Show 1 JioTE KILLED BY CARS CARSI of if f Wilson Run Over and I Wilson Wilon Wison Angled MIngled In lit Depot Depol Yards hl till t I 10 IIO IIII JI 11 1 Ed ase Illel a n dent deaf mute who ote David Wilson th h hi Ills hIs brother Wison J died In the tho o hospital this jO at 7 3 30 train from rom Injuries night about ed td last art t I R I II through the thc Union J man wits evidently ne the tho track on his way wayte I r engine enerie was running running te A anil the freight ant fr from iou cars ri taught about tho thin point We I as Oregon Short Line main line lino lne linee t the malts main line 2 Union rolon Ino e the t e when he tie was struck ael cr lt it b hoW How the thu accident V l it be e when tho the Ud t k n was wal IU fit te found na his mangled mangle body blood 1001 on Old the cars showing nf ww wa a and not no tho engine had hadIl i tie it t e cars Int Il ii first b bIG Kas as taken to the baggage TI ate a Dr Con Colt Conr physician i the city th Dr hr r was Summoned r Ia 1 1 by b tho the Union Pacific laco of oC the case cage cager casel ll and nd took charge r 1 S und that Wilsons left lef leg legIt eg It l frightfully were ht arm Id alto also had an Injury nt at It tho the Chr Ch Ider er erle the lit lIe le skull hul which rendered him hint himI I 0 it r clouS th the th kul physicians stated at tit that he could hardly ly live lc tin un te de nt thit but bt ho he was vils taken to the tue thet o to and t oL L his wound attended notified j In Wilson Wison were tere S OF OP TUB ThIl TH POLICE complaint was filed against Percey A r who Wil Is charged chor cd with wih having 1 barn tarn of ut Oco Oto Dalton and andal the wed which harness d a carriage rt I al sold cold to a n second hand hande i ad e The harness hiss has been l tt were made to the police BI against two boys named l and nd l onnell l two tto others other b names Mines arc TIrL unknown that they thay th ib carrying firearms rearms last evening ih SPY shooting them A bul biti buli carried by h he i a rule rille from fran M lt rie eu sic e it i the Ih boys bos grazed rael the head of 01 o olph J lph b Fancy Farley F l who woe was returning to toI Intend to vigor Igor I h le The police ctr punish h the offenders Tie case cm of Brig Robinson who Is ts c with wih disturbing the thin pence peate was liken ulea kel rf under advisement In itt In police court III I naming morning INSTITUTE I the Ite te Weber county teachers Institute held next Saturday afternoon sill S1 i tx be b b Li tt the room In the court IK te These meetings be ho con tC during 11 the tho school f Ia tr Some of ot the leading educators educator lithe t State have consented to address hr C te on topics that most in interest theft terest the teachers No special pro gain hs as own been arranged for tor Saturdays J but a general discussion of oC this titis Kirs eus work will wi be had CASEY CASE El 1 4 Casey Cuey the man who was being b Ul for trial to the district on tha of vf burglary was 11 yesterday ye ter lY re rc related kited kul from custody by Judge M ti I decided that the thin evidence against t him hint would bo be le to I convict PAINFUL ACCIDENT Uri Mrs John nn an aged Igl resident ii Feln rl City met mel with a u painful acci lat tut e t by an article artcle of oC furni list filling tUng oli oh Oh her cutting and tf lf I hr hir head and face badly AND Muse Vera Ver Young and an Maud Pat Patti 1 ti rk loth uth of oC Salt Sai City CI are aro visit Jt I In la Ogden this week the guests of ot ofU U Sy mJ Frid f returned home homo yester ester fir front from a a pleasure trip where he went to visit his lila 1 arents Hg Ills Is trip was tas Wil very en tle tile W but tat h he toys says ns thero there Is no place Illace like Iko itu lt sir dr Ir Melner was accompanied tons e by his family from Omaha Omaha where whew t Ur lily T hue Uve been ben visiting rI P h and two to daughters we tire hit tone rone to California on a pleasure tp Recorder D P N Ellis I ls lies has re ret reused I used t 1 from m Salt Sni Lake where he has hasT hal ha km u O oi T business ot of Minneapolis Is In InHo InI r I 01 on business Ho ilo le Is buying up t for I the h eastern aster markets p n C Of ot Salt Sni lake Uke w was 9 In OR O OV w la In tho the Interest of ot the tho V U p Coal tv Th n t society will wi hold n a nat Saturday at the tho home of ot Mrs iL m l street IJ I Ema Anderson has returned im a extended pleasure trip to the t I National park l as returned to Omaha nf at le I stay In ln Ogden cJ g i Atee Agee hns hn returned ned home homo from r Wyoming where ho lIe 10 went nr to t some ome lome legal and AI lon of at Morgan county count Is I C t lay kis bl Ela Eh sits or of San FrAncisco Is I II l Ii I In the gUeS guest of oC Miss ils 1 hit MOser or tet P Ier who hn has been visiting In Ogden has hiI returned home Supt SUIt Park ot of the Wyoming division lon lonor ot or the Union la Its In Ogden to today today day Mists AgeD Ageo has Ima returned homo home from an al extended visit bl with wih relatives antI and friends In Nebraska County Count Count Assessor A Is l reported an tie I Improving In lU health but bulls Is still con colt coho lined fitted to his hi bed bOl K Ii W Patrick lattick la trick of oC Shoshone Idaho is upending a n few fow In Ogden Ouden H IT 1 O 0 of ot Mr Mt II Idaho IH its In 11 Ogden on business s Eloise Chill Chi I Is IR went ont to o Morgan to today today today day to report In the district court Judge 11 1 H n U is II holding court courtIn In Morgan today C I 1 of at the tho BurlIngton Is In Ogden on business today loU loUW W v C Weaver was ras Wa a n Salt Inke visit visitor or yesterday n Potatoes are ure soiling for tor or per hun bun hundred bundred dred In the tho Ogden markets today |