Show MARION lAmUN IDAHO WAllO Another Pioneer Laid to blest Mrs Irs Alien Alice Special Correspondence Marlon Coach Cassia Co Idaho Aug 30 Another worthy pioneer has hus gone to rest In iii the this person poison of oC Alice wife stIfe of ot Cyrus Crull who departed this tIlls life August 23 In her year MI after atter an nn Illness of less hess than titan two weeks She Bhe wax was horn born In Yorkshire and to Utah In ISH and anel with her husband was among the first settlers In Tooele Brother n building time the first house there anti plowing the first seven seln acres of land Sister rolman was the tho mother of ot the thc second tunic male child born Jorn there thereWith thereWith With her hor husband family they the have lived Ic In iii Sanpete Sevier and artil Bush hush valleys and anel came callie to this place in She SIte I aves a 11 husband and nine child children children ren con two to of whom are living hiving In Cana Cairn Canada da sin one ono daughter In Sauna Utah slid and the thin others reside re here all nil were vere pres pre present ent out at nt the time funeral Sister Tolman wn honored loved anti respected by oil all alland and tiled died firm In the faith ot of tile thin Gospel Crops of ot all 1111 kinds are below helow the thin average the water vater supply lUPP having baring been beener very er limited |