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Show 9 Page Six THE ORDINANCE NUMBER AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING 66 FOR AND ORDERING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF CARBON COUNTY, UTAH, THE QUESTION OF ISSUING AND SELLING ITS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $250,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING AND FURNISHING AN ADDITION TO THE PRESENT COUNTY HOSPITAL; RATIFYING ACTION PREVIOUSLY TAKEN CONCERNING SAID HOSPITAL; PRESCRIBING DETAILS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID ELECTION; AND PROVIDING THE (EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the (Board of County Commissioners of Carbon County, Utah, has determined, and does hereby determine, that the question of issuing the bonds of the County in the amount of $250,000.00, for the purpose of defraying in part the cost of erecting and furnishing an addition to the present county hospital, should be submitted to the electors of the County qualified to vote thereon at a special election; and WHEREAS, the Statutes of the State of Utah, and in par ticular Section Utah Code, 1953, provide that the Board of County Commissioners, by order, shall specify the particular purpose for which the indebtedness is to be created, and the amount of bonds which it is proposed to issue, and shall provide for submitting the question of theJssuanee of the bonds to the qualified electors of the County at the next general election, or at a special election to be called for that purpose. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF TIIE COUNTY OF CARBON ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That all action heretofore taken (not inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance) by the Board of County Commissioners and the officers of Carbon County, directed toward erecting and furnishing an addition to the present county hospital, and the issuance of its bonds for that purpose, be, and the same is hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed, Seciion 2. That a special election be, and the same is called and ordered to be held in Carbon County, Utah, on hereby, Tuesday, the 7th day of December, 1954, for the purpose of submitting to the electors qualified to vote thereon, the following question, Shall the general obligation bonds of the County of Carbon, in the aggregate principal amount of $250,000.90, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be issued and sold for the purpose of defraying in part the cost of erecting and furnishing an addition to the present county hospital, said bonds to mature in not to exceed ten years irom the date of the bonds, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding three and one-ha- lf per centum per annum? Section 3. That none but such qualified electors as shall have paid a property tax in Carbon County, Utah, in the year next preceding such election, shall be permitted to vote on said question An elector, to be qualified to vote at said election, must also be r?.ls.te,red- - There shall be no special registration of voters, but the official register last made or revised shall constitute the official register for such special election. t Section 4. That the ballots to be used at said election shall be in substantially the following form" 17-12- -1, (FORM OF BALLOT) OFFICIAL BALLOT SPECIAL HOSPITAL BOND ELECTION Carbon County, Utah Blanche Thomas No. 7, East No. 8, West No. 9, Sylvia Barney Mary Jerant Helper City Hall Helper Y.M.C.A. Annex No. 10, Arthur Kuster Mary Colombo Esther Bartlett Filomena Bonacci Vera Marston Eva Jones Kenilworth Amusement Hall Mae Fail Jean Owen Alice M. Whitford , No. 12, Spring L.D.S. Church Basement Canyon No. 13, Standardville Mine Office Latuda Union Hall No. 15, Rains Mutual Amusement Ilall Northwest Price No. 16, 82 North 1st West no No. 17, East No. 18, Emma Virden Price Court House Minnie C. Olsen Maude Warren Jessie D. Stringham Lillie Miller South Price Reeves School F.dna Powell No. 20, Donna Judd Millie Larsen Wellington School House Sunnyside No. 21, Northwest Helper School House Junior High School No. 22, Slinnydale Housing Office No. 23, Wattis Doctors Office No. 24, Hiawatha Amusement Hall 't n Jhe yter rieslres to vote in favor of the issuance of said Genera Obligation Hospital Bonds, he shall place an X" in the space afte: tne word Yes. vote Knlnst the issuance of said Genera ithe.vot delr,esto onds ptoce an X in the space afte: d.n NoS th e v.'or (That on the reverse side there shall be printed the following-OFFICIAL BALLOT . FOR ELECTION DISTRICT NO Carbon County, Utah ) North Dragerton 334 South Dragerton School House No. 25, No. 20, Denver Avenue1 No. 27, Martin Ross Service Station No. 28, Columbia School House Special Hospital Bond Election December 7, 1954 Estelle Leger Anna Picco Birdalee Howard Helen Kelley Alta Cook Hazel Faccenetti Marie B. Besso Belle Johnson YESQ For the Issue of Bonds Lillian Day Thusnelda Mills Zelpha Dykes Nellie Woodward Lorn a Davis Mrs. Wm. Bates No. 14, Central Price No. 31, City Hall Annie Snyder Stella Davis Zola Larsen Marion Fratto Samuel L. Preston Mary Ford Caroline Tomsic Elizabeth Phelps lone Cowan Janet M. Sorenson Nma Jensen Wanda Shaw Helen Behunin Gertrude E. Fish Cathleen Orton Vera M. Henderson Maurine Gordon Mrs. Roy Coker Mrs. Lester Carter Mrs. Sheldon Justesen Margaret W. Stewart Marion Lund Mary Davies Mary Lange Lois Hamilton Leonora Truscott Alice Crawford Jequetta Lines Wreda Feterson Sun-Advoca- te, Carbon County, Utah December 7, 1954 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TILAT on Tuesday, the 7th day of December, 1954, a special election will be held In Carbon County, Utah, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the County the following question: Shall the general obligation bonds of the County of Carbon, in the aggregate principal amount of $250,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be issued and sold for the purpose of defraying in part the cost of erecting and furnishing an addition to the present county hospital, said bonds to mature in not to exceed ten years from the date of the bonds, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding three and one-ha- lf per centum per annum? None but such qualified electors as shall have paid a property tax in Carbon County in the year next preceding such election shall be permitted to vote on said question. An elector, to be qualified to vote at said special election, must be registered. There shall be no special registration of voters, but the official register last made PUBLIC SALE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, LAND OFFICE, SALT Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must he in sealed envelopes accompanied by certified checks or post-offiLAKE CITY, UTAH. money orders made payable to the Treasurer of October 22, 1954. the United States for the amounts of the bids. The envelopes must Under provisions of section 2455, be marked in the lower d R. S., as amended by section 14 corner "Public sale bid, Serial No. of the act of June 2S, 1934 (48 U 010494, Sale, 10 a.m. December ce left-han- Stat., 1274; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and 16, 1934. pursuant to the application of Don The highest bidder will be reFerron Gardner, of Price, Utah, quired to pay immediately the Serial No.-010494, there will be amount thereof. offered to the highest bidder, but Any adverse claimants of the at not less than $3.50 per acre, at d land should file a public sale to be held at 10 their claims, or objections, on or oclock a.m., on the 16th day of before the time designated for December, 1954 next, at this office, sale. The Bureau of Land Manthe following tracts of land : agement has not searched the recTract 1, NWSE Sec. 28 ords of Carbon County to ascertain the existence of an adverse (40 acres) Tract 2, SESWVi claim. Sec. 28, NEyNWy Sec. 33, (80 acres) in T 12 S. R 8 E. Any contiguous owner claiming a preference right must assert SLM. Each tract will be sold such right within 30 days from as a unit but no part of either the above sale date. tract will be sold separately. above-describe- Oil and gas will be reserved s Ernest E. House ERNEST E. HOUSE, prinManager. cipal or his agent, - either person- First published: Nov. 4, 1954. Last published: Dec. 2, 1954. ally at the sale or- by mail. to the United States. Bids may be made by the Miss Donna Leavitt spent the Health and Safety. Dr. Halloweek end visiting her parents, Mr. way presented an interesting lecand Mrs. Lyman Leavitt. She is ture and film on the serious probattending the Brigham Young Un- lem of obesity concerning the iversity at Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Turner of Merced, California, have Spent the past week visiting in Dragerton. They have been guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Turner. Paul is working for "Uncle Sam at Merced, where he is engaged in career guidance work, specifically in rotating and guidance of troops. He was recently promoted to staff sergeant. Mr. and Mrs. James Bergera, former residents of Carbon county, have spent the past few days in Boyd McKean. The East Carbon Business and Professional Womens Club held its regular October meeting at the East Carbon school October 28th. The theme of the meeting was Probate and Guardianship NOTICES Consult the district court clerk or respective signers for further information . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors will present their claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the offices of Dart & Sheya, her attorneys, at Room 3, Bonomo Building, Price, Utah, on or before the 30th day of December, A.D. 1954. F.ssie Thomas Ruby Olsen Flora Pilling No. 32, Northeast Junior College Shop Bldg. Karen Axelgard Trice Hannah Holden Lois Anderson No. 35, Carbonville Highway Motel 'Bertha Culp Marie Bryner Hazel Hamelwright No. 36, Miller 568 South Carbon Ave. Myrtle L. Jesscn Creek . Ruth Jewkes Leona Shumway DATED at Price, Carbon County, Utah, this 19th day of October, 1954. JESSE V. BRYAN, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners. JESSIE NELDA ROBERTSON KELLY Administratrix with the Will Annexed of the Estates of Alzada G. Robertson and Jasper N. Robertson, defeased. Dart & Sheya Attorneys for Administratrix 3 Bonomo Building Price, Utah. First published : October 28, 1954. Last published: Nov. 18, 1954. IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR CARBON COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. (SEAL) In the Matter of the Estate of County Clerk Section 5. That notice shall be given by the County Clerk of such election for four weeks prior thereto by publication in five a newspaper published weekconsecutive issues of the ly and having a general circulation in the County. Said notice shall be additionally published by being posted by the registration agent in each voting district within said County at least five days prior to said election in at least five conspicuous places within his district. The notice so published and posted shall be in substantially the following form; ATTEST: NOTICE OF SPECIAL B. II. YOUNG, HOSPITAL BOND ELECTION Carbon County Clerk. ' Highlights in the News from Dragerton the East Carbon area at the Taylor Turner home. Mr. Bergera is the former Ella Ruth Turner. ' She is now teaching in the Provo city schools, while Mr. Bergera is currently attending the Brigham Young University. East Carbon Rotary Club met for their annual Halloween party Saturday at Nicks Club. This was a gala affair with the members costumed according to every whim and fancy. The Rotary Anns were guests of the evening, and they were delighted participants in the merriment created ,by the weird and clever costumes and masks. Prizes w'ere awarded to Dr. and Mrs. Frank Colombo for their unique impersonations of an Arab shiek and his wife. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Jones also received prizes for their attractive costumes. Dr. Jones impersonated Buffalo Bill in typical characterization, while Mrs. Jones was beautifully garbed as Minnie-ha-h- a the Indian princess. Harry Balle was master of ceremonies for the evening and Mrs. Balle gave two interesting readings, Nothing to Laugh At" and In the Morning. A delicious turkey dinner was enjoyed by the group. The entire entertainment was under supervision of the president, Angelina Pascuzzi Vera Bonacci Spring Glen School House No. 19, December 7, 1954 Shall the general obligation bonds of the County in the aKrtite principal amount of $.50,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary be issued and sold for the purpose of defraying in Par.Vthe cost of crectinS and furnishing an addition to the present county hospital, said bonds to mature In not to exceed ten years from the date of the bonds, and to bear interest at a rate not exceeding three and one-ha- lf per centum per annum? Thursday, November 4, 1954 or revised shall constitute the official register for such special election. If the voter desires to vote in favor of the issuance of said bonds, he shall place an X in the space after the word Yes on the official ballot. If the voter desire to vote against the issuance of said bonds, he shall place an X in the space after the word No on the official ballot. vi saia eiecuon me pous snau oe open at the hour of oclock A.M., and remain open until, and be closed at, the hour of 8.00 oclock P.M., of the election day. The voting places in the election districts within the County, and the judges thereat, shall be as follows: Election District Tolling Place Judges of Election No. 2, Scofield Town Hall Mary Ar.n Thomas Frances W. Helsten i Leda Strang No. 4, Clear Creek School House Geneva Sutton Wilma McCarthy Alice Menzies No. 5, Royal School House Beulah Brown Lawrence F. Gullen Joie Wells No. 6, Castle Gate Amusement Hall Jennie Nielsen to-w- it: - SUN-ADVOCA- Section 6. That the polling place for all qualified electors of said County and the judges of election, and the hours during the polls shall remain open shall be the same as designated in the foregoing notice of election. Section 7. That said election shall be conducted according to the statutes and laws of the State of Utah, and shall be held in manner and form as provided thereby. Section 8. That the County Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to communicate such instructions to said judges of such election as may be necessary to enable them to properly conduct such election, canvass the votes and certify thereof to said Board of County Commissioners of the County of Carbon as required by law, and said County Clerk shall cause ballots to be printed in the form set forth in said notice and furnish to the judges of said election, the said ballots to be furnished to the qualified electors, and the County Clerk shall also provide a ballot box, poll book and all stationery necessary for the use of the judges at said election. Section 9. That the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Carbon, Utah, shall meet at its regular meeting place at 10:00 oclock, A.M., on Monday, the 13th day of December, A. D., 1934, being the first Monday following the election, to sit as a canvassing board to canvass the return of said special election. Section 10. That the officers of the County be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to take all action necessary or appropriate to effectuate the provisions of this ordinance. Section 11. That all orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts of orders, resolutions and ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Section 12. That if any one or more sections, sentences, clauses, or parts of this ordinance shall for any reason be questioned or held invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining provisions of this ordinance, but shall be confined in its operation to, the specific sections, sentences, clauses, or parts of this ordinance so held unconstitutional and invalid, and the inapplicability and invalidity of any section, sentence, clause, or part, of this ordinance in any one or more instances shall not affect or prejudice in any way the applicability and validity of this ordinance in any other instances. Section 13. That by reason of the fact said County is not properly or adequately supplied with hospital facilities, it is hereby declared that an emergency exists, that this ordinance is necessary to the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and that it shall be in full force and effect fifteen days after its passage, or the day following its publication, whichevcr day is later. Section 14. That this ordinance, immediately on its passage, shall be published for at least one publication in the a weekly newspaper published in, and having general circulation in. Carbon County, Utah. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, this 19th day of October, A.D., 1954. JESSE V. BRYAN, Chairman. Board of County Commissioners, Carbon County, Utah. Attest: h . by-la- by-la- ws, Sun-Advoca- te, B. H. YOUNG, County Clerk. ELIZABETH Deceased. BASS, some time. Melvin Mower, a graduate of East Carbon junior high, called at the school recently to renew acquaintances with teachers and friends. Mel has been serving with the navy in Japan for some time. He expects to be released in May. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jenson entertained a group of friends at their home at a Halloween party on Thursday. Fourteen guests were present. Halloween games were enjoyed and light refreshments were served. Students of East Carbon Management of the Bonnie Theatre at Helper has been tak- en over by Mario Marchino of Price who today reported that he purchased the building and all appertaining fixtures from Mr. and Mrs. Jose Montes of Helper. The amount of money involved in the sale was not disclosed. The Bonnie was opened at Helper just 20 years ago by the late Mr. and Mrs. William Littlejohn and has been in the family since that time. Mrs. Montes is a daughter of the Littlejohns. Mr. Marchino stated that the policy at the theatre will be first run pictures at all times, .Some remodeling will be done in the theatre proper. Two properties in the building, the drug store and bafber shop, will not be changed.a two-rent- al Coal Bia Tonnage The Norfolk & Western Railway, whose locomotives burn coal 100 per cent, has been hauling bituminous coal from its field for over 70 years, hnd last year hauled 42,038,617 tons, 773 times as much as its first years haul in 1883 of only 54,399 tons. tri-sta- te za en- joyed a delightful Halloween party Thursday night at the school gymnasium. Dancing was the order of the evening, with the Four Minor Notes furnishing the music. A large crowd was in attendance, and the dance was reported to be a huge success. The students were supervised by Bert Evans, Mrs. A. W. Anderson and Mr. Al-co- tt. Great Western Well The Great Western Drilling Company, Price, has announced location for a 5,000-fostratigraphic natural gas test in Grand county. This wildcat is about seven and miles from the Bryson canyon venture of the El Paso Natural Gas company. ot one-ha- lf their office at 72 West Main, Price, Utah, on or before the 29th day of December, 1954. S William Walter Bass Executor of the Estate of Elizabeth Bass, deceased. S Dan C. Keller FRANDSEN & KELLER Attorneys for Executor Price, Utah. First published : October 28, 1954. Last published: Nov. 18, 1954. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Plans and specifications for applying hot plant mixed asphaltic paving to approximately 6500 square yards of area at the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Compound, Grand Junction, Colorado, will be available to prospective bidders on October 29, 1954. The work consists of excavation, installing six inches of base coarse gravel, installing surface drainage pipes and applying hot plant mixed asphaltic surfacing. Plans, specifications and bid forms may be obtained on October 29, 1934, from the Walker-LybargConstruction Company, P.O. Box 840, South Redlands, Grand Junction, Colorado. Sealed bids will be accepted until 4:00 p.m., November 17, 1954, at the above mentioned offices of the Walker-LybargConstruction Company, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive minor informalities in bids receiv- DODGE lias done it... better er -- er ) . ) ) Probate No. 2237 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors will present claims ed. with vouchers attached to my at- First published : October 28, 1954. torneys, Frandsen & Keller, at Last published: Nov. 4, 1954. onded by Commissioner Taylor W. Turner. It was then moved by Commissioner Eugene Coli that said ordinance be finally passed and adopted, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner Taylor W. Turner. The question being upon the passage and adoption of said ordihance, the roll was called with the following result: Those voting aye: Jesse V. Bryan Eugene Coli Taylor W. Turner Those voting nay: None The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners thereupon declared that a majority of all the Commissioners elected, having voted in favor thereof, the said motion was carried, and the said ordinance duly passed and adopted. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was, on motion duly made, seconded and carried, adjourned. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 19th day of October, A. D., 1954. ATTEST: B. H. YOUNG, JESSE V. BRYAN, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, Carbon County, Utah. County Clerk. (SEAL) STATE OF UTAH ) ) ) SS COUNTY OF CARBON I, B. H. YOUNG, the duly chosen, qualified and acting Clerk of the County of Carbon, in the State of Utah, do certify that the foregoing pages numbered from 1 to 11, both hereby are true, inclusive, perfect and complete copies of the record of the of the Board of County Commissioners of the County ofproceedings had and Carbon, taken at alavvful meeting of said Board held at the County Court House m Price, Ltah on Tuesday, the 19th of October, 1954. at the hour of 7?30 o clock, P.M., as recorded in day the regular official book of records of the proceedings of said Board kept in my office, and that said proceedings were duly had and taken as therein shown, that the meeting therein shown was duly held, and that the persons therein named as present at said meeting were present as shown bv said minutes. wiie ox tjarD this 19th day of October, 1954. coming Nov. 17 B. H. YOUNG, (SEAL) The motion to adopt the foregoing ordinance was duly health of our nation today. Following this, Dr. Holloway answered questions presented by club members. Other features of the program were: piano solos by Nancy Kay Hanson and Louise Pacheco and a reading by Mrs. Fay Thomas. Refreshments, carrying out the Halloween motif were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Esther Tomlinson, Mrs. Marjorie Welty and Miss Myrtle Davis. Mrs. Lou Buffmire was called to Monroe Monday because of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Glade Winget. Janie Reusch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Reusch, suffered a fall at the family home sustaining a broken bone in her foot. Janie will have her foot in a cast for Bonnie Theatre at Helper Sold to Price Businessman County Clerk. (SEAL) sec- - Published Once November 4, 1954 23 |