Show I 1 KILLED BY FALLING PIPE CAUSE or OF DEATH OF JOHN J T HARRIS AT BINGHAM section of exhaust pipe struck him on head family in cornwall body brought here john J harris tilio nho was killed in the shaft of tho the showell placer wine mine at bingham on saturday mas the victim of an accident in company nath another man ilion lie mas engaged at the bottom of tile lh foot fool shaft ft hen about fifty foot feet of three inch exhaust ripe pipe running doun doin inside the shaft become detached and fell to lo the bottom the section that fell was vas from the top of nt the pipe and broke in falls ing a piece about six feet long sit aking harris fairly on top of the it head d killing him instantly tho the other ma man en as not injured thuy thug far no bit factory reason tor for the breaking of tile the pipe can bo be found it wis was securely fastened to the th shaft anti anil the part not broken it if still firm it to iq supposed that tho the dlf feren in temperature at depths in the shaft might have caused canoed the breaking by unequal expansion ear aillon the pipe was used as a 1 steam exha eha 0 t front a n pump in tho the mine the pump was not rum I 1 ing at I 1 the he lime ine of the accident david schenck still and C 0 whittemore bent to bingham iChter day and dinyes the affair tile the body toda va aj brought to salt sait lake last night ind and turned over to 0 Don lonnell nl among the effects of the dee cased was 0 a letter written ritten by hla his aire fe from corn A vail a 11 england Cn Rland under date of april NUL in which rc reference terence to children was waa made harris had bad corked at the showell placer only a shift and a a half ahen hen lie he aas fis killed previous to that time lime he had been employed at vat vai ious louai 1 mining camps campa in the state stale it was waa stated slated that harris was a friend of norman charles of 0 butte but a telegram sent by the th tribune brought the reply that mr fr charles did not know harris of at least by that name and inquiry among others failed to locate any relatives or fi lends friends of harris it in butte butle |