Show FLOW I Strike hue Hns Not Yet Yut Made In III Inthis tin this District SI Special to III the News Price Irice Utah Aug report was wan brought to 10 last Tuesday by Er Ernest l Ernest r rnest nest Lund of at Castle Dale that the San Oil and Mining company loud hud struck truck a n line How lIo df dt oil all In th Sinbad country a few tow days ago o The he news II Wl was wan aH brought In III there thele by b Mart Olson who lio Is in In the employ of ot the wood con contractor contractor tractor for tOI the company The rho News correspondent corresponded nt itt once called up a are re responsible i party at It lUtI Dale In touch with Manager and nd could gt confirmatory of ot the strike e Our Information from trum u it 1 man directly In lii from tro the properties of ot tho the company Is U that the th bore Jr Is down now 1101 III lu the thi neigh neighborhood of ot four tour hundred feet Coot anti and that for tor the tho last twenty nt fe feet t or more noore the drill has hoe beep been going through n a 1 shale highly Impregnated with oil all that wore vore operations continued a II low how I would woul l certainly be exported before li tore much greater depths depth was The rue Nawa Informant mys says that water lux ban been beoni encountered and anil causes muMS much dif lilt difficulty eo iso much n 10 o that the present hole Is I being abandoned and another be started about feet t t away avay There Is II no question of ot the reliability ot of f this lois piece of ot Information Irving Irvin It 11 freene who a n few tel weeks ngo fl go located sections of ot oil lands In n the vicinity of ot Thompsons alit Green Grcen River In Emory and Grand countIes who also has hili some seine hold lags In Carbon county Is la now In Lou Lon London Loudon don where he hI hopes to Interest English l capital In his hU enterprise Mr Greene Greenes Is s the gentleman man who first promoted the ho Raven Haven Mining company which operates leases on all the Ion tion In and at one time represented 1 the Joe Letter crowd In this section lIon of ot the State He lie was as the first Out I I manager of 01 the Raven Mining company When WIlen he lie returns It Is ex ox there will be Le big money behind him ilm and hit his enterprise Edwin J C Lee I I Toni Tom Nichols J W V Wart Warf and others have hac located several of ot flue fibs n appearing Alil oil all lands In Inthe Inthe Inthe the Argyle 1111 and Nine Mile districts and expect t to interest outside capital at atthe the tho enterprise The oil oh shale Is BO so sat lint saturated saturated that the rook rock k may be lie burned burnel In the tile place of ot wood WOOlI nt at Groat Western Senator reports work pro iro growing very el nicely In III the lower lONer tun tunnel tunnel nel nd of at the tile Great Western W lern Mining corn com sunny puny jIt JJ t WH tact nt of The tun tunnel nel 1101 Is Ii In about 50 fe feet t nail and Is driven to tap till the veins cut in lii an all tunnel A force of 01 tn men Inca Is nt at the property am II everything Important developments whoa whon the this tun ton tunnel tunnel nel not shall hall get ge el under r the Ih upper up er tunnel which In is now 1101 In about W 0 feet Ceet Some Som very ery fine lIne or ore ora Is I being dl die closed elo In n II from this tunnel bottom to fo the dinse U Ii 14 nil In ore ere rome rom of ot which curries IS 28 n r I cent copper besides gold and sliver silver Cheerful Cure at III in I t i nih at a ii The Mm n whose hos prop property property erty ort Is II bested near bear the loler Menu Mam Mammoth moth of ot Tintic Is II still driving nhe ahead d in inthe Inthe Inthe the tunnel which U is I In over tOO feet Two menu men HIV ale III at lit work and the tunnel Ii Is Losing being Into Uie lie he hull hill at al the rate rale of ot from on one to in two f feet t 1 pr ir I slay day A Avery Atory very tory sr change t Is It retried In Inthe inthe the foe of oC th the tunnel by Ii Judge Kiln I The rock to lt la a highly high Iv r with Iron M i th tIn tunnel approach the point where here tb Ill the vein In Is expected to I 1 litter Inter The object In reaching I eschIn th the v vain n nt lot Irith In the tune Is III to find hind If IC poll poe sible Ib UM tile best t place to begin sinking to greater grer depth lion HIli The Thoc lien Iton huller Hutler nf of expected to market four near cars can of ot crude ore this afternoon for Cor L The Flie assays atay were lOr not loot out when the News went to preM but t lie ore Olt heretofore lIre has han lall g n rally netted about lout the tM above sum Mint At the Mime eme time tilt the th ha 11 hs four tour ran ears of oC at It th Ih from which 1510 SI U III I n ted Th The whole boll lot la ii at 1150 Men Man aver ager the tbt mine very nl well 11 10 flee five upraises are I be beIng belois H HIng Ing lois extended the h hi rte of ot which U h i il IM l 1 feet Ct above bove the tM level The TIM outlook at the top l It 15 Mid Id to be rr Rood Co ii noo I Ml With till Ilig Vein E B W Center this thin from a visit to 10 the Yankee Tank Cn Cois o of 01 which he be report port to be looking ery corr ry II has baa o lOt DOt t yet ft been made maM with the OM bt We big vein tin and have I thus thu been curtailed However It has haA leen i n th that the tM miner m have hut only about K II feet CHt tar far tart t t It III M II I l i t I It famous ore 0 body bod With tItle 0 I the company will b begin n ores The T Yan Taut kee kec ore orl body In Is Mid to lo be 1 leaking boltIng will well wellAn willAn An 4 n of ot M re fet feet haa has le been loHn n nan run nun In Inor Inore inor or ore In addition In to drifting and anil eto noll rutting GUtting The top of oC the I is In U w J 11 1 i z w above 10 feet teet abole the tunnel and a afine 1 Inc fine grade rd of ot ore are la Is still being followed up ui Within another we week k the man Zuan management Inn expects to be lie In good god shape to begin marketing som heavy shipments of oC ore are lunation bocci lou Filed Provo Sept J The rhe following loca locations loe of 01 mining minim claims have been tIled te I for fur record Sure Hard lard nol relocation situ situated situated Ie In II Hobble Creek Crele canyon OI by mines it t ul oh II situated about three Ju thre fourths fourth of at n R mi northeasterly from George n It JJ farm farno In pr precInct by b Samuel Oster Oster ct ot al Silver at nt the head of at Siver Major Evans l gulch In Am lon Fork J ork and Silver Lake Ilke districts by b II H HI It I Steele |