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Show 13, I960 BLANDING OUTLOOK Pago 4 School Lunch Program Ends Tues. May 24th the Street Up & Down AUDREY HALUDAY mth Seminary Graduatior Set for May 20th head cooks at both the 011 Friday, May Blending Elementary and Park Ter p,m, some thirty-fiv- e 20th, at 7:30 graduate race Schools announced this week students of the Blandlng lunch school that the progran Seminary will be honored will continue during the week of their commencement program and the first two days annual event May 16-- 20 will be conducted of the next week. However, at xin the L.D.Sl. Chapel the end of the noon lunch on May terested persons areand all in24, the lunoh activities will invited to attend. The cordially cease until the of based upon the theme program, "You'll school in the fall, Never Walk Alone" has been planThe . Belva Nielson, Mrs Arlea Verda GaWashburn and Mrs llagher spent Mother's Day in Blandlng with their mother Mrs, Mrs Jess Walker a Jirnny Bayles, small son of Mr, Mrs, Hanson Bayles has been .and ill seriously for the past week, Ervin Palmer flew from Cortez, to Dallas, Texas last to get a Chevrolet Colorado Thursday Formal Methodist 'the of organization Conmunity Church will re-open- place this coming Sunday, take The Rev, C; T. district Hawes, two Creek, Following the morning Hunt, and services, members of the church children, Marcus and Helene, will enjoy a pot luck dinner. back for a visit, 3ruce is in the service, but takes a full The quarterly.'- district meeting will be held in the afternoon. college course "cn the side", Ivr3, Calvin Perkins and family 3ruce (Nedra) Perkins went to Monument Valley on Saturday, M,rs, Earl Perkins left Wednesday for Salt Lake City where her son Billie and hi3 wife will JOin.her and they will travel on Card of Thanks Its, listen . Angeles, California to meet another son, Georre, who will arrive in Los Angtles Sat, from Japan, where he has spent the last three years as an LDS to Los Missionary, Donald Fallon, Infant (twin) son of Dr, and Mrs, Walt Fallon was hospitalized a few days last week. is at He fine now, home and We to thank everyone wish for the lovely cards and other expressions of kindness during the recent illness of- - our wife and mother, Mrs. Lucy C, Porter, Mr, and Ij-- s, and children son and Mrs, lyrum E. Porter bo avail ned by studentbody able for the week of May but the children are asked to pay cash for the last two days, 16-- 20 of was Barbara their the recent marriage (Peterson) Neil and Homedews on a short trip and Arizona and in Blandlng on :0 Evolution Our great grandfathers it the Holy Sabbath; our grandfathers, the Sabbath; our fathers, Sunday; but today we call it the their their re- turn this week. week-en- d. th three Neil children, Hyrum Porter is at heme SMITH spending several weeks in dcin; after the hospital, .Although bedfast pimsm tire she is around & Nielson, son of Mr, and most of thea wheel chair, Mrs, Bud Nielson, celebrated his little in (Gwen) Donald Tooley and. fifth birthday on Monday with a Mrs, Donna Boyd are of her .The Shaffer Tool Shop, located visiting at on the Highway south of Blanding mother, I'.rs, Lelia Palmer, The Third Vfard Relief Society was moved On Wednesday to Venial Utah, Mr, and Mrs, Wally Jean-nere- tt, honored their recently released and children, Loran and presidency. Hazel I.yman, Donna children, arty at his hone, iCay s v.-a- drove to 6, Salt Lake on Friday May took Jerry for a me- They dical Jerry, and brought back check-u- p shubbery for their . new homes Terry Pollard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Buck Pollard, celebrated her twelfth birthday on Fri, May 5 ith a bon-fi- re her home. party at Junior Class, chaperoned by Mrs, Jim Terrill, had a party at the High Sohool following the The Prom, Making waffles and more music and dancing kept them busy until the wee hours of the morning, Mr, and Mrs, Earl Wright lleen and Julie Ann, went Co- to Salt Lake to spend Mother's Day with JVe Wright s mother, Mrs, Annie (krroll. Passengers on their return trip were Lorenzo Peter- - cial musical number followed by a tribute in verse by Mrs, Yvonne Moss, The ladies were presented with gifts of books and a lovely luncheon was served, Visiting the N. Lis combs this are Mr, and Mrs, Charles Waggoner from Provo, Utah on the return trip from New Mexico, The San Juan Teacher's Association held a banquet Saturday evening at the Park Terrace School honoring the retiring vr-- ek teachers. The hall and tables beautifully decorated with were flowers. The teachers were presented with corsages from the Association and Copper Plates from The s-- Lynn and the home Helqui3t, at Cherle, will leave soon after Black and Bernice A meeting on Tuesday, graduation to make their home in their theme was carried out in rpse Vernal, Mrs , Peggy Lyman and Mrs , the program, decorations, and a spefavors. The program Helen Bfcyles and son the School Board, speaker for the evening was Allen West Executive Sec, of the Utah State Teacher's be awarded the Stake Presidency. Another fourteen, students will receive speoial Certificates indicating completion of one extra year beyond graduation requirements. immediatley to Southern Utah will by the left amke shall graduates students by a representative of fright witnessed the ceremony. lome to the Diplomas mary Charles Homedew They were married Monday, May 9, in the Salt Lake Temple, Her father Lorenzo 3eterson, and Mr, and Mrs, Earl The address Eldon L, Haag, interest to .riends a graduation mareh, & by Lawrence Guymon, musical number by Terry Certonio, and Neil-Home- dev Of offioers,will feature talk i - and tickets will Lunoh Salt Lake, Pick-u- p for the City, He came: superintendent back by way of Wichita Falls,, will be on hand as will Rev, and of Dove S. C, Richard and brought his daughter Mrs,. Mrs, from ing tube ro.sl in tasting program will be held at the Blandlng Indian Church on Monday, May 16, 1960 between the hours of 9:00 A and 12:00 noon, 1:00 p,m, a"id a.m, 4:00 p.m, this At p.m. will be and tests are injecting a small given. performed by 7:00 and 9:00 skin tests time The of material into the skin of the forearm. A positive. reaction is marked by some redness and swelling at the site of injection about 48 hours later. For the purpose of reading these skin tests the second elinio will be held cn Wednesday, May 18,1960 at the 3&me times listed above. At this time they are or lnspeoted by a physician nurse and a positive reaotor amount loms-ott- m imtii stAiauaii imss Hus inas 9 in D landing 20 Tsars For The Best . . . Bnathfpii will be A positive reaction means that the individual has been exposed to the disease sometime in the past, but is no indication of present active disease. Since the clinic Is a free servioe of the oounty it is felt that peroent turnout is the least that can be expected, x-ra- yed, one-hund- Heme JUsacUeosQ Sbauxs LK RIDGE CAFE red GENERAL TIRES "Some of the Best w Service in town TRY US Area's Largest Stock of Residential and Conercial Wiring Supplies Bus, PHO. 2676 Res, PHO. 2907 BLEMRI'CAlwC'ONiTiRAMOR Let Us Spring Clean Vour Car . . Well Prepare it for Inspection Phono 27 11 CUNT D. PALMER OH 9 O |