Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE 20 Butte County Faces Check CHAMBER HEAD In Redemption Levy Plan NAMES GROUP Railroad’s Protest Leads to Opinion Against Program BOISE (F)— Butte county was advised Friday by the attorney general that it had no authority to levy for warrant redemption this year even though the county may soon have plenty of warrants on hand to redeem The decision left the county facing a prospect of very much reduced current expense funds The county had been in the habit of paying oft its outstanding warrants from receipts Into the current expense fund and then reimbursing the fund with a redemption fund levy the attorney general said This year the Oregon Short Line protested the procedure pointing out that tha county had no 1930 warrants outstanding since they had already been paid The protest was directed specifically against the redemption fund levy of 48 cents on the $100 proposed for this year The attorney general quoted the law to the effect that since there were not now any 1930 warrants demanding payment the need for the redemption fund had not appeared and the levy could not be made FOR TAX STUDY City Offers Turkeys to Fast Runners BOISE m— The state chamber of commerce tax committee was appointed Friday by R E Shepherd of Jerome president of the chamber and a meeting was called for December 18 to start in operation the taxation study that is expected to present revised system to the next legisla- WOMEN START RELIEF SURVEY C of C Ballots Favor Roads as Major Project TWIN FALLS Idaho-High-way development freight rate reduction and continued advertising of agricultural products are the leading projects proposed by members of the Twin Falls chamber of commerce in a referendum ballot sent out by Secretary Newell Wight In the first group of ballots received 80 per cent or more stressed tha primary need of roads freight cuts advertising agricultural scenic and tourist attractions Secondary choice of projects included securing industries pew establishing a permanent taxation committee by the chamber of commerce and getting more convention for tin city A number of other projects were written in as voluntary suggestions by members and will be considered by the directors in formulating the 1932 program All ballots must be in by December 15 after which those projects receiving a majority vote whether suggested by the directors or by the members will be adopted for next year's acivity This method of enacting a chamber program by referen dum ballot has been followed for several years and has proven generally popular it was said STATE OFFERS EVIDENCE IN MURDER CASE Idaho Committee Expected David W Barr Accused of to Present Revised Plan Killing Neighbor Starts Defense Soon to Legislature FALLS Idaho— IDAHO Agility of contestants alone will count and clubs and sticks will be barred in the first annual turkey hunt to be staged here December 18 by the retail merchants’ division of the chamber of commerce It was announced Friday One hundred fifty turkeys will be released from the coops of several buildings in the business section With the freeing of the birds a mad scramble of flying feet and feathers is expected The fire department will assist ih placing the birds while the city will provide 20 additional policemen to Insure the turkeys a fair race IN POCATELLO Captains Arrange Canvass to Obtain Work for Unemployed CALDWELL Idaho OP)— The state Friday night drew near the end of Its case In the trial of David W Barr rancher for tha killing of his neighbor Morgan E Powelson well to do bachelor farmer Among the state witnesses Friday afternoon was Riley Barr son of the defendant ture witnesses Introduced virThose appointed by Shepherd as State every article that was found at chairman of the committee are C C tually of the shooting on the Barr Anderson Boise merchant Charles S the scene ranch on November 3 the blood Taylor Huston member of the ex- stained clothes a seven-foo- t prune ecutive committee of tha Idaho state limb with blood the slain grange: State Senator Donald A man’s tipped hat two empty shotgun shells Callahan Wallace chairman of the and the gun with which Barr ad' axation committee of the North Idaho chamber of commerce George milted he killed Powelson Riley Barr son of the defendant E Erb Lewiston attorney and member of the North Idaho chamber tax said he took the gun away from his committee: A L Merrill Pocatello father after the latter had come to house from the farm yard to tell attorney and former member of the the city board of education and Eugene of the shooting He said he could S Trask Idaho Falls master of the give no motive for the shooting Bonneville County Pomona grange Sheriff O G Boyd and Coroner C and chairman of the board of direc- V Peckham testified to finding the tors of the Upper Snake River Valley two shotgun shells in the opening of the tent in the Barr farm yard from Dairymen's association In making the appointments Chair- which Barr fired at Powelson to the man Shepherd said they had been finding of the body twice wounded selected with due regard to the geog- about 25 feet from the tent It was raphy of the state but more particu- lying on its side face away from the larly because of his belief they can tent lay aside their industrial interests They also told of finding the heavy prune limb about seven feet long for the welfare of the state" Two of the men are located In each Questions of Defense Attorney D H of the three major divisions of the Rhoades indicated an attempt would be made to show Powelson may have state east west and north Their work at the first conference menaced Barr with the club Rhoades here will consist of mapping out the has stated the plea would be self study proposed at the recent defense Rhoades referred to the club when conference held here under auspices of the state chamber Each probably he asked the sheriff if he had found will be assigned one of the six major a bruise on Barr's head after he arprojects outlined at the conference rested him This the sheriff denied The sheriff related a conversation with Barr after the slaying at which he said the rancher asked If he would allowed to “tell about all the conSCHOOL be versation’ at the time of the shooting Prosecuting Attorney Meek said he would take the stand tomorrow to testify to his investigations and after that the state's case probably will STAGE and SCREEN TENDER AND HUMAN STORY T HE CHAMP NOW AT PARAMOUNT CASSIA TOTALHIGHER Judge Sentences Convicted Slayer County Reports Collection Slow $664-00- WALLACE company On the etage Favorites of the Roxy Gang In light and operatic songs Travers and Oray ‘Two Nautical Nuts" Artie Lewis and Peggy Ames in “We Know a Thing or Two" with an unknown Sari Jack and Betty In Rolling Along’ ON THE AUDIBLE SCREEN VICTORY— Lionel Barrymore In ‘The Tel low Ticket" with Eluia Lendl Laurence Oliver PARAMOUNT— Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper in ‘The Champ" with Irene Rich and Rosco Ates King Vidor director CAPITOL — Eddie Cantor In “Palmy Daye" Barbara Greenwood with Charlotte BTOY Roaco A tc Hale Hamilton Jeaae Bcott You’ll Weeks RIALTO— Leo Ourlilo Cootnc with !t “Guilty Cfenert-turn- " and Cummins Borl Korloff QKM — Warner Baxter Id ‘The Squaw Man” d with Lupe Velei Eleanor Boardman two-fist- ed warm-hearte- d who makes a great comeback for the little son who Idolizes him Jackie Cooper the unforgettable "Skippy” exceeds even that splendid characterization as “Dink” the boy who never ceases to regard his father as “The Champ”— the greatest man In the world King Vidor’s direction Is superb The simplicity the naive charm and the stirring drama with which he deftly endows the story are magnifi cent A Mexican border town where the Champ drinks and gambles away the days during which he should be training for the comeback fight he has promised to make for "Dink" is colorful authentic in detaiL Irene Rich is appealing as Dink’s wealthy mother — the Champ’s divorced wife Hale Hamilton appears as her husband who is as anxious as she to lift the little boy into the right environment Rosco Ates has a good role as "Sponge" the Champ's stuttering manager A little colored boy Jesse Scott is cast as Dink's pal in various escapades Rarely does a picture of “The Champ's" overwhelming aopeal ap' pear It is a fascinating story of life portrayed by two great actors The love between the man and the boy is infinitely touching Not that pathos Is the only element in the picture's appeal —on the contrary rich natural humor plays a part of equal significance In every aspect "The Champ'-Ioutstanding— a picture that will be ranked among the year’s greatest A sport subject a Silly Symphony cartoon and Paramount sound news complete the splendid program Potato Group COUNTY GIVES Studies Pack IDAHO FALLS Idaho— Members the committee of nine appointed of a recently to plan specification proposed new pack of potatoes to be known a “The Idaho Special” Friday were still continuing their work following several meetings They are attempting to set defwhich It was inite specifications hoped will allow the marketing of a greater percentage of large potatoes which are now barred from number one grade specifications Governor C Ben Ross following a meeting here with growers Monday upon his arrival in Boise announced he was In sympathy with the request for a special pack or any other logical means of facilitating the marketing of Idaho’s surplus products profit Young of — Double “Children bill with Martaret Schilling Paul AU Nation” of “Women Alee Oreeorjr with Victor McLaglen and Edmund Lowe County Receives License Plates Frank Craven Play Too Many Cooks at State POCATELLO Idaho — County As sessor Charles A Brown reported Thursday the arrival of Several thousand Bannock county automobile license plates for 1932 Black figures on an orange background run from 1 to 7000 for private cars while the county is desig nated on the plate by A3 Truck licenses run from 1 to 600 commercial plates 1 to 250 private trailer plates 751 to 1750 commercial trailers 48 to 95 Dreamed Frank Craven’s successful stage production "Too Many Cooks” in its film adaptation will be one portion at the State theater beginning It presents Bert Wheeler Sunday in his first starring screen role a whimsical romantic part that gives the comedian large opportunities He is a sighing lovesick swain with Babbitt ambitions to save build a home and multiply the earth Of course there's a reason for such ambitions— Dorothy Lee who plays opposite him In this uproarious comedy Miss Lee Is a comparative newcomer to the screen also The cast d includes 25 troupers and Mr Craven’s play offers a plot With amusing situations The second feature is Peter B Kyne’s “Never the Twain Shall Meet" version of this South Sea romance which offers the polished Leslie Howard and the sparkling Conchlta Montenegro in the principal roles Howard Is seen as Dan Pritchard the white visitor to hand-picke- fool-pro- T4XREP0RT of STATE of girl who Is caught In a net of intrigue and tragedy through the cunning and cruelty of the head of the Russian secret police Baron Andrey (Lionel Barrymore) The days just previous to the World War when the tyranny of the Czar was at its height is the In which the drama Is laid Lionel Barrymore Seen in period The girl innocently plunges Into a situation when unable to Strong Role at Victory hazardous secure a passport to visit her dying Lionel Barrymore has another father she applies for a “yellow striking character role in "The Yel- ticket” a card which registered low Ticket" which open Saturday at Russian woman as a cocotte and perthe Victory theater His great de- mitted her to travel freely In any lineation of the father In “A Free part of the country She is perseSoul" not only won him the Annual cuted by the secret police but unable Motion Picture Merit award but to escape them and her romance with established him as one of the most a young British journalist is theat-enewhen she comes under the direct versatile dramatic actors of 4he screen His role in this screen ver attention of the sinister Baron Andry sion of the famous play by Michael Laurence Olivier a recruit from Morton affords him splendid oppor- the London stage plays the romantic tunities to bring into play the irbnical lead Walter Byron Sarah Padden wit and dramatic power for which Arnold Korff and Boris Karloff comhe is noted plete the cast On the surrounding program Is an Elissa Landl gifted English actress is with Barrymore She Andy Clyde comedy “The Bluffer" appears as "Marya Kallsh" a Russian and Paramount sound news s ill Canning dub Members Wait Prize Idaho — The following PERRY members of the Perry Canning club under the leadership of Mrs J D McGregor will receive $100 soon as first prize for their canning exhibit at the national contests at Chicago Hilda Perry Delia Anderson Wanda Harris Larene Panter Lola Harriet Donna Ora Merna and Sarah McGregor and Emma Perry 4-- the Islands who succumbs to the charms of the island siren portrayed by Miss Montenegro whose dancing is a feature of the picture It’s a story of violent love and tropical passion Saturday marks the close of the bill featuring the romance musical “Children of Dreams” and “Women of All Nations" whose hilarity Is supplied by Victor McLaglen Edmund Lowe and El BrendeL Romberg-Hammerste- in Schools Obtain More Than Half of Revenue Paid by Gtizens a total of BURLEY Idaho--Of of Cassia rolls tax $53998293 on the 53 per than more 1931 for county cent or $28834212 was for school made purposes it Is shown by figures republic by B F Wilson county corder The aggregate taxes for 1931 show a reduction of $40474 under the 1930 tax rolls The next highest Item on the 19JI rolls is for county roads and highways $77491 The county road levy is only $10373 most of which goes to the highways for which there are There is special levies of $67118 little unorganized road district territory in Cassia county at Elba Malta Caulder and Heglar Distribution of other items on the rolls follows: State purposes $62 all 511 cities and villages $35151 county office and courthouse county warrant $34577 watermaster $12966 redemption and weed charges $10783 county hospital and charity $9508 county fair $8644 The school levies are apportioned as follows: County general school $96815 school district special levies Funds derived from the $191532 county general school levy are apportioned semiannually by the county superintendent on the basis of 17 per cent to needy districts 40 per cent according to number of teachers 40 per cent according to number of pupils and 3 per cent to the rural high school at Oakley Scout Leaders Discuss Holiday ‘Good Turns POCATELLO Idaho— Scoutm rs and troop committeemen In Pocatello district Thursday night discussed ways of "doing good turns” during the holidays Ray J Davis was named senior patrol leader of the organization and divided the 36 scout leaders present into patrols Executive D C Watkins led the as-te- ry°°Ps 1$ ccaRS -- ROEBUCK !£? TRIEch partem -- youcanseeiiim rX: g'&BMWO smSUFf® PjnitlSEB payback V0ME ROjpfcfc sSsSgS SSbSw —- k 409 IKENVS TOW? SUN EXC (C!t)0lES 15f OPtN i m act amio Mc-Aul- ey To er nt IdahO-Castte- (2) ORCHESTilAS In a (Different) BATTLE of MUSIC Qlia Reaves’ fotd loer ONE NITE ONLY nt llud-eslo- nt l TO Sfc fall £akf £ribim EuaS'-'- i Children tlmm or ! r VS Greater WblU City Band In Tha orrhMtrai will Interchange encore of som dances both playing tha same selections oh boy I WHAT A BATTLE! Ifarn Erickson’s Greater Saltalr Orchestra kTONIGHT BLUEBIRD Ladle 15 Gentleman MEET SAN FRANCISCO’S A VAL VALENTE (IM PERSON) DANCE to AND HIS BAND t COCONUT GROVE BALLROOMS Dane 418 SO MAIN ST to Perfect Rhythm Where the Crowds Art TONIGHT tad esa 35 f r e: E la 25a All ENTERING ODEON BY Torlfo Btinr‘I 9 P n lea Wei Countr Club Oltheatra i -- mammoth xmJ® Inland Empire Hotel Men Plan Annual Meeting r- VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES ORPHEUM— Oi the screen Beth Parker In ' Way Back Home" with his JACKJS COOPER a Iran Rich E Club Women Sell Holiday Potatoes CAST Now Playing feel like cheering “The Champ” the new picture at the Paramount theater so deeply moved will the tender whimsical' powerful dramatic story leave you Wallace Beery give what is unquestionably the greatest performance of his career in the title role as the cal women’s unemployment council a subsidiary of the committee working out the "Pocatello plan” of relief directed by Chairman B A began Friday to solicit In divlduala for work during the com lng months At a meeting of the captains Thurs day evening called by Mrs E C close Manson chairman of the women’s council final arrangements and Instructions for canvassing the city were discussed Each captain will Census Shows Increase in appoint her workers and a thorough Number of Children campaign In which every employed Individual In the city will be ap Registered proached will be made TWIN FALLS Idaho-Dis- trlct In explaining the operations of Judge W A Babcock on Friday senthe unemployment committee Chairtenced Fred Copenbarger 60 of Buhl man ) McDevltt said the workeis BURLEY Idaho— Mrs Marguerite to from 10 to 20 years in the state should ask for work donations from M Buchanan county superintendent prison for the shooting of Charles Individuals of not less than one day announces the annual school census Van Winkle 27 at his home In Melon a month "The plan Is not a charit- shows 5175 school children in Cas- valley northwest of Buhl Novem-beable one since the committee only sia county 5 Last year's census gave recommends services rendered by 5134 Copenbarger was convicted of seccommensurate with the money reThe county has 28 common school ond degree murder last week on the ceived" he said districts three Independent districts basis of state’s evidence which Each captain received a card In- and one rural high school The In- claimed Van Winkle was shot in the cluding the map of her district and dependent districts are at Burley back although defense witnesses tesan effort will be made to distribute Oakley and Declo the rural high tified Van Winkle had appeared at colIDAHO FALLS Idaho-Ta- xeg Copenbarger’ home twice after dark lected to date total only $55109 49 the solicited work fairly among the school at Oakley local unemployed The largest number of pupils are and threatened him with a gun During Novem6 compared to a total charge of Defense Counsel J W Taylor 81 It was announced Friday at ber 1634 hours of made work were within the Burley Independent disdonated In Pocatello or a total of trict with 2323 Shirley creek disafter sentence was passed the county treasurer's office 2041-- 2 working days not Including trict along the eastern border of filed a motion for a new trial and for A peculiarity of collections this woik and regularly filled the county has the smallest num- appeal to the supreme court on the year is the fait that in most cases specialists' Announcement was made ber eight pupils There la however grounds that Copenbarger wai con tnofs who have paid have taken care positions of the entire bill for the year in- Thursday by Local Manager E P a district that has no Cassia county vlcted on insufficient evidence and of a $50000 work piogram In pupils It Is a Joint district with that errors occurred in the trial stead of splitting the payments into Calph two installments it was noticed in the city initiated by the Mountain Oneida county within which the Judge Babcock admitted CopenbarStates Telephone & Telegraph com- residents fluctuate At present there ger to $5000 bond pending decision records Heavy taxpayers such as public pany and a donation of 1080 hours are about 20 pupils all from Oneida on the motion and the appeal He has heretofore been held in jail withmall county Utilities and railroad companies do or 135 days by the railway School funds are apportioned to out bond not usually pay until the day before clerks the penalty goes into effect and Captains appointed by the women’s the smaller districts under the theory that the minimum number of pupils therefore have not yet paid it was council are: Mrs Earl C Evans Mrs Priscilla amount to 15 aid TONIGHT— 11 JS P M Smith Mrs I Roubidoux Mrs C W GALA PRE-VUPond Mrs R E Manning Dr Min"MEN IN HER LIFE” nie Howard Mrs D Worth Clark Patrons Attending Last Performance Mrs N D Read Mrs P W Haines Invited to guy for Prerne Mrs Marie Anthony Mrs May Kirch ner Mrs P L Roche Mrs Stanley Cleare Mrs Roy Wade Mrs D B RIGHT NOW POCATELLO Idaho — Idaho’s Cleaves Mrs Ruth Beasley Mrs A thrlllln choicest spud No 1's wrapped In Clyde Evans Mrs Emma Bohlscheld glory of modern youngiterg holly paper and packed in cartons Mrs A D Lawrence Mrs Rosalie of IDAHO FALLS Idaho— About 75 today— lining In are now on sale by the local Bus! Strlngfellow Mrs A E Frelden-sthi- e ecret — living in Mrs W J O'Connor Mrs Tom hotel men members of the Inland ness and Professional Women's club luxury Hotel Men's association Satand are on display in the chamber oi Davis Mrs John Halliwell Mrs Vic- Empire were tor Jones Mrs Warren Barber Mrs urday expected here to attend commerce office windows The sale is sponsored annually by J Bryan Blackhurst and Mrs C O the annual convention of the organization Many had arrived Friday the local club a a part of the "Loy- Billmeyer evening as sessions of the conclave alty to Idaho” program and potatoes will commence at 10 a ru Saturday are shipped to all parts of the Unit- Odtl Felloes Ladies Convention headquarters are at the ed States according to B Marie With Conduct Elections Bonneville hotel with reservations state president Cartons have IPO CARRIILO comchamber at the made being of already been shipped to Hawaii it TWIN (OVSTANCB FALLS Idaho-O- dd Fellows merce Morning sessions are to be is reported CUMMINGS — and ladles from Twin Falls Jerome devoted to business with a program ’ Buhl and Gooding held a meeting during the luncheon hour A dinner VlUphona Acts here Wednesday night for Colfax dance will be held Saturday evening Curiokity— News Lincoln County Opens W with delivBarzllla Clark Mayor canton and for the Ladles Fro F irking Rabbit Poison Drive auxiliary both of which haveMilitary mem- ering the address of welcome to bers In Twin Falls and Jerome coun- guests AUTO RAMP SHOSHONE Idaho — A rabbit poi- ties Colfax canton reelected S O C of C Plans soning campaign began Monday with Twin Falls captAtn O E Burley free distribution of poison to farmers Hear President Rowcllffe Twin Falls lieutenant of Lincoln county by the county com luisslotiers Hay is also furnished CL 8 Gilliam Twin Falls ensign O the materiat to be distributed from W Dougherty Jerome clerk Row Idaho— Jesse Brandt BURLEY the Richfield elevator warehouse on cltffe Is also accountant president of the Burley chamber of Ladles and elected Military auxiliary Mondays commerce will address members at a Thursdays: from Dietrich on Tuesdays and Fridays and Mrs O W Dougherty Jerome presi- special meeting called for Monday at from the Borden store In Shoshone dent to succeed Mi s Amanda Wol-t- 830 p m The business meeting will Twin Falls who died last week be on Saturdays preceded by a supper and musical Truman C Anderson county agent Mrs Henry Malinken selections urges all landowners to cooperate In Mrs Viola Raines secretary and President Brandt a 111 report the this campaign as the rabbits are de Mrs O 8 Gllham treasurer The state chamber meeting recently held lured to be more numerous than in latter three are from Twin Falls at Boise at which tsx matters were 1°28 A gerat deal of damage has discussed —— already been done to haystacks In Caslleford High School otne areas and worse loss will be Elects (Jass Officers Man Bracks Arm When suffered if a determined effort is not made at once to eradicate the bunnies Christmas Tree Falls CASTLE FORD while weather conditions are favorschool high announced the following BLACK FOOT Idaho— Flmcr West able for the work the officials stated new Class officers Thursday: Benlois Cha Rkhford up Velew com-- i an employe of the Idaho -- Anton Prlluelk president Julia Faya Eleanor Hoard man Iamont a fractured arm Hailey Paul lllcklg Moor Morris Butler panv suffered Cavanaugh fell alien he afternoon Thursday and many etherg secretary Charles Pi iluclk treasurer Juniors — Walter Todd president from the too of a pole here West was one of the large up helping put Maxine Htulelson AlChristmas trees placed at street Invin Hastings secretary Mamie n tersections and was fastening a wire KINGSBURY HALL treasurer Sophomores — Cleo Khorthouse to the pole when the tree fell pulling him from the pole University of Utah president Ruth Moser NEXT WITK PEG MONDAY NIGHT Reese Josephine secretary Delbert Alexander treasurer U RT AIN— EVES- - I I MAT I IS Freshmen— Vanlia Heldel pre Siralfcrd-Upon-AYcL’lf 11a Bllph n Wilbur Gillespie necietary Lester M1AKESFEARE FESTIVAL CO Bybee treasurer LA r TIMM TODAY Foot Rhakmo-ar- a Kmtil TSaaUr VWSA1IA KliOWt Man— Twatflh NIM Sigma Delta Pi A this Owr tiammmtoin ftt4 Tvaa— King Laar Mgmund Romberg ive Associate Members Wad Mai— Aa Fan Lika It Wad Era —King Hrr tba Ilk IN I) MOSCOW Idaho— Sigma Delta PI Thar a lia-- 4 Mldianawr Nlihfl notional honorary Spanish fialermtv II ream Catt Hllh of the University of Idaho haa'bnti AND FRICFSj $2 50 $2 00 $150 $1 ated fivo nnooude nirmheis nil ma and 3Qr Seat on sale at III ALL “WOMEN in lien 'Ihey ate jot lng Sparudi t nnaulidalrd Music Company NATIONS- Wash eluh Chew Ruell Dorothy M IhkeU on sale at After $ Mnf Mi I Mlrtt Ciaven I5oi e Ptielah Ihntcr Buhl the box office at HINUbBIRY LI Id IP in itta JUvikins Lewi ton Vet a ltALU :irtK Lebanon Die ltt THE The Champ Dink Linda Spong Tony Jonah six-wa- y Idaho — Twenty eight captains appointed by the loPOCATELLO DECEMBER 12 1931 SATURDAY MORNING BLUE MOON HIGHLAND DRIVE Follow tbs Crowd and Dane tho Sweet Crooning Melodic NICK COOKE and lilt Harmony Six Blue Moon Sprrial 50 Cabaret Dancing Fery Night Fkcept Sunday Mak Cover Charge 50(5 New Year' Reservations NOW! Thoms Hoi 410 to i |