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Show TILLM AN-M'I.AOBIN FFUn HllbAKS OUT IN THE 81; TE. Mrlurla llsnnat.r.s nKrallr e'lera mid Is f liahert i, tteles The senate chamber was l'ie u' of a highly dramatic episode ( cluy vv lien Henstnr Til linan nf Soini sro-lua sro-lua ehalleuged his colleague. I alitor .Mcl.aurln, to resign with him. , the spot, in order, to use his own l.ir, isge, that they might he aide to "iu lh-ir dirty liucn at home.' Mr M. ,urin did nut take up the gauge. The Inclilenl was the direclsr a-l of the very bitter controversy whlc usrose between the senalora In Koutl Carolina Caro-lina last spring. Mr. Mcl,aiir:i arnse to a question of pcrsiinal prlviv y and procee'led to explain what ha r rged waa a conspiracy lo discredit Ilia In nla own aiaie for acta and view vhirh did not meet the approval of r rta'm lleinocratlc leadera. He declnrel that tic waa being tiumlliated, and, a-nrd-ing to piildle prlnta, waa to bsytclud-ed bsytclud-ed from the Democratic caucus because he had acted upon certain puhllissuea In a way which he considered saa lo the beat Interesta of the couxtiy and the people nf his atatc. Senator Hoar questioned, Iny.ew of the fact that both aenatora kwl tendered ten-dered their resignation, whrihrreliher had the right to addreaa theieaate, and the mailer waa referred to the com mi I tee on election and prjrllrgea to determine their atatua. Ilia possible possi-ble Imth aeata will be declared vacant. |