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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930. i Garland Personals : P Mr. and Mrs. Jess Moore of Ogden, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Chambers Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stayner were Salt Lake visitors, Wednesday of last - The club members stood and joined with him in sinnging, "Utah, We Love Thee" and "The Star Spangled Banner. The Misses Golda Acord, Lu Veil Roberts. Ann Neddo, Mrs. Chas. Munns and Mrs. P. C. Petterson, assisted the hostess in serving a delicmembers ious luncheon to twenty-nin- e and the following guests: Mesdames A. R. Capener, Dean Capener, James Wise, Marvin Neilson, Lyman Thorpe, Rulon Manning and Marion Summers, Miss Mirantha Burningham and Mark week. Over thirty Lions from the Garland lions Club with their partners, attended the Charter niprht of the Lions Club of Tremonton, Wednesday eve- Nichols. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. ning of last week. A very enjoyable time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson had as Mrs. Reese their guests last week-enWilliams and children of Ogden. Mrs. Wallace Wise visited with relatives and friends in Clarkston last d, week. Miss Helen Mendenhall entertained the Faculty Club, Wednesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs. W. G. Carter. The ward reunion held last Thursday evening was a wonderful success in every way. At 6:30 all assembled listenened to a band concert which was much appreciated and enjoyed. At 7 o'clock a delicious tray luncheon was served to 650 people after whch all enjoyed a very entertaining At the close of the program the people were given their choice of drama in the attending a three-asocial hall or a dance at the Palace hall. Both places were well attended On Saturday, at the Palace Hall a re union was held for the ichildren, where 325 were served and enjoyed the sports making 975 people who partici pated in the reunion. Mrs. P. L. Nye was hostess to the members of the Ladies Self Culture Club at the home of Mrs. Chas Munns Friday afternoon, February 21. Pres. George Henrie presided. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Letters of approbation from the Langstaff family and from Mrs. J. L. Harvey were read by the secretary. Club Parlimentarian, Mrs. John Benson, discussed parlimentary law. The program was given by Miss Mirantha Burningham and Mark Nichols of the high school faculty. Miss Burningham talked on the life of George Washington, and read shetches and poems, along these lines which were very entertaining. Mr. Nichols gave a talk on Patriotic songs and National hymns of different counties and sang the national hymns of Russia, England and Canada. He also sang the state song of Nevada, Arizona, Wyoming and Idaho. pro-jrra- ct Shumway, Floyd Lillywhite, Mr. and ning, Mrs. Lee Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. A. were D. Rich. A testimonal for Chester Boss will be held next Sunday evening. Elder Boss will leave in the very near future misson. for the German-Swis- s The conjont meeting of the M. I. A. will be held March 9th. Christian Jensen of Ogden, former teacher in our Seminary will be the speaker. Mrs. Edith Benton, of Logan, is visiting here this week with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Henrie were Ogden vistors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bishop and family were Logan visitors last Friday afternoon. The M Men of the Garland ward M. I. A. will present a Minstrel in the very near future. Watch for the date. Those attending the basket ball game at Logan Tuesday evening, between the U. S. A. C. and Montana teams included: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gunderson, Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Betenson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Persson, Dr. J. W. Chambers, Don and Max Chambers and Hunter Gaddie. was enjoyed and games r :..; J, after which a delicious tray lu.ith was served to Ruth ChriElwell. Zona Jensen, stensen,;.! Carma i'.r .-:, Zella Christensen, June jrsja, Phyllis Jensen, Gayle Holmgren, and to Albert Mortensen; Byron Weidman, Justin Andersen, Morris Jersen, Raymond Gilson, Wynn Christensen and Chester Christensen. Mrs. Hans Petersen ; f Brigham City; Mr. and Sirs. John Pappenfus, of Corinne, Utah, spent Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. A. Ohm an and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Christensen and daughter, Mrs. Alta Hansen; Mrs. David Stander of Tremonton, Mrs. Alvin Stander; Mrs. Zina Thorsen and daughter Evelyn of this city; all attended a parcel shower given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Valberg at Brigham City last Wednesday, in honor of their daughter Ruth Christensen, whose marriage took place, February 15th, to Mr. A. Cox of Shelley, Idaho. Rast Petersen and son Earl spent the week-en- d in Ogden. The Character Ball, which was given in our Amusement hall, February 19th, was very well attended, and a great many were in costumes; and when all were asked to take their places in the grand march, the orchestra were chosen as judges; and Miss Afton Hansen received first prize, she being dressed as a Spanish Lady, and Merln Sanders from Ogden, n'i-ri- -.- E. J. Holmeren. March 7th. . Mrs. P. C. Petterson was an Ogden visitor Saturday. She was acorn pan ied home by her mother, Mrs. F. R. Porter, of Rollins, Wyoming, who is visitinsr here this week. J. J. Thompson, who is employed in Salt Lake City, spent Saturday and Sundav with his family. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson and Mrs. Leonard Bishop motored to Lo gan, Sunday afternoon. The following U. S. A. C. students visiting with their spent the week-en- d parents, Geo. Bishop, Odell Thompson, Veryl Henrie. Cyril Linford, Margaret Harvey and Kosella Carter. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Holmgren enter City tained at a dancing party Saturday Mrs. Mr. home of and at the evening, J. P. Holmgren at Bear River City. Saturday evening, Miss Ruth n The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. J. and Miss Helen Elwell, enterP. Holmgren ,Mr. and Mrs. Albert tained a few of their friends at a Holmgren, and Mr. and Mrs. Orson party, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jensen of Bear River City; Mr. and Hyrum Chrstensen. During the eve Mrs. J. J. iShumway, Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Betenson, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Driggs, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Persson, Mr. and Mrs. D. br Ecomomical Trcntporiaticm Henry Manning, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gaddie, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nye, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Nye, Mrs. Grace Haws, and Miss Virginia Webb, of Garland; iMss Mckello and Mrs. Geo. Adams, of Salt Lake City. Delicious refreshements were Berved and a delghtful evening was had by all. The stake M .1. A. Road Show will be held March 5 and 6. Don't miss it! President C. E. Smith, J. J. Shum-waG. G. Sweeten, LeRoy Manning and Miss Orpha Sweeten, attended the regular meeting of the Lions Club at Malad ,last week and furnished a very entertaining program. Those attendng the basket ball game at Logan Monday evening, between the U. S. A. C. and Montana teams included: Mr. and Mrs. Delos Thompson, Charles Wood, Miss Belle Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Michaelis Don Chambers, Hunter Gaddie, Jack Bear River Chirs-tense- received second prize, he was representing a turkish gentleman. banSaturday at the Farm Bureau Ruth Miss quet held in Brigham City, and Mrs. Petersen, daughter of Mr. Rast Petersen, received second prize for having the next highest or most tons of beets grown on an acre of ground. She received as her prize $15.00 in cash. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iversen spent Saturday visiting in Perry, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Gilson, were the Whitaker guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lew of Promontory, Sunday. " Mr. and Mrs. C C. Andersen and two children of Bothwell; Mrs. Augusta Iversen, Bernice Iversen and Ivan Iversen, were the dinner guests of Mrs. C. W. Brailsford and family Sunday. Everybody remember the date, March 5th and come to the Bear River Amusement hall, for the Apron and Overall dance, March 6th. Merry Makers Orchestra. "COURTESY WEEK" It seems we're to have several new "weeks" this year, and already the city of Cleveland, Ohio, has started the ball rolling with what they recently saw fit to call "Courtesy Week". Like many of them, it has some merit In fact, this one is so good that we can't understand why every section should Tint adnnt it. Tremonton in cluded, and observe it during the en- -i tire year instead of just for one week.' The-motori- trian pass instead of honking a horn and glaring like a man who jostles you or The tiger. is expected to stop steps on your toes his sorlong enough to assure you of row, instead of mumbling an inarticulate "excuse me," that doesn't mean anything. Boys and Girls are suppos-girdid back in what we often refer to as "the good old days.' Neighbors are supposed to say nothing but kind and complimentary things about other neighbors, instead of back biting-them, as they gossip over the rear nerve-wracki- ng ls -- fence. There seems to be no end to the good things we can do during "Courtesy Week" that we overlook or neglect to do during the other 51 weeks in the year. The Ohio city reports that it worked out fine there; that it reduced accidents and made everybody t happier. That being the case, we have a little "Courtesy-Weekof our own right here j home? There is no law against i why-can'- " Weather forcast: More winter. Some men are wise, some otherwise. If we could all do as we please who would wash the dishes ? The flapper thinks a grand piano is one that plays by pushing a button. Fine motto: Don't look for wider fields until you cultivate those you have. mm c y, "Courtesy Week" is a week when be extreme6uPPse everybody else. to everybody polite ly slows down to let a pedes- QIC CALCofe SAYURIDAV Save Your Chicks with the World Renowned Buckeye Colony Brooders. RITE HEAT BURNERS COAL-OI- L Also Coal burners, all sizes. We carry a full line of Moes Feeders and water fountains, sanitary and easy to clean. Watch our window for live demonstration. Here is a bargain event without parallel in the history of this community! This great spring clearance sale brings to etime opportunity to secure bargain seekers a famous used cars "with an OK that counts" at savings that will be long remembered. Due to the tremendous popularity of the New Chevrolet Six, we have an unusually large stock of fine used cars. To clear our stock quickly, we offer these splendid cars at low sale prices that are nothing less than sensational Buy a car during this sale at many dollars below its normal price! Look to the red "OK that counts" tag as proof of its quality and dependability. This tag signifies that the car has been thoroughly checked and reconditioned. Be sure to attend this sale early ! once-in-a-l-if Con. Wagon & Machine Co. 110 HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS (The Largest Implement Retail Dealers in the World.) Phone 90 Tremonton, Utah Wide choice of four and six cylinder cars 1929 CHEVROLET COACH. 1929 Chevrolet Coupe . ; FIRM New motor complete. Original one froze. Original tires in perfect shape. New of FOOT ON SLIPPERY SOIL "Caterpillar" Tractors find footage where, where horses fail and wheels falterr riding soft ground s bridging conquering treacherous mud with positive traction pulling staggering loads reaching markets at high price peaks in spite of all handicaps of weather. Track-typ- e sink-hole- L andes & car Guarantee. j Original tires. Like New 1929 FORD TUDOR Like New. $ Keen Kamer Karry 485 1926 Overland 6 1929 FORD ROADSTER De Luxe ?350 els 1928 CHEVROLET COACH 8,000 miles Perfect condition p400 1928 CHEVROLET COUPE New Oversize Tires I 550 400 Sedan Absolutely First class con- dition. ..You should see this one. 1929 LAUDAU SEDAN Karry ..Keen ..Karrier. .. Perfect ? , condition. C Everything like new UUw Company BUY DEALERS Branch Houses at Logan, Tremonton and Nephi, Utah. Malad and Preston, Idaho "OK" USED CARS FROM A CHEVROLET DEALER FRONK CHEVROLET CO. Tune in on KSL Tuesday evenings six to six thirty P.M. for Landej & Company "Caterpillar" Program. PHONE 20 SM TREMONTON, UTAH |