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Show I OGDEN CANYON j ROAD IS OPENED Old Bridge Shifted for Detour; New Structure Ready in 100 Days 1$ Opden canyon rond. closed last Tuesday morning:, wa.s oi i BO I to traffic traf-fic yeaterday afternoon by Kroft and I Bnndy. eontractors. In rharrn of the ' construction work of the new brldse which Is being erected nt th moutn of Ogden canyon. Jii't two and B hair days were consumed in molnc the former bridge Into a position which Will serve im the temporary bridge to be used during the coursii of construction construc-tion of the now bridge "The span of, the old bridge con-' con-' jbrts of a 100-foot pin connected through iTittt typo steel so.n 18 foot clear roadway," "aid Ora Bnndy. of the firm of Kroft and Bundy. today. ,It was moved longitudinally 60 feet and laterally 160 feet. It being necessary neces-sary to suspend the span and move It over the edge of a chasm In order ito reach the new location. This was accomplished by means of blocking on heavy- timbers setting the span on greased railroad Irons and pulling Into W place by means of block and cable With the dor.Uey enk'lne DNIQ1 B PEAT. G "This feat Is a unique one In the way of bridge construction and required re-quired considerable skill and labor on U tho bridge weighed approximately 30 tons, and was moved Intact, without dlsconm ctlng any part of the span. "The n w .et.ur an r.,nstru'te1 nt the upper end of the bridge Is a dug-way dug-way cut Into the mountain side with j a clear roadway of 12 feet well fenced and barricaded from the outsjde so as to eliminate danger to traffic, while the main span being the same as tho original brldgo and having been strengthened by some new stringers and flooring, the traveling public Is now afforded a safe detour which with ordinary caro on the part of automobile automo-bile drivers should eliminate all possibility pos-sibility of accldrn'i "Tho new brldpe to be constructed Will bo a 46-foot clear span with a 20-foot cle.ar roadway of the flat top ; reinforced girder type. In keeping with I 'be general construction of the canyon road and the latest design In reln-I reln-I forced concrete structure "When completed this bridge will .cost aprr-'xlinately $31,000 and will be one of the best In the state. It is 1 to be completed within 100 working flays from September 28 last." |