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Show The Union is on fije with .,' ' M EDWIN ALDEN & BRO., A AGENTS, Nt W. Cor. 5th & Vine Streets, Cincinnati, 0., where advertising' contracts can be made. ThcjUNioN is on file with JLW.'AYER & SOHffiTKU. S PHILADELPHIA,. PA., . DF Where .contracts. lor advertising- can be made. H- 53-Subscriber. finding this notice marked with Jin X will understand that the time paid for. has expired and a renewal is respectfully requested. 500 CIRCULATION. " March, 1884 ut This Out brbig you In MOftE MOMf Y In Ono nth than any-thlng any-thlng elo In Amonca. Abooluto Certalnr. JClthor BezTNo oapltaLM. Young,W Qreoavrloh SUN. York. : -mm 7- W I Send postal ,card request for a 'sample copy of ; the "Washington World and Citizen-Soldier," the Old Soldiers' paper, the Antimo-nopoly Antimo-nopoly .paper, the Family, paper, in fact, the paper for everybody published pub-lished every Saturday; eight pages, 48 columns; price only One Dollar a year. Address, "The Washington Washing-ton World, 1006 F St., Washington, D. 0." |