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Show THE Page Twelve News About People at Kenilworth and Mrs. Guy Whit ford side, Teola Gordon and Mable Robspent the week end at Boise, Ida- ertson. Prizes were won by Armho, visiting Mrs. Whitfords sis- strong, Christensen and Hawkes. Pat Robinson, a student at the ter, Mrs. J. E. Jamison and fam, ily. University of Utah, is spending the Mr. and Mrs. Don Watkins and week with her parents, Dr. and family left for Salt Lake City aft- Mrs. Roy Robinson. er having made their home in KenAll the school children Friday ilworth for the past 1 years. dressed in their Halloween cosMr. Watkins is employed by the tumes and paraded to the store Utah Power and Light company. where Cal Jewkes, manager, gave Mr. and Mrs. James Draper and them a treat They then paraded children of Price were dinner back to the school where the room guests of the Bob Drapers Sun- mothers gave them another treat day. Mrs. Charles Brozanich and and entertained them at a progchildren visited with the Drapers ram. Room mothers are Mrs. Rud-maMrs. Zubock, Mrs. Duty. Saturday. She is their daughter. Mrs. Tony Kosmack of Salt Mrs. Jensen, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Lake City was a week end visitor Darris, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Renich at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Swenson. Brandis Calcs received word and Mrs. Steve Tamllos. of his fathers death. He Friday home of club 500 met at the The left evening for Crown Friday evening. Morgan Friday Ruby West Hill, Virginia, to attend the Members present were Beryl funeral. Clara Woods, Gladys Trauntvein, Mrs. Roy Salt of Los Angeles Christensen, Lydia Jo Hansen, Betty Bryan, Ted Bott, Ann Arm- spent a few days with her sister, strong, Ellen Hawkes, Prele Burn Mrs. James Fulton. Mr. n, Thursday, November 4, 1954 SUN-ADVOCA- All these candidates with the Bene, county surveyor, 6275. As he did in the primary elec- exception of Mr. Barnes, Mrs. (Continued from Page One) tion, Sheriff Holman garnered the Powell and Mr. Alger are Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. largest number of votes. The vote here was only 834 for the proposition as compared to O Carbon Democratic Spontaneous Assembly Yesterday, Grid Game Tomorrow Celebrate Carbon Victory A spontaneous assembly celebrating the Carbon College victory at the polls Tuesday was staged by the college student body Wed- 6195 against. A. Calvin Jewkes, unopposed for nesday morning and it w'as a joyful occasion to witness as the students to the school board from election themselves their to voters expressed of the state. the appreciation school representative precinct Representatives of the "Save Carbon College committee were invited as were city and county officials and Senator Marl D. Gibson. number two, polled a total of 1077 Inasmuch as the assembly was conceived on such short notice, it was votes from Spring Glen, KenilStandard-vill- My Sincere Thanks . . . worth, Spring Canyon, Latuda, Rains, Wattis and Hiawatha. On the county ballot, all .returns are in except those from Carbonville where the judges only counted the votes in the contested representative race. Therefore, the Carbonville vote will be added to the totals following the official canvass Monday. Following are the vote tabulations for the county Democratic candidates none of whom had any opposition (this docs not include Carbonville) : Robert J. Henderworkers present at the assembly and it was reported that many more son, Utah state representative would be given out to others whose work brought about the highly from District One, 2820; Albert Barnes, Utah state representative successful results at the polls. District Two, 3382; Eugene Tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. the Carbon College Golden Eagles will from four-yeColi, county commissionhost the Fort Lewis, Colorado, Aggies in a football game and that, 6252; Jesse V. Bryan, two-yeer, as a be will football termed The too, game. "victory general public is invited to attend this game to join with the students in celebrating county commissioner, 6283; Joseph A. 6334; Brigham their great victory. If the game turns out as well, it will be a doubly H. Holman, sheriff,clerk and audiYoung, county event Carbon for College. joyful H. Charles tor, 6305; Semken, A dance at the college gymnasium last night was an added attracDrucilla 6291; J. assessor, county on the celebration agenda. The music for the affair was donated tion Powell, county recorder, 6142; orchestra. Darts by Jimmy Nicholas P. Pettersson, county treasurer, 6288; James P. Alger, county attorney, 6299, and John Impossible to get as many guests there as the students would have liked, according to Dominic Albo, student body president, who presided. "C honor pins were presented to Gomcr Peacock as chairman of the general "Save Carbon College committee and to Mrs. Frank Bonacci of Helper on behalf of her deceased husband, Frank Bonacci, who was the sponsor of the bill in the state congress which founded the college. It was given also in commemmoration of his work in trying to halt the legislation which was intended to abolish the college. One of the last acts before his death was his personal appeal before the state legislature when the Carbon College abolishment bill was pushed Into the legislative hopper in the special session of 1953. Mr. Bonacci, on his deathbed at the hospital, signed the referendum petition which eventually resulted in the college question being placed before the electorate in Tuesdays election. Certificates of commendation were given to other Carbon College end gratitude to all the many friends who helped make my campaign as county re- e, City-Coun- ty Drucilla J. Powell $ $ $ WE MAKE THE BEST MTBWAY BETWEEN PRICK AND WELLINGTON COKE PRODUCTS COMPANY Alvin Wilcox Fbwne 75-- Thone W Phone 99C-- R S58-- J October 11: Odell Mortensen entered a plea of guilty to a charge of being drunk in a public place and disturbing the peace. It was the judgment of the court that the defendant pay a fine of $50.00 or serve 25 days in jail. The arraignment for Joseph Aaron Chidester in the case upon a charge of wilful failure to provide was continued until this day. Upon motion of the attorney this case was dismissed provided the defendant keep up with the payments. Paul R. Blevins entered a plea of guilty to a charge of driving while Intoxicated. Defendant paid a fine of $100.00. Upon stipulation of the attorney for Billy Jack Lawrence and the counsel for the state, the court ordered that the fugitive warrant issued in this case be held In effect for another 30 days and that the bond heretofore posted be continued for the same period of time. Henry L. Crose entered a plea of guilty to a charge of expired registration. Defendant paid a fine of $10.00. Samuel Roybal entered a plea of guilty to a charge of speeding 45 miles per hour in a zone. Defendant was fined $20.00. Stay was granted until November All Kinds of MOTOR WORK REWINDING REPAIRING APPLIANCE REPAIR Work Guaranteed! Price Electric Service 394 South Carbon Jjjorgj Phone 1152-- W q MUSICAL ANSWER TO YOUR GIFT PROBLEM 25-mi- le 10th. October 13 : Upon stipulation of counsel and good cause appearing small deposit now delivers for Christmas therefore the court re-sthe trial for Harry E. Thomas, 21, Frovo, for November 16th. Defendant was charged with failure to keep car under control. Val Dee Anderson entered a plea of guilty to a charge of failing to stop at stop sign. Defendant was fined $10.00. Stay was granted on payment until October et EadyWXimas jffn mQm .. . Kiwanis Club Election Nominations for the various offices of the Price Kiwanis club were submitted to the membership last week by a committee of past presidents, headed by Edward Sheya. They are: for president, Bill Pintus and Dr. Robert Ostler; vice president, Joe Delpha and Howard Foulger; treasurer, John Marinoni and Edward Quinn. For directors, Walter Axelgard, Ross Bunnell, Walter Coyne, B. L. Dart, Dan Garber, J. W, Hammond, Lee Jensen, Carl J. Leavitt. R. T. Mitchell, Dean Murdock, Walter Odendahl, Edward Quinn, Herman Seppi, Lem Shiner, Frank Spadafore and Carl Wolfrom. This Thursday evening the will enjoy a "ladies night affair, with dancing following the program. zone. Defendant hour in a paid a fine of $25.00. October 14: Joe Spencer Hare entered a plea of guilty to a charge of being drunk in a public place. It was the judgment of the court that the defendant pay a fine of $25.00 or serve 12 days 40-mi- le To Fit Any 6-V- Exchange Car o!t SAVE UP TO On A Two or Three Year Guranteed Battery YOUR FAVORITE BRAND OF MOTOR OIL NEW! M.C.B. GASOLINE . (Continued from Page One) will have a constant check on the water furnished to local citizens. The survey by the sanitary engineer consists of an inspection of all sources of water (springs, wells, etc.) pipe lines, junction boxes, head houses, reservoirs and treatment facilities. These items are carefully checked to det'Tnine if all possible sources of cot. lamination have been eliminated. Some of the older systems, particularly, have had spring boxes and reservoir covers which would allow run-of- f water and other contamination to enter the water supply. A written report covering a description of the system, together with recommendations for improvement is sent the mayor and city council in each instance following each survey. Most local officials are appreciative of the service and are making an effort to carry out the suggestions of- am cuto West of Underpass ky A ; t ; f laboratory tests performed during the year is sent to all cities and towns at the end of each year. A city is listed as having an approved water supply if the tests conform to U. S. Public Health Service standards. During the year approval is given if apparent defects in construction and operation are corrected and bacteriological tests indicate the water is free from contamination. in jail. Nephi Processing Company cn tered a plea of guilty to a charge of overloading. Defendant was fined $50.00. Good cause appear ing $30.00 of said fine was suspended and $20.00 was paid. October 15: Preliminary hear- reasonable cause to believe that committed the ing for Richard Fox was set for Boyo Warner had the 26th day of November. De alleged crime charged and orderfondant was with assault ed that he be bound over to the YOUR HIT PARADE 'ijT Nmv JPlmjing vy w 3. This Ole House Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep If I Give My Heart v To You Whither Thou Goest Hold My Hand I Need You Now Little Shoemaker 8. Papa Loves Mambo 9. They Were Doing the 4. 5. 6. 7. Rich in Sparkling Tone j MINUET SPINET Full Factory Mamho A real find ai this special price Guarantee Heres the piano t&easure to give the whole family a lifetime of musical happiness. Its the piano combining many new features with beautiful design, tonal supremacy and skillful craftsmanship. Produced to meet Gulbransens exacting requirements for qualipr... specially low priced so that every family can own a piano. Iiemf Liber cl terms MUSIC DEPARTMENT J 33 North Carbon Ave. Price t . j ' t f : I sm mint rr TECHNICOLOR Wllllf, THI 0MRATK WNAU A wrtm wenaBy tetwrlwj Nw """ Hthom November 7 RUTHLESS HILLER! Scarface" Public Enemy" has the and screen witnessed such bullet-riddle- 15. Oop Shoop 16. In The Chapel d fury! In The Moonlight High and Mighty The Smile Happy Wanderer Muskrat Ramble MUSICAL ANSWER f dh' s uUjyj tor lra, KurtfZi TIT v ) Tai Academy oMFros Award Winner Her Scores A To Etsnsty few Hit! To Your Gift Problem 33 Norih Carbon Ave. LINCOLN LUKE, Mgr. vm . -- ASA Walk With God Skokiaan 12. Cara Mia 13. Hey There 14. Lonesome Polecat LINCOLN LUKE, Mgr. Mfiuaw! u . leaSEMl MUSIC DEPARTMENT Price Trading Co. vav .vy.y.v.v 'isw fttv Stirring NiW True -- Life Adventure Feature! Price Trading Co. ' . SIE1ATRA Ill "one-in-a-thousan- d" Allowanct or oia picno y presenting vivid, throbbing adventure to be seen at least once... and remembered forever! Starts Sunday THERES A 595.00 .;. f Walt Disney unfolds Agaill... the broad canvas of America . . . 11. 17. 18. 19. 20. v MwH or Sheet Music 10. v . AV, Not since 1. Phone 626 . fered. Mr. Burgener stated that a complete report covering the results of district court to answer to the charge. Defendant was charged with drunk driving and it being the second offense in a three-yea- r period, the charge became an indictable misdemeanor. 2. $7.00 None Better at Any Price Save With Fred Law charged with a deadly weapon with intent to do bodily harm. Upon the failure of Kenneth Mays to appear on a charge of driving while intoxicated, the court ordered that the bail in the 15th. Helen Y. Butler, , Dragerton, sum of $100.00 be forfeited and entered a plea of guilty to a the case closed. Upon the failure of Fidel Vales-que- z charge of running a red light. Deto appear on a charge of fendant was fined $10.00. Good cause appearing the fine of $10.00 driving while intoxicated the court was suspended. ordered that the bail in the sum Cleveof $110 00 heretofore posted bo 18, Stokes, Eugene Gary land, entered a plea of guilty to forfeited and the case closed. a charge of speeding 70 miles per The court found that there was On Records $9. Battery Nominations Made (or O Culinary Water Officers of the Price Boyo Warner TLA NT: $ $ $ New ar THINK OF US! success. t ar When You Need Building Blocks a corder I Price Ljffif I! it Li ' y. y itk Jm CltnM vwisemetet. RICHARD SALE ecy Gtn - (a CUnwy NtnO, 6ASSLE2 ROBERT IE!S (rets ALLEM ! |