Show his Ons to 10 bo lii Now New York Sept G H Is reported thai that the he stockholder of oC the tho Consolidated las lias company will wil soon oon bo lio called on to 10 approve rt a 1 plan plait for tor u ii 1 complete root of at that property The rhe plan luau plans 11 n If is s said paid to be to form torm a pow pew lOW corpora corporation corporation tion Jon to take over the entire assets n sets of ot entre the tho lie present lr lt company and to distribute he tho now stock to present stockholders on the following basis To o each holder hohler of or ono one share of 01 stock II n tho the old wi be bc given n i per cent In 5 I per cent bonds SO 80 tier per cent stock and und kO SO kOper SOper II in n 6 fl per cent preferred per cent In iii common stock or per percent cent COlt for tor each lJ per cent celt of at present par ar valuation |