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Show I Fag 18 A. Lakeside Keieu, October 30. 1980 Franklin W. Knowlton Incumbent State Rep. Franklin W. Knowlton of Layton is opposed to growth in Utah if money is not available to provide the additional services the growth will require, he said. The Republicans major concerns are the effects of the Intermountain Power Project, the MX missile, and energy development upon Utah and local government. I think we should be in a Strong negotiating position with the federal in any government 4 o' Vi they and hopefully, propose well have a president who recognizes the needs of the West, Knowlton proposals. He opposes Initiative A on tax the November ballot, a measure designed to remove the states 4 percent sales tax, noting not that it would At a Glance uniform, . 8. Do you have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)? 9. 10. Who is your personal physician? proposal cant answer inequities even now. The veteran legislator opposes Proposition 4 on the ballot, which calls for an increase in pay and expense money to state legislators. Knowlton said although he is against an overall pay hike, he wold favor increasing expense budgets the of legislators who live a great distance from the capital if a way can be found to do so. So far, attempts to make this distinction have failed, he repoerted. feels the 2, Proposition proposed Tax Article revision, is too broad in scope and covers too many areas. The large package of changes is too difficult to understand and should be presented in smaller portions which can be debated and more easily understood by the people of the state, he said. AMERICAN CANDIDATE Richard 0. Thompson the first nine questions, probably cant answer number 10. Thats whv Davis North Medical Center i has developed the Physician Information Service. Its a wav new residents and those people without a personal physician can easily locate a doctor in the specialty they need, convenient to their home or place of work. There is no charge for this service. The best time to find a doctor is before you need one for several reasons. The physician can take time to record your medical history and give you a thorough examination to determine if you have any of the above or other symptomless medical problems. You, in turn, w ill haw the opportunity to talk with the doctor and make sure you feel comfortable with him. Should an accident or illness occur later, vour physician will be better prepared to treat you. It you dont know the answers to the first nine questions above, make sure you have an answer for the last one. Fill out and mail the coupon below or call the Physician Information Service at Davis North Medical Center. The 24-hnumber is 776-320from Farmington call Ext. 441. r. 0, 451-579- 1, ,TO: PHYSICIAN INFORMATION SERVICE" Davis North Medical Center 1 600 W. Antelope Dr., Layton, UT 8404 1 Please send me the names of physicians in the specialty! ies) I have indicated below: Family Practice Surgery Internal Medicine Ears, Nose and Throat Obstetrics Gynecology Ophthalmology Orthopedics. Urology Pediatrics Other I I I I I I l i District 51 The Morris Hansen Warren S. Wimmer 52 Adam Clifford S. LeFevre A. Jacobs Senator District 20 Kenneth E. Pace Year County Commission Leo Kinsman Glen E. Saunders School Board Candidate District 3 Davis Co. proposed Article Executive revisioii, which would require the governor and lieutenant governor to run on a party ticket, would give the incumbent power, party Republican said, the complishments .as legislator have been helping to obtain improved phone service for and Davis County Shirley Carver Kaysville. Ted L. Parke prefer physician (s) with office near other location vocational my home j ' Please specify address and zip) I The Physician Information Service is offered at no charge in the public merest by Pavis North Medical Center. 'OS J FILL OUT COUPON THKNCLIP AND MAIL in- dicating he opposes most of the executive Article revisions listed on the November ballot. Knowlton said two of achis majore spearheading establishment G. Brian I an advantage in maintaining both personal and Lucile C. Reading School Board Candidate District 5 Davis Co. Bruce Watkins Bruce G. Parry Weber County School Board Frank 6. Do you have arteriosclerosis? Suffer any disorders of the prostate gland? Any disorders of the breast or cervix? unconstitutional, Knowlton said, noting, some are There Knowlton 2 5. . Local Contests Lowell S. Peterson 4. 7. diabetes? Do you have high blood pressure? Suffer from emphysema? 3. bills, the law would give owners in Salt Lake County an advantage, because that county has reassessed property since then, he explained. provision that sold after property passage of the tax measure be would assessed at its current FRANKLIN W. value is unfair to new KNOWLTON from another source, he buyers, especially the young, Knowlton added. said. also Since the constitution Knowlton is taxation to be Initiative tax B, requires against is the .but only the District 2. The powerful committees which review all tax Do you suffer from Are you anemic? 1. to assessments the, market value listed on property owners 1977 tax Democratic opponent is Golden C. Sill, also of Layton. Knowlton is currently chairman of the House Revenue and Taxation Committee and chairman of the joint House-Senat- e Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee, two eliminate all of the tax, which would limit the states share. amount of property tax The problem it causes that could be collected by in collecting and ad- state and local governwould ment to 1 percent of the ministering probably eat up most of propertys market value. explained. The Layton the savings (from the The measure is unfair in native, owner of a bridge removal of the tax), and terms of area nd time of would purchase, the legislator construction company, is the revenues seeking his sixth term as probably have to be said. back state representative. His replaced with revenues By rolling development ' Davis North Medical Center the of an area school in 1600 W. Antelope Drive, Layton, Utah 84041 776-320- 0, From Farmington Ext. 441 451-579- 1, A message in the public interest from the people at Davis North Medical Center. 1 (sums Draffs Amid JACK WALTON CINDI HEINY RAYMOND E.SMITH JENNIFER SADLER BYRON JOHNSON COLLEEN SMITH NORIENE T. BOMBARD IDA B.CAMPBELL MARJEANTOONE FREDA B.WOOD MELVIN R CAMPBELL LILLIAN WHEELWRIGHT BEVERLY M.WOOD TRUDY CLOWARD GLADYS SORENSEN LINCOLN GARDNER RICHARD STEVENSEN VIRGINIA O.SEEGMILLER LEONARD W.McDONALD SHERYL L.ALLEN BARBARA R (muss mark) JOHNSON DR B.ARLEN HEINY DR F. RAY SUMSION WAYNE A.CABLE DON PERKINS J. CRAIG KARREN DON McDOUGAL BOYD THURGOOD HARLEY HUNT MR.& MRS. DOMINIC DeROSE, LYNNE DECKER v KIM SPENCER STEVEN JEAN WHITE TERRELL BIRD SHIRLEY ELDREDGE RODNEY WOOD JOSEPH H.WOOD GLEN WHEELWRIGHT SHIRLEY B.POPE REEVE SORENSEN KEITH CISNEY BRENT THRUGOOD FAYE RICHARDS FRANCIS M.SEEGMILLER HAVEN R.BURNINGHAM L.GLEN TONGE ADDIE B.SMITH DR.KEITH A.KIRKHAM LYALS.BINGHAM LESTER F. KNIGHTON VERLAN TERRY JAMES E.BOMBARD F.H.CRAVEN WILLARD NELSON GEORGE JERGENSEN NADA LECHTENBERG JR. DR.C.CLARK WELLING BARBARA TINGEY MARK BRYAN GRAY MAYOR LAURENCE URRY DENNIS HILL ' JAY R.BINGHAM SHIRLEY G.MONTGOMERY LUCILE J.KINGHTON BELL DYCHES SHAROLYN V.CRAVEN MAXINE NELSON ROBERT SPENCER YVONNE JORGENSEN LARRY D. HILL ' BEA CARROLL ART LECHTENBERG DOROTHY E.HILL MARY ELLEN LEATHUM WILLIAM SEANT FELSHAWKING OWENETTAJACK HOWARD E.SHERWOOD LOY BLAKE DIXIE V.LITSTER D.CARL MANGUM DONNA PERKINS EUGENE JACK EVANGELINE REDMOND KEITH NOSACK VALERIE BLANKE DAN W.REDMOND CONNIE WOOD WILLIAM J.WOOD A. CARLISLE MacKAY MAXINE WOOD owns PAID POLITICAL AD BY BOYD IVORY |