Show Co' : --- -- 4 for Salo 211—flomes I 'Sell Quick" Says Owner Near South High an East KisnMake your offer Marton A only 4 years old 'arise cheer tilts tut rooms We (replace decorated di sin boards newly inside and out large basement s art gas heat and aaaaaa ant new home artd building Ater action on this property hours call Clint Madsen Onr distance to to Gas hot w 'ter heat M alk ins ISrim ens 130 Lot unpleprrio ce trano REACH 2 extra bed shake rnoms an besoment Stitt tot ideal stinn for school anti rhorch $11500 Or offer on terms Sort It todilyi A DUPLEX' A LOCATION! WHAT A Bur AND BUSINESS I e hro o huniatou homes no tart 211t South Zoned for Theta hum are aide butitneag hs ud near eln East One ot SlAiirlit huitnesA and ne‘t 1t the other is a t orner lot rather or together they senuld sinal an e s huainess pro tele I rnnt on Salt Lake's bu MIR t AILE mai " Priced right AIIPr hours call RandaD al R 0'47 fop cONvINIFNcr r r)44 ' ' 4 F ts MIST hp L 'bungalow garage nn 4 lot 2fleOt 100x163 with free flowing well also sewer for only 11180N1 Iloilo room thre and roons If vou are thinking about a PiLIS estra home income then ss dl pay sou to read further This attractive duplex is aide by side with large rooms Con sntentts located east on lit h South It oil are (loam to schools bus and churches shopping Ranges included in each unit ( lean and reads in en by life In I nits rent for ita5 each and pt tnert In sell al ank III flO' afrfrc hen" call Thcharos HOME Unsurpassed slew lot land and wooded 3 bedrcaom 2 both beasts' lL yrs- - old Rein smolt") material rod workmm 1" IASI- - roartil gout-611165 ship including asbewtos roof Full straistilmall basement s arose plus shop boat or trailer Must be seen to aOPrestorag space to auit tenant Sufficient mate (n1y 138300 Terms parking apace Locatioa 21g Salt Dit) YOF NEED Fleth South Sundays and s ' 3 bedrooms and 2 tiled hall) III nines call Wilier a44 47 week on main floor You might'lraste gam In !tor home Tared dittrict emit WRIGHT WIRTHLIN b bercb irk colonial Full bass ment gas furnace side porch off 4as somth Stain Rectors 71153! room -with dining 140 &trim' mountain slew plenty of closet for Solo-Trod- o cloohlt 0111Y ware 30—Prporty gallS 823750 Terrr C I Nome Peened - e4 Cr CAPSON ItirnAre REM CFO ACAIN be sold rot on 'sot near 27th South Full basement gas furnace lot 50‘239 kith frontage on Stratford Ave Fruit trees Now 18300 Terms FOR THRIFTY PEOPLE ticr is t acres good land on p '4th South COOPI for 1000 bens a mod home with porch fine Dior to keep od 1111t go den Only $ 200 Term MSIN !MAD acre rood ground k 1 tr-Also hoe I 1 on mod eolaste rented for 140 Per mo A real bus at moon If you have 22 000 doun N ne r CADDIS CO Val:MINT Fi LA 117 Main 'TOR NEW LIST ING Wan re alien Immedial Clean fl room betel' pentaealton bedreomo Onlv $137S0 ENI 883808 3490 8 424N 22 50ell 412111 Ed Burke Co elit loan tar L C S 31—Lots for Solo — LARGE NEW EXCLUSIVE SUBDIVISION k utoq cty s 3t rood on 011 4000 gronnc wed topd n Viiry (kb end 9eter 0Ied heoofol v fro' mop rcl I t Sne(lol p JL111 CI BOUNTIFUL ACRES 1roRMATIosi Harold Caldr !WI 741 FOR Rendell Mabey s I 4' David WO ( ALI or 1250 1252 trdner Mid IanS Dahl Md 5341 L C I 31—Livestock Weshd 2003 acres doedod land and 200 ttliol forest Permit Good grater risht No asaostmenta Thts is a irrAtHis arfprikoNlpu3c17S01 c0 ClzunrmilnAiipillaGRboAz rroo — from W 413- BEVERLY HILLS ANNEX WANP 2145 PARLEY'S Salt lake's neutat subdisiston All access utilitie s available s treet and between highway 150 homealles Lots 751125 on Wilshire Some pull assilabl Drive facing south Wonderful Olifi view of Mt Olympus and try Club 43120 to 13020 Terms HOME SITE on As acres )ust Off Ballads Blvd overloolt ins beautifu l Cettlonss pod area Terraced slopes with wel1 fet oe OR AN NTHIN Or VALl' it ALLIED MATERIALS CO 130 Pturn AMER 47C—Machinor f Pipe QC SR lathe 12' bod DI 34 SI7 ri iwa 170 " tons I 39A—Povitry Wanted nAsy tsk location Nis enninment trade Hav ACRFS--431000 IN riArtAllen WILL Gent a for UTAH LYthloo live 401 E poulirv Penny Ave 4- - 1037 WANTED grain ECHLTTIV done Cell I Conte Mid 001843 nd 3 2 A M ili4130ew 4 7 N hod Bush Sci!es Carte Saler 11650 CO PARRY IMPLEMENT 5483 South State power sprayer on rubber- tired wheels AL cond Ramsha w - V CONSTRUCTION CATERPILLAR plow and wing ALLIS CHAL MERS KD 393—Poultry Livestock Supplies BENEFICIAL Raltors—In03 Mtd 059514 Bloslosl or State hal :48 JOHN DEERE A tractor row-- plow 111850 blur 0113-11-- 364r7 S Rids liABGAINS lit used metal nests and flock feed ers Itamah aw Mr - 46—Let's - WILL ' AUSTIN S wap trade new hem r: freeez' model 77 B'ESTERN 1213- - TV with $ 7$ to 13 $ 7S 93 t milli) $ Used Hotpoint Sooges 1—Used Westlolsouse tonftle 9S 3 $ 13 SOME WONDERFI'L PUN'S IN WASHING MACHINES sic TO $190 Smal! Down Portsent—Eissy Isms OPEN MONDAY 12 NOON TILL 9 P Phons 3137S Ed 431 ZCM1 COAASINATION Bargain Basement $4950 Trocto Shovel guarented ATERPILLA R 0-HYdraulic Trascavator ALLIS CHALMERS HD10 Die sel Crawler with cable angle doter 2 83 1325 16" TV Comb A Hotpoint RAS AND COAL 5G o( ACRES de7 and pature beautolut seftine real bargain at thie price Dial 4 5371 TERMS OPEN SUNDAYS 91543 EQUIPMENT mod 12 Patrol Cbte ft Used It SUPPLY 4th South CREDIT 12'ar TV A Ekinatof reffig Used AT mattress 4394 lid 42 Pup tents 18 85 up Sleeping 1 hogs S Army sun gleams 34c Genuine ALLIED DEVELOPMENT Ph Sgur 11188 1419 S State Service & Z c vseo t"lerMni boss WAR SURPLUS - IIPIT PUMPS PCATRS TRAN!FORMTRS Balers 11145-- 21 495 :ma w gth south Holland Salem rim— Used 2 C INTERMOUNTAIN MI it vv I PP"' "Ill rpm M Lhcl FICILS FRYERS Coati pointers root beer dispesser and carbon 11113 bark retria bar 'tor 5 rhi!nle litstoit's crtam making ma- aa a rinatno TANS REMITERIr MERCHANTS Dept Some New—Some Used 44413 EQUIP ALL BARGAINS! JUST LOOK! REFRIGERATORS ligAt-I- RANGES CHINE (' ING CABINETS USED DEPT 'ostler Siis'OPS ' i 1400nlii 14-hi- hp single phase gear motor g lis rpm 30 - A nd Will 4 cO pay hli '' 'd - St 000-- - MhmerY SO m -- IN PRICE BELOW WAY 12E0j itAIIIIIS s AI Just "BELOW" T—ooTs 24' Cincinnati shaper 34'' lea Pond drill press 3 drum floc 'ItlAin hoist iiiiiiii irs '1 C leveland punch 141" throat Cleveland punch 14" threat RI ruin triCtion saw 411r blade A C light planL 7ry kw 110-110-311 A C light plant 110-A C litht Oast rillw It C Itaht plant 5 kw 110 Iec weldor 400 amo H obart and one leshp Illegal cut 11hp — GRADE 41P11111371 bet Ill 42 QC Hendey lath Quick C !Silos loth 16 IC A N 1i olitnentiera On'y 50( per week GIFFIN'S 1304P g4340 — -- "of o2oo tunnaedwalloosibrinste c10430not) Py North Temple W ear- Appliance Basement Bargains ALL MOV Ir 1 87 zcmr cups Plates Irons FOR ONR $995- mt so Asphalt SHINGIES—StSSO-SEISWt litY 111111DINGS To WRECK -- - 48—Mistalkinees fw-- Ssio FOOD COOtER for PICNICS pLps contents tot or told for s SANLIQUIST tie-laseOwners head efittle Located '3 miles AO: —Locker-gra31113 Lot us dress tut up and pack 121i 3rd East — Iowa os irchool bu and ' room R F D Attractive trictia i age your chickens ready for )our TOP SOIL led Drossed 'old hand freezer conchin scollent home isoern PO rfl Of under utiliser iftIOPPettell t per Priceloadfor east side willYI punkhoow andoona ban of health liudd's DraPor Poultry or delisr your tiuck corrals sheds cianarie 40th South and 27th East Mid i Plenty of machotm Good t"mi 21641 S Main OftIMI 1 J140--1can be 'noosed ISELECTED LIVE w L 1 our but stock for J WI delivery 111AwLKorecAiNaVONNenSO tlLienniadeli-o4now tirder DELTA FARM f 4 L BABY 'NENV HARP and W then iii inches yards 1111 south of 411th South $12 else' DAY OLD and 'STARTHre ts 200 acres of fine land r r rrrrr A A ALE HATCHERY 746W and 20 acrs paetur 50 acres in 14140 SO PH 22151 STATE BEST MOUNTAIN SOIL arid Balance in alflt grain lAWMtR FREEZER OWN'ititg AND Immediate Delivery A 200 shares Delia water grass GARDEN INSIR time to fiii Yuan locker with rest buy tut If40000 Soloed your fancy colored f FLORAL BROWN buds We will rut up and pack INooffloo not romp of -" a you desire Rue throes and TOPSOIL SPECIAL 21Sti nay Rudd t thsoer Poulti s Malyt 11789 a 3 114 di 1150 Yds SAICY CHICKS—TODAT Stuards 1117 E 27th s R4 1141 S i ART KD LEG PCLLE11 Rentals era Steamers DUCKS GOSLINGS RECA-FFINlawns ( Ptittlill in FIATCHIPAY POI 'LTIMIAN'S promotion K eallor launs tOPIell And fertilizer S 121 E 3rd South Dud 97777 477S S State Murray Ul Ph 330 old fertilizer auaranteed weed-fraPULLItTS MAR All material work a HER E 'S SECURI T Y Zreityon a 7114 K vine St Nur austanteed nd PLAV-aaray ItloM food soil—fill Gar- GRADE A DAIRY lee brooders den sand drivewaY gravel All 141)501 Ratsain price Ramshaw FilltitilPf with itt9500- - Compii ftelk' PurPoes sand TTTTT I A 7t0187 State any cows and nyount ilaulit4-181home brick ramble all fliierton iniatim FRYER'S 19 COLORED Canyon soil Chew 2825 est prices Immed delivery Land 10 GRADE A DAIRY tOCIELER'S baby chicks duck:' orePing Vert 434 400 Complet linglioults 32JiV I 4t 14) 45A—Form Equip Sopplios with 9 out — hums CoSS1 ant nioly cmcws so year all Ihui Ava 41635 Greasers all Heber City location — USED EALERS SOO for Silo 41—hilsVIsseses — USED WWI(' — $60S70 1 030 WEATHER STRIPPED WINDOWS AND FLAWS 81230—$1500 hitAnseaLyiso GRAVE DRIVEWAY Materiels Misc 4711-8- 1d1 Rt0--1 MTN TOP SOIL GuaraMeed for LANPACAP1131 —None Takes Deeper Than 12 in bead Sr lou home arid pigs Per prompt 'orrice tall Mao t2S12 or 64291 : MONTANA RANCH sad Fertilizer 14S—Seil VILNI1D iozna 9c5 $ y ! cctvi — 211230 Sell or trade for South 1001 Glendale ern Calif home Dr Acrylic teaches 3A—Fsroc 1 BUSINESS $41 South Socond Last 41Litio 333 South Seeend East 4911065 ZONED-10- E WHAT! WHAT 141A—losloots Oreperty -- Wonclrful value After hours call Moones WHAT 21—Komos for Salo te t An Monday June 8 1953 - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Just Betow MOiOr Appl Dept l'aed Fully guaranteed HANCO FURNITURE ARE YOU PATROL CHANGING TO GAS? LUMBER 8o shoed of thew rah that te acres cultivated Realtors th lake' ntor refrig or elec rest for ear: rapidly dovetailed odd ma tad 'terms Sunday and venings call nealtor Groh god feed A0416 20 acres in has and and lot or on pasture down buildang b tabor outhwick payment ! Phone Good Three Brirm Bungalow 241 E 3rd South ' Coma and moo danadatratia 30 acres in barley and newly home Call 871141 C FRANCIS SOt °MON & (0 NtrVo BALING tNilvon Ion m Ire our of famous daa mfbt 50 un 'MOWING RAKING acres alfalfa Ipper Planted Punt eton and Ith Vast rntr WILj swap email player piano for 73 So Main Reath Ave rate much much tor 14400 Ei900 to Thor Quiet ne( Good secure water Planted right large living room l1'n has on shares Big kit hen vu'aTue-AIM hitt can shoo row P‘PitrY to refinance Phone 68048 2 NICK LOTS 35th South and leth 2 a no turns take it shin you need Call'ilitr"30717137' bedroom 270 sets'po' 'rTir aatootoh Portable Liberal sir tradoina m tompreetor subrilvt In litiw 4 tliansr it 'eat tn Sickness Baement I radios and record pisoer value for 29—Income good sraa -rii requires own6r a 1 SIAM° 125 ft Jaeger portable -lhv m on Streets Property 1140n0 gas water and all t) NOW Terms to suit quahherj 1"M "wn' SInnn ia4p ira' w- -f-n 1107031 heel air COMPreSAW 52500 1 r11215° 71 sovements included in price bu ers CAR BAZAAR will trade ear or Bowden 50 awns Worthington pilITSP used sale HOME ond INCOME Slit:SO each Will accept contract TIIE ROAD TO ENJOY 1 FIVE ROClik1 BPIC K INEP ENENE 3 live20 Worth Master truck 5250 months for IIPM 1st cro ft hi:libil ar FOR RENT OD on center St a good brick Chniestet 31117 Elto n in the aMilitt fl y south ilit stock aPPIII1111 or anythi g elm inatan Purism ill& 1 Denverton1000South and 10tb kkes( Here is a beautiful brir k home SPROUL votrit UTG I home with three ants new 120 of value 640 S State Vd4I in the w inter MO acres of beau Gardener sump pump HOSPITAL REM wheel chairs L'hki In one of the Nei' twit lo( Pitons 8 Nolo A Vrin and one I baths In 700 No 0300 allmetal Eastern tiful land Thor farm level baby orates crutches limper li 2023 234 E 2nd South Realtor a dia Rabbits Birds attimtion Tra In the city The home te in ex SUPP11011 41—Dogs SOO Cood hot water furn 11751 folding chairs Sickroom Idaho Excellent water righto Acit hamme r Sullivan mond engagement GARAGES and w ddinl cellent condioon Only 4 vests 1 Denver-Gard1101110 ace New water heater Ja ck cittrYgen hammer CrOPS equipment therapy Major Highly productive 'GOLDIN Labrador otitis weaned old Beauttful lot Spacious toorn COTTONWOOD AREA rings for work on ear Mill sellot tor the un- new turnitur rd and decoration' Good Shave— 111118 Will eillilY Potatoes and ltl lin tor resters erti01011ettaWFAIPAIEDS eligible pedigreed t(Linrdacrier73r: Inz Pill basement bath roughed in --5557514x 1121 1 Pent" 1210 mo plug caretakr 1200—Used acre excellent for building' pay for itself to 4 aaaaa under t two Topa iin hunting and retrle ou will ntov seeing this one MART KXDICAL MOO own Tenants 2 Illness used months few ItttOthiStry'S ne Brown 0111Y shares Sanford Jr and tights 1223 ROOFING manatement only lwnatouGss peritiistrt rel plover ine 11t0 Pappy'a Killitill11 Pail 0 call us today 331 S Main fleto tsor ISAR X MINING CO 112500 OM forces wale Reduced to $150(t0 Call II 2058 after Call McLachlan acre Terms sad Irt Nevada per Sav in ri Corrugated—Galvanised—SO - - --6"-t----63 0041 cash inspected car or Live in I &Pt and SOUTHEA!T 10 a in 5ACPlF1' E Min' 0221R1 HEATERS l WATER $70 time to truck Any model II3 Windsor St USED PLUMBING FIXTURES let "our tensnts pov off the CHOICE BglaDinhunsttearts—cheNdowpsintrhe 70-f- t STEEL di C 3041 tank dianiantled FRANCIS SOLOMON & CO 41 over h sites I No building installed room hi it It ngIi aS"ii down ea oM payment frood—eondifiOn ALTO in will halsoc it 1100 a tun SO ed i Like 0W 1150 ion 1500 sal dill gothtubt 1115 sod op fronia ti ith full basement mproved and V H A 71 So 31 years old W 11 sell trade for sood used piano Mitt pointers Large plc fTee lItied washers fi pr storage tank 11230: 40In I oi in Hawker Heiehts I or tooth Call 14111 or sea at RIDO lr REALTORS 5 7419 approved rine tuba SS indow in oom Fat Flat tint Smks $230 se val 0185-11161 FEEDER liTig-C39th So and !let Slam t Price PUEERRED so saw Vilifies crescent East 2288 inR somm in kitchen oth "VS band Mock in MART HANKS I SO mike from S beaut pas- Wash Bosins $250 up It 950 to 112250 Terms She WO lin sand PUMPS 4111 II Diamond T For kOP: on street Far 146 FOP SALE OR TRADE— TWO turnois—Peetrliod icanportationin bids turf good Int 2 2 2423 only I23000 c 91757 ' 1230 44'10'0101M PUMPS am IV YJ real estate or what have you ytn 3000 SPECIA1-$29Onei will 'iam1PMent 11wkL-P19$ REAR LAKEZATTLNIANcli itZit11!"1 !kl!nt touts' u °' i to bi Eves for immediate sale See this 334 Douglas St 01091P51511164 5044th asSw515 black fem 115111 SOO witehsoburaellaiV tcvivord1 Apt Bimg ) FOR SALR—Sun Rat furnace Coracres all quip : HOMESITES BY HALE twig Ph 34313 onado stoker and blower living Nsw VNioshdown Too lot CorrbinatitA 8 Linos °per Beauttful Mt Olympus Park cheap ore drum hoist : 1115: port- - room oat des or 43 Ford for carpenter wk HAS' FARM wka Boas 4 MALE collie pups medal bed TEMPLE MATERKS SOO 7'100 lb new able ci ant call al Vida erten e 2382 eorsh and 'es 120 Sunnystde Heights turn 43(1 acre cuts Sable refric tong and wrings maps alfalfa' price dreamy and I Mk from l'imertity Top eon- li77‘ Watts' fork lift $3000: Keller 3 1017 Mr krismo bench land Karl l B Hale fr 0707 L031 enumrsed good home Must co pl so slam st Clearfield WILL trade clear busintrea propert Ph 3333 W North Temple tuily Seth bookcase1344 cheat 7 2lrl8 11225 4 50018 4 7 smaller watt ditinn units light Turnr large KaYollis 40125 rt IPPrOn on bus sell with good lease for duplex in furnished Unlit Goad 10 per cent An motor 'Met Ogden Sad 7414 ps JACKSON I HOLE HORACK lone near grade and Junior high Salt Lake Citp Midvale fit ploa:1 Saa Strinsham14-0188- 1 QUARTO-575 income proprlo Will consider 185 blaster sood CANYON schools Comp clear Young home TRADE IN THAT OLD FURNACE Twin trade for pond home or liblIPF Boston' Amttoy pes litmtliah cOmPLETt Sheraton dining pal WSTIKN DISTKINUTORS Comb ' eatile and dude ranch orchard started Rack and front ('ockers by champ parents reas —iEE3 Need porch furniture or lite 1" E :"" South apt bide (Ey eing's' listinti BY US head capacity 9 rental units O N A NEW GAS FURNACE NOW M s or -to B Stud own onl service y roockl right 34650 person machine owint special appointment RICKS FIANACIE AND 7 379e 44101 Baker Carroll GOO D EQUIPMENT RGiStERtb Dobermann Pinschir TXCIL Wt elect irnge for apt Iota in Poplar Grove Co Toylor-Moore- s AEPLIANCE Realtor Corporation r lit South BUILDING 312 Realty Inc mato I and tan 11 327 Rm Addition' reasonable gag renitt or refrig 94504 44321 2519 ieet sleet D2 State CAT shows' Trackson with III South Temple 9749 R 7 17 3413 — — BM obedient gentle Dtclator strain 51 FORD 33flii3 Between 8 and Wilson Hotel and Rebuilt soil twarentwed 1949 CROSLFY A1 shaPewialEither SO Richards St cetrig Call ern 1'111111)1W Mid 0006R Usitd Fully Guaranteed HOW e1:l INCOAE 3 Pm 114 CAT with Tradition FOURPLES apt home in conor trade equity whi modern table oak coffee shovel' APPIE A1P0 260 shop isver 6 43 hp Excellent PUBEBRErringlish Springer pupa WILL election PPer Mirhigen DRY FARM Substantial Mill Creek view lot Wood:GP: HANCO FURNITURE Tv tank Mt& for Cro°I" Day-ollwite Cash or trade POWER 61m brick 2 bathe xtra bedrm an be umrs both ducklings near mode into II Utah gas Sar East Promontory (an esilY ed area Gas water connections " walnut bedrm wet 1951 Hantil ?et So Sloth trailer Cali-- '4e1134 2 additional apts Apia fl for gun& camping oquipment or Dieirel polas lip bernt Wit have 900 aaaaa have tile good retHl Tremonton glue smart Owner apt Reduced for quick $ale tondryer Mak offer Celli Call Mur u oh front entrance 2car garag livestock 114C IDS1 with pulley Good new '49 LINCOLN Caorno 28000mi hath and kilrhenz go ranees and 2900 F Millcreel Rd total Crops all in on ISO acres of car value for Se and IAA VINO etiftST or DRAVallg wall House nnsider smaller home in trade has mall to doter available Good modern ALL or any Part of a rabbit in equal and doing fine make' refrigs S t Twaday a 8475 Fast lot 7th ell Flickinger met and din c arpeting rm dbl beds bre and bedrm BUILDING home or Brown Granaries sheds comma Boy or Rent With Confence dustry Money no consideration radio or 1620 Situ torrecord Zenith linoleum in other bedrm barn ing sot Claa and elec rano and considerable farm gas 7636 S Redwood terms 449 E 30th So 4711—Bidg Materials Misc IttimsiV Iestglor Arrange White iymnint Mayer l R tile bath die couch ashen' ta1 and love clef refrig Wheeler-Kershat E'i Everything ineludinx 'CUTE cocker puppies 6 skit 200 NEW flitain-iiAT or equipment 1119500 MICHIGAN 'Easily habit daft Mid 01118-RPine! birch-anciron tibliddr machine accesaible Good terms to in highwan occasional chairs crops for colonial Blonds go lden" Cheap 614 fir doors inside and out All sites years old Verde sub Close to shopping center Rental LOVELY view boner Disler right ' 115 and FULL HOUSE excellent of bedrms Bedroom and furs South Mur1109-or tiled baths carliving bowed up 148th books giriaeling tom on home and apt 6375 Per ma REALTY CO Only 61815 sod 112150 Call Mrs 245 ea 1175 Sur All for "ale room light fixtures reit lure peted living and dining rms 2421 hiesel Ant Ogden LOrewell card iss 0- se- 1- smo Ph 2 6411 otAilmully marked rag Bow Austin 89787 or 1110000 down 1loeelv each 6250 each Sand finish oil Tit N'ETICANETLINClitt'r Ex- - ehrome mt Duncan Phyllis eeti kiti hen full 50 Itteplace Iv onbs CROSS REALTY 'Gial5E—A—ii-A-1101Iti—FalPedigree "521' Chrtrtenm its Vat: ton bullpopties ITICOViall crane hemt in multi CLEANERS celient ot etc base and for tire ruse Owners transferred outside building VACUUM have Btfl Mt paint Party 3WI S°' 13115 Realtor Btfl 1345W 3 BEAITTview lots east of High80 ac 6 FORK LIFT ROSS 70001b ea- lay IKIl as colors reit $495 gal rut price to 616950 lot quick irrigated land in REGISTERED-Br- ittany mrt NEW-A- LL 1land Dr For duplex or fourplex to gal Colored de luxe bath rants' nowpastel pasture permanent sale nu is 13000 less than home pacity pneumatic rict-iff- ee 40 ACRES INDUSTRIAL home mixer i PIIPPies Phone 3224 Tad winny Our rebui wytts-apvubarn fully equipped and in tio410 1117kSCHRAMM room tele rgr 111259 sell for 11149 COMPRESSOR coat Call Alder 54269 or Shumauto clothes washer freezer r Utah dry Pennon sew In with conM of Arm house C eration and garage F the northwest section guarantee $11532 White sets 6120 5000 ft of ae electric with receiver cityor 92x1A FT Near Millcreek stream 57942 11" 1 V wt °lee' m"him VA CUUM IMO rt COCKER itam 6 wks Males 65 D D Will Full H "'v 1900 set Terms AC DIESEL 619000 r PAt TRACTOR fetti tile ka in 7 price asphalt Approximately pattern E Best 23rd dist Excel abose HOS ti()AF range refric tow machine misc NOS SOLIT1 RTATK h tree t also sell roue milking 55 In- - females 113 1909 Longview Dr 15441 colors res 17e each now le 2000 10W Cable doter frontage Ideal for ndus - offer over $2915 9 3771 or S 1089 gth Beet 2 hedrrne 5 10 30 K W' items toms $2500 mn Write IVI1 Siii ft penn caning trial ettbdisizion oropertt zoned GENERATOR — 87 2109 reg 13c a ft sces t148A-Applistnet lloorm me kit‘hen v en" Rt it h ell a ft FOR sell IB88B Nev 4c Call me for details SALE Werrett New for room or Folion Diesel shipment Dining on -LOTS Bear pas BEACH ash for -House BLACK cocker spaniel big apace metal cshinetm and standard inlaid linoleum LOW Blisi) trailers and trucks dolible beet box "mins" and Lake at Holiday Village Inquire broken 620 Thoroughbred latge Ullitly rm NeW chain link reg S259 itWe 11 for 11125 3r—Livostock for Soto 1(42n P:W133r8dASSIoNuthSUPPIVI-11- S)woL" at Inn afterxer 8 pm fence 462 So 8 t comautethr"invw:phoinrig Manadebelnhealrgtuat t12 tereon 4 0915 Kaveville i ELECTRIC RANGES n r Heim' r 6 4590 tne Durharea Hoisteing iEG-bo-REACT view of Mt Olympus on iti Mom and dad pupa electric power saw BUILDING BARGAINS SALE OR RENT GOOD feeders Young steers anti Highland Circle 11'041 frontage """ here too 37114W 3500 So Murray Corporation KENMORE Visamatic washer heifers for or Also for GeneraidElectri-Wt"your pasture 8 4Irrig ea 30c 2xwinches grade fir '"-- — — -4 4121 - ' Realtor -' ' ''-!7-Z So —Temple -040643 G°'141 ) Eureito 114 luxe port sewing ramssdozers b41 H!'11!eirt 2xtrutility Iifork Fa i leader!' CHOICE iiiiii7ToTior sale—o7Terit t'!1! construction kitInkr 2e grade conveyors Siamese THOROUGHBRIUS heifer 5 mos in calf tested mach 0 stuffed rocker 3 No bd ft to lel S Statv REALTORS Excel loc Terms if desired Ph $1130 lifts Trucks MOTEL AND DUPLEX tens for sale 1113 each All day 4 fir per 100 410 new e("111111 Very rotas Alfred Herta 1104 W 3433() tireli elmelt inch fir 1100rilla 100 Sq conventionai 4x4 and exit drive -- 21M South Stmday after I weekdays ZONED FOR BUSINESS IAN'S in the Duplex and manes 111040 stood unix model Quoneeta 20348 IL and 40x100 ft 1 SLIGHTLY LOT-- St NNNSIDE biGISTERED Labrador SUPS 01iii thod—Fully Guaranteed this adjoining 10Linit furnished ItARGE fir boards No lin Everest and Jennings utility Surplus bargains Many parts etc Sear 17th South and State S( toidtng 1724 a 8287 M 3304 mos Oakwood I ood cor P E R M I motel in Spanish Fork-gSAO 11130 K ' ili STEEL Co wheel chair full 5room hock hungalov PEARCE EQUIPMENT Orig oak HANCO FURNITURE rm "el3l in each Garof businega ner 150 Cement 50rr 135 HORSE REGISTERED W QUARTER STALLION PUPS collie per South bag Ind floor tile drain man heat and a 1325 Seek St More land if desired demand for l makes year unit Prosen sire speed conformation 44134 den Ave1930 So -M-solendld pot fro your home and irALIT Auto Car Truck Distributor gear earrettnil7P1 Se' Slat around iVIIIICY Total price for FINE Loirs nar 7th So and h-! Joe Reed Peter McCue purMies dispotton toi4ine v 11114s1214 also 1$401 Auto Res- - Wash Mostar wasQt only $10950 Oanera boih g41500 For mole informa- - 10th Welt 11850 Easy pint blood lines Ph Marvin Dunbar ' AT WEMCO SAVE ksili 8 od die d 284 mach attachments or after F eas range bt washing Chet Magic SM1 es and -call imn 2184-23r"gan Utab — G L retrig E-5 7 NO21 last 7585 LUMBER g 4728 or TRADE MONTH RENT BY DA Y WEEK FOR INCOk'E meat ' I he belt 15e CO choice registered rtitESti6 before 10 a m or aft Spin SACRIFICNow unit Ideal foi ie bowie hcgr t '1111INTENSEN REALTY i i Ph 7'44133 Air - 170- pneumatic SPEC-TA1 tor—iTia One-hal- f 1053 Ph 91451 Saddlers II co'n"! or i reltillirlAt on 3 sost4 ItoolIalt 171: American it it 7zrSMain! ' 'co"tr7InnT AR " 1"1E Keil- ' Pedigreed lie siN" MiF:' 33—Real Estate Loans Contr Arabian filly 2 yrs 3 One cream biAMESEkitten sandblast budding oar'' st fnithed "ARV brick saws Call Talley g ales and Service ti otP°Int elict- - meg misers 'I iis CORRUGATED ALUMINUM immaculate Unit onable Call it-- 3140 So 9th Last Lei colored small horse rears Make into 2 ArII $i3flo0 mith pumps Hotpoint tomb duescasher (all for anfor free eatimate horns tar ounec and 2 apts In PO YOU want to 'borrow on your offer P011eY Dachshund Pup A 111110 Rides 17M MALE B and demonalrefe hointolent --7 and furnace stator Floor CO t ITSED coal stoker rent Ike lake tuatiliahle pride in hnmar or businesic We make So State St Provo Phone 02242 SIN 2 mos 2201 E 13th South and furnace - 80311 SPECIAL S 2300 Phone Main with water Jacket 11100 ISIS Z shooina this nice ptoperty and small 76 inch 8 it -- per sheet and up Ask AMERICAN SADDLER typo mare $1 96 Laap terms — Mairfklaatk WHITE PT MICE YY T -- the price is emir 218500 E24 13484- Guaraste Protection Her is a 4'y room brick bulimia about our perfect Slig p21e South Call ' light brown Quarter horse tvwe & GALVANIZED 4 Pk in Irm 223 IL Ind THOMAS A VALLZ to Loan Film SPROUL 30 3s KvuriNu oak floor Encyclopedia living mare oorrel 2 western saddle carpeted I'MTI—black and white cocker PlitW and'usedsteel plates angles 235-Stl- i room fireplace and mirror dripLast !Excel Mid Ph rend Americana couth 52923 bridle' martingale and misc Corrugated-Rando- m !lsingths pups cheap Murray 1234-3111-1000 oil drum 'Lands 841 for complete information aaaaaa and comae for ries reIrill R Mc- Seat E CONTRACT at 143 total amount equipment SOO chrckent 1000 IL Sin a tandard PREGNANT rabbits wanted Coll yip U se d 7c par sq h close in in county FOR AALE--Tail- or elec sewing KELVINATOR 'wt gibe NMI 848 13600 pis 5 per cent on 113600 Aaa Arthur n to DIP thread Cutting 'rind Your cheaper home In 7 Ste -- -machine and iron and tables notriaarator work GIL plus Ls per cent on 1110000 will rSSE &It Machine horse—American work - 12 E Sn Temple Belllor 2221771 discount shop fabricating toddler KETCHUM'S Phone FLOOR WS E 33rd South 134918 I Plants Trees sample dorm 1a Mies and quarter horse Stylish full AtI—Flowers DUPLEX SOUTH OF BEAUTIFUL MONSEY IRON & METAL -- met What WE BUY sell contracts and Cheap 1114 PR at eet 3 size of life can cond boots CAPITOL 4th south ad gentle Lade hip 3- - 7th West ANNUALS IeS do YOU have? Pioneer 44 Rich-B metal cop bed Holding) mats USED Kenmore woater handle Saddle bridle blanket Attached garage owner —750 S 3rd West PitrtrIO pet straight mtled col' 9 80215 O J Coons Realtors bed and matt 871464 Westinahowe dish- - ards Ofdi RENTAL HEADQUARTERS lin11151 ors annual Wore CO phlox gth Fart LAME APPANCE II SALT to loan real 1arst'"ZugJi New Q24 firtkp7it a Maytag washer wringer Fses r all PQ2fl 2919011 1118197 annuI clahlias ca'rntions clocks Ph 740 So State estate Ph Johnson 42803 in fcneiat Elsctric stove Room two Al carnorrivsort or and electric! And automatic57 1110 per week flock 7 ewes it ith 15 lambs 1R7 Mid beizem larse 'and small variety l and Al WE BUY rnsl e(tate contractsGad Ito Call front nt pi esent house for 7 yearling I outstanding Murray 111 range a awes 3 do? weIders took Marigolds zinnias a berzain 1)00 be to mast be 337 S everyone 13300 pneumatic keen Main Co linii vv Inv dis more A heater ram an Offer Cabinet radio NEW 4 144)4m 35487h BRICK Ruffled pet 3 dor el35 All Shown ' 63000 anprecited ( all AS LOW AS $5 Fast 84 2144 WILL pav cssh for real estate con- chair macNnery CA TE EQUIP double pet and lobelias lounge gas fireplace HmEleccmtirnicohwomasster trng oriheam ItolladAv area Reau On Sunday and Thursday or (s E Realty bird HEREFORD cage 'etc MEN"' CO 49 9th So !he ater I tracts Badger TUTTLE FLOWER GARDEN REGISTERED $4950 New wieuum cleaner tqui view attached garage full moss 72 ifiliride A(c YOUR toolffli WANT TO bulls IV H L blood lines Ready 11711 E G SOUTH STATE TN West Servel gas refrigerator bowmen Rai heat curb and gut331VBI'CI'lltS sable tool rut for inehonee 64" 8- blato--4)PeSundays 234 E and South for service u S 30 Giese Sproul 11500 ter $1500 and easy F H A terms rifle G 3030 retitle Say sale cheap man rig portable BUILDERS SUPPLY WREXHAM GARDENS All good condition 153 Windeor KENNETH E SMiTtfL CO Many extras ' modern 34—Real Istoto Wantod 10unit motel Aanlid truck mounted Ogden Utah now! Hardy carnations' 3038 S State Plant Ph FIRST TIME OFFERED 7011 a n MAGIC with or mooern mood Chef it in with nontittion central t home Trailer space with let 4 mom astral large shake in Rose Park oleo Wisconsin Hol- gaisrdies veqtypils ail white pre RSON'S 31 W 40 E lit South out tools C M Conway Blanding Iiiir Fort Well equipped 'sundry with WEECtil-ATieliftvroAsphalt Tile—Special Sale 573015 t 'and ' enternerr- - belle Rock garde' lindern and has nieo lot 65500 hath 1st South stein co!CZ? rash and spnsors me TisAMIN eALS res Utah Phone SR& ea low mileare for good rail estate store rooms Income up to Idea hi street other lit Terms W perennials Pleasant Grove New WeitinghowsWilSout ft GAS REFISIO like new contract etinity Write details of istaill 8656mirk '53 This is pricedto sell Liberal used 08 hp esteroillar DII ss172"in1K!n111'Voll"vts11y west of 33rd So underpeee our 'Peterson's Itt Freezer cheat hotter advantage to KelseY across R33 Rol See Tribune 300 Gordon frigerators on and terms tractor top y equity SHAKE STOCK 8 colors CLOSING OUT SALE Price each cALVBS and racks on - doori RI 31 W let South 101IND feeder River Bear keeper Andreeson City Clint Chitiester Co Realtor ce745 appointment will be arranged Beautiful lot and in lovely eonitic ANn UP PYrocantha and other flowering 95 Sale 81791W end ?out 2381 calves Phone — rwite amn throughout WE BUY HOMES OUTRIGHT gawfired Moods boiler $271 We Also choice aq250 1177i0 installation advice shrubs 3 for $I 3 old E 39th I drilling rotary rig mounted an d re t urn SYS i rm C omp e t w i I h present refria n CASH—what CHOICE I 3 acre Iota in tountY hays you to offer?! Smith ewes $7 tech 420 So Stat and have-1tool' you need Free 14131 Nurtery CO 121 S 3rd S perennials ALL APPLIANCE down on sot 926011' Co chain condition curb truck controls &PM area W Investment home gutter lves fl pull l'olvergal S State REALTY CLYDE BRADSHAW Parking Open Saturdays LARGE new boot-Ca15 ewes 150 it luk drill pipe $8800 32GAITTWestinghottee water hen CHANGING TO GAS? We have' or eve sewer water ita now in Low ELIAS MORRIS AND SONS HN rrt 'AUChoice bedTling W 312 plihts Mos P Dave and SIR Set State Sacramento 1225 lambs Grossman and Servel 0 e Some 1200 84461 gas yafrigers P" Almost new Reasonable d"n 4 7201 "nthi' iNNFIHATE CASvim Calii W trees rm's flower 20 ESoth Temple 014661 S 1119 6 anti 7 33rd So rear 4 1840 fl 3920 8 3211 St 650 misreen tors sad ranges A anoO Nal ea Realtor West 00111 South WILL !IVY Ot 'MIGHT HOME : tng shrubs LANDSCApING out 60 be worked MACHINERY WAftER-14EVTque Of them BULL boar entre Del Hereford NIENIN FrANK TAYLCR TOttONTo & CO OR TRADE tt guarLANDSCAPE NRSERY Altiminum Steel Got- - Durham lop prices for cat SOTER'S Diesel 212 ATLAS 1311)(1 leo iiu ft air row- ante metallation free Pav only t 20069th —E 12th E- S Temple - ftalsol 22 3747 Mut' 10154 ofor aiast Andrus Make Hal hammer a 51 N S5 Ph Mid 1112 Main jack e 73230 Midvale month Phone contract flo S4 900 REAL estai piessoi 5 WINDOWS r $ 156 fl SOTrel kmer sad mare 1TOWAttiES-:--Stel Mur 01012 3150 W 3273 So -RENT-LaDUPLEX SNAP Interest Will sell for $3900 or wn rollers roc Ten- PEONIES in gel cans epreaders WEST de luxe do: 16 P west of LINTELS 13th on PAR First REINFORCING houe $I35 interest override otter Wide Sniff' I'' meas Cal cans out of nate with Vtgorn lawn wed nant transferred 0d 75c EVERGREENS Nice In Salt Lake S5006 L1LEN- - HOWES 111)WRE West on 7Rth South P t I 10056 or Mid 0286R3 Good condition 1701-E 66101 5S7 NORTH 121H WFS7 E to eel care in 33rd 1100 South roe 59e my Left wilts Downstair s unit carpeted ELDERLY couple would ifics 19 HORSES for sale or trade 0701 tat PSI RHOS Tremonton Utah RALEIGHI & SONS Nevor been used 8250 330 IL home in Rose WRINGER mite to fit any waeher annual (TiiiiVeniant gime to everything G 3 1214'eestab: S Ni Mall Past 1 for inch 10 black 23rd Offtee 473441 about cash Park You'll love the beautiful standard 93000 apt del South and Pay SUMO for Temple anitI2 Plants Repairing and perennial plants Income 9140 Redumd home Call Fitzgerald kitchen with ceramic drain the II 39307 cLA2It BAR RANCH PIN' 3n W 9th South 43343 - So 1313 'Wasatch Ave tween Apex Riles & Sem 171 P' 3rd S week Best demi in the or salt this 1110500 64388 C1111entint toom arrangement Mu Owner Md 99 hr W NE hire trNit Ittilsieln fur Leundre 1053 trade le foe st MOWERS )40rok LAWN gell young froth" Westinghouse grader city W Eves and Sun only' and many large clotwits TA3Ditnligoirl gwt aik tm h?ralmagbridin homes 46th 1961 E or 1oh Robbins Bros Co 745411 twinge Del service- - mat and clothes doter 465 $outh WDRLD)finegtspotuwnillasoes B August sharpen repair Skiwaroonallyza 11 cash for100111on biont gam furnace and water & ----1205 state GLEN- 234 in see 41ge 112868 Used 2 weeks Come CHOICE iria plants for- sale Mgt new all or ' 41 Miscolioneoes iron heater Co galv powering l Badger Realty Sole for Malta aFfar 3 FRRSIT cows "' 29 yearling Rol- stove WESTINGHOUSE electric each unit Lovely tinge hvinf WAISTI1DSt will 20s4d erect ft Beverly part cheap ALL APPLIANCE CO 122 E 3rd S -4 or 5 rm frame home stein heiftrat30 Hereford feeder Ir219' Gan she"' 1120 Baby buggy rooms tanents pale all new Quonsets S175 ea Timberib 'LIMED coil- ind Id 113 45-S- oil suitable to be moved end Fertilizer calves 871351 ties Located near Sugar House to 12190 REFRIGS & RANGILS-- S30 per NE ft buildings of new heating and air Mr Alaton types - - -1310 net income per month Call tWANTRD-4Ar- ge to 1174 & cone washers-S- 20 nd denims Western frenadtlintilloninaned errAttliromiteonntd Springer cows CHOICE MOUNTAIN TM' sorBUILDP:RS SKRVICIE 01114 ft cabin Auto Ritrribsuitztolrlca E TeCONTItACIt Bruce Kilipack 'FOR belltALL-L-rm 3977 APPLIANCE 13041 spring Lane SUGARHOCSE ISO E and heifers 3000mAiosnhitao South 1196-Rtfl1333 m East Vine TOP soil fortified with poultrv Uf U 17070 6 FINANCE POT E SPROUL South flat 111701 1683 11'est Mur S Tempi manure Yin dirt Immediate de- 7963 calves tisery Rests ph Neilson 874975 feeder white-far- e Realtor 34 K Ind South CLOSE IN 3RD AVE 36—Farms Acreage Ranches 404IEAD 2 GARAGES with CHILD'S fire --S- 3143 1110 C — engine pedal S30 840 SALIC:-Studtor sale Contact Keith FOR couch and ' ladders Also 2 io RICH LOAMY af-itlirTRIPLEX mating dinette Terms 3 beelrms: 112 batha Guaranteed VACANT Grantsville Utah or Ph 011114! SHOP BEFORE YOU BUY chair comp bedrm set wash i RANCH BUY IN STATE- -1 QUALITY GUAR FILL DIRT Near K St swimming BEST 200 univeraity Apt 2 $42291 Smi So State rm rer dishvtairher We pant our customers to mach kit table and chairs Thor chairs 140 living en ONE pinto mart saddle bridle Over ay pasture and meadow on large lobs ROom for return Excellent price Pool Special CHROME-kitelt-hoU and etairwav ear 811 Green St deal we know NEW set best the luxe model have eladiron de that drape Frigidaire 32474 alfalfa saddle Potatoes brelitt Moffatt and bass court Westinghouse poutgrain fortit 'trip expansion Tourist Pet atav Aluminum I qrm Win 'n etlectric move and wieher Knotty i elec range Slightly damaged i hilottee permit anti Tayi o er z re IN1 make after g2329 NE POLES --- e ATTENTION truckrs andmutrailers! CIOTHESU tows and doom There'a a fire ' ISM14 lid and bedroom calves White Mlle cow' eft BROS diecount LOST-Mo- stly LUMBER Big COPE now " Holstein white large top J T RICHARDS CO Special rates for E 3rd 5 tile drain and new home stockards and feeder place oak fir steel Sic" will metal' Pen- WILL sttil and equity ALL APPLIANCE CO122 Canyon Im re4 s Rednond Rd I ndo loading in Parle-y- s nower TV merits' Ph 0 1105 TY" tiihg New complete net mechanized nicer Reward 841519 man Mfg 12 S 2nd W 7- w-ea-1 on my mediate delivery modern house Call I CAN get you a big discount oti and gag furnare are in th hams water 2 FRESH milch cows 12011 so scellent farm mcbry Ph BUY heating appliances here In after 5 71191 a twin tub Dexter washer GARAGES SOIL PLAY SAND GRAVET any Redwood Road Mid 3143 Small lot With patio and g aaaaa 6 UNITS $2500 DOWN rights Sun and ve call etall them yourself I'll instruct SAVE half on ADfiN auto filli- - "Lit 1015-amt 54839 alt 5 pm- - 3114 or write Joe Wilson Broker 3135 RED sorrel riding hots trtatole ia a gond value at 4 w sock Will build to your specifics Ga furn Pater hire e panel ray 11110 ranee 133 $275 monthly income PPIS011 ELEC I 1300 CRY twirls W 11 Id 1st Lake washer F am up PrTERSON'S Salt 3065 soil Mt South BEST 3040 So eattmates feet Free Lg 1 Eta terms tiring 7 and 8 set Ito East Owner i fah 11 st:iin 8 4 19 able menthly rayment - ' 90c ak Sand gravel 76326 South 5 all kin ds up new and rebuilt units 11yr 7419 PIDEOUTPrAt TOR-mare sorrel Movies want' to retire Drive by 714 N Ige rollers $5 NORGE 382)3 So State SQ 73230 TI'S guarantee Soil IV) modern with or on sealed SUPPLY acres so unit only PAYLESS BUILDERS 3389 Immediate Delivery 5th East Top 'Teri! reAnt all then call 2nd West h ere down S5 monthly other w as Glarliron uprieht veritable PSTERsolst'S 31 W tat So7riloct FAST—A BoUNTiFI a for split Priced et $25000 under cultivation Pre WEANER and feeder home N ew H R WAGSTAFF SOIL CO 871375 7107 pg tertERsoeus :It w ist S4 875 11 Redwood Rd go pier: 573113 Ironer Like new Will sacrifice dream home about It years old fer 'matte home MAIN REALTORS 37585 BLACK mtn soil large load SIO S 2700 W South 7350 Rees tn born calves Alifsts ti charming I3I Pg WOOD CROSS rooms $85 "MI' 2 BOYS' bicycles t aterv goorr-eriMur 839M REALTY sand tYPes all Investors ACTION TIRES gravel and 800x13 and 820 s15 HoesE pad trailer Comp child ft 34 by 3 inches by 10 feet Breathing sport and elbow see 412 Herbert Ave Cash to 41i 16 WAR ranges dition 831113A CHOICE nit top soil large loads tubes Sate 401:- and hunting 11130 Mur 1486-Suitable for post studdings room Beautiful tile bath and PH BTFL 12234 Make offer on this brick Bargain liURNACE loan us sow bldg 1169 and Sof 2100 H Bountiful Gilbert A Pettit stoker & METAL CO MONSEN' IRON lovely drapes Ample storage ALL APPLIANCE CO122 If 3rd S mod home Gas S Stat WiI IliVO YOU the finest rented 2 ACRES or offer 1144 E fith S Wanted BM R3 or 934 3576g L'RRAN MoTOR CO 4788 LAWN seed straight Kentucky 750 S 3RD WEST heat On 5th East near 3900 South t Rettig med' Property in town Will sacrifice 1b Call 113823 NEW bath basin 615 Nos space 1 SSD washer in good condition rEFILILCO radii) 11157(1d eond7Sits S50- -1 KELVINATOR blue be grass barn pAm----ribdbl or Call basement East Brim Full tall excel cond-W- O) Ittattyst 813 size din couch new stint 143 66378 except needs new rollers heater SW 300 ft galv soil fert cuttom FUR BeErnEks LANDSCAPING for cows and horses 1113930 Celli LivE Holvit-Will Realtors Salmon Apt - l'h- - 574142 Die ft: 200 Li in Ile 31296 51 Butterfield PHONE 2ztR AMTOrsR motor CDOP mtavALE pipe 818M p --esti owner's Murray pnWg dAl'ner motel and LOVELY L freeter- 'like Realtor softener 644nbAse - coo 18-- ' u 12 E South Tempi apt Best loc in town Everything ft See it sive us a bid In cond MOTOR New bike indiv eNcellent 11 cond reds isos excel 1820 B er ki CY -PARK Provo ( anvon VIAN P30 South 62-- -- 1498 E 3010 air conditioners MI carpeted Cal --- eBUT-Y0DEMONSTRAfOR - Almost new 1111! MIGHTY 11 FAWHEYEG ?-WANT ?If- AN cottage partly furn Lights t SHE CARED NOT FOR 14e It 00 NOT roses approx 1124000 MAJESTIC ramie warm morning Vs cu ft De Luxe 'Deeptreele ter Terms Msv trade for good apt Box WANT NER FOR 110175 FINE GAL RED FEATHER-wALtISt Reasonable YOU FOR SHE '54VED heater FAWNEYE5?7OREM-111n- ess demands gale Call Refriserator j L If this paper - -----I" new 52054 t 2 act AYE MICkirY FINE 1!ertrictiv col Writ ea OF INLAID I INotrtst RE:11NANTS -'YOUR OWN MY WwERE YOU BE BE DOGGONE DJ- I 'SAVED HERS I 11 PRACTICALLY Westin' out on 21M South INCOME GALORE 50c Pi Yd 656 ler MO in hIctie material 11100 -- E FAAINEVES TO YE BROTHER TO LUCK ORATEFL1L et WERE YOU "WE rite ? Coldspol Refric 1163 JON 6000 No reas offer refused 1120 up Poperty to N incYclES 117 ride S Call Ready 515 tiew range and apts Duptrts Hotpoint EACH OTHER THAT'S ALL OAN'L HALE? RED FEATHER 1116 S :St ate St Close to evaryttunit ki1101-r?:-77th W semi: -- G ART LUND REALTY ' ' 7: -- RENT-A-ToModel A IL 50 Phone I Howe Mid 911 il 9725 State — MOTEL--7 UNITS and owner's apt IfY-4---1:-' --7 rrisitTlots-:11:d k(' NEW Westinghouse 1 l'urn Vic fith So State SeU or 4 MOTHER-IN-LApolits so p Ant s SPECIAL dbl oven Roper ISO rnge W 7th South 34$80 149 trade equity Prefer apartments '40t REFRIGERATOR -- -I eta SU In geed 1 i i230 or after 6 2 FOR 1 -- 37950! -oTYPEWRITER portable like new NV ' - Ili order ' $33 575 E3 Ind Se Apt 13 ' 1I000 dn THINK OF IT! Two t)( OWNIM-15- 41t m '''' i or trade brick 3000 L 3215 South 1'"1-771- ' :' Nice lot side by Rini bnmes On E S loc 1948 4 full blunt ff:e1144 I NEW sarden tractor Make offer duplex 4 'i - Menet curb and gutter Near 21st 444k Iglikg!L Kensington Ave 1043943:4 excellent cond easy terms beau 117 E 14th South Bill 1574 41:55 1 ' Snuth and Slate Call immed -) l''''' eondi MAYTAG washer :111P Iin1capd 39106t 8 Win L ONE 47431 0101(1 twin 'trolley 2 babstendas By 11-eletl home 4 plus baby busts 31 S etb estairsi LAHTI:family MAIN REALTORS 1 :it 1 hishchtur nr IL --' ‘ cil il i 4 ea -CCOTFurnished Veuntas ineome lent new t I BELOW di dealer'seest i t ‘ I17-SITINI 8 ROOM PoLEs brick outti of Liberty 16 N j tato 44111 or terms 623 tr 11 so - 0 town dishwasher disposal 51848 4'11i 'I N4roilAn ' :t''16 ' 11- 1' Ps:k Mt doss must sell al (min 1174 S STATE PR 5-- 2752 ( Man Lle nd ' Ur hrement new root PROVESSIoNft741:411 Property v high 7o4 11Esti type wilit 1k ' ak:emeot Ird So - 3rd 8 large rooms Priced to sell ouick ''''‘Ys ttrv lona 20c ft Phone al Submit offer on mice rind terms 13 SMALL units Good income l'(1" '31:11141 REFR1G fairly hew stint '' softeners 2 NEW Rite e ms w AAmot 5171g down t '14:: 111 to ition 711!)to4 eiand switch 140 142311- 1- '" ' iI :'' ri ASIt ND9EN - 1 Prior murray la--1 Itplior ' If S21 I MIL 4 71110 Fun S1337 4 11104 33—Property for SoleTro(le Ill'e II‘ Goon lot Illinsi tr EITAY 1 '0'74 641721 — Il1 each 1654 Clayboume 1 N k PIN li olANFR M SPIF VIMI McClelland after I 1 r stv'EL E WASHER c '41 goodpis Sir G rIn s In v4 ILI 1Adi eledr busness properts Lan won Imod learn tnr duplex in i I Phone Sebool gas turn 426 W Stb South-S-3- 001 LAIron lOth East'set'720n0 bait Lake Lay Midvale 56 238 100 GEIttERAL Die- MOTORS mi oowr tirkillIPMENT CATE CO th L lith South 142021 SACRIFICE I whd 105 ft Gardoneri)enveg 138 fall t - furnTV bld SPECIAL Isl tongue and 1100Ve fir lidIng ilittin drysidt per 100- sq (I booed measure g1130 gail fir good number 4 grade per 100 Mi ft b m MO& KETCHUM'S 7 th W Ste C on Burt ---—4t h So at Heat 8Ari - w' att — - Mait5 — store WOODBURY -- al -- W6sher Dexter — $7950 cpitee ''''' to" t - WOODBURY - tiliAtis Alder Wallace 4" - EEGED 79J r" VALLEY !cEI '''''''''''''''' A" aeiv t l00 - 1 FRANK TAYLOR — HOMES INC iii 3s lap Sia - ENRloe ''" USED DOORS 400M volt -- Inv "ANN aniss "nt OPEFI HOUSE It - - and -- i nig -- - ASSOCIATED - ud - -- -- - — - - "" -- Buillf T - 'in - Il - Hale Vrf c ) - AjrE t D:nny - - toile - t lit1007 leit i t '1 ) 1 7 AtuNi i f )' !nisi sr 4 ( 1 cter - tIii 1 Iii1 - surpluic - - 't Va 4f 75 Or FRANK TAYLOR r - ' |