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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930. I TWOPKGS. UU F0R5C 4A LTD , 98C NO THURSDAY, FEB. 27th GETTING READY FOR SALE mens: hats $1.00 10 YDS- - $1.19 Your Choice of any blanket at regular price. Take the next pair for $1.00. 25C ONE LOT MEN'S SHOES YOU WILL FIND ne lijf $1.00 & COME OFTEN COME EARLY . 4 FOR 99C TEN FOR 99C WASHING POWDERS Large packages including Lux, Gold Dust, Chipso, Sopaae, uxyaoi, etc., vaiues w ooc per package. Four for 991 GROCERIES We are closing out our entire stock of groceries at our Garland store because of lack of room. We are making prices during this sale that will clean us out FOUR POUND PACKAGE CALIFORNIA DRIED PRUNES NOTICE TO MERCHANTS Here is your chance to buy at less than mi YARD GOODS A big table full, including ginghams, Sweaters, Lumber Jackets for men and rayons prints gilks wool dresg goods draper. ies, etc., values to $1.98 per yard. This lot boys, values to $5.00. On this sale priced from $1.00 IOC TO 49C WINTER COATS About thirty Winter Coats for ladies and Misses, values to $39.50. Choice fiQ QA Some as low as PER YARD UNDERWEAR One lot consisting of unions for every members of the family, values to $2.98. Choice of this lot . $4.98 You can't buy the fur collars on some of 2 FOR $1.00 these coats at these prices. $1.00 LAUNDRY SOAP TOILET SOAP 8 BARS FOR 29c TEN BARS FOR 69C young ONE LOT LADIES' SHOES ues 40 tm- - 49C nm OOO OUR FIRST SALE ' IN SEVEN YEARS GEPHART TOME CO. AT GARLAND in iiimnniiMiiAmmii intfihiiritn . W lot choice 45C FEBRUARY 28TH PR. FOR $1.49 2 FLANNEL SHIRTS MILLINERY 1 PURE THREAD SILK full fashioned, regular $1.98 pair. wholesale cost. ..Make us an offer in bulk lots.. Newest Stock SALE OPENS FRIDAY 10 A. M. ONE LOT LADIES' HOSE 5 FOR 25C That sell up to 25c each ; Choice of the lot 3CCAN Including jams, peaches, pineapple, peanut butter, synn, salmon, etc. Values to 49c. Choice of the lot si A big assortment including Bias Tapes, Emby, Hoops, Stamp Goods, Hair Pins, Combs, Hair nets, Scissors, Curling Irons, Hose Supporters, Buttons, Powder Puffs, choice and children's DEVILED MEAT NOTIONS ONE BIG LOT OF GROCERIES ONE LOT RUBBERS ONE LOT CANNED GOODS AT NEW BARGAINS EVERY DAY 8C 19C Per Pair 8C Per Pair $1.23 SALE OPENS LADIES' HOSE ! MENS SOCKS at $1.98 ANOTHER LOT, (Values to $5.00) at gg. Full cut. Blue Denim or Express Strips Including men's, women's sizes, choice per pair. Regular $1.29 and $1.49 values h THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF 5C be- MEN'S BIB OVERALLS BLANKETS $1.00 PR. THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICES Per Pair te We have just received several big lots of new spring merchandise that were shipped fore we decided to move. This will now be thrown on the market for a quick close out prices that will astonish the buying public. OUTING FLANNEL Yard CANVAS GLOVES Across the street North into the building formerly occupied by Sweeten's Grocery Store as soon as the building can be remodeled. We will open an dry goods and ready to wear store in this location with new fixtures and new merchandise as soon as possible. It is our intention to close out every dollar's worth of goods now in our present location. ONE LOT OIL CLOTH RESERVATIONS Our Garland Store Moves up-to-da- STORE CLOSED ALL DAY EVERYTHING GOES .AT GARLAND CHILDREN'S SHOES HELP US MOVE u vry U UU UU WNE LOT n Z3 |