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Show TH2 SUN -- ADVOCATE Thursday, November 4, 1 954 Page Nine Parties Highlight Nevs from Wattis The Wattis children have had County hospital. John is a an exciting week end with Hallo- employee. Eugene Shaw, Democratic chairween parties, "trick or treat fun man in Wattis, accepted the resigcosThe following is one of a cells begin to develop within a.land their unusually pretty of Hazel Smith as an elecnation and biack and of orange series of articles written by certain organ or tissue of the tion judge and appointed Helen assisted The masks. their members ef the Utah .State body, at first resembling closely . Bohunin to fill the vacancy. Medical Association and publish -- in structure the cells from which at Rev. Albert Scarffe, pastor of ed in cooperation with your local they originate, but they are not"hlch ftlvM.h iL art the Price att,f Community Methodist and dr newspaper. These articles are bound, as are normal cells, by any by Mrs. decorations and enter- - church, accompanied scheduled ft appear throughout governing process. In contrast was and children Wattis Scarffe the year in an effort to better they grow wildly without restraint. 2? Friday afternoon callingin at the Mae Olsen Mrs. teachers, acquaint you with problems of break through the barriers the homes of his parishoners. or "trick The Kendrick. Sedalia to and health, designed improve body sets up against them, and Earl McAlpine reports a fine meander ings vcre carr ed g the of the people of spread by direct expansion, by a eve- - time witnessing the and on both Sunday Saturday Utah. means of the lymphatic system, or Boulder at f Saturday game CANCER OF THE BREAST through the blood stream, to dis- - nin?s- Bfausf ao.bit hef mischief afternoon. He and Mrs. McAlpine of where the tant they body parts To appreciate the manifestadone ; by the children norany drove over to Denver Friday thenKas tions of cancer in the breast, one continue their growth. They visit their son, Dan, and oldstera who donned spooky use the body as a host to feed up- - of must know something about the on to wife. On Saturday they were join door went from and costumes and eventually destroy. door. So it was a fine ed by Mrs. McAlpines brothers relationship between the growth of the breast may begin IIalloweenaltogether Cancer of cancer and the development of and her sister all of whom were weekend. in the connective tissue, which is alumni. Fine weather the human body. Oklahoma his alebrated and a good visit in addition to the Life begins with the fusion of a supportice structure, the milk Monday evening, be a male and a female reproductive ducts, or the nipple. Itasmay a bs game made an enjoyable a soli-- 1 tober, check and kept in pap. week end. cell; from this union the complete bome ncnds the TfT.hl8 Brand' forces nodule the by resisting tary L. Fancher left last TuesJames structure of the body develops. of Elias Baca. mother, the body for some time, but father, his home in Marvel Alafor day The offspring resembles the parGames for will break through and Bva artmcz, Plncd he has secured work bama where ents, possesses the same organs eventually the refreshments children, , or direct extension, by spread in coal mine. a Jim has worked and structure. Its growth is steady be traddlonal birthday the lymphatic system or ln?udn for here several and "batchyears until adulthood. Then further through the blood stream to other parts of cake for derr ed in the Wattis apartments. growth ceases, and the body is the body. Still another party was given Mrs. Frank Ecker (Agnes) of maintained by a process of restorthis past week, when Mrs. Eldon Grand Junction, Colorado,, visited ation and repair which continues Ilarward entertained for her son, throughout the life span. If, for Newspaper Advertising Mark, on his sixth birthday. An in Wattis Friday. Agnes was one of the first presidents here example, a hand is cut, the reunusually enjoyable "stunt was and it was through her efficient Best immediateare as processes parative Recognized the fishing pond and each young- work that we have the fine orly set in motion to restore the ster caught himself a nice little ganization we have today. tissue to its original state. When Medium by Chrysler prize. London Bridge, with the Mr. and Mrs. Merrald Rasmushealing is finished, further cell hostess playing the piano, made sen of Orangeville spent Friday The greatest newspaper adver- more fun and of course the ice growth beyond that necessary for repair is halted by a mysterious tising campaign in Chrysler s 31- - cream an birthday cake was best with Mrs. Rasmussons sister, Mrs. McKee. j governing process. year history will use more thano alL So as not t0 sught any- - T. Lawrence season The deer ended with 1955 In the cancerous type of growth, 3300 newspapers for the. one, Mrs. Hanvard invited every deer being brought in by many child in camp. the successful hunters and yet a Mr. and Mrs. John Ecker are number of our best shots were the proud parents of a baby girl unsuccessful this year. bom October 17 in the Price City- After a six weeks visit in Brit; ish Columbia, Canada, Mrs. Nolan Chrysler new model announcement Olsen (Dorothy) arrived home this week. She will give the highlights program. of her trip during the refreshment comUse of newspapers with a meetbined circulation of 45,000,000 hour at the November' ing. were chosen to obtain the maxiMrs. Cora Kendrick, mother of mum penetration in more than 3000 counties in the United States. Reedy Kendrick and who makes The bulk of the advertising budget her home with Reedy and wife, will go to newspaper advertising, was taken to Price for medical treatment Friday. She will stay according to company officials. with her son, Cyrus, and wife at their home in the Fullmer ApartPlays in Aggie Band ments. Jared Tucker of Elmo is a memTony Kontgas, our store manag ber of the Utah State Agricultural er attended the Grand Visitation of Colleges marching band which York Rite of the Grand Command-er- y entertainment Saturday evening at the Mapresents half-tim- e sonic in the Aggie at football games Temple when a large num stadium and many football con- ber of officers from Salt Lake tests away from home. Mr. Tuck- City came down to put on the er is majoring in agricultural edu- work. It was preceded by a bancation at the USAC and is the son quet served by the Social Order of of Mr. and Mrs. Vearl D. Tucker. Beauceant of Price. Mr8 P-T- A BUSINESS DIRECTORY Whether You Need Service or Merchandise or Have Something to Sell For You A "re .5 Winter Treads well-bein- - to L4 Oc-he- I I 7 different popular treads to choose from $7.95 to $10.95 Dick Luke District Agent for LET US Winterize Your Car Now! OCCIDENTAL DINOSAUR INSURANCE ld Super Service 91 East Main LIFE CO. Trice Fhone 1059 Thone 8 PRICE UPHOLSTERY Do You Need ELECTRICAL SHOP WORK? First East Phone 68 So. LINE WORK INDUSTRIAL, COMMFRCIAL, 332-- W RESIDENTIAL P-T- A P-T- A WERE EXPERTS INSURANCE! Colorado-Ok-lahom- We are equipped to take care of your needs. We have a large supply of industrial and com- Ym cm mercial wiring materials. Licensed by the state of Utah Jtptal h Aatrki M4 Strike readily Nrh inilcUd Wa cany mplota ICHWINN td Auto Farts Automotive id Machine Shop a Brake Lining tat at LEONARD FRANDSEN Clutch ball, MINING & ELECTRICAL Rebuilding kikti, parti, aad SUriLY 116 h Scth with auattatiai. Bicycl Salta and Scrrica South 2nd West, Thone 28 PRICE, UTAH MENDENHALLS BROWNE A OLSEN GOODY kAK SI OKU Pboaa 72J 1) 1 Mam 81 N. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE AND BUILDING MATERIALS First Price W. KILF0YLE KRAFTS Builders FINE HOMES, CABINETS PRICE LUMBER & FIXTURES HARDWARE CO. 202 West Main Trice, Utah Hi O Automotive Parts Machine Shop Work O Auto Glass Bring ns your printing problems. Well duplicate your present forms, or help you design new ones. FHONE 398-- J or 5Iany Standard forms In 715 stock. 1 II Mile so. of Trice on IPway Phone 9 The Sun-Advoca- te Richfield Auto Parts Co. LOCALLY OWNED Gi IBQG03 Carbon Now Under New Management demonstrates how to grow thicker hair Thursday, Friday and Saturday NOVEMBER . . . and guarantees it! Demonstration To Be Held Here BENEATH THE and no appointment is necessary. After the examination the person is told the required length of treatment and how much it wall PRICE FLORAL SHOP TRANSFER PHONE 18 o for slick, shiny baldness, Keele emphaGUARANTEED, sizes. If there is fuzz, the root is The Keele firm, recognizing still capable of creating hair and that most people are skeptical of we can perform what seems to be claims that hair can be grown on a miracle. There is one thing Keele wants balding heads offer a guarantee' Keele said. to be certain every man and woOnce a person avails themselves man knows. If a recession appears to the Keele treatment his skep- at the temples or a spot begins to ticism immecLately disappears. To show up on the crown of the head, insure this, we offer this guar an1 there is something wrong and it tee. If you are not completely should be given immediate attensatisfied with your hair progress tion. HAIR FOR LIFETIME at the end of 30 days your money will be returned. "If clients follow our directions HOPELESS CASES during treatment, and after they finish the course, there is no reaDISCOURAGED son to why they will not have hair First the trichologist is quickcan- all the rest of their lives, Keele tell hopeless cases that they Our said. firm, is definitely benot be helped. But the hopeless it all depends this treatment, hind i3 man cases are few. Only if a on the individual clients faithful in be is bald completely, shiny -- sd observance ofc : a this lost category. of a few simple rules.' If there is fuzz, no matter how observation YOUR HAIR? HOWS Keele the light, thin, or colorless, worries it If you call M. Den treatment can perform wonders. Adell at the notel in Price, Savoy examination A complete, private 4 November on ONLY, J A Friday Utah, ptpT IS given uy a to is 9 12 noon The pm. 5, mine the condition of his sc&P invited. You do not needpublic an aptrouble, hair and cause for his pointment. The examinations are FREE EXAMINATIONS thorprivate and yon will not he emThis examination is very re- - barrassed or obligated in any w ay, it technical, ough and highly (Adv.) is quires 20 to 30 minutes. There Price REPAIR SERVICE by 7-8- -9 J. F. Hetdenreich Graduate of U. S. Navy Radar and Radio Eiectronica School Joes 55 TOWING PARTS DEPARTMENT FOE TOUR CAB Thompson Products Perfect Circle Rings Gates Fan Belts and Hose Dupont Paints and Zerex or Zerone AND SIANY OTHER PARTS FOR ALL CARS AND e Price INSURANCE REAL ESTATE TRUCKS AGEN1S See Jack Forrester or Oscar Nord ALL SERVICES of the for Service. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Same Location Since 1929 PHONE 55 Carbon County Abstract Company Silvsgni Building Hammond, Jr. Phone 131 W. nauiKQ CENTURY CAFE Fine Food Courteous Service O Typewriter Rentals O Office Supplies OPEN 24 HOURS Office Equipment Co. Ph. 949 . Your friends can buy you can give them cept your picture. 138 West 51aln if' imif.ru ex- COME IN AND TRY OUR DELICIOUS, INEXPENSIVE LUNCHEONS Prlce Served Dally From 11 a.m. to 3 pan. NICK A JOHN PLATIS, Own. SUNNIE STUDIOS Wednesday and Thursday 10-1- 1 with DORIS DAY ROBERT 8 East 5!ain SOT T WATER Lucky Me IS YOURS ALL THE - COMING SOON - Vanishing Prairie - V- 1 Aaron J. Hanson j TIME! With Culligan Service CUMMINGS ze . , , 442- -J ELECTRIC CO. LICENSED ABSTRACTER J. NOVEMBER Ph. 4 Anti-Free- cure-a- ll . & Phone 147 Radio Repair ADDING MACHINES AND wf APT. EASTERN UTAH Mountain Mud Company Drilling Chemicals East 6tb North Price PIIONE 143-5- 1 .'- -v iL SUMNER Auto EQUIPMENT EXPERT RADIO feCORYiOE Casulty HEAVY HAULING WINCH CURE-AL- L We have no . North First Wee t MOORE rr After starting treatment, the person makes regular reports to the Keele firm in Oklahoma City to Check the progress of the home treatment. To spread the opportunity of normal, healthy hair to the thousands who are desperately looking for help, independent tricho-logis- ts are visiting various cities throughout the United States to conduct examinations and start home treatment. Fire GUY PRICHARD Sunday, Monday and Tuesday NOVEMBER Bucks Sporting Goods F.TJD. MEMBER 56 TERRY Equipment for the Sportsman It REEF LE Also Complete Line of For You" GILBERT ROLAND cost. NO 12-MI- with ROBERT WAGNER no charge for this examination 4-5- -6 Phone 732 Our Flowers Say Famous Trichologist This new method of home treatment for saving and growing thicker hair will be demonstrated in Price, Utah, Friday ONLY, November 5, 1954. These private individual demonstrations will be held in the Savoy Hotel on Friday, November 5, 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. OKLAHOMA CITY, October 27 In an interview here today, Mr. Keele, internationally famous trichologist and President of the Keele Hair and Scalp Specialists, Inc., said: There are 18 different scalp disorders that cause most men and women to lose hair. Us ing common sense, a person must realize no one tonics or so called cureall could correct all the disorders, he explained. 40 N. Call ns for Quick Installation (nft fVUiiiifUII dUII l7n7!3Sj I IllIlMMM Service 66 NORTH 1st WEST GENERAL INSURANCE l&ElFj .C in the 58 Sun-Advoca- te T uuiu.uvi; West Slain c yrllAl .J Price |