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Show JITNEY BUS DIK HOLD A MEETING I SALT LIKE Salt Lake. Feb. 15. A mass meeting meet-ing of the independent 'Jitney" bus drivers of Salt Lake was held at the Kenyon hotel yesterday afternoon for .1 f ... 1 m luc u iai jbbiuu ui a s nuu means or insuring protection to the newly-established newly-established transportation service in i which they are engaged. None of the drivers present would sa. what was I done Ht the meeting, but it Is under-I under-I stood that money was subscribed to insure in-sure protection of their interests Questioned as to what the drivers of the ."-cent service autos hoped to do to save their Innovation in transportation transpor-tation from a fatal handicap in the form of unfavorable action by the citv commission, thev invariably referred re-ferred the questioner to a law firm retained to represent their cause. The law firm In the case proved to be that of Gustin, Gillette & Brayton. B-.th F J Gustin and D. F Brayton admitted last night that their firm had been retained to look out for the Interests In-terests of tho drivers, but refused to discuss the situation. In speaking of the 5-cent auto service ser-vice last night. F J Irving, managing director of the Street uto Service, said that he thought the question of commendation or condemnation of the "jitney" bus should be left to the patrons pat-rons of the service In such event, Mr Irving believes that the "jitney" would be found to have developed many friends in the short time that it has been operating In Salt Lake. Concerning the situation, Mr. Irving said "We have been operating but lKtle ' more than a month In that time wo have been feeling our way carefully to determine questions of practicability practicabil-ity as to equipment, area of service and other points that must enter vitally vi-tally Into the success or failure of the venture So far in the parts of the citv where the seivice has operated, H nas more than been justified by the returns. There Is eery reason to believe be-lieve that we will eventually be able to give an equally eficlent service to the more distant "sec tions of the city. ( "One feature of the question that ' ( has not been mentioned is possibly the most important factor in the situation, lit is the fact that the "jitney" service promises to revolutionize the automobile automo-bile industry The automobile makers are cognizant of this fact and the drivers and operators of the machines and probably the minority of those who will eventually be concerned in the success of the venture. The vital question, after all is whether or not the service can be given at a profit to the servers and with advantage to the public. If It can, it will come and the automobile Industry with all momentum will be behind It In the meantime we are making good head- i way." . rwi |