. V. weeK, inquire Cheveron Simpson, Station Bluff, Utah. FDR SALE Acre Lot with fruit trees. Choice building location. Ph. 4141. Murrv . Sales. T.O. and I Rails. Box 702, Moab. Ph. have a 24 inoh rock saw and will do custom sawing of rock, FDR A COMPLETE Lino of MoNess wood sec or Products Helen bones gems, Leland Shuneay, rfcone 4141. Englehart behind Knglehart Cabinet Shop or oall OR unfurn- -. fDI( RENT Everything fully guaranteed i sherd house In Bluff. Phone or your money baok. Blending ORB-- 38 72. NEW SUPPLY... UnUe Have Bulldozer, FDR HIRE- -and oolored poster paper. Truck and Compressor for hire. Large and small At OR Box sizes. or write Call Blending Outlook Utah 233, Blanding, FDR SAL- E- Organ, heme model to FOR SALE typewriter be repossessed in this vicinribbons for all popular makes. Assume balance of con -ity. Standard and Fortable. Outlook AL 3-3- 412. 8-3- 966 Kindergarten will be May 19, At 1 p.m. at the Blanding Llementary School, ffils Kindergarten is sponsored by the Soho-- ol District ar, BABY Utah, thru Saturday, day or evening. 50 par hour Phone 4141 is no nated in that will a be room desig- special invitation sent in the mail. has moved here since the school census was taken last fall (and has a child that will be in the first grade next year) call the school (2391) and leave the child's name so an invitation can be sent. who Anyone Parents be prepared for this with the child's registration orts that his department has two birth certificate, immunization items in surplus that can be and disease record and an OK for the cost of the from the doctor that the child material used ir. taking the is physically 'fit. items. There will be a later regand A desk magogany Fhillipine istration for the children a small jupboard for a child may starting in the nine month be seen at t!.e iiigh Softool Shop. Kindergarten program this fall. purchased I ,v r) fW ' ' For more information write Credit Dspt., S.H. Station, Salt SITTER avallabae, londay th?re their child in ths 8-4- 126 tract. and charge. The parents are to. come to the multi -- purpose room after leaving - Office. week suraner Phil Rollins," industrial arts teacher at the High School rep- New Pump for the six Registration Need a Desk? Blade. 18-An- gle May 19 Kindergarten theatre . jPOR QUICK SALE , note tug-of-w- Modern Apartmenta in Bluff. $1500 per . ROCK HOUNDS Please pep- and Contact Cabbage, Neldon Holt. Ph. 3727. consecutive t Plants w . Box 148 , XrfMYXWL v. City , t-'f- : Hospital Notes Large Crowd Attends LaSal Dull Sale admitted Frank Bowman, May 3 Redd Ranches at La Sal was Blanding. Valerie Stockc, teeming with people last SaturMay 5 day, according to Rell Argyle, Blanding; Marguerite Pehrson, San Juan County Agent, as the Monticello; Robert Gregg, Bluff; first sale of Performance Test-- - June Hopkins, Monticello; Joyce ed bulls got under way, Harvey, Monticello; Marie Steele, '"i Canyon. People had gathered from all Fry Marolyn Prickett, May 6 parts of the state and much of Dove Creek; Frankie Scrogum, Colorado to participate in this Monticello; G. I. Brown, La Sal; gala event. More that 200 visitors Lois Thacker, Monticello; Ema-lin- e took long truck rides as well as Bitsie, Montezuma treks by foot to inspect the bulls. Edith Williams, MontMay 7 ranch to the Upon returning icello. house appetites that were already Larry Stewart, CasMay 8 boost were added an given sharp per, Wyo.; Louise Hurst barthe aroma of by tantalizing becuing beef. After a most enjoyable eat fest the sale got Advice under way with visiting specialRemember, warned the minisists from Utah State University who was about to and Colorado A and M giving ter to his friend a TV contract, the big print their praise to this important un- sign and the small print taketh giveth dertaking. away. The ability of cattle to utilize MEXICAN HAT. . feed and convert it to meat is of the grandchildren. highly heritable was the key Best wishes to Mrs. Gaylord note given by Dr. James Bennett Stavely who has been under the head of the Animal Husbandry weather the past two weeks Dale Steerman returned home Department at Utah State Unin iversity. Dr. Stcnakcr of Colorado Tuesday from the hospital nt undar-weA and M gave some information Grand Junction where he surgery. on the histoiy and progress .of performance testing. per. day. His da,:n was Miss Carlo3 33 and his sire was Court Lion-hea- rt The sale got under way at 1:30 I. Tne bull purchased by p. m. The t. vr. top bulls were pur- - the Cunningham Cattle Co. had V chased. byvKi.rvsy Blankenagle of made a daily gain of 2.98 pounds. La. Sal; ahd- - by the Cunningham His dam was Carlos 82 and the . Cattii Co., of Cisco:'' TTKe bull pur-- site. was ; Brae. Arden 6124. Each chased by Mr. Blankenagle had of these bulls sold for. the hand'' made, a daily gain, of 3.13 pounds some price of $800. ' J V .&T I L -- .ii I J i "... W a V A A h ft' y? A f ) ! A I . ','AAnv , M - . iwwXXv A OUTLOOK ... T . X .0 , . n v . j |