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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930. You Ought to Sec the WHY ? Be- cause It Makes True Horseless Farming Possible. Ask any Farmall Owner xtO to talk tractors power power. Everybody agrees nowadays that tractors have Plowing is only one of the many uses of the general-purpos- ations, the FARMALL excels. it will plow from 7 to 8 acres e Under average conditions, a day work that ordinarily tractor that you requires two men and eight horses. can get, and that's m n i i mg, you n iuiiy understand just why we want you to come why FARMALL farmers are in to see the McCormick-Deeriri- g so enthusiastic about this FARMALL. all-purpo- se, Quality all crop tractor. Come in and see us no obligation of course. We can ar- demonstrate a FARMALL right on your own ground if you wish. Let us tell you all about it and how the FARMALL will serve you as it has served thousands of range to others. Service f EVERYTHING y?t!2FWT01HE n. vIT-A- -l FARM meeting house. After the job was finished the Relief Society Presidency served a hot chicken dinner. Miss Phyllis Armstrong visited with friends at Brigham City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lish, all of this place, motored to Salt Lake, where they visited, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harwood returnng late Sunday evening. Friday, J. A. Fryer, May Fryer, and John Fryer, Sr. attended the funeral services of the infant child of William Fryer at Preston. Mrs. Fred C. Farmer and son's Jay and Junior, visited with relatives at McCammon, Idaho, Saturdav and Sun- - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fiefield of Los Angeles, are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl. Mrs. Fiefield was formerly, Miss Vonda Dewey of this place. The school boys who were in the L Rabbit hunt numbering some 27 were f.lTintertained at the home of Principal "Atel Price to an oyster supper, Friday night. Bunco was the evening's entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Germer and Mrs. Chris Hansen visited their daughters. Miss Beartha Germer and Miss Elain Hansen, at Salt Lake daMr. and Mrs. Geo Record and childSaturday. with relatives the week-en- d ren men a number of of spent Wednesday, our ward shingled the Relief Society in Salt Lake City. --I : EXTRA VALUE WITHOUT EXTRA Mr. and Mrs. Ray Majors and two children from Los Angeles, California, Mrs. George Brough and Zina Barkle Relatives from this place attended were dinner guests at the home of the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Amos P. Hansen, last Wednes Mrs. Sorenson at Mapleton, Idaho, day. Mrs. Leo. Petersen entertained last Friday night. Mrs. Sorenson is a niece of Mrs. J. A. Fryer and Mrs. Wednesday afternoon in honor of her James Gardner of this place. daughter Glenn's 8th birthday. A hot chicken supper was enjoyed Mrs. Elias Andersen and daugh at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos ter Betty Lee spent Tuesday, Wednes Wheatley of this place, (Saturday day and Thursday of last week in Lo night. Those present were the host gan visiting with her sister, Mrs. and hostess, and Mr. and Mrs. Duett Erwin Miller. William Petersen spent last week Loveland, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Mller, Mr. and visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Con Fryer, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mrs. Wagstaff at Ferry. Lewis Hunsaker has spent the last Burbank, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dustman, all of Deweyviile, and Mr. and three weeks in the Logan Temple, Mrs. Lon May, of Harper. Rook was Others from here who visited the Lo the devisfon of the evening. gan Temple last week were Amos P. The Primary officers attended the Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petersen, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Petersen, Mr. and Union meeting at Garland, Saturday. Miss Cady Gardner of this place Mrs. Parley Christensen, J. P. Chrisvisited friends and relatives at Salt tensen, L. C. Petersen, Wm. Larsen and Owen Rasmussen. Lake last week. Erma Hansen and Reginald Hun Mrs. Luella Cornelison of Tremonhome from ton vsited Mrs. Ida Eitherington of saker spent the week-en- d Logan where they attend the U. S this place last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker of OgLuby Rasmussen of Salt Lake spent den, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Eithweek-en- d her vacation visiting her one this of last erington, place day Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rasmusparents, week. sen, while at home she had the privilPrimary conference was held here ege of taking several blessings down Sunday night, with the following pro- in shorthand for Patriach J. P. Chrisgram: Music Prayer, N. Peter tensen. Marble; song, "Little Sunbeams," J. M. Mortensen and Ren Hunsaker M. G. Perry, made a few reto Mantua on business last Tueswent marks. "The Sacred Grove" by Alice day. Wheatley. "The Vision" by Etta GardMrs. Hyrum M. Christenner. "The Vision" by Margarette senMr.andand four children left last Friday Marble; song, "Joseph Smith's First for where they intend Idaho, Heyburn, Prayer'; "A Book of Gold", by Lavinia to make their future home. They Barnard. Song, "Christ and His Little leave a host of friends, who will miss Ones" by Ruth Snow. "This is The them as they have been very faithful Place" by Odell Burbank. Song, workers in church capacities, but they "We Wan't To See The Temple" by have best wishes for prosperity girls. "Who's On The and the happiness in their new home. Lord's Side." by Lydia Marble. Song, were accompanied by Mr Abel of They '.Who's On The Lord's Side, Who?" American Fork, father of Mrs. Chris"Shall The Youth of Zion Falter?" by Thora Dewey. "Joyous Living" given tensen. who will spend a short time with them there. by Stake member, Ida Rhodes. High Mrs. Ida Dean and son Parley of counselor O. A. Seager of East TreMiss Iona Christensen of monton, Elder's Barlow, 0. P. Bates Willard and were supper guests of of Tremonton, gave short talks which Tremonton, Mr. Green last Mrs. Walter and J. were interesting. Elder Stokes and is a Mrs. sister to J. Dean Friday. companion rendered a dret Walter Green. Those from the Stake Primary Isabel Jensen was on the sick .list Board were Sisters Lillywhite, Huish last week, but is improving. and Rhodes of Garland. Sunperinten-den- t Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jensen and Lettie Burbank made a few closdaughter, Violet and Ted Shepherd ing remarks. Closing song, "Shall went to Brieham Wednesday, Febru The Youth of Zion Falter, and Bcn- ary 19, where they enjoyed the talkies diction by Sister Jane Heusser. at the Elherta theatre. The Elders of the Bothwell ward Mutual Stake board was represent- furnished the nroeram here last Sun ed by Brother Michaels of Garland, day evening, under the direction of Tuesday night. Elder Newman. The program was Tuesday night, Mrs. T. R. Ault very good and greatly appreciated. assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Duett Mrs. Andrew Romer. and Mrs. Mark Loveland gave a birthday party in Jensen, of Corinne, entertained last honor of her daughter and Bister Mabel at their home here. Rook was ppn, Alta Marble, Ethel Marbl, Eva Heus-se- n played as the entertainment of the Gardner, Veda Gardner, Louise and M.ibel Ault. evening and a tray luncheon was serMf ami Mrs. John A Frver. and pop ved to sixteen. Those present were: Odell Radford, Victor F"ton, Karl Wavne daughter Darlene, visited Jensen, Merlin and Artel Fryer, Hor- their daufrhtr and sister, jvrs. tncn Gardner, Milda 5Hrb t.thI faHly at Salt Lake City ace and William Maude Ander- - Saturday and Sunday. Ruth Jensen, Knudson, Bs-h- COST Triplex shatter-proo- glass windshield f Rustless Steel Five K wheels steel-spok- e At least $50 extra value is represented in just these few features of the new Ford car most of field. Yet them exclusive to Ford in the cost. extra without to are you they given Other important features are the four Houdaille hydraulic double action shock absorbers, the brakes, the safety of the fully enclosed low-pri- ce four-whe- el aluminum pistons, the chrome silicon alloy valves and unusual accuracy in manufacturing. In design, material and performance the new Ford is a value far above the price. $435 up f. o. b. Detroit Cal lor telephone for a demonstration Utah Auto and Implement Co. Tremonton - Phone 28 THINK WILSON "Everything to Build Anything Phone IL YOUR WEALTH IT'S not a rapid road to riches, the way f But it's a sure, straight road. Every 3 months your interest Js ..added .in, and in the meantime your money is SAFE and growing . . growing . . One dollar will open an account wtih us. 4 Interest Tremonton Banking Co. Elwood TE1KPW0ME Deweyviile HARDWARE Passport to the Realm of ren, Wilford and Viola of Rosevelt, Utah, spent Saturday and Sunday at the George Hales home. Mrs. Hales and Mrs. Howells are sisters. Mrs. Verl Howell and two small daughters of Pocatello are spending the week with Mrs. Howell s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Capener of Salt Lake spent Thursday at the A. A. Capener home. Miss Annie Neddo of Tremonton will be the week-en- d guest of Miss Peg Capener. Mrs. Rowane Udy of Logan spent here with her children. the week-en- d Mrs. Jeff Pttt'ngill of Toppenish, Washington, hes been visiting with her brother, Robert Marfarlane and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Mason of Mound Springs, were the dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. R. D. Marfarlane, Tuesday. Aldon Lillywhite of Logan, spent Friday and Monday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Tracy Welling. Abe Lefler and Mrs. Nina Dustin went to Brigham Wednesday. Junitna Dustin returned home Sunday after spending two weeks at Corinne with her sister, Mrs. Ray Hunsaker. Miss Florence Newman returned to Salt Lake the latter part of the week. i The FARMALL is the best all - around tractor we have . seen. You'll say as much after you have looked it over and had its many fine points explained. And after you've watched a FARMALL at work plowing, tilling, planting, cultivating, or harvest- - When You Think day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Newman of Both well, Mrs. Fred Gephart and Mrs. Newman, called at the George cow cutt home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Dustin and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hunsaker of Corinne, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. isina Dustin. Mrs. Glen Walker and daughter, Betty Rae, are spending the week with Mr. Walker in Idaho. Fred Nye and Jimmie Wise of Gar land, were here on business, Tuesday. Mrs. Mrs. Evan Howells and child- FARMALL tractor. Here, as in all farm power oper- horses beat, so it all simmers down to buying the best 4 Miss Violet Berchtold is visiting ia Brigham with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Miller spent Wednesday in Plymouth visiting Mrs. Miller's parents. v George Marsh spent a few days last week with relatives in Willard. . Mr. and Mrs. Starlin Stanfill were Tremonton visitors on Saturday. Ersol Berchtold was a Ogden visitor Saturday. ;, Mr. Fred W. Peterson motored to Salt Lake City on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Granger and son Harley were attending to basinees ' matters in Brigham on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller were shopping in Tremonton on Saturday. C. B. Walker of Ogden is staying at the Corner Springs range for a few days looking after business matters. Penrose NEED animal Monday evening at the home of L. E. Petersen. Dancing and games were enjoyed during the evening, after which a lovely tray luncn was served to some twenty guests. Miss Verian Andersen spent Wed nesday night, February 19 at Bear River City, visiting her friend. Miss Gwen Archibald and also attended the vaudeville down there. Remember the Dance here next Fri day. Next Thursday, March 6th, the greatest thing ever put on here. 12 shows for the price of one. Something new every minute. Four hours of entertainment The great and wonderful M. I. A. Road show, prices 15c and The ladies of the Farm Bureau met Friday at the home of Mrs. Clayton Beck. Rue making was demonstrated by Mrs. Tracy Welling. Twelve ladies were present. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by her sister, Mrs. Noble Peterson of Fielding. Abe Lefler and family came up from Salt Lake City Saturday. They returned Sunday except Mr. Leller, who remained for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. August Forsberg and children, Jack, Ruth and Clarence, and Mrs. Glen Walker, went to Salt Lake 35c Friday. They returned home Sunday. George Hales and August Forsberg went to Logan, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Macfarlane entertained at dinner Sunday. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mr. and Mrs. Perry Stanfill and W Hess of Tremonton: Mrs. Rowane M. Miller motored to Ogden on Mon Udy, and Mrs. Pettingill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munns and Mr, day. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Call of Salt and Mrs. Vern Woods of Garland, called at the Macfarlane home Sun Lake City were Sunday guests, of Mrs. Call's parents, Mr. and Mrs. day. Senator and Mrs. T. R. Welling and Conrad Fredrickson. . Howard Capener, Dean Hales . and SteTen Hales attended the Farm Bureau banquet at Brigham, Satur fARMALL McCormick-Dccrin- g Riverside I op SAIFETV compared longer-wearin- Lktmln g. i sharp-edge- Monday Night UTAH AUTO & IMPLEMENT CO. TREMONTON PHONE 28 H. G. Scott Drug Co. Jf ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Phone 47 - Tremonton, Utah Where Savings are The Greatest ' Exclusive Agent for SARGON The Great Tonic - t them all cad tha tread fire yoa mora trae-tlo-n it keeps iU traction longer because If Come tongher atronger deep-ca- t, those how show yon Inlet m blocks of rubber protect yoa d from skidding and slipping. WE'VE . ' Relieve that awful Cold with Turpo, 95c Complete outfit At Our Soda Fountain Nut Sundaes ... 25c 10c Milk Shakes Ice Cream Sodas .. 10c 2 for .; Malted Milks College Malts Ice Cream, pints 15 15 25c 50c Quarts OF CANDIES IN THE CITY LINE FINEST |