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Show May 13, 1960 BLANDING OUTLOOK one is not thinking of Christmas so soon (at least not they Navajo Meet get last years paid for) but Committee on leave Johnson will Sylvan Saturday for Ogden for a dealers Monday convention and the rain object will be to p.;t in his order for The Navajo Affairs Cormnissiony Christmas toys etc. be in session at Price, Alene May and Hilma blaok were will Monday, May 16, to meet with the a held to hostesses party sewing but music Road Cinanission and to reciates Darwins These women are State Ties night. Itersha has promise, should wo cn other business. of all ages carry like or Just as even of girls good "being say It will talk to the Road Comeet old friends love to hei they father than better mmission regarding a road that curron the latest and catch moved up Mrs. Ralph Wilderson has NACFas voted to build along the events ent White in hone hack afer being north side of the San Juan River Brow has been appointed will a Jerry for Ralph Canyon year. between Aioth and the bridge at Home Light the for dealer on then he is finish the Job the gas plant one passenger This little home be also to NAC expects has voted to pay for the the be seens to car on ventquite Ifke thing to Jalt t'oe water system needed at the 7th be used by Mom, Dad or can and L.D.a. enter the. to near po4onday Adventist Hospital The first one Day the has youngsters It observation for has but pital Gouldings trading post on disand soon be will arrive 2 his been airplane years since run into a legal problem on how play at J & J Glass Co wreck and s '.nek that t.irre he lies The to handle the payment 7 Fv.ir.ee Black and Here ones bad aimer, and It bad good days Committee prefers to issue the Mead ,?vadfc a special d ilarol to be he able trip bored get is to the hospital in a lump h?re from the BYb for mothers money i sor'e help, sun and. let the incspital look dey. Mrs. Luen Jones of Galt Uj-:after the construction details Clyde ar.d Caroline Hunt left but NAC. is not sure that such a who is a j orfr rJar.d.ngite is ther grand- method would be legal A rtc T rat tv j from a throat oper- - their children w5th oe Hunt when and Freda ruling ation at t.he hone of her sister parents, on the matter is due from th Pago 8 Qiusco Sluutuuaes thin- that - to be done needed their ef re Terry arrives eon rore on furlough. They expeot to spend sene tine here while he is hone. '.t ar..i lira, Clyde Beal New Mexico were of To-kat- chi, visiting ilenit.-j-; boys :8 s : vll e "C . "3 ip.v program was Lh?r srrakers where Mrs !;m ar and shtor. Harris Go.'erel r ,scal numbers were en- - iirs. frlu 3 1 , - -- . u t -- Beth . .r.rtchner, friends will J, T-.- e Her many be glad to know it as vres feared was non-v- al igrant Duane Shurwa- has been rel from a 2 year mission in Bland nr 2nd Ward has plan a teirple excursion for June 1C -- 11th at lanti All members Before retruning home ho can rossibly do so are urged Finland. make a tour of several he will to be ir. attendance flying hone, th June is also the date countries before was the pilot who Hunt Joh iet for the Shumway reunion r:-- i lC-ll- Roy Mov'd Hoper and rid-ir on new in ohnsn's .plane troutht is the first time the This X ending Job so under- - have hurrways a hue, o Uo"! anti. and fro b'Vht t!?e in Sa. i. ii e .on lfiit orts cowing In It appears U'edr.isd-ic will be quite a rorn'ng in his sprinkling parly own plane to ; be back to school ?f thnt mighty clan to participate ir. the aotivites of those at the BViJ. Corv.rat illations to Clay Conway tro days . was recently dieted Preswho -: I'alJ Korditli Harvey and imie ident of the A.!!. A. I Associated r received their greetings Mens ?! the-- le Ban and have - vve ! javaioJay of uh o . 3 J ren this 1 1 week Lecrge. sl F on r. Students) reported' in an overseas assignment In the very war ftitur. - 1- ! v-- 57, r f h y Dixie College is an This w'd.-r- s ls J hon- - and drive !Isy from. to red late pouring Me says part as new earl.- cement. be brought at - work ar.d part work that the .yfvta District and freezing thawing of the seof ihe vere winter Missionaries The Bte women are d; strict will thourghly njcynt. each belief Society day children and go nd a very fod attendance has Ai'ter the .ser-.- 1 be served been kept up, s'.nce the L.D.5. missioiaries started holding inder .rtetion of rres ' services Meed and rhe dtake Reesptfbiall for them. lief Society with the local miss- This week aftfr the lesson was :iven they each made a flower ionaries assisting A planter, and plants vere made special feature of the 2nd available then made honey .ard Church Sunday ni ht was the each candy, Music rendered by Darwin Jones stretching her own and what a lot of fun they had. ar.d his daughter Marsha. Of Its course everyone knws and app- quite possible that evepy- i- - art. 1- - several ago and yirs a-- : tended school here, Jo st til w rfciir with the Gl: ;e " v i u - H-m- friend. It will be reriem- that the Beals lived in ;irl i Go-c- in Blanc.-- Sunday. With then ere their son, Bruce and his stered to in Price Reporting 3ay and Grace H.:nt were here ever the weekend to oheck up on Affairs till s fro:- - :;t ddV-age- . t-r- Le-ia- - nd they wont to Mississippi to take a car for one of their neighbors Later, the neighbor, was flown by Merrill Christopherson end the Hunts returned by plane with him. They all srent Saturday in Blandir.g then returned to their home in Salt Lake. There was a special request for nn workers at the Manti Temple this week. Monday 2 car d-n- m loads ' or 12 men answered call and several others Attorney General's office according to Don Smith, NAC member Smith says that consideration ls still being given to the idea construction dormitories so that Navajo ohildren can attend schooywre of Advertising Doesn't Cos-t- the left Thursday. Jimmie and Karen Slavens have found umployment in a trading .post at Kearns Canyon, Ariz The Blue Mountain of Camp D..j.1;. was held at. the heme of Mrs, Mable Shumway last week. Floyd and Clyda Bleak have moved back to Blapding again after being in Arizona for a few months working in the nines. If PAYS Motel owners host ceremony guests About 20 visitors from Colorado gathered at Blandings Prospector Lodge Saturday night after dedication ceremonies at Navajo Park in Monument Valley. The guests, hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, lodge owners, included officials of the Navajo Trail Assn., Monk Tyson, crack Denver Post featurewriter, and Mrs. Annie Wauneka, only woman member of the Navajo tribal Timo Saving Rubber Stamps furnishod quickly at lowost prices council. From Bluff were Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Musselman, Mr. Holland and Kenny Ross. The group saw slides shown by Kent and Fern Frost Saturday OUTLOOK night. rate OMR STOLE ST BIANDINO OR 8-20- OFFERS 81 TV SERVICE HUT SORTS t HSIS, MU MY SHffltt DURBHG ALL-DA- & THURSDAY Y IN IICENSED CONTRACTORS h'HA LOANS LUMBER A BUILDING MATERIALS FLORMAN PAINT it DOORS GLASS radio - ROOFING HARDWARE MW D&HBSRS SUPM BIANOING L UTAH notion mmm c FumimiBE small appuanus Geiger Counter Repairs - 8(jimt - Gmmkd Stmt ON ALL (TAKES AND MODELS -- Si |