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Show Mretery Burroenda Attempt to Marder Washington Hiiaua. Mra. Ada Hubert Iietiiila, a faahlun-able faahlun-able Washington tlreaamaker, waa found In an aimoat dying uondltiou In her room at 5 a. m. Tueedey under olr-cuinstanctm olr-cuinstanctm that prpuilee to rival the lluuiue tuunler. Her akull waa fractured. frac-tured. Jaw bone broken aud left ear aliimsl severed friuu her heail. Her left arm bora brulsea and bet clothlug and bedding were aaturatrd with blood. Hhe was removed to lha Uarocld hoa-pllnl hoa-pllnl and a large force of detectives put oil the eaae. The name of her aa-aallaut aa-aallaut la uukuown. |