Show A KANAKA CHARACTER I 1 VICTIM OF LEPROSY AT COLONY IN SKULL SHULL VALLEY occupied for thirteen years on the temple tempie could do the work of two men two more moie lepers john henry a native G oc f the Sarah sandwich fh islands vw nho died ot of leprosy near tire the hawaiian colony in skull valley a few lays days apro ago mas as for bears oara a well knon in and around tills city lie ile was ono one of the first of oc the carver ti to the mormon faith to lo leave the islands for thirteen bears ears he v nos ns emp employed loved on thu the temple occupying the position of grip nian mail ri it was ills fits duty fit u alth till another roan man to drill h illes holes in each end of tile the hit alg stones stoner in into t which III the t tips ps of it tile the lion crips vere it inserted previous i avious to tile stolle being hoisted john jo aln alf henry nry vas nas I 1 vi ell adopted adapted to too position pOM lilon being strong antl and muscular aral and it waa hoftell said of him thit lie he could easily do the vork nork of me men at the or of ili ahr rock aik mork oik in ill fail of 1891 john henry mas ns told laid ot oft and soon eoon thereafter ent out to the kanaka colony achere save eave a few hilt to this city lie it has since re bained the malady that thai caused ills death w waa s alro t no noticed t iced it IE is 1 eald three years aso ago with others afflicted 1 vilh ILIJ the same loathsome disease I 1 iq iua aa isolated and since that hour I 1 lie 0 jail had never been al allow loel cl to alit the act clement john henry was a man of 0 clour 65 years striking ng lit in appearance and a faithful friend to tn those hm lie he kill lie nina a general favorito favorite I 1 aming ahe he workmen worl nin on the block there me ale but two tuo cases of leprosy lc noi no in existence near the colony and both of the victims ici fing are A imen A gentleman ho recently called at I 1 the ill olony which is in called Jo joeda epa and Is in charko of P cluff gays bays tile I 1 kanaka tire an vry ery this year thre there tup rute about ila all told twonia one of horn attended tile enill reunion at bakrow J on oil luly the ric Is in tun un on n the united or order der plan aich vaa MOR gi borally nii to leni triple pled throughout tile th mail monty menty tte years year ako but atch pro ad 11 I 1 failure lit in till all but alno |