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Show Thursday, November 4, 1954 THE SUN-ADVOCA- Page Rvo, eight deer problem areas where the Utah Board of Big Game Control set a longer season this year. These are the Daggett, Fillmore, Gordon Creek, Kanosh, Mineral Range, Nebo North, Nebo South and San Juan units. In the East Antimony section hunters Big game brought the deer season the to a dose in general general license hunt continues Utah Tuesday, November 2, fol- on a three week end basis, Novemand hunt which ber lowing an weatherwise witnessed everything In two areas, the East Zion and from "bluebird shooting condi- Meadow Creek-Do- g Valley units, tions to an intense snow storm the season continues general in most of the states high counNovember 2S. through try. This makes a total of 11 hunting A successful hunt had been forecast prior to the season opening. units where an either sex animal All reports now indicate this pre- may be taken during the extended diction will hold true as a final seasons by unsuccessful hunters who have not yet used their reguanalysis of the hunt is made durlar tag. In each case the Board ing later weeks. set the hunts to meet special 0 During 1953 an estimated conditions calling gunners took 95,000 deer. Both for the longer shoot. these numbers are expected to be Holders of special deer permits exceeded as the final tallies are for eight areas .will go out on made. these hunts at a later date. Five Deer hunters who failed to get of these are five-da- y notice hunts their animal during the general to be called on or after November season may continue hunting 13, depending upon weather condithrough Sunday, November 7, in tions and other factors. Permit holders for these shoots will be given written notice five days in ROAD BUILDING advance of the opening of their hunt. TUNNEL WORK All special permits have been sold with the exception of those CORE AND DIAMOND " for the Daggett-Cla- y Basin uni DRIUING limited two deer hunt. Permits DS CATERPILLARS & C. P. remain on sale for this area at f J 1596 f TRUCK MOUNTED DRILLS department headquarters, West North Temple, until the WHICOJO DRILLING hunt is called on or after No& EXPORLATION vember 13. No person may purchase more , 17 South Carbon Avenue One of the prize harvests of the 1954 deer season one special permit during than TEL. 466 PRICE, UTAH area was chalked up on opening day of the n this one calendar any year. season by James Wall, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wall, Cleveland, Emery county, shown with Exhibit the hide of his seven-foo- t, bear. Young Sell at the Buy Wall got this big brute west of Sink Hole on Castle Valley ridge, northwest of Hiawatha. It took three OGDEN LIVESTOCK SHOW shots from a 0 to down the critter. The animal Some Areas Still Open for 6-- 7, ay 13-1- 20-2- 4, "T - T!Mtfatrrrx ymm? il i Nov. 12, 13,14, 15,16andl7 Eagles Tip Dugway Eleven, 43-1- 8, In Wide Open Tilt A Register of Merit Hereford Show' TWO PUREBRED HEREFORD CATTLE AUCTIONS: November 5 7 p.m. Hereford Female Sale November 1610 p.m. Hereford Bull Sale 1 Purebred Columbia-Suffol- k Prize-winni- ng November 14, 7:30 p.m. Bred Ewes, November 15, 10 a.m. Fat Cattle, Lambs, Hogs, Carloads Feeders, November 17, 9 a.m. Aberdeen-Angu- s, last Thursday afternoon when they swamped a visiting Dugway eleven 8 in a game that saw everything in the books. Neil Magann set up Carbons first tally with a gallop on the opening kickoff. Five plays later, Magann rammed over the TO THE VOTERS OF THE 43-1- SECOND LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT Cleaned and Shampooed the j Duradean Way Phone 1076-- J Eastern Utah Duradeaners 374 East 2nd North Price (Simile) ,v r ora f I $ i small 44 0 1 J Oimssjrsirace u tj -.,. tip of nose to tip of measured seven feet ta.l. State Farm auto insurance is now a better buy than ever! Low rates have just been lowered even more to reflect the careful driving records of members in this area. And you get the unexcelled protection and service for which State Farm is famous. Yes Others in the hunting party were Paul Majnik, Hiawatha: Ralph Lundy and James and Junior Christensen, Cleveland; Cuddy Hammond, of California; Roy Hoover, lhovo, l'aul Sdlitoe, Salt Lake City. and returned it 30 yards to the Dugway 25. Jimmy Scarcclli flipped a six pointer to Regis from 17 yards out and Carbon was ahead 21 to 6. Dick Neidermeyer grabbed a Carbon pass on his own line and raced the remaining 60 yards to narrow the gap to But Regis snared another Dugway aerial and spun his way to three from where Corky Wall plunged over. Dugw'ays only sustained drive of the game resulted in a 40-ya- The Carbon College Golden Eagles flew high and wide here ure Carpeting-Furnit- f 'Li 30-3- t ? 123,-00- Drinking water tanks for railroad passenger cars are often made of Monel because of its freedom from corrosion and ability to deliver pure water. Two blocks of property adjacent to the Carbon game farm will bo opened to pheasant hunting this year, it has been announced by Rye lljatt, farm supervisor. However, Mr. Hyatt pointed out, hunters should still respect the rights of property owners in the area and ask permission to hunt on private properties. Just because the state has opened these areas for the taking of pheasants doesnt mean that hunters can deluge the lands without due regard for the rights of property owners, he said. Open for the first time this year will be the area directly north of the pime farm proper and all of the Pilling dairy property. All l emainmg areas of the old boundary section will remain closed and these properties will be heavily posted. 1. 600-pou- nd Keeps Water Pure Some Areas Around Game Farm Opened First Time Hunters Unlucky 11-d- rAe rd 21-1- 2. See me for details! score in the third period as Stan Losovcr rambled over on a sprint. In the last qurrter Carbons Corky Wall plowed 12 yards for the sixth touchdown and George Zoolakis picked up another six pointer when he took a pitch out from Dominic Albo, and outran the entire Dugway team on a 42 yard jaunt. Albo passed to Ghirardclli for Carbons only conversion follow ing Zoolakis run. 22-ya- rd STATE FARM ( Walter M. Donaldson Phone 1150 INSURANCE 127 Turner Court Price Authorized representative, Slate Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Home office: Bloomington, Illinoit 65-ya- rd OF CARBON COUNTY am truly grateful to you for your support in both the primary and general election. I humbly appreciate the duties and responsibilities imposed upon me by my election. 1 goal line. Dugway bounced right back when John Tucsing scored on a pass play. But Carbon scored shortly after when Charles Dixon galloped 13 yards right through the middle of the Dugway gridders. Dixons tally topped off a sustained drive. After Dixon broke the 6 deadlock, Carbon was never headed, and led 18 to 6 at the half as Dixon scored again following a recovery of a People buy this newspaper for news of the world, the country and our community in particular. Our readers are also interested in news about food, clothes, entertainment, automobiles, furniture and all of the necessities and luxuries that have to do with daily living. Same Story, South Through advertising in this paper you can give our readers the news about your merchandise and services. Each one of your advertisements can be a newspaper within a newspaper. 61-ya- sincerely hope thaH will be able to service the people of Carbon 'county and the state of Utah conscientiously, courageously and intelligently. rd 71-ya- I rd 6-- Dugw'ay fumble. Larry Regis intercepted a Dugway pass early in the second half Respectfully your servant up-to-da- ALBERT BARNES Still Leads in 3ig Nine Circuit FULLY AGED Its getting rather monotonous to keep saying the South high Cubs are still leading the pack in the Big Nine race but that is the way it is and it has to be said again following last weeks round of play. The Cubs kept their record intact last Friday by dowming the Carbon high Dinosaurs 18 to 6. East kept right behind with a 1 record by knocking over Provo 33 to 0. Davis pulled an upset by drubbing the Beetdiggers by a 18--0 count. In the other game of the week, Olympus rammed through 13-- 7 win over West. This loss firmly entrenched the Panthers In the cellar spot. Team standings: Won Lost Tie 5 0 0 South 4 1 0 East 3 0 2 Jordan 1 3 2 Davis 2 Carbon ... 0 3 2 0 Granite ... 3 2 3 0 Olympus . 1 1 4 Provo 1 West 0 5 for Richer Taste mm te Of course you should know all about the circulation of the newspaper that is carrying the news of your business. How many people buy the paper? Where . are they located? How was the circulation obtained? To give you thi3 information and many other facts that you need and have a right to know when you buy advertising space, this newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Established in 1914, the Bureau is a cooperative, nonprofit association of 3,575 advertisers, advertising agencies and publishers. Its purpose is to furnish advertisers with verified reports on the circulation of its publisher members. 4-- 7 I At regular intervals one of the Bureaus large staff of experienced auditors makes a thorough inspection and audit of our circu-- " lation records, just as the bank examiner makes a check of your banks records. The information thus obtained is published in official A.B.C. reports. When you buy space in this newspaper our A.B.C. report tells you just what, in circulation values, you get for your advertising investment. newspaper it a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. This Big Nine Finals Advertisers are invited to ask for a copy of our latest AB.C report. This Week; Carbon to Olympus The final round In Big Nine play takes the spotlight this week with South and East battling for su- KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON THIS WHISKEY IS THE H A YEARS WHISKEY OLD-8- 6 PROOF ILL AND HILL COMPANY. LOUISVILLE. KY, premacy. South is undefeated while East has lost only one. A win by East this week could throw the series into a tie thus necessitating a playoff betwreen the same two teams to determine a Big Nine representative in championship play against Ogden, Region One champions. Carbon plays at Olympus today. Both teams go into thus game with identical records, two wins and three losses. 755c San - Qdvoccta -- 3 zX$ 'ts. 4.-- --i- f) if '' rj j 4 t S . t . 'it. |