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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930. "He's a year younger. They ten me he's a genius mechanically. He yearns t ester the Massachusetts Institute of The Technology." "Nothing to it," said Gibbons scorn"If he had a yearning for business I might help. Let him think It over. What's the girt delngr "She Is one of Badway's stenographers. 8ha has great pportnnltles there, bat her heart Isn't la the work." Mutitvu of the fully. J "Sadwajl" Gibbons snapped. That's Albatross a food way to recommend her to me. Radway la my open and avowed enemy." He frowned aa he thought of it Then ha smiled almost amiably "Private stenographer?" be asked "Or Just ana of the hunch la the by Wyndham Martyn fllceT" "Private," Unwin answered. "Tou see, aha knows French and Spanish perfectly. Even Badway approves of tbs u. a. oomtiaHT or WNUStnrUe Unwin drew from his pocket a half- of paper and passed It across table to Gibbons. The dinner at the coffee and liquor stage, and menservants had withdrawn from earshot Gibbons took It with a frown 5eet and read it through. "We, the undersigned," he read, "being about to separate, do hereby swear that If one of us attains fortune and the others do not, the lucky one shall aid the unsuccessful cheerfully and unasked In any way he is called upon to -- do. HOWARD BETTINGTON ('Betty1). "FLOYD UNWIN ('Tubby'). "ALFRED GIBBONS ('3 Brass Balls')." Gibbons handed it back to Unwin. "It's interesting," be admitted, "but not legal. It would have no value in a court of law. I tore my copy up years ago." Bettlngton reached for it and scanned the document "I'd forgotten all about it," he said. "Had you?" Gibbons said with a neer. "It may not be legal," he heard saying nervously, "but In a matter of old friendship the spirit counts, not the letter." "Which shows yon to be as foolish at forty as you were at twenty," said Unwin the financier. Bettlngton was conscious more fully jthan ever of Unwln's dejection. The hope which had sustained him seemed cow to have left him dull, broken and speechless. Bettlngton put his arm about the bowed shoulders. "Oh, Tubby," he cried, "are yon so poor a Judge of human nature as to come to Gibbons for help? If I had known yon were In need you might not Within have had this humiliation. this very week I've bought a camp and paid for it I conld hare deferred payment easily enough. What do you need it ity-.fa- p forf "It's my children," said Unwin "They are crying, not for quietly. It's another food, but for education. I thought if pecies of starvation. Gibbons would advance enough money to get them where they want to be. I'd pay it off little by little. I see I was wrong. He Is not the man we knew." Gibbons moved a little uneasily. The years he had almost forgotten awoke in bis mind with a peculiar distinctness. He did not tike to re member that he was the author of the document and executed it with the feeling that he was a beneficiary un der Its terms. He had thought noth Ing could stay Howard Bettington Id his fight for fortune. Even Tubb. Unwin, distinguished scholar, seemed more likely to make a name thar the undistinguished Gibbons. Changes Changes. "How old Is the girl?" he demanded "Eighteen," said Unwin. "She want.-tgo to Smith." "What about the boy?" o her." "She knows a lot about his private affairs, I suppose. 1 wondered how you learnt ef the Memphis and Toledo road. Ion got it from her. Look here, Tubby. Tell her the chances of bright women in business are enormous ; they far exceed any jobs colleges offer. I may make a place for her In my organization if she is as bright as yoa say. Send her to see me tomorrow. If she's bright she'll make more nuney than her father." "This is one of the times 1 wish I had taken to commerce instead of art," Bettlngton commented. He had every sympathy with a girl who wanted more education; apparently Gibbons had none. "You'd have failed at it." Gibbons retorted. "Men of your kind always seem to think any fool can make a success of business and get where I am. I'm the sort who wins. Where would you be in a situation where supreme courage and resolution were required? I'll answer. You'd be found wanting. You've lived a remote life. If you haven't liked a place or a cli mate you've gone somewhere else, looked for something easier." Bettlngton smiled a little. "I don't know," he said. "I've been in some tight places in far corners of the earth and I have not always lost After all. Gibbons, what do you know of me or Unwin?" "I know," said the capitalist hotly, "tfiat one soets the security of a trumpery Job and the comfort of a pitiful pay envelope, and the other gets out of the fight by daubing canvases." His manner became less bellicose. "Don't forget to send the girl around. Ill see that she is sent right into my private ofljee and that's a privilege some would pay high for." His guests understood that the audience was over. Alfred Gibbons had no more Interest in them. In a sense, they were dismissed. CHAPTER II The Planning of the Cruise "The place stifled me," said Unwin, when he was alone in the street with Bettlngton. "Walk as far as my studio," Bet"Isn't it strange tlngton suggested. that we should have lost sight of one another. I feel guilty. . . . It's true I'm not often In New York. . . . Tubby, I'll not lose sight of you now." Bell, 129 BE KIND TO let us examine your eyes NOW. Be sure they are right so you can. enjoy reading these long winter evenings. We have the experience and the equipment to make your eyes better and your vision clearer. 1 Tremonton - Utah e, to Special Session, for preparing of amendments to the Utah constitution for fcx revision purposes, has had a series of oratorical outbursts but has made slight progress In real work. Among other activities the House passed senate bill No. 2, by Irvine, providing an appropriation of $15,000 for improving the capltol grounds. The House revenue and taxation committee refused to accept the Burton cigarette bill and the Fuller oleomas garlne bill, amending tax and sale provisions, on the ground that thej were not correctly drawn. The House passed the Leatham bill appropriating $12,000 for publishing constitutional amendments and $10,000 for the governor's contingent fund to entertain the conference of state governors in June. The House also passed the Smoot resolution providing that the state prison may be removed from Fait Lake county by a constitutional amendment. The last seecial message by the governor suggested the consideration of the submission of a constitutional Mary Unwin had been almost a year amendment the special eliminating an Inmate of the office of Elgar Bad- elections for filling congressional way; she had quickly accommodated herself to the routine of ber work. The constitutional amendment perShe worked always at top speed, as removal of the state prison to did her employer himself, and was mitting a point outside Salt Lake county. ReThe paid eighteen dollars weekly. peal of the law requiring that propospeople were kindly, and Radway ed constitutional amendments be mailnotorious as a never ed to every voter. Appropriation of enmixed bis pleasures with his work. tertainment fund of governors' confe-- r She was as free from harm when tak ence which is to be held In Salt Lake ing his dictation as she would have this summer. been with a decent-minde- d man. Continuation of state code commisIt was to him she preferred the re sion until March 31, 1931. quest for an hour off. He was not Law authorizing University of Utpleased. ah to collect fee from stuilewts to "I'm busy," he grunted. "I'm off for complete union building without oba vacation soon, and there's a lot to ligation to the state. Amendments to do. Don't be longer than an hour." cigarette and oleomargarine stamp He looked at her curiously as she taxes. went from the office. As a connoisseur The House has approved the senof women he admired her charm, but ate amendment to the Burton mem-- , she was worth more to him in the orial petitioning congress to amend office than out of it. Radway was a the federal statute so the state may voluptuary of sixty who was finding be authorized to impose just and ut that he lived now In a soberer equitable tax on national banks. age and could not adapt himself to It The House passed the Greenhagen Gibbons victory pointed the moral memorial to congress urging passage He did not greatly fear Gibbons. He of bill appropriating $10,000,000 to ascomforted himself that after a few sist states, including Utah, which weeks on the sea he would come back have e pensions. Utah's share refreshed for the big game. in this appropriation would be He was thinking of Gibbons' triThe memorial passed without a umph over the Memphis and Toledo dissenting vote. roadonly made possible by the treachA biU was introduced la the Sen- ery of a trusted manager, when Mary ate by Egan, which provides that tha Unwin entered the office of her fa- first instalment of taxes are to bether's one-tim- e friend. come payable on and after September 20 of each year, and the second (To Be Continued) installment becomes payable on June 2 of the year following. The following measures have passed houses of the legislature and both U. ibave been approved where so required -. Gov. Dern:- by Seventv-nin- e colleees and univer H." C. M. 1 by Burton Asking con sities m tne united states, representgress to amend the federal bank tax East Tremonton Cenrare Ahhntt anil familv nunt Monday evening in Logan. Miss Ivy Woodruff spent the weekend visitinsr friends in Salt IVp City. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Majors of Providence visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B rough on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. P. E. Ault was a guest of the South Box Eider Farm Bureau last Saturday at their annual social held in Brigham City. Loren Garfield returned last Friday after a sojourn in California. While there be visited his sisters, Mrs. H. C Forster, Mrs. JLoren Green, and Mrs. Azeer Evans, of Oakland, and friends in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Miss Eva Garfield returned to her school duties in Ephriam last Saturday, after two weeks visit with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Garfield. Her four-wee- ks $75-00- 0. Students From Other Colleges Change to -- states and the Distwenty-eig, trict of Columbia, three institution act. S. 0. M. 1 by Dillman Petitioning of higher learning in Canada, two in Hawaii ana one eacn m uermany and the interstate commerce commission t Lake railJapan are included in the list of co- in behalf of the ing en Mozart 8 opera, composed at 12, is sung. Most operas composed at 12 are "I didn't do K." Girl in Chicago forgot her name. We know aome girls who forgot themselves. Could have been worse. MOTORISTS, WHO KNOW USE CLEAR-- 0 ICE, SNOW, SLEET, RAIN, AND MIST ON WINSHIELD AND CAR WINDOWS OBSTRUCT VISION AND MAKE WINTER DRIVING DISAGREEABLE & DANGEROUS CLEAR-- 0 n old-ag- j school was dosed because of an out break of measles. The Ladies Farm Bureau will meet with Mrs. J. O. Garfield next Friday March 7th, at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Olive Garfield, who is attending Henniger's Business College in Salt Lake City, spent the week-en- d with her mother. Mrs. Sarah Garfield. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Garfield of Og-dvisited Mrs. Sarah Garfield last Thursday and while here attended tha funeral of Wm. Hudson in Tremonton. Vernal Johns left last Friday for a short visit with friends in Salt Lake City and Ogden. O. L. B rough was host last Sunday at lunch to two members of tne General & S. Board: Mr. Robert L. Judd, and Mr. P. Melvin Peterson of Salt Lake City. The Magic Windshield Cleaner PREVENTS THIS CONDITION It forms a hard, permanent, non-adherin- g, transparent film on glass which effectively sheds these elements. It is chemically correct. There is nothing else like it. CLEAN - CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL has a base of sofe, pliable felt Will not soil clothes. Women Carry it in pocket-book- s. Lasts for months. CLEAR-- 0 UNCONDITIONALLY CLEAR-- 0 GUARANTEED is endorsed by leading taxi cab, transportation companies and insurance men thru-othe country. ut TRY IT Special offer durnational ing this cam- advertising paign. Mail Coupon NOW Dealers & Agents attractive ' franchises offered to responsible NATIONAL CHEMICAL LABORATORIES' 509 5th Avenue New York, If . Y. Enclosed find $1.00 (bill, check or money order). Send 1 special package CLEAR-- 0 to Name . Address QUALITY WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS From the well known VESTAL hatchery, $12.00 delivered " large hens and heavy layers. ORDER THROUGH F. B. BARLOW ht Phone 74.a-- 2 California. or direct from Vestal Hatchery, Petaluma, Craig-Sal- and univerisities from urhinh students were transferred to the Uni versity of tUah during the present year. Thouch exact ficiirps nrn Tint nvm'l- aoie, it is estimated tnat lormer stu dents ot more than one hundred colleges and universities of the United States and foreien countries am in- ciuoea among tnese registered at the university at the present time, according to Miss Jeanne M. Home, assistant recorder. lleges road. S. J. K. 6 by Irvine Proposing constitutional amendment to allow the Legislature to prescribe manner of filling vacancies in legislative seats. II. B. 1 by Leatham Appropriating $50,000 from state road funds for paving roads on capitol grounds. S. B. 4 by Candland Continuing code commission from December 31, 1930 to March 31, 1931. S. B. 5 by Candland Repealing the law requiring that statements con- Season For Paint and Wall Finishes or --- DELESCO f - We have the Spring and paint season is approaching. largest stock of High-Proo- -- Paint and Wall Finish Quality second to none. Price always reasonable, able. Some special and unseasonable goods sold duced prices. at greatly re- Remember the Winchester Brand of Steel Goods have never been excelled. Farmers Gash Union PHONE ORDERS TO NUMBER 35 Utah Tremonton, - JAMES BROUGH YOUR EYES Better Leglslat-nr- Interest Rate JOHN J.SHUMWAY 2; Pftte Capitol The Utah Federal Farm Loans on Irrigated Land. 6y2 per cent. No commissions. 69.a-- 18th Legislature of. the State of Utah cerning constitutional amendments be mailed to every voter. start doing that S. B. 7 by Irvine Amending law to Our DhllOSOOhv is that t.Vie ronrlrl provide that special elections to fill ends every night and starts out new congressional vacancies may be called again every morning. next general election. What the world awaits is a mess- at addition to the above the two In age from Mars that won't have to be houses have passed 8. B. 2 by Irvine paid for at this end. which appropriated $15,000 for continuing improvements on the capitol grounds but the measure has to be approved by the governor. Bills to acted upon are: Memorial to congress regarding old ago pensions: proposing amendment to pro vide for classification of property. Proposing to create a constitutionstate tax commission. of mines by Proposing taxation Also all kinds of Fire and slate ta commission. Proposing constitutional amendment Automobile Insurance to place mine taxation under state tax commission. Apply amendProposing a constitutional ment to fix mine multiple In constitu tion. Proposing constitutional amendment Secretary and Treasurer to allow prison to removed outside of Salt Lake county. school Proposing amendments to Garland National Firm Loan at amendments passed equalization Association last general session. Amending building code for state GARLAND UTAH LOAN V. I needed waking up." Unwin thought ef how soon this miracle might be accomplished, which should give his children their opportunities. The narrow things at borne had trained him to calculate with great nlceness such adjustments. Bettlngton planned to start for the painting expedition within two days' time. He would start at Gloucester and wander np the coast reaching his new camp in fjr northern Maine In a month's ' time. It were wise, be thought to send Mary to Gibbons' office. The pictures might not sell. Gibbons might offer the girl a splendid He might seek to make stipend. amends for bis brosqueneas by unexpected kindnesses. Perhaps they bad wronged Alfred Gibbons. Mary looked at him next morning over the breakfast table and her eyes asked the question ber lips did not formulate. "Smith must wa! Just a little." be said, "but don't be cast down, Mary, There is hope; you will yet win to Take an hour off this Northampton. very day and go and see the great Alfred Gibbons. He wants to see you. Commercially speaking, your fortune Is made.. He is expecting you." Bettlngton's studio was more a collection of marine objects, a museum of the sea, than a place to work in. There were two rooms at the top of an old brown' stone house on the north side of East Thirty-fourt- h street He had a yearly lease of the place and used It but rarely. There were quaint figureheads of old sailing ships now long broken up or sunk. A congressman is suinc for hrearJi "I have not always led the simple uneventful life Gibbons assigned to of promise. Suppose constituents Unlimited Money to Phones: B. R. tunate evening for ne. Institutions. "Sit Down, Tubby, While Coffee." I Make Real me," the painter said smiling, when he noted his friend's interest. "Sit down, Tubby, while I make real coffee." Later, he began: "I had a small fortune when I left Harvard. I spent most of it In seeing the world. With what was left and some small savings At present I have bought a camp. but there's plenty of I'm hard-up- , money In this very room if I'm energetic enough to get It I have sold very few of my paintings. I have been able to afford not to. I have com nils sions for a number which I have not filled. Tliat was selfish of me. I'll execute them and sell some of these casvases. Tour girl Mary shall go to Smith, and your boy shall have the Tech. Seawater and paint shall take them both there. It has been for t Garland Milling Company Manufacturers of the Famou3 "PRIDE OF UTAH" FLOUR Also all Kinds of Mill Stuff. The Best Mill in the Bear River Valley. Highest Cash Price Paid for GOOD WHEAT Near the Depot Garland Utah for tax Investigations Providing and studies by board of equalization. Continuing tax revision commission. Making appropriations for govern or's conference and for cost of pub lishing proposed constitutional amendments. Amending cigaret law. Amending oleomargarine law. university regents to Authorizing collect tuition from students for un ion building. payment of Proposing semi-annu- taxes. A conference committee Is working on the classification amendment and this also Includes the allocation of Income tax revenue and this committee will likely arrive at a solution of such nature that both houses can ac cept and pass. Best Line of Feeds You can't buy for less, anywhere as we sell price as the association and mills. at the same YOU'LL NEED SEED GRAIN The present mild weather, harbinger of Spring, should remind you that seeding time is at hand. Better get your order in NOW. Tremonton and Globe laying mash, also all kinds of scratch feed including corn and Purina calf chow with prices as low as can be found. Poultryman Headquarters Tremont Goal Co. |