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Show May 13, I960 BLANDING OUTLOOK Amen between Highway 47 and the cemetery proper. The plot The use of a university is to to dozbe make young gentlemen as unlike is put to grass and a en varieties of trees and shrubs their fathers a? possible . it beautification owns planted. Also beautification on Highway 47 'are on - has been and will be City will plant The 600 green thornless honey locust and turned to the trees as soon as a general plan recreation board for park poses (Sty to FlaoS Tress ash but at the ground projects south edge of town, the County the drawing board at the recreation board has blueprinted a similar but larger project. City Hall. One is a project of the Bland-in- g The recreation board will create Cemetry District for land- a park on Mormon Church property scaping a snail triangular tract now occupied by graineries.- The 'IVro Page5' . oat. Curti3 Jones can be worked pur- and Norman Nielson were improved with mapping the grass, trees, picnic tables and the job of restrooms, aooordlng to Francis at Monday's D. Nielson, member of the County iho City Reoreutlon Board. growing for assigned rroject city meeting. has had the trees a couple of years at the old lagoon site anc they have now reeched a suitable size for replanting. The city has an eqoa.1 number of trees growing at another site which it plans to MORffl years fro- - novf. another natter the City authorized c instruction of about replant two a mile of On line The pipeline. will serve o recover water that esstpes the prent ir.t.vie wvks on Indian Creek and Carry it by r:vity into t be iin-:- . main during the ;.tcr was put brc.-water the shortage into the system by pumps. Last year : MONTICELLO News Items By Mrs. H. E. Irs. .lieskf: of Jove Creek. Air vi s'tin.: a vms :;os',ial Juan , , in" fror: -- Hid t en'', few days mother, Bisks friend in the an ny, il .rSe J. ' v- la are 3 tend 'rig a 'I'-fC - visit to his a n Mrs. H. 11. other relatives in Mor.ti lake and cello, lehrs is confined to the hospital for treatment for injuries received w en she fell while he! pn- to clean cupboards at the Cotrr.unity Church Mrs, wan or. - last week. Mr. and Mrs. uenneth Joates ar.d sons of Grand Junction 31 out the d and Here are two, new, specially-designe- d power er.gines to give your Kart that that wins races. Either of these engines, for left or right wheel drive, can put you among the winners in Modified Class A competition. Or you can mount them as a pair for Class B racing. fully-teste- get-up-and-- Months of testing on an actual older onus wofriemls, 'nests ol' r. ard Mrs. Askir,. T1 Don home last week an overnight Darby Saturday after lakln a to ?Iew York City and vl:;Hing his aunt Mrs. in Grace Cleary and family trij sightseeing mounting brackets are included as 2 standard equipment on the Homelite 2 or j ! KR-8- engine. is proud to announce the appointment of US harry - Blake who lias 3ient the winter in Miami, Florida arrived Two universal & vns sang a bua'.ti- Don I J -e night. high-spee- 8 Contes of high-qualit- KL-8- Goon icello. y has proved that these trouble-fre- e enaines have the stamina to give you many d hours of operation. Over 3,000 Home-lit- e dealers and factory service shops throughout the country, are ready to provide both service and genuine Homelite parts. I :il t h Mr. Kart track high-powere- d, e r go road-typ- e in l.onti cello vrtr: wecVend ( Creek was visiting relatives in town Friday. Mr . and Mrs . Lrnest Harral and Iatricia went to Farmington Sat- -j urday for an overnight visit with relatives. They attended the big Mothers Day breakfast (TUPj: TO PAGH 9 CCL. 3) PHI as their exclusive dealer in the Blanding area for the famous Brooklyn. F. R. l,of .z is a patient at the San Juan Hospital. Mrs Vftia Coleran of Jove 1 A- -l DRILLING COMPANY WATER WELLS i 1 ! I SHOT HOLES CORE HOLES SHALLOW PRODUCTION DIAL OR 84261 or write BOX 504 BLANDING, UTAH Georp Petty u 1 i |