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Show 1'" YOTTft ATTENTION, PXiSA.SE. I We purpose enlarging next volume vol-ume of the Union from three to four columns to the page, yet the . subscription price will remain the same 50 cents for IS numbers, cash, or other pay at cash rates. I We wish to obtam.as -large a subscription sub-scription list as possible, before we commence, so ; we can 'gpt . the names in type, as we -intend printing print-ing the addresses.' All New Subscribers,-whose names are received soon, will receive the remaining numbers of the present volume, free. "We respectfully ask all who read this to aid us, by f brwarding us their subscription, and also show 4 . the paper to their Mends and neighbors neigh-bors that they may have an opportunity oppor-tunity to subscribe, if they deem it worthy of patronage. It is not , . rAuch we can give in a . paper so -T ; diminutive, hence the' necessity for ..J enlarging. ' ' , ' , . ; : jEoping to receive . your aid, ' .. ' ' We are, respectfully, .,:': 'The. Editor. , A - ' ' |