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Show Ii hd whet Man '!""" In her el M "k-John "k-John Uov.len. Hon have anannmimt- t,,,nt in their H tliit . 1 Th otm lint mrrk "ill brifhtcn J - mp tti cool lrale eomewuet. I Ju.lg Henrv MiieMt artt dowo Irom ; Uic J'ark Memlar on boeiaeet. 4 Pi Ik tientanni-ft, muffler, nir ? variety it iheCaali Brfin Stor. Yon will BihI "ic aortmnt ol '( noveltv chinaaar at tli Caeh Kargaln Flor. ) Ahf.aliit Inchet of tnow If II Monday alftht and II mail on think winter wat bar. A food tleederoad attended th danct at th Opera Houti Htlurdty night nd II had a good time. John I'aatelt and Edward Berry art drawlof up th lift ol joror tody lor tb J r IWI2. Jamee Salmon want to Cache valley Wdae1ay lo ennllnu lilt work lor the Juvenile Initractor. Only a lew want Iron tiara lo Pana Mnndey to the eunlerence, owing to the artormy waathar. I Now ia the llui to have your btigtiet ! painted, and all kind ol general repair I work eolicited by A. 1. Clark, tb up-lo- dile palmer. Daring the pretent year the county : rnmmletlontrt hav tuent 1,000 Dior , 00 th roeclt ol the county than waa , eent lait tear, and bar ipndtd In ' tb ceonty (3,000 more than latt jear. II. T. Mclntyra, Hi. I'.ul, Minn., who baa been troubled with a disordered tnniath tayt, "Chamberlain' Bl ulnar uln-ar h and Liter Tbllt do me mora good than anything I bav ever taken." ' For aale by John Boyden A Hob In-ngglet- C Tb remain o' lire. Jane Monte, bdidop Orai Creek laet Friday Burning, were taken to EvaneUin, bar former home, ou haturday and burled I that plara. 0. A. Calllt went to Park City Toet- day and liom tber to Woodland, Bnch Creek end Francie, whera be and Elder William Event, tb M. I. A. mliilonary, held Bleating thi wk la Ih iotvrett ol tboe aiencietlooi. A watch Inipector lor tb Union clHraeatover tba road Monday and condemned tk watrlie ol Dearly every auction loreiuan, lie bad a ginxl tupply along with him lo tell lo tba men, and Hie prlra be got lor lliein erer quit - eteep lor th article. ' Th funeral over the reuialneol John . ... . Llveaj wa held Iroiu the Tabernacle 8 inilav afteinoun and wae quite well , Bltendel. Tb tpeekert wer Klderi 1 Alma tiuilih, Tliotnaa Wright, John faakett, T. I,. Allen and JJIthop CroH. j Elder H.F. Giant a memberot the gen. ; arnl boaid ol Iba Y. M. M. I. A., w.i bare Mouday and that evening a meeting meet-ing aaaheld at th Tabernacle, at which b delivered a very intereeting lecture. Uah good advic wae given la the young men which they will do well to ' remember. Klder liraut wae preeent at the Y. M- conlereuce at I'eoa oa Bun-dar. Where i tb I'llo who eaiel we anuhl not have any winter? Mr. Frenk calm..n and lamlly went out to ( umlierland thia week. The Caah Hergain more ha on ea blbltiuna good lin of toy lor Hani Ciena. j A. V. H;rt'trHiid fami y went to halt Uket'lty Wcdneadiiy, wher they will airain niah their home. Mre. John I.ivay and family wlal. to thank all thot who aaiited them during the eickneat and death ol Mr. I.lvaay. We irknowledir the recept till week ol a handeom and very attractive calendar cal-endar Irom th fuintiiit County Marble Worka. During the eleven monthi ending November 30th th county clerk baa taken in lee to th amount ol 13,000, and for the rauie period the feeao! th recorder re-corder amounted Ic 12.300. A llcene lo wed waa iaeued Wednesday Wednes-day lo William (1. McCoy, aged 26. ol l ark City, and Mia Dora Ida (irnpwald, aged 24, ol Bay llerae, Cotter County, M bo. They wer mairled her lb tarn day by Juetie W, II. Smith. ' All diteeae llart It the bow lee. Keep them open or yon will be tick. CAH-C'ARKTS CAH-C'ARKTS act like nature. Keep liver and bowela e live wlthonl a aickening rlping feeling, (tlx milllone people gala and recommended CABCAKET8, try a 10c boi. All drugglaU. A crowd ol boy a or men played a great Jok on Th Time editor Monday night. Alter tli Riveting In th flak llooae the bre began rolling up enow balla, and piled our olflc door foil eo that th "devil" could not get in when be caw to work only by crawling through window. It mnat have taken a great deal ol work and a big crowd to (ether op a much mow a wae piled agalntl th door, and w bop they bad Iota ol lun. W don't mind a Jok ol thia kind, to long ai no damage I don. |