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Show Oue New Dress1 speaks for ik self. The type are the production of the Chicago Type Foundry, Harder, Luse & Co., Proprietors. They are cast on the "American System of Interchangeable Type Bodies," of Hard, Tough Metal, and are more durable than ordinary ordina-ry type, and work nicely in display dis-play matter. We .have a number of exchanges 'we: cannot notice iii this issue but will in our oi'et. i jT Jk,I 20 Million Bottles sold in 10 years. A cortamjCure for f? ISl Dyspepsia, ail Diseases of the ilidneys, f SSSP Liver, Stomach, BJood, Skm and Bowels. fMgv Can Produce Tkonnands of Lottera proving its CunUivo Powers. : Laboratory 77 Amity Street, kuw youx city. gi- iLfK. V FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. CnffllQQOQ ""ie of Com Killers. The most desperate 111 liudiol J 0I1S, UNI0NS "Warts &o., Speedily cured. Price 25 Cents. F. --ftn Unfailing Remedy for flflt QQ 0 Q IIofc, Swollen ftnd Tender botjOhi'lWamBj&Q. Price 25 Cents. UfJ UUOlUU BCornease Manuf 'g Co., 236, 6th Ave. Place, ST. Y. City. Far Sale by Agents, Druggists and Shoe Dealers. Ve Have seen a great variety of washing ma- chines, but have never scen pnp that will dq us neat jH and clean work us tin- COLBY will. Call and sec ' jH sample, or.ifivi'. us your orders for one. Vrice only J. W. Carpenter, Ajjenl lor NVashiujjtonCo., St. George, Utah. . &ooi9 Ji;iy Tor Krentn. 8100 to 8200 per Bno.mmloHelliEaKrourUritnflNn'Uiufto. jH Faiuousnnd flecBMJv' fltuidcHof thVorldl Write to Jf. V. curJy Xc i'o .St. JLouu( 3io. THE (MMLET E HO E.it5SA fl I book. New edition. New blndlngs.New illustrations ft B. from new designs. Superbly gotten up. Same low price. Adapted to all classes. Sells at sight. Agents doing big work. EXCELLENT TERMS. The handsomest prospectus ever issued. Apply now. wVm. Gaukbtson & Co 6m Washington Street. San Fraiicltico, Ctl. Also other craucf new books and Iliblcs. iiWMjjiHxsi In ilio UEST.; No preparation. 3 viWfflai S 0 Used with any clean pen for mark-WfpMiiSi mark-WfpMiiSi Insf any fftbr.ic.Popufnr for decora- r"rf3y2tsS atlve work on linen. Received Cen- jBH ilki tennial MEBAIi & Blploma. Josa T Bstabl!shedOyar.Soiabyall jB li i TlilliWiwIlli 1 1 L U 1 " ' .'In'lnili, Hi liJscvfB Agfa. ft XfSFS R KVi ATRotum to ns with TEH IraEBt Tiia MMIa GTS. fcyu'll getby mall H HXaUl I Ill,y,ail AOOLDEH BOX 0FO0ODS II tEnatwTTO WM I Hs tlian anything elno in Amorica. AbsoluteCertaiuty. ' S$F Need no capltnL M. Young,173 Greoawicu Bt. York. |