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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY'27, 1930. BITES VALLEY LEADER day night which gave them first place NOTICE in the M Men's Tournament in Salt We have established a free shoe Entered at the Postoffice at Tre- - Lake City at a future date, while our oiling station. Everybody come; send Mat- - E2AB monton, Utah, as Second Class ter. boys still hold second place, and will the children and oil your shoes, free meet the winning team from Cache with Vico Ducks-Bac- k Shoe OiL Come Valley this week to defend that title often. Blue Light Service Station, James Walton, Editor and Publisher and if victorious will enter the Tourn No. 9. Adam Imthurn, "The Gas Man." ament in 2ait Laze uty. r r 1J 11.. Ut m STpSt WHERE CAN MONEY be invested to nAhibaldL week. Thursday of monia, but is on the improve at this better advantage than in good farm writing. land at present exceeding low prices. Subscription Rates President C. E. Smith of the Bear Nearly time to plow. 0 AA Have you One Tear, in advance t E River Stake with Wendel Grover and bought yours. We still have some Six Months, in adv Wallace Wise, of Garland, visited our very good buys. C G. Adney, Corinne, ro Three months, in advance Utah. 23tf Eberhart Zundel of the Tremontm BOOSTERS WANTED ward. FOR SALE One 13 tooth orchard Miss Allie Jensen who is working in A town has no place for the knock- wheel cultivator nearly new. One week-end er; a knocker is hardly a man without Ogden was guest of her type military saddle, nearly a country, but his country, his town, grand mother, Mrs. L. A. Rose, has little use for Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson and new. Both half price. C. G. Adney, or his community 23tf children are moving to Brigham City Corinne, Utah. him. where they intend to make their home, 1926 FORD - ton There are all kinds of knockers Truck, Stake body; Mrs. Edith Hawes and Mrs. Vilate as many as there are kinds of people. H. P. John Deere Stationand 1 me tnnving city is iiiiea witn doosv ArchiDald, of Tremonton, were SunGas engine Adam Imthurn, "The ers boosters wno so outnumber tne day guests of Mrs. Don Ruf us Lamb. ary Has Man." 23 tf. knockers that their knocking does not FOR SALE Baby chicks, all kinds count for much. H. Leghorns, 10c to 13c; Heavy Breeds, We like the boosters. Sometimes 14c. Poultry wanted. E. D. Hogan, or rather, they are 612 E. 2 No., Logan, Utah. Phone is the better word. 820-25p But they are always enthusiastic for Highly elated over business prostheir home town or the caunse in region for I WILL sell all or any part of the which they are interested, and they pects in the John Schutt, 38 acres at Elwood, at are never to be found hanging around 1930, J. H. Fronk, local Chevrolet nH wnwlr- - dealer when he returned after at- - $140.00 per acre. u. J. Borup, Rupert cnmrarVir lrnnMrinir tw the Annual Spring Dealer's Idaho. 22tf ing that No, a booster is not built tending Convention of the Chevrolet Motor that way. Company in Salt Lake City. More FOR SALE Good Home in Tremonton. Call 23. than 500 dealers, salesmen, and their bankers attended the series of conferences. According to J. H. Fronk, FOR SALE 750 Brooder. talking pictures were utilized to Call T. P. Meister, Tremonton . 23tf Mr. Golden and Jesse Mason made illustrate new methods of servicing distributing automobiles. This is CATTLE DEHORNING Call A. L. a business trip to Ogden Wednesday. and A number of our people visited the said to be the first time that such a Madsen, Phone 6102. 25p medium has been used to solve indust Logan Temple Wednesday. rial or sales problems. The convention 3 H. P. John Deere, Stationary Gas directed by D. E. Ralston, g monton Wednesday afternoon after for sale. Call Blue Light Engine, General Sales Manager, Chevrolet Station No. 9. here with Mrs. Don Ruf us 22 i motor company, wno was Lamb neaaing a Mr." and Mrs. Robert Nish. Mr. and RarY. ffactory officials touring the FOR RENT 4 - room house. Close Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain Mra. Clrk RnrM nH nn Oma. 22tf in. See Ray Holdaway. sections. Mr. Mrs. and of Wednesday guests "Mr. Ralston stated that the collect-- FOR SALE frame house, Joseph Gardner of Deweyville. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Nish were Tre- - ive fma"ce mm? has agreed that the screen porch, coal house and other man.la I0T. pessimism wnicn followed monton shoDners Wednesdav. Tremonton. m the wake of the recent stock deba buildings. Call 5.y-Rpvpntv-Tiinnf PivTYwiiiMi pocV 24p Ball fans enioved the frame in the M ?? has P"8.". 8tated J. H. Fronk, tms mt Ralston .MrBUSINESS OPPORTUNITY P11 Men tournament in Ogden Wednesday shan increase m and Thursday evenings. sr"fd oiear-- u prevents ice. eiiectiveiy a snow and mist from The Plymouth School boys played 5" tpr!ce8 dunn5 he Past obscuring vision definite to increase tendency building through auto windshields and win the Fielding school boys at Fielding "'" " general upumisuc dows. Nationally advertised and in a game of basket ball, the score nate. prevalent, proved that the highly endorsed by learing authorities being 11 to 13 in favor of Fielding. excel ent economic " Word was received here Saturday cmnJ7 the country. Retails ' at omFronk believes that throughout 1.00 Jivery motorist wants it. Repre morning that Harry Steed of Grants- Just as prosperous a year sentative qualified to market ville, Utah, formerly of Plymouth had i93J!ri11 product Motor Company as 1929. may secure at o'clock four that passed away exceptionally attractive j" nas ,oix receivea city and county franchise on substant He had been working at morninff. yuevruiei, g Grantsville in a garage for some time a very enthusiastic reception all over ial basis for small tne united btates and indications investment, write Nationalvery He leaves a wife and six children, Chemical Interment will take place in the Ply point to another banner year. Laboratories, 509 Fifth Ave.. New Another feature of the convention York City. mouth cemetery Tuesday of this week. 6 to illustrate playlets Many of the residents of our town w?3, .the Hse xor uusiness prooiems. une GOOD BUILDING LOTS For Sale. motored to Ogden Saturday noon to witness the finals in the ball games of SL1 ,ese feahres, according to J. H. oome rignt in town, others two the M Men's Tournament being play- - f5n5 ws he talking picture enti- - blocks out. Also two homes for sale. ed in place. Our boys held the honors t,ed A ?ealer on TP of his Busi- - Call Leader office. in two of the games, played Wednes- - ness ..wnicn Prtrayed in graphic th J0V9 ,and tribulations of an BIGGEST CASH PRICE day night and Thursday night of last fo paid for week, but the victory was awarded to automobile dealer's life. A tragedy, hides, pelts, and furs. Garland and romance were woven into Hide House, J. W. the Ogden team in the finals Satur- - comedy Gar Garrett, Mgr., uittmauc ana interesting storv of Utah. Bell phone 146 valley land, the various difficulties autowhich an NERVOUS WOMAN NEARLY phone 31. 6tf mooue dealers meets. lll . years Fishburn's has been fashionables smartly. . fitting young ever to Today we are better prepared than out- FOR , Mc-Clell-an fulfill their demands correctly and at moderate prices. - J. Fronk Back From Chevrolet Convention super-enthusiasti- over-enthusia- tic inter-mounta- in Plymouth I S Oil-a-st- " SS The two smart coats sketched will meet the Junior misses' ideas perfectly. Both are very definitely new. Assist-visitin- f I SS' Two hats which terpret the spring in-S- rf mode cleverly one of felt the other t Coats, 9.90 5. A - """" - f ir over-ridin- 19-2- .f DRIVES HUSBAND AWAY "I was very nervous and so cross with my husband I nearly drove him away. Vinol has changed this and we are happy again." Mrs. V. Duesa. Doctors have long known the value of mineral elements iron, calcium with cod liver peptone, as contained in Vinol. Nervous, easily tired people are surprised how Vinol gives new strength, sound sleep and a BIG appetite. Gives you more PEP to enjoy life! Vinol tastes delicious. enjoy life I Vinol tastes delicious. Scott Drug Co. . J To Think Right Eat Right Whether yon are working at a desk, house, or studying school lessons, what you eat keeping determines FOR SALE Good building lime NOTICE c Auto License put on free of charge. $12.00 per ton. Sugar 18tf d Drive in Blue Light Service Station Co., Garland, Utah. No. 9, Adam Imthurn, "The Gas Man.' CASH PAID For Dead and Useless Cows and horses. Reverse call tf41 Brigham 493J2. Utah-Idah- ..wantceumnT FOR SALE 3 H. P. John Deere, Call Blue Light Station No. 9. 22tf FOR SALE 1926 Ford, ton truck, stake body; and 1 H. P. John Deere Stationary engine Adam Imthurn, "The Gas Man." 23tf WANTED Salesman or Saleslady. Good opportunity to build a permanent business. Writ FVI glund, Box No. 745 Ogden, Utah. 24 Good Second Hand SALE ranges. Call Utah Power and Light Co. 9tf Will buy veal, cows and hogs. Phone 4ji. uarianc setf When You Think "Everything to Build Anything" Phone 11. think. If the food you eat is not you are efficiency. JSven if it were to cost twice as much as ordinary food, it would be worth the tizing, losing , Price. ,u Let us help you refurnish your home. We have a most complete line of Ranges, Rugs, Linoleum, Bedroom, Dining f and Living room Suites, Wall paper, and home needs. Remember, we carry only the best in Radio: Majestic, Victor, Edison. Buy Bestfoods At Low Prices 7V OJLSK&GGS fOOO X vVMtvfl XSTOtttt "A Surety of Purity" U yi,',a::a'!.'g'''',T?yJy g! naaaaaasaaaaaaaaci "TALK IS CHEAP" But It Takes Money to Furnish the Telephone Service that Circles the Globe A TELEPHONE is indispensable; a necessity, a convenience, a time, labor and money saver. ' . You cannot afford to be without a telephone. Right here at home, we know it has saved, the lives of children and the homes from fire. No company is big enough to furnish free phones. Every time you in call a local whether or put long distance, it costs money to 'transmit your message. for less money you " high shades. Youll be interested in our showing of new party dresses. Youll surely want one of these lovely new 1 ength dresses for the Junior Prom. ' Why impair your efficiency with ordinary foods when can buy the best fruits, vegetables, meats and other foods obtainable? The secret is the O. P. Skaggs System of buying large quantities of food products from the best manufacturers and growers, and passing on to you the savings in dollars ard cents. Prints, flat crepes, chiffons and satins in the new high waisted, longer skirted models that are favored for Spring. Black and LUMBER THINK WILSON largely qualappe- Dresses, $9.90 FOR FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 good medium size safe. See Ray Holdaway or phone 23. 24tf how you feel and of the highest ity, fresh and A complete collection of new Spring coats in tweeds and light weight wollens . . . featuring capes and scarfs that are chic and becoming to youth. Don't make us spend our time and money collecting. telephone bill send in your check. If you owe us a . v I. J. B. COPFEE ...FREE DEAL... 1 lb. Pkg. M. J. & Long Grain Rice. Retails regularly at FREE with 15 cents. 12 lb. can M. J. B. Coffee for 97c It's wonderful aroma and delicious flavor have made this coffee famous. SANITARY MARKET W. G. Ehman, Prop. Our business is putting in telephones and not taking them out. Bear River Valley Telephone Co. Tremonton - Utah ' |