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Show Thursday, November 4, 1954 THE Farewell Party Slated Saturday for Sunnyside Missionary A farewell party for Donald L. Denison will be held Saturday, November 6, at 7:30 p.m. in the recreation hall of the Sunnyside ward chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. The public is cordially invited to attend. The missionary is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Denison and will leave the following week for the mission home in Salt Lake City before going to service a mission for his church in northern California. A good program with dancing and refreshments is planned for the evening. Denison is the second missionary to leave from the Sunnyside ward SO EFFORTLESS1. within the past three months. Mel Mower arrived home last leave to Friday night for a y ,'isit his family, Mr. and Mrs. 30-da- La-V- or K. Mower, Geniel, Goldie, Danny and Mrs. Edith Derry. He is a third class steel worker in the Sea Bees attached to the U. S. navy and has spent the past IS months in Guam, lie left Guam October 9 aboard the U.S.N.F., a converted tanker transport. They arrived in San Francisco October 5. lie flew from there to Salt Lake City arriving Friday morning. He will leave here November 24 and return to San Francisco and report to C.B.M.U. 101, Korea. He will ship to Yokosuka, Jato pan, where he will be Korea. He will spend 6 months there then return to the U. S. to be discharged. J. C. Stevenson, Sr., returned home from the Dragcrton hospital Friday of last Week. He is much better and hopes to stay at home Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Preston and two daughters in Sunnydale and spent some time with a son and daughter in Wellington. Mrs. Ethel Stevenson of Manti came to Sunnyside with Bishop and Mrs. Peacock for the week end and spent the time visiting her son, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stevenson, Sr., and family and her daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jeffs and son, L. Mark Jeffs. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lindsey and DeAnn spent the week end in Logan with their son, Denny, and another son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Juney Lindsey and baby. They attended the homocoming and football game at the US AC. Both Denny and Juney play on the Logan team. Arthur Hinkins returned to his home in Sunnydale last week after spending several weeks in two Salt .ake City hospitals for polio treatments. He suffered the attaek the latter part of August and was flown to Salt Lake. His case was very bad one and he is now in re-rout- Wash Wy not give us a call for your wet wash. Youll be surprised how much work and worry youll save by simply giving us a phone call. PRICE STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 218 PRICE We call for and Deliver now. Mrs. Connie Self spent Sunday at home and then returned to the Dragerton hospital where she has been for the past two weeks. She is much better and hopes to be home to stay very soon. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ladd left here last Friday afternoon for Toledo, Ohio, where they will make their home. Mrs. Ladd is the for mer Marian Durney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Durney of this town. The Ladds were married in the Catholic church in Dragerton October 23rd. Mrs. Laura Connell of Los Angeles, California, accompanied them to Ohio. She is a friend of the fam ily who came for the wedding and is going to visit friends and relatives in the East. Bishop and Mrs. James Peacock of Manti spent the week end in Carbon county. They visited their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mar cell Peacock and two daughters and their daughter and family. Furnaces and Stokers (New and Used) INSTALLED Down 0 Months to 1 Furnace and System Heating Vacuum Cleaning ... 36 Pay SERVICE! 24-HO- PRICE SHEET METAL WORKS ANYTHING IN SHEET METAL" 80 E. First North Phone 124 Holly Bryner r i ( braces. Dr. Dina Bayer is mo ing to 397 Edgehill Drive. She is a new doctor at the Utah Permanente Hospital in Dragerton and came here irom Texarkana, Arkansas, where she worked at the Southern Clinic. Leonard M. Jeffs spent a surprise visit with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Mark Jeffs, last week end. He flow here from Mercedes, California, in one of the company planes. He arrived Friday after noon and stayed until Monday eve ning when he Broes graduated from the ous talk, with a mixture of home-spu- n Whenever you read a bum ediphilosophy and truly ordinary speakers to torial in The rewell scattered member that the editor sometimes that of being a humorist. And, says this keen observer and ex- throughout. gets tired of his job. cellent raconteur, if you think its easy to be funny, try it once. Apparently Dives is funny, for in one engagement for the Cannon Mills he made foe talks dur- eolo-b- y in companys four-da- y bration, threw in a rousing talk to high school students lor good measure, and still found it ditfi-pl- e cuU to R0t. awav trom the November 15 Date Set by Dinner has ranks of Club lor Speaker Amer-traditio- ns Sun-Advoca- te, A former member of the Now ork state legislature who is said his friends to bo as American as buckwheat cakes and sausage, and w ho know s the American poo- from the ground up through in halt ot a 1oa-ly folk he h;ul m,vor St,on bofi)r, avocations and Drees address here. "Grist for travel, will be the teatured humor- the Grin Mill is a highly humor- ist to entertain members of the Castle Valley Knife and Fork Club at the next mooting to bo hold at Carpeting-Furnitu- re the Carbon Country Club Noem-- j her 15, it was announced today Cleaned and Shampooed by J. It. Phillips, secretary of thej the organization. A dynamic personality, who in Dutadean turn, has boon coal minor, textile Way worker, salesman, teacher, author, and politician, editor, preacher fnond-exponone- cross-continent- Phone 1076-- J Eastern Utah Duracleaners 2nd North 374 East Phone 350 Price its first year, millions of motorists have proved the benefits of In left for Boston, where he would spend two weeks at the home office of the American Machine and Foundry Company. He is a radar1 technical representative for the company and has spent most of the past 11 months in the Pacific slands where they have been conducting Atomic experiments. After leaving Boston he will fly to Tampa, Florida, before returning to California. He and his father motored to Logan Saturday and returned Sunday. They went up to see the football game and visit k Scott. Scott played left for the victorious USAC team. Miss Pat Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roll Anderson, spent the week end home with her parents and family. She brought a friend, Miss Arva Johnson, spent the week end home with her parents and family. She brought a friend, Miss Arva Johnson of Mag na, home with her. Both girls are employed in Salt Lake City and returned there Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Maxcy their two sons, their daughter, Mrs. Ola Maryan Jones and her daughter, Kathryn, spent five days visiting relatives in Wyoming during the deer season. They stayed with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs Ward Fenimore and children in Hanna. Mrs. Wyoming, Maxeys mother, Mrs. Fenimore from Kan sas City, Missouri, was also there, While there, Ola Maryan went to the homecoming at Laramie Saturday and attended the footbal game. Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Graham, Sr., moved from here to Salt Lake City last w'cek. They have livec here for 11 years and during that time he operated the confectionery, pool hall and show in old Sunnyside and the past years has operated the Nu Star theatre anc es al Sunnydale Drug in Sunnydale, Mr. ami Mrs. John Schmidt and Sandra are moing into the house at 4G5 Edgthill Drive formerly occupied b the Grahams. Mr. and Mrs. James A. How a and four children have moved to Price. They have lived at t50 Park Wa, since they were married and he has liod there since he was discharged from the U. S. navy. Massachusetts half-bac- The Oreafesf Gasoline Development in 81 Years r Here are the facts proved by millions: 1. TCP power o much at boosts your car (because It naulraliiot power-robbin- 13 load deposits) g 2. TCP gives you extra gai miloaga (motorists report up to 3 miles more par gallon) 3 TCP Is ust like an engine tuno-u- p (because It letsyou enjoy affyourcars bulll-l- n power). 4. TCP Increases (because It spark-plu- actually life up to g fireproofs 50 your spark plugs). 1 5. TCP makes It possible for you to enjoy all the extra performance of Conoco Svens - i Page Seven SUN-ADVOCA- higher-octan- e rating. But don't take our word for III Road what motorists, themselves, soy about Conoco ivptr v X aafmifci A I remember when tetraethyl lead was first put into gasoline 31 years ago. Now comes Conoco pnpt--r with TCP I Its livened up my 51 Mercury and now I get 3 more miles to the gallon. Conoco Super whh TCP is doing everything its promised in giving our 53 Cadillac extra mileage, power, and performance. We wont take any other gasoline, because TCP has no substitute. Mr. John T. Knudsen, Traffic Officer 3089 South fourth fist, Sslt Lsko City, Utah Mr. S. E. Brooks, Rstlrsd RR Engineer 107 North Third, Btlan, New Mexico with TCP. r yf : At Check the m A I1- UNTUCKT - id ' 1 f. ibid I maintain four cars and three trucks. In all of them, its Conoco perSuper with TCP. Im getting new-ca- r formance! Starting on cold mornings is 50 better. Im sold on Conoco Super! Of BOTTLED IN BOND Conoco Super Gasoline with TCP does the job as no other gasoline has done before. My 1950 Chevrolet runs quietly, doesnt make knocking noises, starts right up and goes farther to the gallon. Conoco Super with TCP is a vitamin for my 48 DeSoto. The engine tonic , starts promptly. And the mileage savings are like getting up to a gallon and a half of free gas to every tankful. Mri. S. J. Crotby, Housewife 415 West 6th Street, Anacondi, Montana Mr William Grabowskl, Electrical Contractor 482 North Wlrth Ai., Elgin, Illinois Q Q Mr. Ray B. Crowley, Wholeul Florist Littleton, Colorado Q YOUR GUARANTEE " AND Vi- - ED wcs-DISTILL- WATERFILt end FRAZIER AND 10TTLED BY Woterfill and Frazier Distillery Co. lardstewa, Kentucky Cowmy Trademark ennui and patent applied for bp SMI OH Compano NOW NOW ti-izr-i-- H V The trademark, TCP, is your guarantee that you are getting the full benefits of the greatest gasoline development in 31 years. Only Shell Oil Company and its licensee. Continental Oil Company, have TCP. Conaca Super Gasoline with TCP' - KENTUCKY BOURBON Every drop of Oil After one full year, theres still no substitute for CITC Super GASOLINE WITH TCI?-- AT Wayne Motor Company 200 E. Main Phone 488 CL3C V Super GASOLINE WITH TCP Jim Sfrates Service 383 AT E. Main Phene 631 |