Show LEWIS SMELTER it will be erected for copper mountain ores 4 PLENTY CLENTY AND EASILY WORKED site for the bingham copper gold wining mining companas Comp anys smelter to bo be selected at once louis bamberger on eastern nevada mines heavy copper cropping la in cortez 3 district mr Kel kollars lars trip to australia mines of 0 millord milford cactus developments ants mining Jill ning notes that bros bras the kings 0 kinga th atu copper market who recent recently Y purchased ur abased the copper Aloun afountain tain grout group 0 ot f copper bearing claims in hot box elder county are to follow up developments with tile the erection of 0 a L smelter Is no longer any secret since the purchase of 0 the group along alone with the ill fated topper copper plant in this valley from the copper plant crowd the owners havo have bren br cn under the management oc at ed edgar ger tuttle steadily sico dlly developing the mines mine with most satisfactory results tho man management A gement has always recognized that A smelter on the ground was jn d I 1 spen sible to the success of the tinder undertaking uni tini d der er and to prepare f for or it a site b has A Is ben been purchased this includes a spring th that t t Is tild lit I 1 ter asfor affo alfrord r d all the water wa re required for the amel smelling smelting sm elting ing of eighty tons dally daily and while a day ay for t the I 1 ie commencement of construction construct or has not lot been ned fixed plans have bave bee been n approved the building of the fit plant an I 1 it t Is ig said aid will nill bo be under the supervision 0 of f george K X riach cr who walh ith frank klepetko directed the m at k a bt I 1 the he ighland highl ind boy plant the ores of tile the C copper mountain group afford a perfect s smelling niell ng proposition and that ilia undertaking will mill develop into one or nr alii biggest in the staff Is now ti cIlly assured in this the meantime walk Is g koeng ing i forward rd with a full force of men 1 on rind and olica every ry day adds add to the volume U me of ore in eight binghom bingham copper and gold smelter mr I 1 r 0 E vetter one of the officers 0 or f I 1 the baugham copper and gold mining minine company alit nl arrive boston today and with nith col I 1 heffron fr farn th the gen on oral superintendent will proceed at once nce with fill tho the selection of ft a site for allu 1 lit prop proposed proponed 0 ped smelter smeller through which the corn companas comp p any anys A bingham ores are to be put pill col ile fr ran who iho lias has been perv ving ing the ground between the ailigh ian larid d boy smelter and Bl nirham canon for some time lime lias iles its his eye on a of sites plies either of which will mill he be convenient it has also been urged that there wai room enough for or such a plant in the the adadow or of the companas comp anys mines and should it lie li shon mr fr acl lor lit that mone money y may ho raved bv v peat electing that thai of kc 0 the purchase pur chape nicil ul be made and the tb throwing rowing of dirt a on nit the e foundation roun dAllon begun in it a very short time I 1 however low ver he will N ill be governed govern fil largely by the that thai are made by col li heffron effron louis bamberger in from nevada after an absence of a week from the pit louie barn b erger the br broker oker arne ame in from nevada yesterday I 1 u here be I 1 has 1 as been seeking something new alev in ill caning ca n 1 pa p arn mr others liters als is tied ibid by him N were e r e the nid id dolly dally varden that tha t were rt at one time the ne of muc much it I 1 y and from which not a few fortunes wore derived for maul many 5 jcarl oars boe however vcr ahr y have been fit fiet leallY abandoned with ill less than a ilonen actively aCLA ely empio ed eil there at this ihl flint alm in cherry creek district where the ga 18 cow western have extensive ina cst menta he found the new star mill in ill working perfectly with a one fine quality ty of going upon the market and some high grade going ill df rt front from the mine to lo toano boano the rhe plant Is iq one ne or of the mont moat complete that has be bpi ben n undertaken tn in Nev nevada rida and the Is congratulated on in an outlook that promises much money mr Bani berRer was wab very cry fal favorably faor orally ably lm ira fir t firmed fed with what lift lie saw and pays ym that many opportunities now new a await it capital in ill the old as vt well ot 03 new c camps awa ps of ill the mate heavy copper outcrops news of oc reliable reI lAble nature has just reached local mining circles that big biff i tuft ind iti inin mense ense outcrops of copper bear ing material have hae been discovered east caltea cartea district nevada Nv ada and f four our k n miles from tile the eureka A r ado railroad raU road scars aso ago according to fo tile lid ld timer some attention was uns attracted to the locality but there wat no market for copper and it was very verv little ois flit 11 after after N now ot that copper Is king evida ta e aig a ng attention from many sources and several yat lake p artler havo have representatives on their way nay TO the new find arom the same tt it Is learned that a su a camp fifty miles muth of battle mo ma on tile HIP rattle mountain austin railroad d in old ravenwood district etera veral 1 lo 10 0 o have been made flat show h DIV from 14 to 28 per cent copper 56 6 to 34 3 ft 4 in gold and about ho bo min ounces ma silver liver this last find 11 Is not far fair froni from old jet jer pit district that produced thousands of ton lonar P ot 0 leilh h grade lead ore in former it I 1 VB ai mr kollars rol lars australian Australi ail trip herman kellar the ubiquitous rep otH of veral meveral of big biff vindicates reached reache ct his headquarters headquarter a in this city after an absence of neatly neaily right eight months and tarrying between left last night for europe derng I 1 ans his absence mr kellar has ba been in many coun countries 9 the expedition from 1 which aich he be Is now returning having take taken nhim bira into till tho interior of australia there lie he made ao an examination of many of the llie propositions into which i british talent hus has found its way aud and from which it la Is delking immense earnings arnlD gs annually lie ile hobnobbed hobnob bed for a day or two with ralph nichols Ni cliola and like flynn formerly of this city and at present directing tile the alears of the I 1 treat great boulder perseverance and completing comi calli the examinA llon of grout g round I 1 that his big people hav bay un under 2 r comila co consideration mild t on left for salt rait lake bv way ve or of la a ulla lie he had been roared that in fit the e philippines lie ho would find and an interesting mineral bearing country that he intended exploit ing but with hobt flit in progress prof frees he made not brict attempt to re tell the diggings lie he learne earfie fl that ilia placers in several localities were being operated but did riot not reach them thim jfe la Is in n ant health and to return for an inter ln teral at of ren in this city sonic four months later boasting no Koast asting ln with sulphur atler after several sears of unsuccessful with nearly every cnown method the bed of 0 I 1 alli figs at the old alit engllish mill areat are at last bolm being worked marked very satisfactorily by the simple process known as or T 0 noting with sulphur and common s aalt alt after which they are arc run through t the he amalgamating amalgam a it n i I 1 alit lu in the cot common ainor wnm nine tons of tailings are being roast rd ed p pr r day willi will salt find pulverized iron sulphur ets obtained near eashoo city six men are employed on oil the roast roa st in ing 9 fur furnall furn act the work being divided into three eight hour shifts two men on ft a shift A charge of pounds la Is dian dhawn from tile ih f furnace u tc e every hour till thi faceted talling tall loss a a are r e then t trana r an a forred to tile amalgamating vat v which c quite pounds at a 4 harge and runs four our charged per duy day yvo iso nta M I 1 Z or X on an the pans pan each working twelve c hours a shift tin the tailings hway assay about 14 ounces of silver anti and train from 4 to 10 15 5 or 36 6 per ton on 1 in gold cold this ol oc course Is 18 rot not ill all saved in the opera lon ion but it i la estimated ina led that I 1 it t runs from 3 to 12 per lier I 1 ton on A of amalgam hing from I 1 to IGO pound la in retorted ev cry other any day journal journ at from the bai I 1 ford mines george tho ho 14 up from 1 billfold I and its neighboring camps camp reports p 0 ris tile the montreal me n I 1 real t n agn aged upon the calls action of a wagon road oad over which to leach the coith cast casi of lie its prop oily in the ile of this voik the lh vein has haa been broken into and for eighty feet along ltd its strike a fin ant niia lity of copper ote Is this Is ie tn in the to unexplored ground and a half mile anllo distant from the main at the copper ranch hall haa born added to mr ill gil S cylona Py lona string a line ine sho shoeing xing Is 1 being made and looks looka to fi L big copper producing prod in plo proposition positiOn jn in that tant ground appears 10 bi be no doubt now that crockr rocky deavo leaver e r lake anti and the old 0 K X dietr districts ts mill lit r poon can he be I 1 productive of laige at ge am it nam of copper coppe aal rold gold ores sale 0 of f an antimony mine C L T aud J II 11 ullon fulton I of lone lleno th thursday U r s da y boucht bour bruehl ht of samuel I 1 hunt I 1 orin so cimett and S thacker of humboldt county nty a n nt antim antimony v mine ael M enty miles north n of Winn in humboldt Hum boldi county there are JOO OtHO it pounds of high grade antimony y 0 ore in bight tho the ra 1111 commence taking out oui ore for far shipment at once the ill price paid for tile property li is not stated rated hut but as antimony la Is sev ral erat doll dollois aill a pound the purchasers must have given a large sum for the property or elp ilp value Is exaggerated Vir virginia girda chronicle cactus developments local mining men are arc watching with considerable interest developments that are being prosecuted in the cactus ca unity just 1 mast est of frisca and the I 1 great I tian hoin aller mine at present I 1 P A II if fj franklin anklin an and 1 associates etca abc I 1 butling down to it a shaft to the deep on oil th the 0 1011 loon bros property t that he t aba has I been t tied led up tin hlll a number of 1 I 1 light are prospecting CLIng por for many years a a fine quality of high grada hns has neon found at the he surface in thal hit locality and a liy by the Il anklin brou that the veins continue to lo cicil 1 depth I pill should load lead I 1 to active acte in ont tn lit that region I mining notes note ts Is in froni front gold mountain t aenon agnin the th chalm embracing or of tile the R G A 1 I hiang compa comparin riv nt at gintic tintic aid being sur bunerd d lor or patent joe I 1 arren superintendent for 1 I lie ia glasgow western c company ni an n yIe lance NeP for ill ath laci perti lit in no Sc ada aJi loi in aay 4 I 1 1 J SI lit roe roue e ant and J 1 it may lay salt lake chy I 1 I 1 y arrivi d here to if I loik ik k over tile ibo I 1 mining I 1 im field ia MI ah the baker city democrat dim dan neff find and who have haio 0 cc e cured a coomo ii almo on ground in aest cst tire now engaged in actively pro pt ink ing it charl alln one of tins ill oldest old st of B In Kharn 5 monr ml nr came in oom flom the th i imp lust last night and reports new groutt I 1 olied ol uy UP illy fly george thomas who ha hat boon been making nn an examination cam mallon of properly in gogerty bobie laa bitin ln line had returns io a the city and report fin lie result batni accod through the iho drudging connection will I 1 if soon poor be mado bet fetn of ir the he butterfield group or of Ding liun barn ant will give the iho compari company N a shaft from the iho burbace I 1 to al a depth of 0 9 SO roe morris 13 amberger utin w lin has accepted tho the of at tho the lucky coy bay tomp can P ul uiva 8 mill ili ai cu cusick ter ida leaves laves for or camp amr today A large circle of 01 facenda chhing him ells bids for tile the putting down doin or of th lip shaft tin n ill iha joo joe hauer Cx calm lenlon lon ni at fl inmond from the tirom nt sti ilon at feet eel to it A clopto of ja yo kill hr he opened lomonof ow and alid the iho contract awarded uw ardeil it 14 ald that in m tho the Fluff buffal ao al hump clump region idaho there an aie no less than fifty clilia that hae laen either sold nold out oui light or upon blot partial pa payments ments hao been malv enade bortt im fx ilie lie ink inc prosecuted on oil oi lit least menty of taft he I 1 11 it while I pano jno news mr bronn of bingham utah iq 1 looking over omo ome mints at priti belonging to io the tha least mcuri mil lick too sunday grout particularly at ai meted sir fr bronx attention and wo ao hope to near further good news in tho the near hear future bick ivnik ville ho valli fill ilia 8 lic 1113 an all on oil ilia orlier croup creep at ai St ha att returned front from camp cry ab d with the condition of the i property that ihn lit aagat ment v P made when be lot li in fr or it arrives IA ralpd Aal pd white while pine nw newt tile tho laurada mf if ning corn compa pain ii a of suit salt lake lak city linvs lher hard bild lease on t the lie avorlean victor grote of f min manos lemler it number of unald hill fal the ohp original oner oi Aner have p 1 id the creditors creditor ind and uumo 1 elm beek 1 L C trent mho n ho Is now engaged lit in the safe of mining machinery in london bondon Is 14 in ill no new lark ork on ilia hl way to 10 aitt j icke cit chiy y it 1 the iho tin of hi I 1 ri ira lamn 1 it n I 1 ho he romo amile afro re lit this jim inn to io inetor Fin flor clark in the bork that IM 14 to lie by him nt at ophar ClI chaill alfie to 10 whom call gintic tintic nil mi tier or are indebted for 1 4 I most cred liable durkt at of ilia iho all nginr each anch week just hoo I 1 I 1 ill charted from the has lloil i in 11 tills oil city where lie hf hos I 1 been for 0 ten aek mill it mild attack of rove fever r and ill led e for camp on oil Ved nes I 1 tio irmin and Alil liliK com party liny of ln iroll dl tl of iwar le chic ten lon hau hall ault billed put out il lioon tons of high hl h grade ore fire for the salt tak iak market in tile the born locality I 1 K 1 pick park hns has banda pre property pony title active bork ork Is on adnum ft ber of other 0 PIMA ur dr may mevo aho vho he hag been ervina er capt de ti ta in ile CIlle ltv of mem miri por ar 41 L lit hla nevada minham worm no to lo rally lully illel 1111 shasta counte ral cal lie cup cap lain hat mid macl cound vo noil tilt nr purchase and where the filitor will tactile H U IA 1 predicted biml the iho bully bully hill will ill soon oun be mado to emord for no lem than xa berven U D H B blunt ll min g ir of tho the lc ie l c la JI mar thin 1 m mined ties aid in lemon lil uon 1 I 1 ade it 0 evil ci lent ex arrina llon lion of the bit 1119 group croup of mines had hii some fori art giai made and made an oker for ill provit property rcy which was re failed further ilion ahl lit I 1 do 0 o riot noi cure care to state fint the onuis art are nt at Ii erty to io alve any anny they we se I 1 lit I 1 t ell cabil iti t mile ii 1 engaged ensi ged in I 1 iff he walran c nt nc r lit g ham pr propel pelLy ly was va among the I 1 in that calup cail ye borday and rc wrt ijo li d go affo ln ing vry vt v ry satisfactorily he Y 10 N as it a m hn on all ill iha arll r by lellin ll llin AF I 1 ile llpyd who ii much h 1 with ill und ik as t ant shell tit fit the resit a of thi cump into 0 which holcli ho be first ue well it eve r athi twenty ears ago sir james A ini me ap 0 lit al the head or of the |