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Show blanding outlook Page 6 Hay M Petitioners for Nen Clinic Board the Street Up &mthDown UILDREO RflSCOE Lucky for Him George is marrying one of those girls. She swims, drives a car, golfs, and is a pilot. "Lucky for George he can isn't it? all-arou- nd Stan Watt, head basketball coach at HYU, lias baen engined prize. Miss Natalie Nielson has gone San Juan Hirh to Salt Lake to look for work. "s speaker for tha exercises on Kay She was an ployed to Phoenix ucorj:'cncemcnt Petitions bearing over 50C ' forcra her to a heelth ntil ill o..ld-b- e signatures were presented to the hunters who will be climate. higher Commissioners Monday askfor u llser.se for the Former resident Hoy Edwards County tire' this yecr are remind- was in town briefly last Satur- ing that all members of the first Clinic Board be reer ed th.-tBlanding under a new state law, as mud He working is c c:i one will be req iired totake day. for Laftje on Salver's rig placed. wore presented The petitions a eo vac in ,un safety and surout 'f Moafc . who beaded an slack Gerald vival. fo ari not enough Mrs. J. D. Sheridan and Hiss by delii ation cf Blanding-lte- s. peopls hve indicated interest Claire Sheridan aro in Jolt Lake In handing the petitions to v arrant starting the course. City t ds wetxend. Claire will l.he county officials, Mr. Jerry Brow, president of Blnnd-ir.- .. be taking the nrtional nursed to Sportsmen's Club, is the one i entrance exr.ni at the university. black sac :.hat his delegation .hose who had signed to contact if ; ou are interest Collecr. Rl'ck, daughter of I'r. represented m ir.vitfc the petitions oJid that the petiand Mrs. GHn would tions speak for r. to p jS . I ,T. Kuykendall twelve s-- faction of Blanding citizens that were disappointed wher. :the present clinio board an . . C Bl-c- little t:irls Tre- -' Tat-'o.- i.l . end'd v the then-selv- ?s. cel-fbr'-- ht-l- - ihe pu itior.s had been on a house-to-hou- se jt:roup, j . They alio - clinic had high membership. One member, he fror. a bout of 'been visiting. Hrs. Tooley and convalescing monia whfch put her ir. the Liv.le Lc.".t .e action, vf.icli ' her two daughters will remain in week. iifter school is out, the gradurtion of a v,o3p3tal last ..ill for and their Seventeen boys be under the ?:ri r- - niece coid nephe w, Edlenna Black '.ill Neldon Cochran, are track coach, v r. ion of Hi.ldo.n Goehr x. There ' and Clyde a regional traok will It divisions, for Honored at a pink and blue taking part in Carbon meet 12-at Last froir. today. Ma; os fivr shower afternoon v.as not e performance .'d '.ror: v 'the thirty-tw- o cr the 3rd boys present j'd Aaronio . last 1 riest-h.-H- Ki , at the ered Rascoe for were Nicky Dlaok PVienil? g&th- - king the trip heed Stevens Lawrence Guynon, )ior e of Lrs. George Jay Redd, Lyman a social hour and Cary Jones, V-.r- nipht Sunday member : e ; a-l- ; - Ihe Ihe r.ot rd ; -- HOMES - SUMMER COTTAGES PATIOS STOiE BUILDINGS - CATJ.TN3 facility AND CAR DRIVE-IN- S - GARAGES PORTS - TRUSSES - STORE FRONTS The Invitation in the shape of a piece of birthday cake called lHtle friends to tho hont of Mr, and Hr:;. Me 1g on Holt to help Terry lynn last SIolt celebrate her fiftl: birthThe Party was held in day . advance of the actual birthday, 'ay 0, since the hor.oree, her week 100 percent FINANCING on Summer Cottages County LDS Church. served latar the Holt Home. Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Francis and family drove to Salt Lake last weekend where Mrs, Francis Refreshments were - Vepnal, Mrs, ed J. medical Sunday D. Sheridan checkup. by way of substitut- for three days and Mrs. Higgs for one the fourth, grade room at day fifth last and Royce week in sixth the Bluff sohool the regular teacher found it neeessary to go to Salt Laks. "Doing well" is the report when from who Mrs. Vernon Young, wrote Mrs. Alice Standifird from Excelsior Springs, Mrs. Young, Missouri. is recovering will remain there for a couple of weeks. She sends her' thanks to the friends who re membered her with cards. from eurgery, FIIA & C0NVEOTKKU1L FINANCING who said, was Mart' Commissioner, . on the lawn of underwenta They returned he that Hazelton told the the commissioners wanted Blanding to have what the majority of the people here want. He said that the present board was chosen with a great deal of care and that it had woriced diligently in behalf of the olinlc program. To oust then now, Hazelton said, would be a poor way to express for the guests was at the children's dance party held at the man, OUTLOOK mother, and .lister and brother were t&ken to Holbrook Sunday to visit relative and friends for the rest of the month, Entertainment provided rate clinio. fifth oon-ced- ed and he thought that some Jealousy possibly had developed. hat his comBlack conceded ments could well be prejudiced s' nee a member of his family is dependent on Dr. Fallon 2A hours every day for treatment. ilYU. seventeen new man a professional as is Dr. Fallon liancy BeLce.sh, a former roommate at a Blanding at the i l:ijh member he said was member he said was fourth fourth co-ope- i iri-shc-- ong but had that Fallon's alleged at the failure to not were serious County Hospital as him out lessee to rule enough class-Arlcr- Lf.-o- Blaok nedioal arsaid that had stated that another the board was too hasty ir. its decision to dunp Fallon and that-hhad beer, pressured to go on the decision before he hul time, to study all angles, Stairway, lie Ivin ; local fecting the rangements . Craig refreshments. Frozen fruit sal- - Sh:rway, Tory laws, Crtonio, licb Mussel-r.vi- i', received a 15? seal on bread rwi coffee were rut ad, Tir. i.ra!ford, Raymond Olaok Calvi:; certi ri cates. t'.tir of l.utcups favors with served, Toctt Baylcs, Bob Certonio, Ned .71 c. , li.wrrr.ee fiuyr.or. and Lyle to cocred bassi-' represent. bby jalier, Johm;.' Conway- and Tomny rlner each mis cd only .one nets. rreetin, or assignment throughout Comin from i'ort Lewis Junior Ir.j, Rcscoe I ley nan has written the year. in Juranyo last we ekend friends Cnllj in Blanding that she and The Oil Wives not with Mrs, were Lni;l Cox, daughter of Ir. be children are in Odessa, Tex--- s. Clauds Lr.cy 'liiesday afternoon en.M'r'j. J. W. Co::, find a .o Hr. Hevrian is working ir. lor their wecidy session around Weaver of Imacio, uor er, and his family vrill join the pinochle Wole. Guest at Colorado. The Coxes and their ihe rertiv w s Mrs drove diwn to Monument hirr when school la out, 4:ust ..i3? Jimi Foster flew to Provo of I.Oi.b, kinnir.g hi h Valley Saturday to attend the last week with Jor. Hunt and jrizr was r3. iLlori Kenniricr dedication coronpui? , while hr?, oyd hrrtt t 'v: low visiting member? spent several nays School s quit him in doctor. Cr.e he said, had never used local doctor as his family Physician that therefore should not have a part in natters af- il'rs. K.l. Taylor. j Dr. Fallon's a Wednesday 0 and had another a was member, . e 14 of be he was family that satisfied with favor : a of member Blc-ndin,-- - b-- 12, said, should disqualified because Vernon ox of Dirndl mg, 14- -1 Q fied each one of them for board ; Fal-ner- regard for every of the board., he felt that dividual oiroumstanoes disquali- in-la- t when they of such high calibre as those that ?.re on the present board. He said that although he p'. 3t-.r- for and Blanding chose nen after-the-pr- on p-'- for basis att- r-.- re vi'" conrr.ssior.frs for in efforts obtaining the their sincere intent : , r.heir coir-IreT- fhe circ-..lait- 'ci Friday night i.c of the v;i:jiers were the surprise other's D'jy gif t, an party. The ,md Shirley Redd, . fo..nd I 'r.ny Palmer last Lelia rs. by won the po'. iler-fl' dfjvy. weexer.d. She returned from Salt hours slipped pleasantly by as She is the daughter of A. L. Lake on Saturday witii her son-- ! the group ate and visited. ra.3erie 3:.rckc, small daughter Shumway. Entering the next w and daughter, Mr, and l re I of to be held on iy 22, vilj be Dor. Ir. ar.d Mrs. A1 Stocke,is on: she had Too2ey, vith f of the Blanding Bishop Kline Blaok, member One a;'d their partners gathered at Hi'S. Glen A. Shurway. sister, the new home of Hr, and. Mrs. Eer. stock car races in A newly painted front room was roJonnla last for v.nt, l.'.e only medical dnotor. Dr. 'Halter Fallon, te ; rent Clinic building to the new town's an- that it nounced : borard an clinic board would not . k, .r.ilj a:. ihe Clarence Hv.day her birthday i tojL. advantage of afternoon. ..ftcr gar.es, ref re- i'hw ?. . ;.e .Vui lc 3t Sunday to shments vere servi-d- , featuring a o pi- - i . i ?.t the Arches birthday- cake baked by Coleer.'s ..... ithe present nan : clinic the present eng-jire- ; h by a , 8-- 13,1960 "gratitude1 for the public ser- i vice the body had performed. He said the clinic board had consented to take another look on issue and at the Clinic-Fa- ll he was hopeful that something suitable to everyone could be resolved before long. He said the County Commissioners planned to meet with the Clinic Board at its next meeting at which problem would be consideredi The Comniss loner said that in o fixing the rental rate at $300. per month tho board was not He said the thinking of profit figure would barely pay the investment where as 5 on 10 oloser to the oonzner-oi- al rate. In addition, he said the county was taking responsibility for the upkeep of 80m would be very expensive equipment. |