Show I - ' Jane119S3 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Monday 27 Memi1BOMMEEMi Bums Dump Cards Braves Sweep Bill PHILADELPHIA June 7 Milwaukee Braves By Dick Young New York News Writer NEW YORK June 7—The n 5-- 3 6-- 'intone Ili Totals p 3 I Philedel ab 4 Ryan 2b Ashburn cl 4 4 0 3' Clark rf 0 O EMUS if 4100 2 0 Hamner ss 4015 2 0 Torgeson lb 2 0 10 1 3 0 1 0 10 0' Jones 3b 3 2 Lopata e 3060 1 0 1 0 1 71 7 0 0 2 33 8 21 0RdztkP 11 131 Totals 00 00 0 0 0 bLohrke Hansen p eGlaviano Peterson AWsithus Konstanty 1 0001 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0061 1 1 1 31 5 27 14 'Ran for Gordon in thin 3rd bRolled Out for Ridzik eth cIlied out for Hansen in Ilth dSingled for Peterson in 301 011 000- -4 Milwaukee 000 000 000- -4 Philadelphia 2 RBI—Gordon E—Hamner Mathews Adcock Mathews St Claire Pafko St Claire Mathews MR—Gordon Pail° Logan and ISH—Patko DP—Dittmer Adcock Logan Dittmar and Adcock Hanson Hamner Ryan and Torgeson Hamner and Torgeson RR—Antonalli 1 Hansen 2 SO—Antonelli 7 Ridzik 3 4 in dzik Hansen 1 Peterson 2 3 Hansen 2 in 3 Peterson 1 in 2 Kon1 R ER—Ridzik 1 I and In stanty Hansen 24 Peterson 0 Konstanty 0 W—Antonelli 161) L—Ridzik ) Second game: ab h o a Milwaukee ab h o al Phi Isphla 5 0 3 0 Ashburn cf Burton cf 4 I 3 5 3b se Ryan 5233 Logan 2 0 3 0 Mathews 3b 5 2 I 5Clark rf Gordon If 4 I 0 HaNichlim el 2 0 1 0 rendletn If 4 1I 0 11Ennis If es 4 2 I 0 0 01Hamner 4 4113 Palk° rt Adcock lb 4 0 10 Ijorgeson lb 3 1 9 2 2 2 5 0 Jones 3b 3102 Cooper c 4 1 2 0 Dittmar 2b 4 3 4 3'Burgess e 2 0 1 1 2 0 I 0 Kipper P Liddle p 0 001 Buhl P 0000Drawsp 1 0 0 0 I I 0 O'cWaitkus bCrowe 0 0 0 0 0 0 p I i3Konstanty Burdetto p I 0 0 0 dWyrostak 300 - 1 '''''‘ — i ' — 1r ' 1 t ' ' fik JPonetTi"illatell —0 T P1111107 It t s m 2f- w gnw v 'I' s' 4 s !$ '0 - ' - - —‘7'-- - 1k 4(s464r-1- 7-- 1 1 e1 -- Zenist - 7 ' - '' ''' t Robin d ' ' :i4 : 4 q : ' 's ? sttAkt11441 44 o4ol t - ' 4000t4' '''' i' If 3 3 01 3 11 3 1 1 4 0 0 t BroNvn Bosox 1 0 41! Avlia lb Dotty ef 3 fli Rosen 3b 3 1 3 1 4 3 3 4 1 1 3 1 I 4 0 3 Renews 11 3 0 0 Grath ef bWodIns If 1 0 0 Elliott 3b Mantle et 5 3 0 fl lonhardt If 5 4 4 Oi Dyck if Sauer rt McDold 3b 4 2 1 3 Krabeall lb Silvers e 3'0 2 Oi Moss e Berra a Littlettl4P 11 Paige p Rinuto so 0 I 1 Stuart p Unit n cSievers 101 T ake Viin 300 ver Tigers Westlake rf 3 1 4 0 4 1 120 Glynn lb 01 Strickind as 4 I I 11 c 311 IlTipton 2 0 0 It Teller P c martin p Scheib P ' CfPlelwieindl el rf 4 0 lb 4 0 Agnlli :Lill alnesi Suder 3b Itichaela lit McGhee el - i 6 11 81 ei 1 0000 &Hamilton II Panovich p 0 Leaguer in Action silei I 1 001 to$ Red legs Romp Bites in Sunday Bill 1 1 ii 4 0 4 0 0 3 1 3 3 I 5 3 0 5 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 I 1 I - I'll 13 - 0 0 Kiner Swats Two Homers As Cubs Win Twin Bill I Chisox Soions seventh inning a nine defeats and his first 4140 Sunday 4120 The win stopped a truimph since April 23 8 0 120 First garnet 4 3 0 losing streak for the Sox and ab h algew York ab 3011 marked the first Hme since Chicago Bmholts et 4 1 0 (CWilliams lb 5 0 1 3 3100 as 5 314 1 0 et Jeffcoat 3 3 20 that a starting pitcher Mikais 2b 5 2 2 01Dark 3b 5 1 4 1100 May 5 3 12 11Thompan 5320 Fondy lb 3 1 4 6 has gone the distance 5 1 7 0 lb 3 5 rt Sauer oh h o a ab h o al Chigoes 1000 Washistista 5 1 4 0 4 1 3 OiMueller rt 1001 Yost 3b 2b S124CarraqIss 4215 Kiner Garagiola e 4 5 °Thomson et 4530 4 2 5 Rivera et Trwillar 1100 4120 e Jackson MI 5 1 0 31Noblo 2150 1 0 0 Vernon lb 5 3 10 4 2 14 Fain 1b 0 0 0 0 Smalley se 4 0 3 3 bGoniet bAddie Vollmer If 5220 Melte rt 0000 Jensen 4130 OlYvars e 3 0 Hackor p 5010 Dickson p 0 2 0 It 0 blinomo rt I 0000 5000 4 0 0 Leonard p 1 0 0 itThomaa as 3 0 Lollar c 0000 Runnels e 0 0 0 0 IrPleirn 5 4 4 21 0 ss Voorhis Fox I p 1001 2 Total 30 13 27 Ilf Totals 34 9 27 12 Busby et 3 Krunieh ab 4103 0 0 0 0 'Corwin p aSingled for Bowman in 7th ritzterld e 5 3 3 0 Fornieles a 0001 1 0 I 0 laRhodes 0 0 0 0 bRan for Lindell in 7th Porterfld p 4 2 1 2 Mom' p Miller p 0000 cHit into double play for Borkowski Bearden 0000 IdRigner 1000 in eth ROIOVill P 1001 itiennedy p 0000 dSingled for J O'Brien in gth 0000 aSheely 0 0 0 0 p 'Connelly 0 0 batarsh se 'flied out for E O'Brien in 9th (Walked for Dickson in 9th Keganp 0001 Totals 41 15 27 Totals 39 11 27 n 002 100 012Cincinnati 1 1 1 Fannin 010 102 000 000 1 L—E O'Brien Suits Made to Sell for $40 NOW 1 ) r N 'I f' ''''' !::te: :i 11700' 50 ?) 1 direct' ' 100 431 10 37 20 051-1- 100 010 000— 3 Chicago 2 Mole RBI—Voot 1—Terwi1tiger Runnels 3 Busby 2 Fitzgerald Porter4 Vernon Jensen field Vollmer 1 Fain 1 2B—Carrasquel 3 Fitzgerald 3B- -Vernon RR—Yost Jensen SB—Porterfield Fitzgerald SH—Rivera Fornieles Porterfield DP—Kranich Fox and Fain Corraequel Fox and Fain Busby and Runnels Fain and Fox limit Terwilliger and Vernon Yost and Terwilliger BB—Porterfield 3 Fornieles 2 Aloms 1 Bearden 1 Rogovin 2 Keegan 1 SO— Porterfield 3 Keegan 1 HO—Porterfield 10 in 1 Fornieles 5 in 3 (faced 5 in 4th) Moms 1 in 1 (faced 3 in 5th) Bearden 1 in 0 (faced 1 in ilth) Role yin 2 in 3 Keegan 8 in 2 R and ER--Atoms Fornieles Porterfield Bearden Rogovin 1 Keegan ) W—Porterfield 1—Fornieleg ) I FORD Regular S150 Value A li fuel!! 1 Isny2mds:silliCppoeccits 'i 595 ace:to:14Wesrylzimdn Wed fan and generator cats chassis cmpletely chanms engine ell inspect tim and steering system check headlights for alignment road last ear Wo Use Sonadoo Ford Perts 4 You mow $155 F010 30 SO Alt - ' V Imo aGrounded out for Corvtin in Stk bRan for Noble In Oth cRan for Years in Sib dStruck out for Hater In Ith 001 140 112- -10 Chicago New York $OO 000 300— 8 II—Mikais Smalley RRI—Tbompson & Lockman Fonds 4 Kiner & MtkM & Irvin Sauer Garatiola 39—Dark Baumholta Lockman 32—Baumholts lift—Kiner 2 Fond" Mikis Thompson Irvin DP—Jansen Dark Williams and Lockman 1 S Leonard Hiller 1 Connelly 1 SO—Hacker & Leonard 3 Jansen 4 Corwin 1 Hiller 1 HO—Jansen 4 (pitched to 3 batters in 5131 Corwin Hiller 2 Kennedy 104 Hacker Connelly (pitched to 3 batters in 7thi Loonard R and ER—Hacker 3 Jansen Corwin 1 Hiller 2 Konnody 112- -4 tacker ) L—Jonsen (54) ab b 0 Nett York a h a Chigoe Bmholts el 3 1 2 0 Williants2b 0 3 1 Miksis 2b 3 0 2 2 Dark se 3 1 3 3 0 7 21ThomPen 37) Fonds lb 1 23 Sauer rt 3 1 1 11 Irvin It 110 2 0 1 0! Lockman lb Kiner If 073 Jackson 1b I I 2 11 Mueller if I 1 0 1 20 Smalley sa 4 1 0 IThomonef 1 01 Noble e McCuligh e I 4 011 2 1 2 01 bGomes Jones p 000 1 0 0 0 Years c LOWII P 0 0 0 eRigney 000 0 1 0 Calderone e Wash ab b o al Chicago ab b a 4 1 2 2' Fos 2b Yost 3b 4031 41 3 I 3 070 Fain lb Trwilar 2b 4 Vernon lb 4 0 7 0 Minos if 4120 4 3 2 0 Vollmer if 1 01 0! Mete et Jensen r( 4 1 2 01 Rivera et 4150 Runnels ss 2 1 1 21 Kronich 3h 4 1 0 5 Koslo p 001 aVerble u 1 0 2 11 rarsquel as 4234 Corwin p 000 3 2 3 0 4 0 6 01 Wilson e Busby et Wilhelm p 1000 4 0 0 01 Dorish p Grasso e 4001 aRhodes 1100 01 1 3 0 Shea p Jansen 0 0 0 Masirson p 0 0 0 01 1 0 0 0 dSpencer 1 0 0 01 bbilauro Mille r P 0010 Totals 24 10 rz 411 32 5 24 91 Totals 28 21 71 'Totals 28 I 21 II Totals aRan for Runnels In 4th 'Singled for Wilhelm in lith bLimed out for Verble hi Oth 5t1t in bRan Noble for 010 000 000- -4 Washington cRan for Yvars in Ith 100 001 12x- -5 Chicago dStruck out for Jansen hi Ith 11—Fabt RBI—Melt Busby Rivera Chicago 030 002 k-- 11 Arsnich Fox Carrasquel 000 010 1- -3 New York Mete Kranich Carrasqual sod of 7tb Called daftness it ROT—Jackson 3 1 BB—Shea DP—Carrasquel-Fox-FatSmi Maw Dorish 3 Masterson 1 SO—Dotish 4 Dark McCullough Mueller 21—ThornMasterson ion 311—lackson HO—Shea Dorish HR—Jacksmi McCulA and ER—Shes Dorish 1 lough DP—Jackson and McCullough WP—Dorish HBP — Sauer Fon& and Jones 118–Kosio Masterson 2 Dorish (Vollmer) W—Dorish (44) Jo— Corwin 2 Wilhelm 1 hint len 1 Hiller 2 Shea (4-Jones 3 !Awn 1 SO—Wilhelm 3 Hiller 1 2 in 1 (pitched Lawn 3 HO--K-osio to 4 bitten iii lind) cored" 0 in 22: Wilhelm 2 in 3 13 Jansen 3 in 1 Hiller 0 in 1 Jones 3 in 4 (pitched to 2 batters in 5th) Lown 5 in 3 R and ER— 3 Koski Jansen I-Jones Lows HSP—Jones (Williams Dark) W— Lown (21) 1—Kosio (0-- VACATION SPECIAL 1 ' 0 ': - t: '4 4 N:' ''''e - ''''' :2r ::: ::r: :i::I:::4 pETTywmogroR arrrithilig tt '':!'''' 4 BOYS RETURN HOMER BALL NEW YORK June 7 (UP) —The baseball which Mickey Mantle hit a record 562 feet out of Griffith Stadium Washington last April 17 and which was stolen from its Yankee Stadium showcase on May 31 was returned to the Yankees by three teen-agboys The boys who said they had been given the ball by two older boys while playing in an East Bronx park were invited by Ed Fisher of the Yankees to attend a night game as guests of the club on June 16 The boys also were invited to bring along their fathers as guests of the management e 4i 74 w :f 44001:4r i4 4) f$4 It r or ''':'-'1- '' :- 4'1' t:: '4:::- 4: ' ! ::R i t !2: :t‘::-- Lror 1 S':'''-- ItO i e44-4-4- -- :::N-:--- :V:':i:::4 - i' ' 1 i :'fe :::?fL4s !t!:':5::::'7 '4:iic'f:::':- :1:1:'-::''t'::!::: !!':8 '::::ki':ef: ?ft “or:::i' vo tet i4t ' ::j: ''''i ':'t':)'5 '''''::i:::'3:f1:': '' A' I :i'3: ''''':-- : i :::- ''4AO:1:':'' 1?::::: a& :''"?'" ' ''' ' f I 4 e " i1 - I !'::: ::'' :' I (ili: i 4'""' 4 ::::'1'''''''''''''' AN"Nti":"t r 41 - ' 0t ''''''''141"11441 ''''':4::::'-'':- A ''''' r 440'401454:444464fik I ' 7 se if::ftyl:Z 1 :::: 4 wfiv:re(4--iw- :"" :It ::'Y':::'': All qr i ) !:c''::?::"'11:::—4:4 ''4:4 f 0 illt 4 ::"::::::0:V :::::'A:::1 :)?:4::W: ' 1 tio 1'1'' :'::: """1-1- -1 ' 1 1005 Totals 40 17 27 141 Totals 33 aRen for Rogovin in Ith bRan for Shealy in 7th cFlied out for Keegan in Oth 1 '!i(4fw - !'' : :)7-:riv:i- 1 1 1 :i1' 0 :::0: w :i i :1es:t::':::!i':4:::':: :::::'::1 A' ''':-- 1 1 1 Save with this IPEITY SPECIAL :114 of a special we were able e 'more these tropical suits below market end are passim the savings on to yea livery size style and coler is represented in this sensational offer 1 1 cWright 000 000 RB1—Bell 2 i ' 4 -- - 7- :::i:i:::::i 40-- - 91 ilt Tropicul :!'?- o! 1 51 11 1 i"::::: I a rAti —arc - :'iji::ii:! 1 1 Pittsburgh H 12 -3 0--0 2- :i':J:i?::i 1!!:::i::vt-::-!:!:-:::- 1 1 s ó a 0 e 1 1 4-- 2 his second against shellacking in the first game ren Hacker ab It 1 1 after the Padres took the on the strength of opener homer' Tom Alston's three-ru- Log Angeles San Diego - Split Header 6-- 0 7 t — in the abbreviated Diego end of a Pacific Coast League double-heade- r h ere Sunday 010 010 000- -2 100 003 001- (-1 tr t 151 Cincinnati ab II o al Pittetturen Temple 2b 5 1 0 5' Bernier d Adams 3b 8 3 0 0 Smith If 5 3 5 0 Ward lb sell d Grengre If 5 2 1 0 Hermaki rf 4 110 0 °Tone' 3b Kluukt lb No-H- it Borkaki rf 2 0 1 0 Atwell c rldrehall If 1 0 0 0 J 0Blin lb Stminek c 3 05 1 dAbrame as 4 2 4 51 E O'firn ea SAN DIEGO CAL June 7 htrMilan Pedblian p 4 2 0 0 eldontmyor Schultz p M—Joe Hatten pitched a no-h- it Bowman p game as Los Angeles beat San aLindell Padget Spicer (7) and Peden and Potekkr Mathig (9) - ' Hatten Twirls Tilt Log Angeles San Diego t PITTSBURGH While they last! hawse - I 37a7111 Totals 40 IS 27 17 Totals aHit Homer for Silveri in 7tit blia!ei 1000 DETROIT June I Iti — Pitch- - bruit' out for Retina in Oth Ex-Pione- er into double play for Stuart 20 8 27 0 Totals 32 24 115 Totals er Skinny Brown who isn't ine Slliti aWalked for Scheib in 7th 100 001 New s York bStruck out tor ranovich in Oth skinny made three fat hits— St Lout Dodger third baseman Robby Morgan takes I second on attempted pickoff play by St Louis Philadelphia 010 Oil 100 300 000- -4 lot a RBI—Martin double it—McDougal& and home run So to ace Dyck Remus ExPocatello downstairs route as he dives safely back single 000 521 Ily snags throw Cleveland E—Mitchell McDougal& Bauer 2 Rem 4 Risauto Tranovick Riti—Jocat —and knocked in three runs 2B—Idantl RR—Martin Dyck Moe' Zernial Michaels Westlake 2 Glynn 2 111-1-1"1" 811—Little" Doby 2 roller (Michaels scored Sunday and hurled the Boston D"gald Mrra Tipton DP—Rizzuto field Collins OVERPOWER GIANTS Martin sl S 311—Suder on Mitchell's error) Red Sox to a 4-- 1 victory over bitiowirrholliti MeD00144-Martio-CMichaels Westlake MR—Joliet Zirnial 611-4- 1 Y 0111tutter-krybook- i tins a DP— the Detroit Tigers It was the Littlefield 4 Paige 1 SO—Littlettold g Glynn Tipton Dotty Michaels Joon and Robinson Avila and HO—Littioneldil 1 Scheib 1 rano- - Tigers' 13th straight defeat ty-- Loom a mart 1 GlytuL RR—Martin Stuart Poise Cell : with 1 roller a SO—Scheib 1 Feller run-making the club record for con- -' 41 R and LII—Uttlefield I-- 514 raise HO—Martin 2 in 3 13 Scheib 4 in 223 s Stuart 04 Cain $a taw 14 — ranovich 1 in I 11 and LA—Martin 44 secutive losses set at the start LOPIli C114) L—Uttletiold (3-Scheib IMP—Martin of the 1920 season roller 3 6 01 (Dabs): Scheib Minton) lire York a b MU Look ab b I W—Vellor ) Brosin whose Parents nick Martin L—Scheib ) 1 1 4 3rolle et lb 5 2 $ I at Cloy lend ab b Philialiti ab b a Joost ss 3013 Mitchell If 3 0 3 0 named him "Skinny" because igininwe flub t : Hunter : : 14 7 (UP)— second game was called Philles et 8 0 1 01 Kennedy It 0 0 0 0 of his chubbiness as a child 0Wdibta If 1 3 Worts rf June YORK The NEW $ 0 2 June 71 4 1 2 3 1 1 0 Lotthardt lt 4 2 3 0 lb I 1 1 0 Avila 3b Mantle al two homers by after seven innings because of Rabin by Sparked 1 0 0 31 gave up eight hits in posting his Dauer at If 4 0 3 01 Doby et Zamial 2 4 0 J ' e 0 aloes (UP) — The Cincinnati Red legs 1 4 0 0 1 fourth 1 1 ii Krottookl lb 4 0 12 No lights are per- Soder 3b 4310 Rosen 3b lb Ralph Kiner their new team- darkness victory against two bleDeld Michsla 2b 1 143 Simpson re 3100 2 3 4 Young lb 4 2 3 as Minute pounded eight pitchers for 29 mate the Chicago Cubs snapped mitted for Sunday games in the McGhee et 4130 Glynn lb 2001 losses At one point he retired Silvers a 1 0 II Brotbeen p 3 0 0 3 1 3 II rrocks p Astroth e 3 1 3 1 Strekind so 4 3 4 2 eleven 0 0 I 0 hits Sunday beating the Pitts- out of a prolonged batting majors skarn straight batters 0 0 0 0 Yord 0 1 1 oKokoo 3000 Hogan e ab b a Detrell ab b o a balite homers Biihop 1 assault burgh Pirates 6-- and 11-- 6 to slump with a Irrivano p 0000 eMaCookey 0000 Seelig 1 0 0 Rawl Kiner's two first-gam- e Goodma lb 4 1 5 5 Hattieid 3b 3 1 3 1 010 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kroartoop 0000 Polies e series and Sunday and swept a double- gave him a lifetime total of 303 aValo I admit sweep a four-gam- e fa Morsel' rl 5 0 3 0 Kumla so blMmastrl 0 0 0 0 Wynn p 0 1 1 441 1000 Reynolds p 4 1 3 0 Load 11 achieve their longest winning header with the New York an all-tim- e Hoakina p 1 1 0 0 tee m ai 4170 high for a right-hande- d Talsoeicb p 0 0 0 0 Lemon 14 1 Kin 4 Ni41"" II 3 I 0 Totals 30 I II 14 Totals 33 2 ll II -0000 Stephens It 1 1 40 40 Delaina streak of the season A t Giants 10-- 5 and 5-- 2 batter in the National el 4 0 3 0 anted out tot $ Tore In Stk 4 1 4 0 5 2 1 3 DrOPO lb 5 31 11 Baker 3b 33 0 24 13 Totals Totals Pitcher Joe Nuxtql II hit a bsutolou or Toad to ptIL II on ninth ranks now He mq League 01 Ballo e 1 0 5 waft In 'Walked for Mae Priam° 4114 la eRaa for int ilk three-ru- n homer and drove in Gernert lb 4 3 10 11 Friend lb 3 0 3 3 homer list in the bRan lot Vale in lith thainalett tor Roma lin Nit the all-tim- e Bolling as 3 1 5 51 Houtema p 3113 eWelked for Hagan in tth owatkou let Trucks to Itk 0 four runs while Ted Kluszewof ahead Rogers 11 000-4 3 Prow 000 003 majors just I 4 tGrouaded out lot Stuart la 011k Philadelphia ski hit his 15th homer of the OM) OW 001 301000 Now SunCleveland Vert -4 he passed Hornsby whom y Totals 311 13 Ft 1111 Totals 31 1 27 10 $t Louis Mo 110 000 : Michael year in the nightcap Clarence 011 000 010- -1 Boston 2 Mitchell Avila Drek I Oho 11—Boliwo1 day 00010 000 8—Michae1s -1 young Rizzuto Sorra Mho Noodling Michaels Avila (Bud) Podbielan scattered nine Glynn Detroit Dee Fondy and Eddie Miksis OP—1ooet Z—Friend Lund Botta R81—Brown 3 Mantle S Silvers Riiill Michaels and Robinson Hodges 2 Furillo 1 Horgan' Snider 'LI Mantle Young error in hits in the opener to score his homers for Strickland Avila and Glynn Bli— S Bakor SS—Brown Houttemow Hihit lig also firstgame alisbiron)stte Rea'son 2Remus' w 1 r 1unamitotedii n Robinson 28— fourth DP—Goodman z 0 L 3 Trucks Ford 5 Pricano L Breetwiti Bosun" L Wynn Bishop straight victory and 0 1 (UP) — Chicago while Randy Jackson 3 SO—Bishop L Wynn 1 Hooking I- Gernert Bolling and Gernorti Good- L Stuart L 110—Brethoon 1 Reese CHICAGO FIR—Hodges June Gilliam 4-e II 11 0-7- ord DP—Hodges-Rees5 in I man 1 square his record at 4 and Gerbort Friend 0 conStuart Pricano lds in I Bolling HO—Bishop 01 e Rees e Erskine Reyno Dorish and Clyde McCullough IS—Brown BB—Erskine 4 and Drove 3 L Breen's' In 113 Trucks I is 1 Tanevich 0 in 1 WPSIII S in 5 113 Buena Clark Remus - Bilk° Nuxhall who won his third Relief Artist Harry 4 3 Staley Lemon 0 in 1 13 It and RR—Bishop Houttontan 2 SO—Houttemen L R and Reynold' 1 be 4 Stuart 1 ht L a for the first thne this nected in the nightcap Staley 2 Clark 1 SO—Erskino started (--3 1 3 4 Houtteman seven PS— I 110—Staley Erault Clark ER—Ferd 1 Smelts's 1-- 4 Trucks 344 hits before Wynn game yielded HRP—Ilishop (Dobi) Z—Brown In the opening game three Panovich shackled Washington and 1141 Stuart SM W—Ford 41141) W- -Id—Hotatteinan ) W—Brown a and ERStaley 4 Clark Botta year (Simpson) loynolds 3--3 L—Brockeen (14) HBP—Clark (Gilliam) being relieved by Clyde King with five hits as tht Chicago shutout relief innings by the Hoskins (LI) L—Bishop (3-Erskine Rico and Harry Perkowski when the Erault (Campanella) PB- -1) saved Leonard Dutch Senveteran the (731) Sox White 1—Sta1s7 Erskine ) whipped Pirates scored five runs in the 4 Warthe victory for hard-luc- k 1144 ators 5 to 1 after taking a 16-to-2 r $0 ti-oe-s ' - -4 001- -1 Green 0 0 grass 2 McMillan Podbielart Smith 2B —McMillan 2 P Smith Bell DP — T e (7 innings) J O'Brien-O'Conne- ll Hatten and Evans Dickey Malloh J Ward (unaturiated) (7) and Mathis O'Brien-War- d O'Brien-BB—Podbielan H 4 Schultz 2 SO—Podbielan 5 HO— S 1 Podbtelan 003 100 000- -7 9 Seattle Schultz 3 Bowman 14 4 1 Dickson 000 000 000- -0 1 R and ER—Podbialan Hollywood Davis and Orteig Fisher O'Donnell Schultz 34 Bowman 04 Nckson 33 (3) Walsh (7) and Brogan 1BP—O'ConPodbielan WP—Schultz R H 11 nell (by Podbielan) W—Podbielan (44) 34 8 Totals 38 12 37 14 Totals 5 0 101 000 0- -2 Seattle L—Schtdtz Fanned for Clark in 5th 4 1 000 100 0- -1 Hollywood ab h o a Cincinnati ab h o a in 7th bHit home run for Buhl Widmar Evans (4) and Orteig Mun- Hatton lb 3 1 0 1 Pittsburgh Bemier et 2021 Mactirounded out for Draws in 7th and HMIs (5) O'Donnell (7) ger 1 0 3 0 Smith It 2b In eth Temple 8311 dirtied out for Konstanty lone Adams 3b 3 1 1 2 Ward lb 000 001 310- -5 4080 Milwaukee 5 1 3 °Thomas'' 000 020 010- -3 4141 II H E Bell cf Philadelphia 2 0 O'Cnnell 2b 3034 E—Hamner Dittmer RBI—Jones L San rranciace 000 120 101- -5 14 0 Grngrau If 5 3 10 2 Castigine 3b 4 3 3 0 S 0 Kluszaki lb 4 3 000 011 010- -3 Crowe 2 Logan Dittmar Hamner 2B— Portland E Singleton and Tornay Elliott Wit- Marshall rf 5 2 0 0 Sandlock e 4142 Cooper Ryan Dittmer 3B—Torgeson 0 Wilds 5 5 c 3 Landrith 0000 Crowe S—Cooper bel (0) Lint (7) and Robinson Logan BR—Jones McMillan as 4 0 2 7 00'Brien 1004 DP—Dittmer Logan and Adcock Kip 1 1 1 Coleus 3 1 Nuxhall R E p 2041 and BB—Kippez Torgeson per Ryan S 2 Kingp 001 000 001- -2 1101 0000Lindellp Konstanty 2 Liddle 2 Burdett 1 SO-- - Saerarnanto 9 1 Prkowski g 1 0 0 0 prtand p 000 205 00x- -7 0000 Ripper 1 Liddie 3 Buhl L HO—Kipper Oakland bPellaarbal 1 0 0 0 H E a in 1 2'3 Draws 0 In 13 Konatanty Face g 010 000 -2 0000 I7 21 4 in 2 Liddle I in 4 23 Buhl I in 1 13 Saeramento I Schultz 1 000 313 x- -7 Oakland R and ER—Kipper 0001 Burdette I In 0 clanowies e 2000 Osenbaush YrnYtiall t5) Candint (1) Burdett Liddle Drews and Montalve: Atkins end Neal W—Ruhl 4-- 2 L—Kipper Buhl 33127 14 Totals 39 1027 131 Totals &Flied out for Hetki in 9th bPopped up for Friend in 4th eStruck Out for Schultz in 7th 000 500 000-- 41 Cincinnati 000 001 500— Pittsburgh RBI— E—Adams Bernier McMillan Adams Hatton 4 Nuxhall Landrith Sand lock Smith Bell 3 Iluszewski 28-- Thom O'Connell Castiglione A:": Hatton arihall BilL Nuxhall S—Adams O'Connell DP— Sand lock Cole and lime' lock McMillan and Klusaswaki BD—Lindell 4 Face 1 1Schultz 1 NuxhaU L King & Perkowski 3 SO—Lindell 3 Schultz 1 Mucha 11 1 Perkowski L HO—Lindell 0 in 3 23 Friend 0 in 13 Pace 4 in 13 Schultz 12 in 2 313 Hetki I in 2 Mitchel 7 in k t (none out in 7th)t King 0 in 23 Per t 1 in I 113 R and ER—Lindell 4' 15--kowaki Ireiond 041 Face 54 Schultz 10 1 0-0 Hetki Nuzhall King 14 Pert kowski 0 PB—Sandlock W—Nuxhall (34) L—Lindell — Yanks' Strmg To Eleven Straighti d Liddle h o a 1 2 01 s n er h o a 1 3 6 1 5 0 1 1 0 -- 4-- one-side- First gam Milwaukee ab Bruton et 4 4 Logan as Mathews 3b 4 Gordon If 1 all'ndletn If I 3 Palk° rf Adcock lb 4 Dittmer 2b 4 4 1St Claire r t 2 qEVELAND June 7 — The The big inning a tradition' ST LOUIS hia June 7 (UP) Cleveland Indians extended —The New York Yankees strik- - Yankee weapon supplied hl their winning streak to five ing late and hard swept a crusher in both games T games Sunday by winning a doubleheader with the St Louis New Yorkers came up with 11 seven-rusixth inning in tho doubleheader from the Phila- Browns Sunday winning the after icing the anti ' second game 74 after taking nightcap delphia Athletics 84 and the first 92 game with five runs in the a n d sweeping a four-gam-e Bombers seventh The power-packeThe Browns took a 20 lead lo6 thus have run their current win series from the A's Bob Feller idle since Mem- nine streak to 11 games and the second game on Johnny orial-Day when he suffered continued their runaway of the Groths' first inning home runs a pulled side muscle posted 'American League race Second and Don Lenhardt's doublt 'i his first victory since April 26 place Cleveland also a twin bill ahead of Bobby Young's singlell in the opener with the help of winner remained five and a in the second First game: home runs by Bill Glynn Joe half games from the top Mow York ob li al It Louis ab bolt 2b 4 1 5 31 Hunter sa Martin 4 4 3 it and Larry Doby Tipton 4 4 Coiling lb 4 113 21 Yearns 21) t overpowered the Philadelphia Phi Hies with six borne runs St Louis Cards snapped their losses Sun Sunday as they swept a double- streak of one-ruto move back day This time they were beatheader 0 and Into first place in the National en good—so convincingly in League by seven percentage fact that they could not even points blame the umps A crowd of 20098 saw Sid Carl Erskine gave them Just Gordon Andy Pa fko Ed Math- four singles while the Brooks ews and Ebbs St Claire hit for were belting Jerry Staley and the circuit in the opener as 'successors for 15 shots that in- Johnny Antonelli blanked the cluded a homer No 7 by hot-bo- y Phils on five hits Gil Hodges The resultant 10-- 1 George Crowe hit a pinch score was Brooklyn's fourth two-ru- n homer in the second straight win and St Loo's fifth game his first of the year off straight beating Rookie Thornton (Kip) Kipper It was the type of affair that Johnny Logan hit his sixth in grew progressively d the same inning off the same and monotonous finally reach-pitchThe seventh inning ing the state where many of'the thretrun outbreak clinched the 16752 fans amused themselves seced game and gave Reliefer by launching paper planes onto Bob Buhl his fourth win against the field Some of these came two losses close to hitting Erskine So did Antonelli winning his sixth some of the Cardinals but not against one loss and pitching many succeeded his second shutout got enough Only in the sixth did they runs in the first inning to win pair a couple of singles It was the opener then that Solly Hemus drew a Beorge Bruton was safe on walk and took second on Red Gran Hamner's error and with Schoendienst's hit Stan Musial two out Gordon and Pafko each then lined into a DP but Enos hit their seventh homers of the Slaughter singled through the season on successive pitches by right side for the loser Steve Ridzik Mathews hit which deprived Erskine of a his 16th with two out in the :shutout in his fifth win third and St Claire hit his at tows ab h e a Brooklyn ab I o a fourth off Andy Hansen in the tictomorstuto :II i 1Gataomos3b 4231 4133 fifth Gordon's walk a sacrifice riussuiss Urt rI : 0 ? : roigenrsocrif If : 31 30 0 0 Adcock's and Joe single brought mike lb 2 0 11 2 CAPIIII10 If 0 o 0 0 1 2 1 4 4 2 3b 4 Jabnaki e Campania home the final run 11111lee a 30 3 I Flocittes lb 5 2133 The second game was a stiff dRaddix 0 0 0 0 Furth° rf 5 220 duel between Kipper just re- - letskerl ci ? : : :1' 1171:thano 3ob 3203 3111 called from Schenectady and sii:lifejc: : k Don 1000 walk to Earl Torgeson and Wil tztrtepi — lie Jones' ninth homer gave the 30 4 24 tel Totals 36 15121 10 Lo4ito out PhilS two runs in the filth Buhl for Staley in OtIL CilitarIlLin Stk' was called in after Connie Ryan eRamnu2odr"Robitneetonr dRan for D Rice in Ith doubled and Richie Ashburn out for Roespoultit hassoth walked He fanned Mel Clark St Grounded 1 Louis 010 330 03x-- 10 Brooklyn the to end jam RBI— E—Gilliam Remus 2 Clark a WHIP BROWNS TWICE Indians Grab Twin Powder A's 4 eykS 44041741:res Your Frontier Airlines Station Manager is a vital link In the chain of Frontier's nationally recognized successful airline operation It is he who directs Frontier airplanes in and out of your airport safely It is his job to supply the central operations headquarters with weather reportsto see that and lights are kept up to your airport runways company standartis for safe 4 supervise refueling operationsand to maintain radio contact with all arriv-- ing and departing aircraft Day or night weekdays Sundays and holidayshe is on the job keeping your airline dependable safe and tops in service This man lives in your town contributes to your community life and economy and is a highly responsible successful individual by any standard Yes your Frontier station manager is a mighty important man to the airline and to your operationto community 41IL ' asN e tjee! "II 17 7 1 I ) fl I tis4"31 rel '4A 1 !Err WNW FDOLUTIER 11112LIZIES |