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Show " ' EdstGariand - uvuvi V PiaVvnf Y. ;S- - Hansen's " . v.tijtav Hinnr was enioyed by niat tAil immediate relatives, February 21st, his home-Mr- . and Mrs. Elvan Korth, of Salt ana City, Mrs. Elwood Bingnamwere Miss Bessie Korth, of Garland, Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Edwin -- o T c.ia ,i i rl Mm Gns. Larson have recently installed a radio. Thursday Bishop E. S. Hansen and attended the funeral of John Hansen in Brigham City. Master Boyd Hansen had an acute attack of stomach flu last week but is imnrovinff nicely now. Mrs. Meda Gleason, of Salt Lake City, spent the past two weens witn her dauehter. Mrs. John Oyler, Jr. . The U. LA. officrs held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Lavm parson at which a Drosram was outlined for a vaudeville to be held in the near future. The purpose of which is to raise funds lor trie u is. in. tti a advanced classes . . combined last vm mr,A Sunday in order to listen to a talk by Alton J. Hayes, teacner oi lereuiuu L A. Seminary. His suDject, wr Observations in Book of Mormon Lands," was made more interesting by views which he passed to the listeners. Mr. and Mrs.. Eric Northman and children of Garland, spent Sunday with ia J. W. Larson family. Marion Sorenson has accepted a call to fill a mission for the ju u. a church. He leaves in March. Mrs. Hilda Petersen, who has spent the past several months with her son and family at Cedar City, Utah, has now gone to California to visit her children there. a m Grover u. . HI 0HU MA.kr. T.nfavptta went to Logan on business Thursday of last week. Mrs. J. W. Larson treated the in T?lipf Societv TuesUVUCM , ' members were fourteen Aav There nresent. Ux. Qmiiii ianrVifpr Pearl and son Kenneth, of Brigham City, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petersen, Mr nH Mrs. James I. Holman of Brigham City are visiting their son, Lester and family. Those who went from here to the tontnU wisUv were: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sorensen, Mr. ana airs. u. m.. nw- man. Mr. and Mrs. Uin Juarson, nu- ford and Marion Sorensen. E. S. Hansen, son wenaeii ana JTnhnanr. motored to Ogden Saturday to take in the Dog Derby and Sid Tournament, iney report. FEBRUARY 27, 1930. ptvfr VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. BEAR having event. enjoyed ' this big sporting . . . uoiman went w Salt Lake City Saturday to visit rel atives. They were accompameu Mrs. Carl Larson as far as 'Ogden. All returned home Monday evening. The Sorensen boys, lieonsra, manuo Flovd Adams uuj c;nav uiuu;, in Smprs.' - . Mr. and Mrs. L. M. rnu, tr -- and Leroy Atkinson went to Logan to see the basket bail game owween w U. S. A. C and o. x. u. irimuil RincViam and Bessie Korth, of Garland, visited with their Mrs. Edwin Isaacson, Sunday. sister, . rinifn a nnmher from here attend ed Union meetings at Garland, Sun day ren- o i nuninv DUIIUAI V ' H""B th followinar wara. dered a program in Fielding Sacrament meetmg: Keiui Knoaes, reading; Misses Helen Atkinson and Marie Larson, a duet accompanied by Miss Rhoda Larson; Miss Ora Hansen, a reading. The program was under the supervision of Mrs. Alvah Rhodes who accompanied the young people The Fielding Ward is bringing a profuture, gram to our ward in the near fiirla of the Primary m,. . AtC 6o. null entertained in honor of their mothers u. ... of Noxious Weeds and ucaa nlavH Mrs. Dean uoomos "Elimination of Gardening." The Methods Correct Ronald winnings first prize and Mrs. sang. Twenty-fiv- e ladies quartette Hale, consolation. were members present and Miss club Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Welling are Mrs. uienn layior. Valentine, Thelma, toe receiving congratulations over Miss Nona Smith, Mrs. Owen Archi" bald, arrival oi a son Dorn, Mrs. Erwin Coombs, Mrs. Elmer Mr. and Mrs. Bill wyiana spent Mrs. Uienn wara ana ansa Coombs, early part of the week in Brigham Iris Coombs as special guestta. LunchA itcnonHinff the week- City. eon was served. Mrs. Spackman waa Ezra Packer returned from aait assisted by Mrs. O. A Johnson, Mrs. end with her family here, she went to sne um Lake Tuesday after spending several Glenn Ward and Mrs. Ji,rvin ioomiw. Logan Sunday evening wnere S. A. weeks there during the extra session Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. J. U. the with accepted a position H. Laub, March6. of the legislature. r. ana sons weu was Mr. and Mrs. Keed conference Mrs. and Mr. Floyd Primary Saturday, - Duane and Garn. and Heber Larkin, reada a of aniAndiH nroflrram Atkinson RtVi and tester guests of Snowville, were week-en- d given by the motored to Salt Lake City, returning ings and songs was Earl N. Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Garn. of Leo Mrs. children. m the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood spent a few Garn of the Stake Board were pren..ri.a fwir ! anpndintr week-en- d and Sunday in Salt last aanf weeks visiting relatives in Salt Lake Lake Many friends of C H. Farnsworth u. City.a Mm O A. Johnson and City. are glad to welcome him home, after Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jones were Ogden an oper visitors, Saturday evening. City, where he underwent I o. L the at nospjvai. ation of a Being poor is sometimes more Mrs. Ed. Spackman entertained the habit else. than anything week, members of the Social Development Thursday afternoon of last to the club( Thursday afternoon. After the hostess was Coombs Mrs. Ervin Christianity is easy to understand singClub Circle opening exercises of community unless theology is offered in explaV-ationmembers of the Clio Mark Mrs. ing, roll call and minutes, lecture on V -and Mrs. Ed SDackman a icji and Miss Iris Coombs were present, Nichols of Garland, gave at the home of Luella Atkinson, Friday evening. The valentine suggestion was carried out in the decorations, luncheon and favors. There were fourteen present Miss Beth Atkinson returned irom i .v. rstir nviriav where she has been attending Henager's Business- urnn ka,i Fielding u . . TTfflmiK'iK IlMiPdDiETrAHTr xtr anA Mrs. Wvnn Hansen of Fielding, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jl. borensen. TWioa Hath Atkinson of the U. S. A. C. office spent Sunday with her father and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Grover and family motored to Brigham Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen and (children spent Saturday visiting rel- atives in Ogden. Mrs. C. J. Hansen was hostess to .the Relief Society ladies on Lincoln'se mem-thbirthday. There were seventeeneuests: following Mrs. Meda Gleason of Salt Lake City, 'Mm .Tampa T. Holman of Brigham City, Mrs. F. G. Korth, Mrs. Lee Isaacson and Mrs. Astle oi uariana, 'and the Misses Ora Hansen, Verda Johnson, Rhoda and Mane Larson. Mra Tester Holman held the interest of all present by her splendid VI AW of the book. "The Autobiography f Hamlin Harland." Miss Ora Han sen pleased with two readings about I Abraham Lincoln ana music dv me electric piano was enjoyed. A dainty InncViAnn was served after which each guest drew from a valentine basket, small hearts upon which was written her fortune. This created mucn mer-- Hhto IEmttieihi IFAcirdpims ttihiie (Ccdstt dDIF. YdDHIIE AuTTODMCIDIBniLIE ; it costs to make the car 2. Bow much extra you pay the dealer 3. Blow much it costs for operation and 1. How much up-ke- ep . ' Mrs T. T? Shaffer has been ouite ill but we are glad to note that she is iuw on the irrmrove. Miss Lavelle Loveland of Challis, Idaho, visited with her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Sorenson and family over the week end. 323? G3 lUutllfil mII (is "A UW H The PURCHASE of an automobile involves a considerable amount of money and it should be carefully considered from all angles before a final decision is made. The value of ihe car to you depends on the value built into it at the factory, how much extra you pay the dealer for distribution, selling, financing and accessories and what it will cost to operate and maintain the car after purchase. Each of these factors, as it relates to the Ford car, is frankly explained below. Economy in production The FORD ' has taught us that it doesn't pay to run the risk of ruining materials and fabrics through ionppd metJioda of Drv Cleaning. Only those skilled in the art of dry cleaning snouid De entrusiea with the responsiblity of cleaning and oressinsr vour ciotnes. Properly Cleaned Oothes VVpar Lontrer HOFFMAN PRESSER SERVICE be- ways better without increasing cost U. S. CLEANERS frequently stampings are additional features that reflect the high quality buUt into every is a value part of the car. Throughout, it far above the price you pay. Low dealer charges of efficiency and economy that characterize the manufacture of the Ford car are applied also to The Because of Ford economies OUK in large production and because the Ford organizait margin, the tion operates on a much less than price you pay for the car is it would be under any other conditions. Yet it brings you many unusual features of construction and performance. MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Phone 29 UTAH FAVORITE FLOUR At least $75 extra value is represented glass alone by the Triplex sbatter-proo- f windshield, the Rustless Steel, the four hydraulic shock Houdaille double-actin- g e wheels. absorbers, and the five The unusually large number of ball and Bteel-spok- acces-sorie- s, $50 to $75 to every purchaser of a Ford, savings made possible in addition to-tThe by economies in manufacturing. into value money you pay for a Ford goes in the car. It is not wasted in high dealer he SAME rRLNCIPLES distribution. Obviously it would do the if public little good to save in production these savings were sacrificed later in excessive costs of selling, financing and accessories. The Ford dealer, therefore, operates on it the same margin as the Ford Motor Company, his discount or commission being the lowest of any automobile dealer. He does a good business because he makes a small profit on many sales instead of a large profit on fewer sales. low-prof- Low It POULTRY FEEDS TREMONTON MILLING CO. Tremonton Utah costs remember that the cost of your automobile is not the first cost only, but the total cost after months and years of service. Here again there is a decided saving when you buy a Ford. IS IMPORTANT to is The cost of operation and lower because of simplicity of design, the up-kee- p reduction high qualily of material, and the of friction and wear through unusual accuracy in manufacturing and assembling. The reliability and longer life of the car contribute to its low depreciation per year of use. THESE LOW PRICES JVOTE Roadster . $435 . ren-dere- d facby Ford dealers is under close low tory supervision and is a factor in the cost of the Ford. All labor is p up-kee- . Phaeton Coupe Two-windo- w Three-windo- w . . Tudor Sedan $500 $440 Sport Coupe $530 $600 Fordor Sedan . $625 Fordor Sedan $500 Convertible Cabriolet Town Sedan . . . . $645 . I670 (All prices . o. h. Detroit) billed at a flat rate and replacement parts are always available at low prices through Ford dealers in every section of the United States. two, three or five years, depending, on how much you drive, the saving in! operating and maintaining a new Ford will In amount to even more than the saving the first cost of the car. DAIRY MASH and up-ke- ep The intelligent, painstaking service low-prof- : The lower cost of selling, combined witK the low charges for financing and means a direct saving of at least charges. at lowered cost. Jno. E. Lythgoe, Manager Tremonton, Utah is made economically cause of the efficiency of Ford production methods. The money saved through this imefficiency is put back into the car in proved quality of material and in greater care and accuracy in manufacturing. The constant effort is to eliminate waste and to make each part better and find, OUR EXPERIENCE , CAR roller bearings and the extensive use of fine steel forgings instead of castings or IFORD MOTOIl COMPANY on1 |