Show t - — THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Monday June 8 1953 l' i - ' - Trabert Gains Top Seeding By Bob Williams Tribune Sports Writer Cannon-bal- l Tony Trsbert gained top ranking in the Na- P Tenni tional Hardcourts t Championships according to feedings listed Sunday by avt 1Freed secretary of the l tarmountain Tennis Assn Tom Brown was seeded secnd Harry Likas third local favorite Linn Rockwood fourth and Lorne Main Canadian champion top foreign Seed 1fifth Rockwood and Main will lc goes according to fleet-- -if glan — In the quarterfinals the winner to meet Brown in Vie semis Trabert and Likes Won't have the upper half of lila bracket all to themselves -- — r 3 n V Crescent Nets Win Over Power Nine '4 i I Draper and Crescent turned In Amateur Federation wino Sunday afternoon as Draper stopped the Pointers in hurler's battle and Crescent detested Utah Power and Light 81 First baseman Motta led the Draper nine with a homer and a single in four trips to the plate Crescent pushed across five runs in the seventh and three more in the eighth after count for tbs trailing by a first six and a half frames UP111 abho1 alCreeeent Oh ro tvt 0 Tagssrt 3b Doyle lb Sattrnin ise Peery et i : i rt rswart It 1401411411' 0 Soldier g a Lindutt 0 - Gilea 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 S Totals 1 1 I 1 1 2' Orr 3b 0 0 Manning 2b 3 0 White lb 1 3 0 llghseban It 0 Sari a 01 Howard m 0 Liedtke et 6 II I! DMEari rt 1 1 4 4 21 Merrell a 0 0 0 Hoskins It S I O I &Porter 0 gill 315 110 l''''1 4 4011 1 4 1 1 431 g 4303 1110 1 Totals DritiL Crescent 30 15 Itt 10 000 000--1 000 000 113-s-0 100 11—Itatterman Manning Morrell L M Earl L Sheehan White Orr &— 11B—Hosluter Howard Sari Serie Sheehan 5 — itattorman IS — Boyle M D Orr Earl Manning Hopkins RS1 —Monning 1 Seri Sheehan Harking L DP—Manning and Howarti White and Tart 1P—Soulter 4 1 3i Giles 1 a 'a Morrell O W—Morroll L—Botiltor so— neurear I Giles 1 MOrrell IL DB--prodtar 2 Morrell 1 WP—Morrtil 3 1J—levans and Marinham 0 A li 0 ' g :: ? i y4 14ett'e kl "4 10 I '''s ' r ' Nt t'Z ' ' 1 - '1 ti tt r ‘ ''' 1 I I4 7 7 "It k4'''''' p ' ' i4 a ' s r—i k4 '' ' N ir 71:r ity 4: It 4111 ik 4A Doubles Title Goes to S L Netters D Wayne Pearce and T o m Brignand two tennis stars of Salt Lake prep circles captured the Utah State Junior Doubles championship Sunday at titles were decided in five separate divisions eramor ab b 0 Pinten ab 0 s Pearce and Brignand had to 1 1 0 Taylor se 4 1 1 1 Day et Washbre et 1 1 1 0 Vilinms ot 404 1 go all the way to defeat Joe Andrus ri $ 1 1 0 LAverett rt 4 II 1 Drown 11 4 1 1 1 atmals et 1110 Cowley and Ed Pinegar in the 3 iIIi3b 1100 finals Manya 1123Ju1b Matta lb 4 1 1 1 2Avelytt It 3 1 1 1 Baumbacher and Betty Bennett 5hields 4 1 1 3 Josef 3b 2000 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Loavitt lb Marianas Petersee lb 3 1 1 1 Beath lb 1041 won the Junior girls championroull00 p 4 1 1 3 Verities p 3101 ship as they turned back Jo and Mime p 000 0 summit 1 1 1 1 Jasmine Freed 6 Only title yet to be decided is Totals 30124101 Totals 20 0 St 11 In the mixed doubles Quarterellrounds0 out tor Heath in Mh 101 000 01- -3 and semifinals of this diLraper 100 100 00- -3 finals R—Andnui I Motto 1 Taylor 1 D vision will be played Monday Uinta 1 L—Motta Heath I Josses Var hies IS—Taylor I 11—Peteroon Mit— with eight duos still remaining 1101— Motto 311—Vorhies ID contention Motto S brown 11 nvorett IP—Pottl eon L Verities 13 MIs $Y 3 W— Sunday's Results: Poulson 11whist& All—Oft Poulase 30 Vorble SC Klee I HO—Poulson Jwikor avo Vorldos V 1011—Drager I Pointers 4 Pillager del John DRY—Poulson I Verities I 110—Poul Dottie CocrieyEd and Tort Saumgardner 1 von - - 6-- 1 2 Top Matches Today pm—Osrar Johnson same George Stuart who beat Rockwood in the Public Parks two years ago Johnson incidentally is fresh out of Uncle Sam's livery and has been practicing with Pancho Gonzales The boys a real slugger He'll play at 2 pm NEW YORK June 7 (UP)— The lightweight championship fight at New York and a European middleweight title bout at London command most attention on this week's excellent boxing schedule Jimmy Carter of New York risks his world lightweight crown against dangerous Georg le Araujo of Provideuce R at Madison Square Garden Friday night in a At London Tuesday night Middleweight Champion Randy Turpin of England meets Charles Humez of France in a for the European crown 6-- 1 imp 4-- 6-- 16-1- 7-- 5 31-1- 1illo Ms' s I p I Smith 4 1880--G- Lori irs arr 4 a miM Okeh Rose Bowl SEATTLE June () — Renewal of the Rose Bowl football pact with the Big Ten is 7 2 01:wr VS tAy4 II a "- -- '41 4 How much retirement pay possibk for you to get? 11) I ‘ Al 91-ir04- 1 !4 eii t ' I f NEEDS COUNTRY YOU GET ALL THE FACTS For Forth loforosotIon or Write e 4' rhos MILITARY DISTRICT HQ FORT Doyouts UTAH Hot 1401 tot 2435 or your Anoy Destructor lga SA21 loo-Pb0- 00 'O— lid 3194 topon—Pk000 735 Provo—nos Ago 21159 4120 2 a 4 to 4 1 4 11 3153 ---- S Polo Team COWDRAY P A R K ENG- June 7 Peter Dollar led the Cowdray Park polo team to an easy 107 victory over America's Meadow brook Club Sunday wild medic I CP -- - Big Bill generally considered the greatest player of them all was found dead Friday An autopsy surgeon said he died of a heart attack Tilden was 60 In his day he won all the top tennis titles and dominated the American courts more than 10 years 'Broolc Point-Pa- r Clarence Hill and M E Carney tied for first while Dick Wilks and Er ling Espedahl tied tour for second in the point-pa- r nament at the Meadow Brook Golf Course Sunday afternoon d pitcLie 4 0 nent! II iva '41 i21' blend— (7-'o- 4 71 ':4 i 40iiF' 3::: ''71' 44 I 4k tik ' 4 : n o - :1!yti4e:t4'''i:iF 4 t 4'44 t f ' ' ' 4 4 it '4 it :t f'"" -- 44 -'- ''' Id ''''Uliejf:) "4 ' '- - :' -- - ':t''' i 4" ": '" ' t Gov I Bracken Let Pat Miller and Blacky Wells each got 25 in the singles Pat Miller NETHERLANDS June 7 Italy's Alberto Ascari world Glen Facer and Bar Carlisle all champion 1952 roared to vic- had 131 in the doubles competitory Sunday in the Grand Prix tion 1-: '- 4- t3 s lt 4 - t ''' 10 1 5fr?'s ' e" 4 ?' :' t 0::':1 - t4111 "444"444 e4 '1" "41 " 7 :4 i ' ' k i - A''4Aifi: - - k!:":t14i:::-:r:1- :t 7 i 't '': k 4i ' t:23 :4' "i1441:‘4:'':' C"F5:i'': ' 4 0:41i 14 :- ' - ''44!44:1! ?:C1 441 -- -'"- 1 ' Ai 0i ')1qt'7' s ''e '''- 4 411!'::':12' ' lk": I' - 7 4 ' 4 ' 04 11'' event : gc ' C''' ' e:: p - :'' ! - li- r' '' ' tbuta ':° "" :i ' 'V:' 44t' :' ws 44:": ' 1::: :" 5 ! !V li! ' 4 ' :fr‘'' 44 1: "4 '4 4 ' :'': " ' DENNIS JAMES — ? i 4Zrf- i : !e li f: 't'' ij' 4 4 !oz: ri' ' : t ' k' 1' 0 - :: ff: - MIDDLECOFF IIARlION SCOFF AT OAK3IONT INVINCIBILITY 4:' ' 4 ii! $ 24 01 ' 6' e ' t4: Christie and Rene Troter won the team shoot as Pat Miller and Reed Pendelton walked off with first place !laurels in the miss and out fr " " Anne 1 tii!:?N:i: ''' z' ' t: ' f 1 " 4 t c f 200r4J2 )'$"1 t'' -: '4 r 14 :' 44: 444 t 4 '0-- 1 ' l f t'f '''''' "" - " 14:14'1:'4' 4: 'I'': :'''' ' 7ilethel':?:44 afretad: :''' ' : '" ' '2 44 A ' I : it:tl:4-'4:-44k-- 7" 1 '' 4111" 1 '''' 1 it ' ' p :' t VA-- -- S 1 ' ' 9 ' s' 4 r 901 t4 - ( 4--- ' P'4 in the shootoff k :::z 5':' 1: t 4!' ' i yr -- f 4! '4 4 ' "'' ' le rre 4"14::' 1 ': tiO7e4 fw P ' 1' 4 4" i:::'-- ' 4'14 Oeoi4Z0041:404Itte ' ' 44 1:- b 4: :J :44"i 1i'': i f '' ' 4' I ':: 4 "Mr Old Gold" on television and radio ?0 Ill - " - 'f''''''' ' I -5 4 THE But BASES ARE LOADED with medical claims OLD GOLD is way out in front with the cig- arette made by tobacco GOLD shot-makin- g ' ' 44 kit4':!vtY4"!: '' 4iiiiilla evesiptott-'- 't41:: ''t-4- Lat eitiftei3O)610 '' :'' :' t$::- Ii :: ' I ' ' AV 4 "'''S''' '' '4'1 '''c 4 4-- 4' y rA443k'4: ilreiy: r4iL - 1 44 "' is44':- p:'? :V 94 ' 2 3:":4::i'::::7? N -:0 4sio i 4s 4 - t :rCra:44RETTEs'' "' iii t 4- 4 lu NG :'"grzp ' : 1- 44 ' i' 27'''' t ‘ I '0': '' t'0 7 )4--It'' h' !' it so1i14 4 fei 44: 4 4 V 4' I !04:sxk: '4 't e 144' vf 1t ' :' t Ittl:T --4 : : :4is4ei ts-- 'Ir-4- 44 r ix - 4't il ' '''''4 :''f i 4 '' ' r4101S Ilkorf "i :t ' i446 404 'tit rctli '' E " GA t1 44K41 4 4t: 4 INCE A t!7:s v 4 6-- 8 ' i '1' - I t:7 ig' :'f::::!) ': 417 "' - r'1's ' 't 4 N A 1- 4i': :r'1'"'"4' ' I ::::t: ''''4 :i: :t N now in Regular and King Size Drobny Wins 4"" 1 4:(ii-:- 4y g: ld Old ' '''' ' L44s:::::44iitt:(: ' :'''''klf&:'1 4)'‘0 Ile''' '0'!i:A '' 4":"1 PITTSBURGH June 7 (RI — Memphis' golfing dentist Dr Cary Middlecolf and Claude Harmon the home pro from Mamaroneck N Y defied Oakmont's reputation of invincibility with sparkling sub-pa- r practice rounds Sunday —then both said the course could be licked Starting off like a whirlwind but finishing like a mild zephyr Middlecoff 1949 Open champion fired a warmup over the 69I6-yarpar 72 Oakmont layout After going the front nine in five strokes under par the lanky Tennessean went over regulation figures on the 10th 14th and 15th to spoil what looked for a while to be a record round Harmon chunky former Masters titlist added a 69 to produce perhaps the most consistent of the entire field The rugged Oakmont course played easier after Saturday's heavy rain and optimism rose that its undefiled par may be humbled by the end of the week Qualifying is set for Tuesday and Wednesday with championship medal play beginning Thursday it :: t101 ZANDVOORT-ON-SE- of Holland automobile race His compatriot and teammate Nino Farina also driving a Ferrari finished second and Jose Fro-- lan Gonzales of Argentine third in a Maserati 1 Samefamote down-to-busine- Wood 22 I 1 - 4101- expected to get an unanimous "aye" from Pacific Coast conference bosses this week Faculty representatives who run the conference for its nine member schools opened the session Sunday night lining up their program for the first meeting Monfinish up They'll day morning Thursday 6-- I 1 men not medicine men OLD cures just one thing: The world's best tobacco So pay no attention to the "rhubarb" of medical claims Just switch to OLD GOLD and enjoy the smoking treat that has made OLD GOLD sales grow at a rate twice as fast as the entire cigarette industry for the past seven years For pure smoking pleasure with no medical nonsense change-tof a treatment! o OLD GOLD for a treat i — -: 7 at nojn Wednesday 220-yar- 4t -- HOLLYWOOD June F liner al services for tennis star Bill Tilden will be conducted e LAND 7al Set for Tilden 4-- OK: d YOUR Beat U Bausch who won the Olymple decathlon championship in 1932 and was voted the Jamas Z Salmi award the 't:' It can be $9000 or more a month for the rest of your lifel Powers 3b Krus lb Kholor it 0 0 Paulus d 1 1 Nichols 1 3 4 2 4 1 4 I 2 0 4 1 3 3 4 1 1 1 Totals M 0 rt 11 Totals 40 13 24 000 001 cin---Pleasant Greve 330 001 00z-- -1 Provo R—McAllister Crump Hardy 2 How ord Green 1 LAI VI ia Powers Nichols Peeters !Ash F—Jarman Robinson SH— 2 Powers Pantos Slit—Green Luth Loser—Hatch SO- -HS—Lawis Lisis 2 Shannon 1 BB—Lish 4 Hatch 1 Time- -- 1 in U—Christiansen and Bennett SONG-wal- 4 k k 011441 er IMMO 2 1 4 2 rt 1 2 3 0 Lish 0 Westover 0 1 0 Hatch p Shannon 1 310 li The high hurdle event was on the very first modern Olympic Games program in 1894 and was won by Curtis of the IL S A in the time of 171 seconds The newest of the track events Or men) ea the modern Olympic programa b k the added in 1932 4: - i 41t1C4e el'OteA17"altit'S Will '::44:'P''''elti:::!-iW:Al''7e:t'"i1:1:'1?:t:- Trophy at Traps Howard-Jan- e Roars to Victory How much spare time must you spend in the Army Reserve to guarantee a lifetime income for yourself and family at age 60? Only IS days at summer camp plus 60 hours in additional Reserve activities every year RI:Assam es Itertaoa as Hardy Sb tAP Funeral Services 1 DO YOU KNOW? 14tA ' Howard Groom Ilb discus - Dick Jones Wins 3101 WHAT O tiP'' VS 10 ' 6 1 3 IP 1 1 7 0 $ 3 1 0( 4 0 6 Oi 3 0 1 1 Wankier lb Crump II Elliot if 1 girls IS and Under Freed del Jo War 0 renFrancis Pearson 0--4 a412riabl 00001 Olds 11 and Under Drockbank-Christine Finals — Judy Totals 33 I $4 151 Totals 20 I 7113 Cannon Dick Jones won a shootoff at Can-m- u der Joao Hackett-Manda—Grounded out for Toone in 7th 03 St the Salt Lake Gun Club Sunday 000 001 000- -1 Morten 000 003 102- -4 Mendes's Schedule 137sibam afternoon as be eked out a win 11—F Junior Mixed beuhles Porter Ls Comb Apostol Z—F Porter Austin Sommers ger 10 sm--So- b over Hortense Wood for the Freed WalkinshreJoe SH — vs WILYDO Murdoch J Porter Bronson Pearce-Hele- n Nebeker 11 RBH—F Porter Jensen Benches am—Jo Cowley-Pa- t in the weekly trophy vs John trophy Fehr F 2BH—Sommers Porter Reser Dorich-BettBennett noon—Sam Park-ManAustin BBI—Apostol 2 Weskamp vs shoot Gene Bsumbacher OP—Johnson-Porter-Porter Sommers Freed I P M —Tom BrisnandJessen to e Jones and Wood both had Middleton vs Henry S SO—Johnson Peterson 1 Mary Treed Anosta 4 pm—eernifinals Austin S BB—Johnson 1 PI—Tucker 24122 with Jones getting 23 and Tune-1:- 3011—Had1ey end Slick "!04: 11cAllsl't et --- - with ariEreat mtgi2:6 ti self-exile- d 4- - 1 voted to eliminate the rubber in conference track meets Romney said the meeting would continue Monday with discussion of schedules the chief business on the agenda LOGAN (R)—Athletic direc- tors of the Mountain States (Skyline Eight) Conference Sunday approved five new track records set this season decided to keep golf and tennis as! spring sports and appointed Utah as sponsor for the 1954 conference swimming meet E L Wick) Romney confersaid the ence commissioner Rock y Mountain Conference had asked the Skyline Conference to join it in making golf and tennis fall sports because the participants would be in better trim after playing all summer The conference swimming meet will be at the Intermountain Indian School at Brigham City Utah March 8 These track records were made official: Paul Carlin Wyoming half mile 1:548 Bill Rife Montana mile 4:177 Wayne Lundell Brigham Young Uni9333 Monversity two-miltana mile relay 3:205 Robert low hurYates Utah dles :231 The commissionaries also added the class to w re stling competition and 1(t)JtEft I vAn0 JUL three-year-old- d r4dAw -' ")! (o) I 11 It mer Czechoslovakian star handled his South American opponent with an este that brought special applause from the 4000 spectators Vieira managed to break through Drobny's service only once but Drobny's powerful volleys quickly regained the initiative I lorPoll 1 right fielder got a three run homer in the second inning to pace Provo to a 74 Utah In- dustrial League win over Pleasant Grove here Sunday Lloyd Shannon manager of Pleasant Grove came in to take over the hurling chores after Lewis' smash and held the vic-tors to but two hits and one run I rim2b 4ab3 h1 11a Prove as abhI 0 3 ' $es nated for the race only five colts were regarded as likely rivals Sunday for favored Native Dancer in next Saturday's Belmont Stakes Listed as "probable" starters for third and final event of the triple crown classics were the Dancer Royal Bay Gem Jamie K Invigorator and Kamehameha Three other colts and one filly are being ranked as 'possible" entries They are Fly Wheel Powhatan Brown Booter and Grecian Queen 8-- ss 1 1 Glade Salvia Don PIMA vs David Pros& Doidso vs Dick I p8s-3- obs Joe Cowley vs Gus Timms Too itrissand vs Stove atathsoos tiv Culver vs Loa Raw milli Ohm Hawses vs tart laws-auditLisa Rockwood vs Tod Saylor Woosses I pm—Andrea Trood vs Melba Kos Maslow betty $oskostil vs Mullis Castle sis--118Ass Evader vs Ku Bowes Pearce-To- Ann ) rnothitillaot I IA4 vs Dos TisSol Crinds11 vs Jerry Items vs Ernest MUNICH Germany June 7 44 Finals—Wayne Brignand SA 24 114 Cawity4'inedar alp) — Jaroslav Drobny of °balm Llorl Scorer—Tim Junior dirie Egypt defeated Armando VielJ Freed4untine Freed def Wary ra of Brazil 3 1 Sunday WiddietonHelen 53 54 Nsbkr Bennett Bingham 4 Morgan 1 Maritot Baumbacher-Bettdel to win the men's singles title Morose ab b a a Illaskam ab b a Andrea Freed-Pa- t 114 104 Fehr Ir Prtar se 4 $ 4 0 LaComb lb a dot Freed of the Munich International I Freed 44 OA 14 Ommara Ito 4 l I 4 Jimon sa 3 1 Tennis tournament I 1 1 Imakaen 4 0 0 0 Apostel lb 4 ISO Sem IS and Under 4 3 2 V Sancho' 3b 4 1 14 for Drobny the ttwitch et licllartene-Devi1 0 4 Sohn 2 0 0 0 Waakma et 4 Winter def ft &O J Prtier lb 4 1 11 Babootit It 3 0 2 0 Harman CannotvPhills Howard 'Tome 3b 3 0 2 def Hy Rater ft 3100 14 linals—McirarianoMinter lower 3b 6 I I 1 brestooa a 3000 Saunders-LynOlsen 24 54 114 Tuellar a Asatiap 2012 Jenson a 1010 0 3 8 Johnson Peterson 0 0000 Zsitsolt Sutton &asses Goss IIVlkk 0111‘ 1 1 Woks Gross vs A PROVO — Dave Lewis Provo Mame Meadas Ictta69 Belmont Starters 11 S Vorbios Ube 1 1111—Poulsou 1 Vorhieo 4 Mtn 1 T--3-00 Gorr &IL 111111111111011 Special to The Tribuno rnFrsecio senores Reset Os Doe Tindal 6of Dabs °seaway 1141 Mutes Mane dol Bob Kaman IA S David rlyed dot Sob IlUrkstret CI 14 lea mall &Unit UIL Victory ON THE OUMPIC PROGRMA I 6-- NEW YORK June 7 (UP)— s nomiOf the 126 11 3-- 8 vs Gene Land vs Burton Smith Don Tisdel 4 p m—Don Platt vs David Freed 6 pm—Earl Baumgardner vs Glenn Haynes k Rates at seeding' top of Hardcourts Trabert and Brown Sunday won the Pacific Coast doubles title at the La Jolla Beach Club with a marathon win over Ted Schroeder and Noel 4 3 Brow 46 Skyline Chiefs Approve New Track Records 7 to 4 d '0'' f 4 national junior meet this summer He'll meet Don Tisdel U of U start at 2 pm John son holds three wins over the - High Hurdling 1- Carter vs Araujo Bout Tops Week's Slate in Ring World 0 4 xPorter 'trick eut tor Giles in gth ' 40 4 0101 Tony Trabort 5131 ilo 30 0 34 4 10 :? 3-- Fre4r' V however Sprinkled throughout the draw will be such luminaries as Canadian Don Platt Gene Land Oscar Johnson Earl Baumgardner and Charlie Hare Anita Kanter topped the women's seed with Joan Merelides second Doris Popp le third and Barbara L u m fourth Play In the Hardcourts opened Sunday with local net-tes in action The tourney will wind up Sunday Rockwood will be the only seeded netter in action Monday meeting Ted Saylor a veteran campaigner at 6 pm Land an Oklahoma City product is still a Junior and could go all the way In the 1 MEET IN LOGAN srons:auggtm Provo Snares 4 e:nt 41 lb — 6 6 6 instead |