Show THE SALT LAKE TREBUN'E Monday June 8 1953 API — wa sir 0) pri pn nr- - ugg LIJ LIJ LI ' QJ It THE WORD FOR "WAYNLINE MODERN" ems THE MOST EXCITING HOME FURNISHINd NEW IN A DECADE -- - and NOW at the GRANITE! Ij e a ! ! linommommEnnoolunnommomol 4h t You've read about these wonderful low-co- st luxury home furnishings in many magazines—make your selections now— low GRANITE priced! I ere :m 0 SOFA Your chola of fabrics colors des slam! Yu'll opproclote the economy of Ilno—ond economy of prIcol 7950 large living room at new University of Utah Home Living Center to be dedicated Monday Jill Thomas left Honolulu T H and Mary Alice Ambrozi St Joseph Mo enjoy the At BASED ON REALITY U Home Living Center Pioneers Field The new Home Living Center at the University of Utah is a pioneer s'enture Many other universities have similar institutions But this one Is leading out in a new type of training for Already it is attracting attention in other states and there have been inquiries about the 'Utah plan" which apparently Ix unique Here is the reason: It prepares girls to set up housekeepor ing in a small home apartment rather than in a spacious place which most of them would be unable to have during the early years of their married lives To Learn Dr Virginia F Cutler head of home-makin- Home-Makin- the Department of Home Eco- mornies explains that in other' colleges the practice is to have a large house in which six or Chick Output Up Eon's Show Dip hatcheries turned out chicks in April about 13 per cent more than in April 1952 but laying hens produced 2 million fewer eggs in April this year than they did a year ago Egg produttion for the month totaled 41 million in April 1953 the U S Bureau of Agricultural Economics reported Friday The decrease in egg production was due at least in part to 6000 fewer hens on farms and in poultry yards The "hen census" in April showed 1785000 Utah 1150000 All eight girls will live for certain periods of time to learn homemaking But this is an unrealistic type Because most of of training them after they get married will not have the money for a big house The Utah plan is to teach them how to run a small place with a small budget for furnishings food and other costs So the new home Living Center is divided into small apartments each complete in everything but laundry facilities Two girls live in each apartment for a period of six weeks They are allowed to furnish it with not more than $500 worth of furniture kitchenware linen and tableware The furnishings come from the stock of the Living Center has on hand The girls must account for every sheet pillow case or frying pan Plan and Cook Then they set out to plan and cook meals and carry on other housekeeping tasks all within the limited budget of the average couple On this plan the center can accommodate 20 girls during each quarter of the school year The center however also is used for classroom work and training in arts and crafts for a much larger number of students Dr Cutler said there are hundreds of students who thus use the facilities of the center In addition to the individual apartments there is a large attractively furnished living room a kitchen and dining corner All activities at the center are un ma-tria- ls newly-wedde- this -x: --6aw- 0 4 '''''' I 0 ‘ - t1 - '''"011cW kl 4111 )0't' 1 41- 2PC der the direction of Dr Cutler with the aid of several instructors Built and Furniahed The Living Center is unusual In another way It is perhaps the only building on the university campus that has been built and furnished entirely through private donations The cost without furnishings was approximately 6300000 The building is a monument to the untiring energy of one man—Sterling W Sill former chairman of the board of regents Almoot he solicited contributions of material labor cash and furnishings Approximately 200 persons succumbed to hie enthusiasm and became contributors to the enterprise The contributors will be guests of honor at a dedication dinner Monday at 7 pm in the center The dedication prayer will be offered by Ezra Taft Benson secretary of agriculture who is in Salt Lake City for commencement The built ing will be open for public inspection Tuesday from 2 to 6:30 2 tor as low as highest-powere- d Direction sweetest-ridin- g biggest-valu- Dual Mop Lights Sunshades indicator Automatic Clore Box Light Oil:Both Air Cleaner Buick SPECIAL e You'll find it for in history beyond the cars in ride and comfort "low-price- and thrilling slos Apeelpor end lor& tarti t000tt4A doe 10 it ana the foctorrinstolled extras you may wont are bargain' such as Hooter &Defroster only $171i Even Pokdot 48P any chaget addlharrai All Vacuum Puma Sumpter Guards front and roar pirformance— Soden Twin Oil Filter but lust an easy step up in the price you pay Better drop in soonl jelAter Lighter Signals 041 11atect OpVoncil Pr quipent may vary It Of ly tuboct lo changS WA041 in occossorlos odoottng con- NatC11 SEE YOUR BUICK DEALER—Now 4 SECTIONAL 3-P- C Wonclorful as a single motor ploco In largo rooms— porfoct as occosioncil chairs in small rooms Moos from a riot of color! 9995 And Many Other Accessory Pieces! I 1 1 4 nimmer ::- - 4'c: LOVE SEAT More is trim assort nom& Ezra Taft Benson Spends Quiet Week End in S It ore (lliverefg 1 The Secretary of Agriculture Dwight D Eisenhower's cabinet spent Sunday with his family at 1389 Harvard Ave probably for the last time at that address The Ezra Taft Benson home has been sold and the family will move to Washington D C June 15 to join the secretary In quarters he already has arranged for them there The secretary rose early Sunday and polished the speech he will deliver Tuesday evening at the University of Utah commencement exercises before handing over a finished copy to the university It is to be printed for distribution to the 1000 graduates after the service its host doom limos rn1 crisp moomoty 47:e11' - 4 t ligiht) 70i': f I ' - till q t i ft vd( 54" t t ' -- t -' in President CHAIR - : ' LiP 11 the kiwis end mbinetiens that suit goer present scheme —Wert line fits right lid Cheese sky tt1114 (11frostreted Lett) 34" i a BIG! — 18-InGENUINE DAVIS ch 1 3-P- BEDROOM C 1 4 SUITE Mr I and Mrs Suite in boauti '4 Mr and Mrs Dresser Bed DAVIS '11110ATINO mittosr ALAN' VISIATIOtie - ' Night Stand PLU$ lAst 111 STOMA Famous FLIX04AATIC Clutch BMW end STRATTON SAW !kering leopopeed Cotter Mode 1 t 1- or (c) rom 8 I 47 G EVERYWHERE t:s EAST I VPP'gte$ gqNmqm4oen?!?tv-Ns- ' rf : 0 - tt -41 " OPEN a 001 21ST SOUTH MURRAY 48TH SOUTH AND STATE PWSSVPIltKW e al 0 I 1 t 34 0 v I " A t: ' tei 5!:' li i w i ”ti lo ' 1-- 1 1ST miti i: '1-- '' Ja SUGAR HOUSE NOPRItT°H113°TH : TILL '- 1050 - -- - furniture cottni9 DELIVERY ' Ly)if-t- 0 ett odor) CREDIT-- - 95 ) : $S MONTH CONVENIENT 7' 111 $ID DOWN (Slightly 10 v 1 - 11 pwoli son vst MQWR 1 L:111 1 POWER t ful light mocca finish Officials here of the Salt Lake office Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Beane national brokerage concern Sunday were completing ing the firm's A4rt offices 0The move is expected to be completed within 90 to 120 days 41" to according Walter L Roche Mr Roche Salt Lake manager The firm presently is housed In the Beason Building Its new quarters will be at 129 S Main where a lease for 3000 square feet of floor space has been obtained In an article concerning the move ip Sunday's edditions the Salt Lake Tribune published a picture identified as that of Mr Roche but the picture actually was of M W McCarthy New York assistant manager of Mei nil Lynch Pierce Fenner and Beane —Including these "extra's! at no extra cost! Come in and look at sit in and drive the SEDAn ' I pm aryangements for mov new '53 LL))71)1ggcyl ce 44 Brokerage Firm Pushes Final Moving Plans delivered locally two-pie- fut Color and fabric choice! - r 88 95 unit— as a single or !naafieither way thaysre strikingly Use y single-handedl- SECTIONAL ' - - ' 14 ''' A' FRIDAY 0 Ciest8 st - :: : -' : l'''''':: mnitio Pillo :- ':' 4socoame00- i 1' 1 ' - 1 !'s 0 |