Show rAt) 40 IA ITHE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Monday 4 June rof 16(14- 14r320' 8 1953 pared to go Specifically they He urged Rhee to accept the TO GAIN COOPERATION said that the President viol JumbleGag arrnistice and avoid any "reck'never grant Rhee a blank the less adventure" to unify the for future military operatioite country by force in Korea with assurance that 3 Within 72 bours troops and "Continued from ?age One will be allowed to bring in nee-said But Rhee Monday rNWEN I RIDEHAR this country will rush to his as equi pment will he withdrawn have not decided yet" whether wireless communications MOIL sistance if he gets into trouble ROW ROMER I nit other four powers essary Commission a demilitarized from buffer terms to Eisenhower the accept Decides shall be allowed staff assistants EMIDRAR A zone the between DORWEILUN opposing "We can not surrender to the i n 8 Prisoners the custody I armies mot to exceed 50 each I RODNEW Communists after all the sacri4 4 A demarcation line coincid- tff th!cfrTistsslon!!lio c1sec icl: C0a10101 Ruled Out we and have fices made (ch daGefaxo reyou TRAW PWENEPAD to observe the truce—whether 'return home Continued trots Page One with the battle line will be have made" Rhee told ing 3 No threats of force shall troops patriated after a majority vote to sign it be used against POWs to et- - of the commission decides the drawn across the peninsula and of the U S First Corps in an leased in Seoul by President or not he was willing and will be a troops he could I t 5 equipment get defense 1—if only address commemorating feet or prevent repatriation !fr thee application validity withdrawn two kllometers 1000th States with United in the Korea 4 Prisoners who want to reday 9 After 90 days POWs who Eisenhowees press secretary treaty at (about one and That least would assure turn borne shall be allowed to still refuse to return shall ba "As far as we are concerned -- !James C Hagerty handed the South Korea's protection after do so as soon as practicable" turned over to a political con- - 'miles) from each side of the line no peace or no armistice can be make up the buffer zone to 11111 letter to newsmen without corn- - an armistice the Koreans felt us as as the but in all cases within 60 days ference for discussion but will acceptable to long Battle Changes This! posed the question of a ment Chinese Communists are alL re- 5 For a period of 90 days still be held in the physical the President after 1 (A line was lowed to remain anywhere indemarcation nations to which prisoners be- custody of the neutral commit- turned from services at the Na- - real change in longe-rangi- ! No-i'Eisenhower administration poln side the Korean peninsula" &awn and agreed upon in long can send representatives to sion tional Presbyterian Church !icy planning While it has been 1951 Ameriof Rhee told hundreds vember Since Pow camps to "explain" re i After 30 days discussion lit On Friday Rhee indicated in !considered probable that a patriation matters Represents- - by the political conference there have been some battle can soldiers "ILl tense with be he made statement would that embassy pact tive s shall not exceed seven per prisoners who still refuse re- - changes in the line but the gains 'Sad Heavy Heart' officials were would settle for withdrawal of South Korea 1000 prisoners and shall not be patriation shall be released to or lasses on either side are re-- I with a sad feel ''I here mine thinking in terms of action to less than a total of five from Communist forces Korea civilian statu s Then they will ported not more than a half- 'ing and a heavy heArt" he said 11ro daltv bralntwister Arran that end after a Korean political 6 Explanations shall be an opportunity to go mile at any point A review of blinking away tears ''l do hope the letters or each wrd on thitir proper provided he first got a defense be 'settlement which could he to terra the coetn et Seder's ducted in the presence of a to -- neutral nations" if they the precise line just before an WP will be allowed to finish this order JUMBLIE GAG and treaty with the United States months and even years in the representative from each mem- - choose The mote to a neutral armistice would be made al- thing with justice and honor" TODAY'S ANSWER: The State Department felt he future ber nation of the commission nation shall be completed with- - though both sides conceivably Asked later by correspond Eisenhower's statement that JAMES M WALKER could agree to accept the line patiaddell wq Japuom I ins was simply saying that he and a representative from the in 30 days ents "Will South Korea fight MONUMENTS v wanted assurances U S the 1 the United States would make The line runs on if an armistice is IniJapuom painotu already drawn detaining aide To Assist Return 144503 would bail him out if he gotH a defense treaty after an ar 364 loot 21ot With signer" ItIOA pailivut 1 u a iqow M noi'th of the 38th Parallel except Rhee 7 Explaining representatives replied into trouble through future ef- mistice thus represents a sub Prisoners in a neutral nation for a small portion on the extdok tor omi el rim I have said forts to take over North Korea stantial concession in his plans 110Er(A enough—! have Eisenhower's who later decide to return to ueme end) promise to negoOF I have to say" all said o woman el hid' as-by military force and that of his advisers to date 5 A military armistice corn-I lure you got modical Itheir fatherlands shall be a mutual defense Date vice The pact of chairman the ei Aele aumolob Meanwhile however there 15EV However authorities said that rsisted in that return by "authori- - mission would be created made tivico coo your lorings Yoon tional Assembly Chi iafter an armistice have been various intimations it should be clear to Rhee and ties of the localities where they !up of five senior officers of both -We must have it before any to the United States that Rhee his associates that this is as far said earlier that South Yung and empowered to have Korea :sides ''cannot trust'' President t!rum" Yoon said: larell': The probably would settle and agree as the U S government is pre repatriation commis- - general supervision of the truce bodies sion and subordinate Rank of Officers shall operate on the basis of II ha auggatta a hawing aid At least three of the officers majority vote s on each side would be either bit aura you gat STORE HOURS: s Interpreters had been or admirali the of on final draft the Weekdays 10 am till 9 pm ing Both sides would halt agreement fOrcement of exchange e d troops and equip-sincwith Saturday 9 cm till 6 pm staff officers metSunday' ment when the armistice fcancintrprovod of the agreement were comes The truce effective to be made available later in Would thus freeze the number Tokyo of troops and arms at the truce Allied and Communist armis- - level tice delegates reached agree- 7 Rotation of troops home ment on all of the terms for a would be ' to 35000 permitted up truce in Korea except the eximen per month I the of change prisoners during 8 Within five days after ite I which 1 1 first year of negotiations truce is signed men and arms 4:1) cJiilikiiii began nearly two years ago would be withdrawn from 1 --- -!islands in the rear of the other Ready Previously 0 MOORS OF FAMOUS ZOOM t:)9(!)40t By summer of last year they side This provision affects only c bad completed work on 54 para- - the Allies since they occupy SAC H ONLY QUALITY vital islands off North Korea Om Wombat essosall issewsle NON Noll graphs which filled 21 legal-siztext This while the Communists occupy pages of I MONETSACK SIARANTEE covered matters relating to an no islands off South Korea armistice except the prisoner 'Ports of Entry' the If you are : 1 dispute which was solved Mon-9 Five "ports of entry" were first and only person to turn to day Korea in and North is your physician Zenith Hear designated Actually the negotiators took five in South Korea through irtg Aid dealers are wisely aware up the prisoner question in of this fact they know there can troops and cember 1951 while working on materialreplacement be no substitute for qualified SETS would be permitted medical advice same at the other matters 10 The armistice military CHESTS If your physician says you time With Mr & Mrs Dresser commission would have 10 need a hearing aid then see your However since late May of observer teams Zenith Hearing Aid dealer Learn made up last year the only matter to be joint firsthand about Zenith's "hear an equal number of officers has debated at Panmunjom better" features and economy from each side of which some been the repatriation of pris-'tutor 22103 with operating cost as low as 144 would be of field-gradrank oners Trim onotiorn pa: hour Get full details on the Lovely double dresser with over lines) plenty cot II Headquarters of the mill-famous The armistice document as it sized mirror bookcase bed and drawer specie All ready to point armistice commission ft' now reads contains numerous tary protection plan fiven to each' or varnish to o itoototitul finish $16 night stand In rich blond maple our dealer is Zenith buyer finish admin- would be at Panmunjom and it sections 1795 covering Sill purely listed in the classified telephone ittrativo details Except for the would settle disputes and re- Save! directory Or write today for free d truce violations Buy Now Save! $998 Buy Now prisoner provision here are the P or literature and list of Zenith deal-erIt S negotiations" Cash hrough no major terms: Zenith Radio Corporation chairman would lave 5801 Dic1ess Chicago 39 Will Sign Truce I PINI MOHAIR 12 A neutral nations superPrice 1 An armistice will be WILTON be would commission Al wee Zenith Aids have itte Seel of visory FRIEZE FOLDABEDS at Gen by signed Panmunjom Council af the se established and the armistice Ancopteace Physkel Mark Clark United Nations commission would be Medicine end liehabilitatioa of the 9x 12 Size WITH SPAINCIAIII MATT employed -- -commander in chief and the to call American M61116411 Asseciatin it to investigate upon commanders r:wo CornmunIt truce violations r PcMarshal Kim II Sung of North reported took Ow this Seel vo Senior Officers Four NO LAYAWAYS NO TRADE-IN- S Korea and Gen Peng Teh Hual who Wyllie" I 13 The neutral nations super-force- s flootolot 1613 commander of the Chinese hearing oW Fla Imported Wilton' Choice of 114811iii0 A lioxerious hod that kidos away in North Korea visory commission would be rose grey 'beige o'nd green leaf A senior made officers of four hondsonlo cholco sofa 2 Hostilities will cease 12 up good god ledis Soft Sr Kroll patterns y Iskon el Tessa Teat of itoovy Mose c hours after the document is two from each side This mission would be made up of Save! Save! Buy Now Buy Now officers from Poland Czecho THE COLORS THE STYLES THE COVERS slovakia Sweden and Switzer4 4 I land i Moderns Mohair Friezes Gray 14 The supervisory commis- I EXCLUSIVE WITH FAMOUS MAKE Rose II 0Convontionals Wool Friezes 'would sion have headquarters 17) Green would and 02-P- c alsoat Panmunjom Sectionals Nylon Friezes have at its disposal inspection ELECT DRYERS Turquoise 03-P- c Sectionals Back Friezes Satin teams Aqua Metallic Friezes 15 The supervisory commisIN ORIGINAL OfrInged Styles Coral CRATES CARPET sion would be empowered to Brown Mate lasses 'Moss Edge Styles inout observation and carry Plain Styles Chartreuse 0 Tweeds With Old NI spection and report to the miliSofa Sleepers Wine Boucles commission 294911 armistice tary Applistites Wrought Iron Beige Yd 1 commisThe Fiber I Tweeds supervisory NOD PSNU I Modern Blue sion will have 20 inspection Sr 12 Foot Widths Not floor soniples--e- n teams It will station one at xceptienal ' In 0 Last year when we ran our Spring Clearance we sold more than 100 sets each of the five ports of entry 'Imo clothes dryer purchase of Wide' slection of brand now colin North Korea and at the five ‘''' II in just two weeks This year values are better than ever We have re11 that discharges no lint or moisin South Korea and will have ors in two handsome w Not priced our entire stock regardless of original cost If you expect to save 10 mobile inspection teams in ture moods no stotsitin vent $50 to $150 on a set you won't be disappointed but if you don't come sotnds — first line guaranteed OVe reserve A V Political Conference early you surely will Remember your choice of any set at one low quality Loop twists or cat pile t " ' NO CASH DOWN! ' 4 sk''4 17The commanders of both price none reserved sides recommend to the governNO PAYMENTS 1TIL SEPT Expert Installation NOTICE: These Are All 2 or 3 Piece Sets — Simmons Hide-A-Be4 Not concerned that a politiments 41' 4 t cal conference be held within Included 11 4111411$1 k sNow Save! Save! Buy Now Buy 90 armistice the after days sr''3-Nssg — to N Korean South opposition ! N4 the terms was reaching a fever Except 4:? - o N pitch ' '6 officials government High LOUNGE CHAIRS '''NlN11 ' ' I : ' ' were whipping up defiance Deamong their countrymen DE LUXE RANGES Regular 8950 mands were shouted in high SLIGHTLY IMPERFECT With councils and in the streets to Old Send your clothes to the drycleoner who uses coptinue fighting in a drive to Range t unite the devastated and Upload pushbuttons fully utocountry the miracle finishing process! matic deep-we- ll lig deep versteffed choirs good cooker cull be Banner headlines in newsraised to surface $100 below cum variety of fine covers—lust in time "National because manufacturers Dresses papers labrie proclaimed linking any suits—my rent list! 1 for Pother' Dog Jon 21 army will drive north alone" it makes clothes resist flirt lgannent—StaNu works wonders NO CASH DOWN A high South Korean governmakes wrinkles hang right ont Iwith them all That's becaosa Now Save! it's the Savo! Try StaNo end see ment source said the cabinet 'StaNu replaces the textile oils Buy Buy Now nest best thing to new clothes! lost through wear and cleaning had alreed to "keep on fighting It revives color and sheen reduces A voiloblA oAly at de ythlortot a Tables from our finest line with minor flaws or shipping 7spite a truce" ombino whe 'Aspic) shine Fabrics become lively President Eisenhower in a TABLES TV And eashmeresmootb damage All styles and colors Perfect chairs in open stock dramatic letter to President 'soft Nu has been used and et& Choice of 111 made Rhee Styles it Sunday Syngman at greatly reduced prices WETS YOU for years by leading Everything Goes clear the hour is at hand for a NOM NG I !truce based on Allied principles EXTRA! ! mgr 4 9444eaote edd4v of voluntary repatriation of war 129S IS Ovp $ legator 7110 prisoners Truce Chiefs Sign POW Trade Accord U S Defense Pact Bid Eyed as 'Policy' Shift of co1 i one-quart- er ' r Inme - de-th- - 11 con-give- Dinity 1 ' 1 11 r 5E1 YOUR PHYSICIAM work-general- DER HEARIN ita rein-prison- h tith-tst- Df4( 8009ciii 75 L FA 1 H9141 ' lal AH:1! - - (OM A type-writte- pi: $44vg wW ‘ ti De-whi- t '14" -- ---- $TI n ''' E omilarmo 04 1 4 Cl ‘m- nn aI V 1G ic100)bln 0 QJUEE? 0 I BEDROOM 'DBk9 '88 1 1 after-purchas- e and te Values to (( 48 4) $300 r 989 - Down YOUR CHOICE and Mo RUGS NONE RESERVED '39 - NEARLY 100 SETS AT ONE LOW PRICE TV corn-signe- and HOTPOINT tip 01 ti ilb I I BROADLOOM Ilew Method 0 ir))opti $249 AP ' and I $itt"Sq IP A :S k1 - 11101 ' - -- - and and OPEN EVENINGS TILL : 9 Saturday ' "v-- war-spli- StiNo '59 Virtue Bros Chrome Tables 14 and IG© 12 sod STIT1 u 63 Try STANIT TODAY of Xsid(taMd 247 lost 2ncil South Dial 'little Affect' by Truce WASHINGTON June 7 (INS) —Jean Monnet president of the hie authority of the European coal and steel community declared Sunday that Eu- ropean progress toward inte- gration would not be affected by a Korean truce Lamp tablas stottaa tables step tables anti oast table Sento with gtass tops All in a nice dark finish that sass wall with mahogany ar walnut Buy Now and CLOSEOUT $1188 wataito $269 c)Q OCCAS: I HOTPOINT and Salo! mann 2450 s4 7 50 :LI s5450 15T025o00 Hoer samples of top lines Mt Sr 1933 models Nene reserved EASY PARKING EASY PAYMENTS Buy Now and Save! Ezeeps ondices down! I I é 1 |