Show PROVO VO CONVENTION co SESSIONS S Will 1 11 tAI Special Correspondence Prove 1100 Utah Co Sept D GAt At tho flap list convention Tuesday evening Hev Q a I Chin of If If Montana do de nn an eloquent on Gods Word W oil ll and our Work retting Felting forth foith the tue Baptist bullet belief In tho tue scriptures as asie the ie Word Wor of ot God N 11 n D p IX D 7 Omaha on thin the subject National Evangelization tion ton Solves National Problems forenoon session wn wa was de do devoted devoted voted to the young oung peoples work In Interesting interesting addresses being given Thin Thc following of oC the tho n 1 i y V P V A for tor the tue year were elected i Pre lre President President aPical Miss A L 1 Smith first frt Miss P A Dle second vice Ice president Mr Mv Ir Harry Chapman third Miss MIsH Barbara Barbar finn Ion chard charl BI Miss 31 las Mablo 1 Wixon I on At the thc afternoon session tension unfinished business via considered and the tho name nume of oC the ol oh was waR changed from the tue Utah 1 Baptist association to the th Utah State convention Another nother Imi ira step was tva the joint relationship formed by t the state with wih the Home Mission MI lon society to thin the effect that for tor every ever dollar dolar raised In the Held II old by hy the various arlous Baptist churches 1 ll addition additional al will wi be expended by b tho the House Home board Tho Thio following committee on revision of or the thin constitution was appointed d Prank Burnett Burnot Ogden Hev J 7 C An drews He D A Brown and the tle pas pa pastor jastor tor of the Ogden church Ie D A Brown delivered a n doc hoc trinal sermon on The Legislature and Ind Executive Branches of oC Gods Govern Government ment The Tho remainder of or the afternoon wast given to the Missionary so ro societies soCieties etol After the tue appointment of ot vai Va Various rious committees the reports trout from the missionary ml circles s In the tho different churches were heard The ho societies of ot the tho Salt Sni Lake Iala churches this the Ihl First I antI the tho Hast I ast Side churches Provo and Ogden reported aggressive Work ork and considerable money mone raised for Cor the several govern missionary lences Misses Helen Hyde and nd Helen Elgie missionaries en route to China where they the expect to spend the tho remainder of ot their lives In church voik among the natives R spoke very earnestly and dc tie At 1 the voice col e of oC the th afternoon services orvices nil alt tho the delegates were vero photographed In Ina a h group In Its front of ot the churn church The evening consisted of or a n song service led lell by b Pastor A 4 P F Chap man Missionary Holmes en eli route to Chino China delivered an nn Interesting die dis discourse course on Our Oui Escape 1 from from In the Boxer Trouble Dr Ashmore also on lila his wa way tay to China spoke Inter Interestingly on My 1 Mission Field In las East Eastern I ern era China Chinn Dr Stephenson delivered an address entitled Gospel on Wheels WILL WILf ILL ENTERTAIN 1 The Utah County Count Medical society met Inet yesterday e with Dr Hardy y at thin the asylum to make arrangements for the reception of at tho the visiting motors doctors of ot the tho State Medical society noddy which holds Its annual meeting In this city October 1 alIl 2 Committees were appointed as S follows Arrangements Dr J F P Noyes Noes American Amerlean Fork Pork chairman entertain entertainment ment Dr F W V Taylor Talor Provo chair chairman nan man banquet Dr George L Smart chairman The visitors will wiil be entertained on the thin evening of oC tie the th let 1st at the asylum and anda tt II banquet will bo be given glen In their honor honorat honorI at I the thin Hotel on the evening ot of the tho 2nd NUPTIALS Miss Minnie and Mr Frank A Mangum were lore married last evening at the home of oC the brides par parents cuts Mr lr and Mrs F 1 W S C bruck Apostle teed Reed Smoot A 4 largo number of oC relatives and friends were svere present to wish the tho newly newl wedded pair ft a happy and prosperous pro Journey journe through life The Tho guests were charm charn charmingly entertained and passed a n very elY vei enjoyable evening In wedding festivities festivities ties tieR Mr and Sirs Mrs Mangum art are high highly Iy ly esteemed by hy a o large circle of ot friends They will wilt make their home hOlne In Provo PAm NUPTIALS Samuel S Bennett Dennett of ot Provo 24 21 2 and Mary L 11 I Park of ot Pleasant Grove 24 21 were married yesterday by Elder Eider H II S 20 Jeweler Beck neck has lies offered a reward of 1250 for thin the recovery of oC the tho Jewelry from rom his isis store on the thc morning of Sf It the 2 th or a proportionate reward for forthe forthe forthe the recovery of or n a part parl of oC the Jewelry Je This Thin Is In addition to the 10 regard offered by the thin county coun ty GARDEN CITY NOTES The Thc city elt council net met last evening and passed tho refunding ordinance as ns an announced announced announced In Wednesdays lion Hon Joseph 11 It Murdock of 01 Charles Charleston Charleston ton has lies bought the Tuft place In the tho Fifths Fifth PUth ward for the purpose of occupy occupying occupyIng ing It Il as n A home for tor members of ot his hi hilam family lam II while they attend the Brigham Young academy Hobert It Thome Thorne of or Pleasant Grove whoso whose foot was amputated some time and Is igo wait IRA In Provo yesterday 1 progressing nicely Sheriff Storre and City Marshal Marsha New e left last evening enDing for Grand Junction S g on bU business with the 1 burglary and the escaped coun county county ty prisoners who broke broko broko Jail Saturday |