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Show Outlook Publish Price 10 in tha In t arts t o Blandingfcndjtha Surrounding Oil and Mining Communities rounu 2 I BLAUD NO, VTAB, FRIDAY, MAT 13, I960 ing is 1768 aooording to a telegram reoeived here yesterday by City Recorder Franoie Nielson. The oount shows a gain of 611 over the 1950 figure of 1177 or Annual Clean-u-p Drive Slated to Start Monday Annual Blending1 s event about 52 percent. Clean-u- p la to get underway Monday oontinue throui May Saturday May 21. The program is under the auspices of the City and Cheurber of 16 Conmeroe and Only persons residing within the olty limits are inoluded in the number. Nielson's wire gave no information as to the population of the oounty or any other town. with Curtis Jones lyle to direot the program. The town is to be divided Into Trade With Johnson and Keith Black named 4 scetions with the 26 MO. oommon Local Merchants oor-n- er being at Motel Blending and improve the appearance of a prise is to be given to the will their neighborhood. seotlon whloh shows the most People who do not have means during the week. of hauling their own trash to What the prise will be nor the dump yard are advised to who will Judge has not been anplaoe their Junk in the street ao-oompl- ished nounced. up Townspeople are urged their out premises repair serssns woedd apply paint or other perform any to clean oh ore that that so it oan be easily loaded as the sponsors are providing free hauling service on tho final day of the drive Saturday Hay 21. M Reports Say Hen Higboay Snamp Cortez Tonrist Facilities TOP PIC1UK 'TUTTENS" SHOWS (ME OP THE AS SEEN FROM THE NEW MONUMENT VALLET OBSERVATORY. IN THE FOREGROUND IS THE. NAVAJO BAND TAXING A BREATHER DURING THE DEDICATION CEREMONY HELD SUNDAY Offloials dlreotly conneoted with the tourist industry in the Cortes area already are expres- -- B'OTTCM THE PICTURE sing concern over SHOWS la going to UTAH'S GOVERNOR CLYDE AS HE ADDRESSED THE OPENING EVENT CROWD. PICTURES WERE FURNISHED BY of ESKLUND. "Adiisiion $1.00" no oolleotlon was aado although on the opening ceremony day the sign served to Inform the publio ttet Monument Valley excursions would no longer be on a free rangers basis . Four full-tiwill be headquartered at the Observatory to direot tourists and oonduet tours over 15 nllos of dirt roads built by the Tribal Parks Comaisslfln between the different spectacles of the re- ifice read me gion prograa cone let ed of music tho Navajo Band introduction by The its Governor Clyde told 11st-ne- rs that the Four Corners Area des- Thomas 35 celebration. planes landed at the nearby Gouldlng airstrip make estimated at with up around 2000. sWm&r mm olty fish oil gas and uranium developments. become a great source of energy for the nation. He said I are under contract or Route will be under oontract by Juno 30. Colorado its link In will bo and 196 completing Is expected work on the road aoross the Ute Reservation this summer. to start Journal The warned said that the Cortez Thomas not to aoross the Four Chambor direct trafflo Corners cutoff this year since most of struction. ItHe will be under con- said that com- pletion of the road in 1963 will see a highway designed to handle trafflo at 70 mph and in addition to the main route will have feeder roads to several tourist attractions in the area. trash and refuse and - it is approaching that time of year when we oan visitors to our oomnunity from various parts of the world we whom desire to impress favorably with our surroundings and Whereas it is neoessary to the preservation of beauty as well as the publio pride Now therefore I William R. Hurst tho duly eleotod Mayor of tho City of Blanding Utah, do hereby proolaim the week of to bo "Official Cleanup Fixup, Paintup Week" and May 21 1960 I hereby urge all oitizens to teke note of this proolanation and enter into this program with enthusiast and purpose so as to ore ate a ole&n and well ordered City. Whereas mostly between 6 end 7 Inches long there 4th affect all of tho there exists within the boundaries of the City oer-ta- in areas on whloh there has accumulated unsightly amounts of were at Sprlngvillo Fishing season starts routs Whereas considered as a land of were a few among tho lot that desolation and the oountry that would measure eight God forgot had with the reoent They oamo from State hatoh-eri- os ones new Thomas said 120 on Navajo 200 miles miles of tho said that completion of Souths m California Auto Club has predicted that two million visitors a' orowd the 200 which will Four Cornerq when Navajo Route I through the Four Corners is expeotod to pull about one third of tho trafflo off Highway 66 and that tho tho ogt --of --doors The with it arrives. 2,000,000 CARS trafflo Chairman of the Paul Jones Tribal Cornell and also a speaker at the ceremony oalled. Monument Valley the 8th wonder of the world. The weather was ideal for the day come be using miles between which cuts off Los Angbles arid the Midwest. In outlining the road program ao-eomod- of copy dignitaries and addressTho State Fish and Gams Des. by several of the more Impoepartment planted 5400 trout In rtant .Including Governor Clyde of tho upper reservoir yester- Utah tourists that will Valley Journal. Art Thomas superintendent of Mesa Verde National Park tbld Cortez Chamber of Commerce members that soon it will hot bo a problem of too ouny tourist but rather a problem of what to do with tho cription that helped with the influx zuma soenery defies superb that area completion of the Navajo frail aooording to the Monte- the AR-LA- ND $175,688 C&seraatery DaEeaied Satarday at tateent Vdtey Hit off $175000 visitors? and observatory at Mon eistir urnsnt Valley wi officially dedicated there Saturday. the The oereoony signaled a ae Monument Valley opoAing of A penmnent going bualneas new edof the door sign at the oops how will oars ex-p- eot s on June William R. Hurst Mayor I City of Blanding |