Show FAKE STORY EXPLODED ONE PRINTED IN SALT LAKE PAPER SHOWN TO BE PALS FALSE E I 1 I 1 S son of count massena who Is said ta have died la in salt lake still alive IT J TRIBUNE SPECIAL I 1 kev york july 30 20 the story from rom salt sal lake that a man died thero there recently jn ill great indigence who mho always I 1 claimed to be count massena the son 0 of tie the famous marshal of 0 france who ros ll 11 to be duke of 0 divoll and prince ot of li sling saling created interest enough here for or ahe ahe herald to take it up today and prove the dead mans claim false the herald says bount cassenti Mi Mas saena senti napoleons Nap oleona great field marshal died april 4 1817 leaving to no sons bons the eldest knoma as cou colht t de massena during hla his lathers father 8 time succeeded him as prince and duke uke but dying three years I 1 later ater passed on both gitles titles to his brother franceola france ois victor ictor franceola fran France ceals victor died in leaving two sons aiho m ho shaped shand the ho dignities between th them in the elder andre victor became brince ot of essling the younger victor duke of both are now alive thus there Is no legitimate issue of 0 the great I 1 marshal Afar unaccounted for it Is truo true that he was has notorious tor for manya but in he mas 03 an old man broken by disappointments and unfair arc treatment at ment no irregularity of 0 life Is laid up against his 0 old ld age furthermore more the title 0 of count cou nt was only borne by his eldest during the fathers lifetime and could not by any possibility be the birthright of it 11 legitimacy |