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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930. j j Tremonton Locals daughter Lorena, or Ogden, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shuman, over the week-enThe B. B. Bridge Club and their husbands, gave a party Monday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Winzeler, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hone, who are leaving this week to make their home in Logan. An elaborate hot chicken dinner was served after which bridge was played. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Watland were the special guests of the club. Prizes were given Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor for high score; Mrs. Guy Johnson, cut prize, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hone, guest of the club. Monday evening forty. of Tremon ton socially inclined citizens accepted the hospitality of the lieqecca. Lodge. The Rebeccas have long held a record for their delicious tray luncheons and card parties, and this was no exception. A delightful time was had by all present and prizes were given to Mrs. Harry Woodward, and Frank Powell for high score. Eli Winzeler and Mrs. S. B. Watland, low score. Two of Tremontons popular social leaders of the younger set: Miss Phylis Holmgren and Zina Christiansen gave a charming dancing party in the large dining room of the Midland Hotel. The room was a picture with its artistic decoration and filled to over flowing with happy youths throwing confetti and dancing. Helen Alkiri, Kenneth Rumers, Virginia Dewey and Theodore L. Keller, University students attended the Military Ball at the U. S. A. C. at Logan last week. After the dance, d. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gephart, Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Davis motored to Salt Lake last Sunday, Mrs. Gephart remained for a visit with friends. A number of the Eastern Star members attended the Queen Esther chapter at Ogden, Friday night. Those from Tremonton were Mrs. N. E. Shaw, Mrs. S. N. Cole, Mrs. T. A. Supan, and Misa Margaret Woodside of Garland. Rev. A. R. Dickson and Mrs. Dickson were at Salt Lake Monday and Tuesday attending the District Conference of the Methodist Church : Mission. Mrs. Ward Shuman accompanied her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Heed, to Ogden Tuesday. David Holmgren spent the weekend in Salt Lake City and attended the funeral of an old friend, Carl A. Krantz. Mrs. Sarah Allen of Corinne, spent Saturday and Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Drew. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ogden, of Ogden were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Filburn Johnson, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Winchester are visiting in Ogden, Salt Lake City and Helper, this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Cole and Mrs. Eli Winzeler, were Ogden vsitors last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rohde of Idaho, spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohde. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Heed and they came to Tremonton and visited with J. H. Keller and family until Saturday afternoon, when they returned to Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William Welch are rejoicing over the arrival of a boy, this being their first child. Mtoher and babe are reported as doing nicely with the father having every chance for re- covery. Mrs. Harry Gephart and son Wesley, returned Sunday from a two weeks visit in California with friends J and relatives. They report having a very pleasant time while away. Miss Ella Homer, was operated on at the Dee Hospital Monday. Her many friends will be glad to hear she is responding to treatment and will hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Kim Mann and Mrs.' S. N. Cole were the hostesses at the Ladies Aid silver tea Wednesday afternoon, at Mrs. Coles' home. A very pleasant PHONE 31 TREMONTON, UTAH Saturday Specials MARCH 1st PRIME ROASTS, BEEF lb. .... 20c .... ... ECONOMY BACON, Squares, lb. PURE BULK LARD, lb. .......:....... 1 lb. BLUE PINE COFFEE 1 lb. SHILLINGS OR HILLS COFFEE ...... 3 lb. NAVY BEANS 3 pkgs. JELLO Large pkg. WHITE KING WASHING POWDER 10 .... bars CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP BANANAS 4 lb. .. LETTUCE, Solid Heads ...2 ' for 14c 43 c 45c 21c 23 c 39C 38 C 23 15c Howell - J. A. Shriber has returned after with spending the past week visiting " friends at Salt LaTce City. Lisle Adams and Miss Myrle Limb at Thatcher and spent the week-enGarland. F. E. Douglas of Wellsville motored to Howell Monday. He was accompanied by his son Bill, who has been visiting at Wellsville for the past are priced, each AC d week. Thalis Leavitt and Miss Alice Leavitt of Tremonton spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gean Leavitt George Wood motored to Brieham returning home rnday Miss Cora Monday. Forsgren and Miss Varda Steed, both of Brigham City spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Forsgren. Mrs. J. C. Wood and children Car man and Winn motored to Brigham City Friday returning Saturday. They were accompanied home by Uriah Wood who spent .Saturday and Sunday visiting with hs parents, Mr. and Stock up now on the many things you need to aid Spring Sewing. Grouped at 4c are elastic by the yard, Penguard safety pins, Penco brass pins, Penimaid needles, Penisnap snap fasteners, Penimaid hooks and eyes, cotton tape, DutcK linen tape, Penimaid buttons, bone crochet .hooks, thimbles, tape measures and stocking 'darners. 4,; Mrs. J. C. Wood. A number of officers and teachers of the Howell Primary attended Union meeting at Garland, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andersen returned home after spending a few days last week at Logan. They were home by Mrs. Lynn accompanied Wood and daughter Doris, who has been staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gunnell for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Shriber made a business trip to Tremonton Monday. Don and Darvwin Gunnell sperit the week-en- d at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gunnell. While choping wood Saturday evening Lynn Wood had the msfortune of getting cut in the fore head with the ax. The ax caught on the clothes line causing it to turn and strike him in the head. Mr. Wood received Simnle elvcerin. hurlcthnrn hark. saline, etc.. as mixed in Adlerika. re lieves constipation in TWO hours! Most medicines act on onlv lower bowel, but Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisons you never thought were m vour system. Just ONE sDocnful re lieves GAS, sour stomach and sick headache. Let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel! Scott Drug Co. BLUE LIGHT GAS & OIL CO., No. 9 Adam Imthurn, "The Gas Man" Mgr. SEWING NEEDS I EASY! QUICK! GLYCERIN MIX FOR CONSTIPATION for your Kerosene and Gasoline for your brooder and incubator fuel supply We will lease you drains and faucets. ft - -- I d CALL PHONE 102 In. Every Item. week. medical treatment at the Valley Hospital. Miss Maud Andersen, who is at tending school at the Bear River High at the home of spent the week-enMr. and Mrs. Wm. Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Williams were Tremonton visitors Monday. POULTRYMEN ATTENTION! i hrift afternoon was spent visitine and Dlav- ing games. Mrs. Jane Shuman was! the guest of honor and was presented with an electric toaster. This being her 85th birthday, the ladies wished to show her their appreciation for her many, years of faithful service. The following guest were here from Corinne: Mrs. A. C. Adney, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. j. i . ferry, sr., Mrs. E. Baker. Spencer C. Taylor, cashier of the Tremonton Banking Co. leaves Monday for Portland, Oregon, where he will attend the Pacific Northwest Management conference, on March 5 and 6. He expects to be gone for a I SANITARY MARKET in ere i s SEWING WEEK NEEDS grouped at, each Qc Assembled into a one-prigroup at 8 c you will find . . . tape measures, scissors, thimbles, steel crochet hooks, sewing machine needles, elastic by the yard, Penimaid buttons, Penimaid twill tape, embroidery hoops, Penimaid snap fasteners, needles and needle books, Penimaid brass pins and safety pins, Penimaid bias tape and Penimaid rick-rack braid. ce r Standard Tire Double ffi Eaqle f FOR THE HAIR Electric Curling Iron. . 49c, 89c Water Waving Combs, ea..4c, 8c Bobbed Hair Pins. . . . .4' Jnd 8c 4c and 8c Hair Pins Combs 8c to 49c Dressing Brushes to 98c 23c Hair jf3 y"rT"-- Practically DOUBLE No matter whether your building problem is large or small we can help you to a successful solution. THICK Tread. . extra powerful Supertwist Cord carcass. The TIRE We have the facilities to give you service both in the planning and the construction of the building. You will find of tries! Imitated but never equaled. All-Weath- El er Our interests are mutual Better Bear River Valley. Building a Bigger and Wilson Lumber Co. , .6c "EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING" DOUBLE EAGLE Low 1930 Prices! Ask for "Special Offer" FRONK CHEVROLET CO. & MARBLE'S TEXACO STATION Tremonton Phone 20 . FOR COMFORT Sanitary Aprons. .23c and 49c Girdle Hose Supporters, different styles. . . ,23c to 89c 'PENIMAID' Packer Shampoo See us for all your' building needs. r . u our prices absolutely consistent. And 50 yd. spool SANITARY NEEDS 39c Sewing Silk in new shades Dress Shields, pr..23c and 39c Sanitary Belts, various styles, 19c to 49c Sanitary Pen-Co-N- for Spring sewing. with Step-in- s ,23c and 49c Sanitary Napkins rounded corners, 8 napkins In box for. . .19c C.PENNEC EAST MAIN STREET, TREMONTON, UTAH & |