Show i :Hfvs r r l at THE SALT LAKfe TRIBUNE 10 OGDEN AND VICINITY Office rhone 117 Home Phone 3832 Business Office: 2436 Washington Atenne Ogden Society STAKE LISTS GRAB GROUP Mr Hinley bridge Ralph Cal MARKET BODY Set-U- p Awaits Mrs E M Adams avenue p m dif- producers who are encountering ficulty in marketing their crops the Farmers National Grain corporation will create a subsidary corporation to market seed wheat Jess W Wade manager of the Intermountam Grain Growers Inc reported today on his return from Chicago Mr Wade attended a meeting of the director of the Farmers National at which time the details for the corpor ation were worked out Ogden Business and Professional Women's club annual evening Christmas party Episcopal Guild halL Wade said will City Balks at Bearing Cost For Repairs OGDEN — Property owners hereafter must reimburse the city for water main excava- tions where leaks have developed on their property and where work waa done by the W city Street Commissioner FriJ Rackham announced day after a conference with City Engineer John C Brown Commissioner Rackham said residents frequently call the city to report leaky mains which prove to be in the later-a- ’ on their land and not In the city mains Conventions OGDEN— Levi Edgar Young of the 8 first seven president of L D Matron Hostess At Luncheon for Eleven Friends OGDEN—Mr Horace Farr entertained at luncheon and bridge at her The home 2114 Quincy avenue guests included Mrs Virgil Ferrin Mrs Clarence Chandler Mrs Jack Crane Mrs Wlllima Lawrence Mrs William Price Mrs Harold Hutchens Mrs Roy Harbertson Mrs Ezra PeMr Ben Peterson terson Mr Henry Sturm and Mrs Lisle Shafer Miriam chapter No 14 O E S entertained at dancing and card party Friday evening at the Elks In The committee club rooms charge of arrangements included Mr and Mrs J E Stone George D Darling W E Fenner William F Nantker William Hall Mrs Clarence Blessing and Mrs Louis Vorwerk About 400 were present Wasatch branch and women’s auxiliary of the Railway Mail association met at the home of Mr and Mrs C O Martinson 2320 Monro avenue and Joined In Friday evening Christmas celebration Bridge was followed by supper A Christmas tree and Christmas pie were features and a pound contribution from each member for charity were features Mrs John A Gager recently elected national president of the auxiliary spoke on the national convention at San Antonio Texas About 34 attended Mrs John R Salmond was assisting hostess Weber Taxpayer County Budget Discussion Ii be the principal City Dedicates School Addition OGDEN — The recently completed addition to the Madison school on Madison avenue between Twenty-fourt- h and Twenty-fift- h streets was formally dedicated Friday evening The addition cost $40000 and makes the Madison school one of the most commodious in this section of Utah The Madison school orchestra gave a concert and choruses were sung by the pupils Addresses were delivered architect of the by L S Hodgson addition Mr Robert H Hinckley president of the Madison school Parent-Teachassociation Fred M Nye president of the city board of nd education Mayor Ora Bundy others Ogden Reports 14-Inc- expected to speaker at Mt Ogden stake priesthood convention In the Eighteenth ward chapel Saturday at 730 p m It Is announced by President Robert L Burton Mr Young also is expected to be the principal speaker at the state terly conference In the t&ber- nacle Sunday at 10 a m and 2 p m Christmas carols will be featured In the musical program to be presented by the tabernacle choir on Sunday with Lester G Hibchcllff directing and Samuel F Whitaker at the organ console Children's Hour club Christmas program 2 30 p m Twelfth ward hall Plan Levi Edgar Young as Giief Speaker at la Ogden Historical society 2 30 p m Mrs Louis Kabell 1142 Capitol avenue Mrs George F Grill as assisting hostess not Interfere with already established seed cooperatives but will be for the benefit of growers who are not alwith marketing ready affiliated groups The seed will be handled by the facilities of the Farmer National Grain corporation and will require practically no additional aet up The director in session adopted a resolution against disclosing the salaries of its officials Wade said The resolution was sent to Charles L McNary secretary of the senate forestry and agriculture committees and states that the Farmers National Grain corporation is composed of cooperative grain producing members anu U a private corporation The resolution further states that many people had the impression that salaries were paid by the Federal Farm board out of the public treasury which was not true Conroy 2525 tea S to 6 30 Home Culture club annual Christmas luncheon Mrs T J Fitzgerald 2424 Jackson avenue help the field seed The corporation TWO MEETINGS and Mrs Herbert W 2520 Jefferson avenue dinner In honor of Mrs E Bohn of Escondido Engineering d e p a r t m ent United States forest service bridge dinner Green Gables tea room Corporation Plans to Aid Producers of Field Wheat OGDEN—To SPEAKER FOR Events of the Day CREATES SEED Fall of Snow in Week er Sheriff Warns Must Not Cut Yuletide Trees SATURDAY MORNING DECEMBER 12 1931 Pioneer of Idaho Civic Leaders Honor Town Succumbs At Hooper Home HOOPER — William Gibson Hull pioneer of Hooper and Franklin Idaho died at the family home Friday morning following a week’s Bines of pneumonia He was born in Scotland September 13 1842 a son of Thomas and Mary Benson Hull He crossed the plain with hi parent and arrived in Salt Lake in 1859 He was one of the original settlers of Franklin in 1860 the first town settled in Idaho and took an active part In building up that community Mr Hull was said to have been the only surviving member of Idaho' first party of permanent settlers He also was a pioneer of Tabor Alberta Canada and resided there three years having erected the first house in that place Mr Hull moved to Hooper in 1870 where he had lived since He assisted In building the first ditches and roads In that locality Mr Hull was married In 1884 to Eliza Lowe who died four years ago Surviving are five aons: Thomaa G Hull Burley Idaho James S Hull Brigham City Willard Robert and John Hull Hooper: 39 grandchildren and 36 Funeral services will ba held Sunday at 2 p m in the Hooper L D S ward chapel with Interment In the Hooper city cemetery under the direction of Lindquist and Sons Mr Hull was a well known sports-- i man He was a member of the Weber County Fish and Game Protective association £ Judge W H Reeder Jr chairman the of general committee on the erection memorial and City Commissioner Fred E Williams are standing at the right of Officer Take Burglar while onthe other side in Suspect to Idaho the marker order to left right are Mrs Frtd DavidOGDEN — Ray Davis 25 and James Salt Mrs L Lake Hains Ogden In son 21 who were arrested Mlncy Davis county and have been held in Weber County Daughters of Weber Jail were taken to president of I county Plaintiffs Win Award In Sheep Litigation Explorer Early-Da- y ' BRAVES SNOW Pays Tribute to Early Ex plorer of West De spite Storm n Twm Falls Idaho Friday night to face a burglary charge They are accused of burglary at ga atation in Twin Falls The men were returned to the Idaho town by Sheriff E F Prater and Chief of Police Ralph Leighton who were granted extradition papers by Governor George H Dem Charles E Jones handwriting expert from Twin Falls also accompanied the officers to Utah MARKER GROUP OGDEN— In blinding snowstorm a large number of patriotic citizens ungathered at 4 p m Fridayofat thetablet a veiling and dedication erected to the memory of Jededlaii Strong Smith early explorer who came to Ogden In 1824 George Albert Smith president of the Utah Pioneer Trails & Old Landmarks association presided The program was In charge of Judge W H Reeder Jr as chairman The bronze marker Is on a granite shaft three feet wide six feet high and fourteen Inches thick It stands In the city hall park on Washington avenue southeast of the city halL The Inscription reads as follows "Erected 1931 Jedediah Strong Smith outstanding explorer trapper trader and devout Christian came to Utah with William H Ashley’s expedition In 1824 Started successful overland Journey through Utah to Pacific coast from this vicinity August 23 1826 Substantially the same route was later followed by main highway to Los Utah Pioneer Trails and Angeles Landmarks association” The program was opened with seUtah Pioneers George Albert Smith lections by the Ogden high school band followed by Invocation by the Trails & the Utah Pioneer of president Rev'H R Morris of the First MethOld Landmarks association Mrs Chris odist church Mr Smith then spoke briefly Fly gar e member of the Ogden monu- thanking the people of Weber and tho committee engaged ment committee Mrs R B Porter Og county In the erection of the monument to monument an deft who unveiled the Mayor the memory of a man wholifeplayed of the important part In the Ora Bundy and City Commissioner W J Rocky the Mountain region before coming of the pioneers Rackham An address of welcome was given by Mayor Ora Bundy Judee Reeder spoke on Jedediah Strong Smith in Utah History” He outlined the life of the historical character recounting his exploits The speaker described 8mlth as one of the great exolorers of the west and pointed out that he helped make Utah history because he started his ture sale of 120000000 bushels of expeditions from a point In what now i barley a year” Hull said "Take It Is Weber county waa unveiled by Mrs The marker off the market and In my Judgment you will advance the average R B Porter a descendant of Ogden v price of all grains 15 cents a bushel pioneers of Salt Lake "It Is my contention that 4 K?u Dr W M Stookey executive committee the member of the will enact Into law this bill the association reviewed the march toward practical temperance of expedition and explor- will go on and the people of the Smlth-Ashle- y United States will be satisfied with ation of the trail’ to the Pacific coast a good clean malt beverage Instead Music was furnished during the of poisonous bootleg liquors of all ceremonies by the Weber county high school chorus descriptions” Thomas E McKay of Huntsville Hull said a tax of $5 a barrel would benediction bring in $330000000 toward reducing pronounced the i'- - Illinois Republican Opens Battle In Congress for Return ol Beer RAPS LETTER BANKER’S SON WASHINGTON Transameriea Officers Told Half Truth Declare L M Giannini OGDEN— The Jury In th $10000 damage suit of Patrick and Ostler against Stockgrowers Incorporated returned into District Judge George S Barker’s court at 9 30 p m Friday with a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs for $7421 85 The Jury had been out for about five hours The plaintiffs sued on 10 causes of action alleging that the corporation had not given proper care and attention to 734 rams delivered to them in September 1929 and delivered back during th fall of 1930 SAN FRANCISCO Dec 11 (iP)-Fu-rther Dec 11 (AV-T- he first appeal for beer of the session waa made to the house today during debate on the president’ messages Representative William E Hull an Illinois Republican urged enactment of his bill for 3 2 per cent beer by weight which Is equal to 4 per cent Its He would volume require attack on the letter sent by production from American farm Elisha stockholders Transameriea by was not inand argued It OGDEN— Cutting of Christand James A products In fact Walker chairman mas trees In Ogden and Weber toxicating toBaclgalupl president was made "The brewing of beer which Is canyons and vicinity la proday by L M Giannini son of A P will bring about the fu- - the deficit hibited Sheriff Amass M Giannini Pacific coast financier Hammon announced Friday Man Bequeath While the elder Giannini attended The sheriff aaid he will emto attract air business Because air- Blind S meetings of stockholders In Santa ia roads or no it rails ploy a special deputy to patrol Estate in Odd Will planes require to Barbara and Ventura with a view the tree area to prevent cuteasy for air lines to move terminals oust to Baclgalupl obtaining proxies of trees He to places where they will be ting and removal and Walker from control of Trans said that arrests and prosecuLOS ANGELES Dec 11 W— One "even son asserted amerlca that his reto tion will follow attempts 4 of the oddest wills filed here was that will a cursory reading of the letters move trees without authorizaof the late Milton E McAllister 89 a most smokeone of the a reveal that by putting forth Salt Lake City is tion blind man written In the New York screen of half truths Innuendo and airway terminals In the dotted type system important Elects Installs Practically all the trees in Lodge even positive misstatements they this vicinity are on private United States because of Its strategic Bequests approximating '$15000 are New Masonic Officers have attempted to conceal the true in the will which was ofland national forest land or several of provided a at Junction position facts” fered for probate today These inpublic domain and a permit to district McGrew to attenton routes Palmer The letter called said large OGDEN— Ogden council No 3 cut them is required at all clude a domino set and $1000 to in the sums credited to Olannlnl during the traffic manager for United Air Lines who Catherine Baack and 'a radio and Royal and Select Masters times all for Examinations persons Banc-Ital- y of was head at time he the Masonic temple Friday evening In a speech before the Exchange club desire licenses as salesmen or brokers $1000 to Mack Hack both of Los corporation and Transameriea elected and installed the following of real estate In Utah for 1932 will Angeles Into went Friday noon In the Hotel Utah Giannini The younger officers: LTfr""v has brought Salt be held Saturday at Salt Lake Ogden “The and airplane funds these detail concerning Illustrious master F Millen Earle hours Provo Logan Cedar City Moab and whom 100 are salesmen Blair RichRoyal Arch Masons Lake within six and one-hamaster E K Trousdale prin- reiterated hla father’s assertion last from San 1 2 deputy ardson 13 Vernal hours president and Werner Klepe Francisco and Honor Retiring Officer cipal conductor of the work Edward night that he "did not receive the from said Mr McGrew who About 225 applications had reached secretary of the Utah Realty Dealers’ Chicago” sums due him" Vail recorder Benjamin L Neff trans- the state securities commission which association which is cooperating with Also he declared there had never exhibited motion pictures of a OGDEN— J OTitley outgoing high treasurer George D Darling conwill conduct the tests I riday evening the commission in Die conduct of Die continental flight 2 or secret been No regardof any mystery Royal ductor of council Victor Kofarik Ogden chapter priest ‘From 6000 miles of flight on regu- It was announced that all applica- tests will be examiners along with Arch Masons was the honor guest steward G D Jost sentmel John H ing the Intention to have A P OlanIn 1918 air travel has tions received up until the hour of the Director Scott P Stewart and Secrenlnl participate in the net profits of lar schedule at a formal dinner party Thursday Alien more than a million miles examinations 10 a m will be accept- tary R S Callister of the commisto grown offiasserted two and cafe the In Dick's given by corporations evening month Air terminals are very val- ed that the candidate may take the sion The tests will be given at the cers and a few of the members of the special funds referred to were auable capitol in the house and senate to any community Every citi- tests the for in used fact th chapter substantially In Salt Lake the tests will be ad chambers Farm Bureau Leader zen should do aU in his power to enbenefit of th corporation Those In attendance were P N courage Improvements and airports ministered to about 150 applicants of The tests will be written i I Speaker Hails L As Airway Center Tests Set for Realty” Licenses 1 i J — lf OGDEN — Members of the Weber county committee of the Utah Taxpayers' association will meet with the Wenr county commission Tuesday at 10 i m to discuss th proposed 1932 budget The commissioners also will discuss the budget with a large delegation from the Weber county farm bureau Wednesday at 10 a m OGDEN—The total snowfall in Og gdn this fall has been 23 1 2 Inches according to Arle Vsn de Grsaft lo cal weather observer with a fall Pleasuring 14 inch during the past week No computation has been made as to the snowfall In the surrounding mountains and upper valley but It Is understood to be unusually heavy Farmers and members of Irrigation have expressed themcompanie selves as being well pleased with the snowfall thus farv declaring th water supply for Ogden and surround Ing territory for the coming season Is assured City Commissioner W J Rackham reported Friday that 18 aldewalk put In service early Friplow sidewalks clearing day morning throughout the city This was the first time th plows had been needed Four snowplow truck were also out Friday as were three trucks haul Ing snow shoveled by 35 men from service the community organize tlon Cook F E Nichols H J Craven R Returns From Chicago E Gery T W Voll H E McNeill T N Larsen H D Porter G W OGDEN — George F Stallings Choir Plan Cantata Clark pre&ldent of th Utah Farm Bureau Breon J H Worthington federation returned Friday from Craven and W R BuschJost Mr Tltley was presented with a Chicago where he attended the anOGDEN— A Christmas cantats leather golf bag by his associate nual meeting of the American Farm His Natal Day" will be given by officers Mr Voll making th presen- Bureau federation the First Baptist church choir at 3 One of the important actions taken tation Congratulatory addresses p m Sunday t th vesper service were mad by a number of those Mr Stallings said was a resolution under the direction of Mis Grace Matthew present bearing upon th achieve- adopted placing the delegates on recment under Mr Tltley’a administra- ord as favoring help for farmers The soprano soloists will be Miss tion where they had been unable to meet Dorothy Corey Mrs Claude Pounds water assessments and Mrs James Ferguson contralto REPORTS rOLICE CHIEF soloists Mis Grace Mathews Mia OGDEN— Chief of Police A E WllMiriam Corey and Miss Mary Gay Stockyard Present fong submitted a report to the Donation to Firemen Thursday on th activities of the department during November as follows' Arrests 143 tines and OGDEN— Fir Chief II H Ward-lelgLeague Adopts received a check for $75 Friday forfeitures $1389 days In city Jail 284 coun from the Ogden Union stockyards in Resolution of Respect 1315 suspended420sentences disnot guilty or ty Jail days appreciation of the woik done by the pending 9 sent to department three weeks ago when a OGDEN— Members of th Ogden charged 22 cases 12 was Th report large amount of baled hay was Civic league at a meeting Wednesday other courts burned at the yard The chief and at the home of Mrs Austin L John- ordered filed his men were highly complimented son Ladrwood adopted SET RITES FUNERAL Other stse proportionately low a resolution of apartments by General Manager Kenneth C respect for Mrs Nellie HIOHltST Ql’AIITT COM OGDEN— Funeral service for Mrs Ikeler who inclosed th check to the D Perkins for many years a resident MINED IH UTAH of Ogden and an active member of Martha J Wright widow of Angus department The check will go Into T Wright who died Thursday at the firemen’s relief fund who died recently VALLEY FUEL CO th In league Monmemory of Mr Perkins th Portland1 Oregon will be held Sixth PETITION ASKS SETTLEMENT Civic league will plant and day at 30 p m In the Ogden Ogden FE02US WAS 2943 OGDEN — State Bank Commissioncare for a tree and will also make a ward chapel with interment In Ogden contribution to th Ogden Historical City cemetery under direction of er W H lladlock through R S Larkin and Sona Jones examiner in charge of the Og Memorial Student Loan fund den' Slate bank filed a petition in the Second district court Thursday asking permission to settle a claim of $3128 77 against the Ideal Coal company for $1285 51 It is represented that th company it Insolvent and that the aum to be secured was on deposit at the bank when the company closed Its door and that the to it wlio find To accommodate our customer shop company la willing to apply It on the indebtedness store hour we announce the following hour for First Baptist Church Junior C of C Chief Finds 3 Call for Youth e COAL SALE Gtic h Fancy Domestic $595 Special AiiiioiMiceainioil difficult during regular the holidays: to Monday I)cc Dec 18 Friday 9 am to 6:30 pm 11 The Ideas and Initiative of younger men are more eagerly sought now by big business than ever before said George Olmstead of Des Moines la president of th United States Junior chamber of commerce a Salt Lake vistor Friday Mr Olmstead and Harry J Krusz also of Des Moines and secretary of the national organization stopped for a few hour In Salt Lake enroute to the Pacific coast for a aeries of meetings They conferred with officials of the Salt Lake junior chamber They will attend the first annual meeting of the aixth district at Wilmington Cal and then go to the northwest Lyle B Nicholes president of the Salt Lake Junior chamber left Friday by plan for th Wilmington B npni m c -- ww a Another of astounding and value no one can gale that are those one-da- y the buying public Price are offered here today that resist meeting Seek Two Men Entombed in Coal Fall Miner TACOMA Wash Dec It MV-"Ssearching” was the word that came up late today from the depth of the Wllkeson Coal and Coke company where two men mine at Wllkeson have been entombed 300 feet beneath the ground since early Wednesday afternoon They were trapped when the coal vein In which they were working caved tn and burled them The men John 8 Johnson 46 and 42 both married and Oscar Huht each a father were buried by a huge slide from a vertical vein of coal which covered a space more than 40 feet square when they were engaged in pulling a pillar In th shaft or removing the column of coal that had been left to support the rock celling IDAHO HOTEL MEN PLAN MEET OGDEN— Harry W Beckett Jr manager of the Hotel Bigelow In company with George Ober assist ant manager of the Hotel Utah and Chauncey West manager of the hotel Salt Lakh will leave Friday for Idaho Falls Idaho to meet with members of th Inland Empire Hotel association The purpose of the meeting la to discuss the consolidation of this association with at that point the Intermountain Hotel Men’s New-hou- se l Snow Clolhe IVak PREFERS POLICE POB Near Sau Francisco OGDEN— David B Ballantyne after about five months as a federal prohibition agent is bark at hla post SAN FRANCISCO Dec 11 as patrolman of the police departtemperatures today brought ment of Ogden Mr Ballantvne says snow to Mt Tamalpals Kings mounhe prefers hi work as patrolman to tain Mt Diablo and Mt Hamilton In th Ban Francisco bay region that in the federal service The storm moved eastward leaving APPOINTMENTS SUSTAINrD prnmtve of fair weather tn northern 0001 N —On reiomineitdaUon of California tonight and tomorrow A E Wllfnng the city The snow cap on Mt Hamilton was Chief of I’olli e commission Thursday made peitnun-cu- visible throughout the Santa Clara tle apoplntment of Patrolmen valley- Clive Barnes and Howard K Kcetcr Rainfall In San FrancWio and who hud been on piohallon in the throughout California Increased sea soo&l totals to approximately normal department for three mouths (JTb-L- ow fJ ' rjr own raturdat M until i r Salt £atie riat intil I r M o rrn MTt 70 main - - 70 ijCj— - i t |