Show A NEED AT THE PRESIDIO AN information BUREAU pon FOB I 1 ANSWERING QUESTIONS high compliment to tle tile oregon volunteers nebraska and illinois governors nors correspondence tribune san francisco july 29 21 the officers ficera of on duty at department headquarters and those at the Pre presidio would consider it a special favor it if the war W ar department part ment would establish an information bureau at some conspicuous point so 0 o that the ot of returning volun MOUI out I not bother them to death with nith questions that no one can answer an officer of the faist infantry nina nas heard to remark that he stood in ono one place twenty three minutes and during that twenty three inin utes twenty t c nt Y persons approached him and a asked 5 ked him something either cither concerning the or Nebra nebraskans and to all he h 0 gave it 11 courteous sorry but I 1 cannot tell ou I 1 9 the oregon regiment was highly complimented by the ordnance officer on the splendid condition of their thel equipment if the returning regiments regiments ale aie not far above the standard they will III not compare very favorably with tills this regiment since they turned lit in their equipments the enlisted men have nothing rise else to do but camp police duty and they are re now enjoying tho the lest leal lit at uncle sams expense that they stand so badly la in need of until the alli th ot of august dittri vi hen they will viii be mustered led out ethcie seems to be quite a adhia ion ot of sentiment among the men regarding their muster out A great greal many P efer to be mustered out here and the oth rs res desire to return to portland as soldiers turn out on parade and receive cc ive the ovation prepared tor for them as aa an lri organization the former mould i lather ather have the ts 35 or 36 that they nil ill fee L its aa transportation or travel pay pay it mustered out h here ere than any ON tion thit that th it con can he be given them tham they na anre re all unanimous in the plan ot of sending ni them to portland muster them out and g give ive them travel pay to san francisco Fraud some one ignorant ot of the law lav has published that such can be dune tho the law provides lor for travel pay from place of enlistment or original enrollment into selce to place e of 0 discharge the question mill be submitted to a vote and that aill 11 III pe bo definite the two to governors tanner of 1111 rolls nola anti po pointer anter of nebraska Ke braska w were ere both visitors ly at the pro sidle today the governor of nebraska expressed himself as highly pleased alli tile the camp prepared d fop foe his men and says that no better tw would have been prepared by the state slate it mill HI take lake at least tu two a months more 0 of f etca moric to complete the camp as aa planned ahe 1 I he alte has wore the appearance pe arance of cl lumber lard then than it has haa a soldiers pra camp there Is a areat deal of excitement mon c the recruits that are arc under or isern to sail ball on oil the and many ha 1 already been rejected on account 07 ot physical disability every morning n g at sick s irk call there are from two to I 1 freb hundred up tor for examination this number consists conn lats of the new arrivals the preN lous lay day and an d those under orders the aera average go number or men found to be disqualified averages five the average number of arrivals f Is about ono one hundred pet per day it Is a very interesting sight to see fe these men ben they ate ale thel the pre presidio it it vere mere riot not for their luicir uniforms they would riot nt be taken tor for old lors thoy carryall carry fall kinds of cloth ing bags satchels vallma valises and many ot or t li rn are self indented all lay day long three arld andl four hundred of it these nun are in line in front from of the th quai ter masters dt department apartment clothing they arp are not supplied with mith i firms arms and ammunition until choly tholy roach their regiments J M X D |